73 resultados para Error estimate.
La necesidad de evaluar la evapotranspiración a escala regional para la gestión de regadíos ha hecho que sean innumerables los intentos por aplicar imágenes AVHRR-NOAA en la determinación el flujo de calor sensible. La principal limitación de estos métodos es la estimación de la resistencia aerodinámica. El parámetro crítico en la expresión de la resistencia aerodinámica es kB-1. La parametrización de kB-1 ha sido infructuosa a escala regional por no disponer hasta ahora de medidas de flujo de calor sensible a escala del píxel AVHRR en superficies heterogéneas y durante toda una temporada de riegos. Para resolver esta medida de flujo se ha desarrollado el cintilómetro. En la primera parte de este trabajo se estudia la representatividad espacial de las medidas del cintilómetro. El núcleo de esta aportación consiste en la correlación entre el parámetro kB-1, el NDVI y la altura solar. Los buenos resultados obtenidos (r2=0.81) ofrecen una nueva metodología para determinar el flujo de calor sensible. La estimación de kB-1, las imágenes AVHRR y los datos meteorológicos permiten calcular el flujo de calor sensible durante toda la temporada de riegos con errores inferiores al 20%.
Location information is becoming increasingly necessary as every new smartphone incorporates a GPS (Global Positioning System) which allows the development of various applications based on it. However, it is not possible to properly receive the GPS signal in indoor environments. For this reason, new indoor positioning systems are being developed. As indoors is a very challenging scenario, it is necessary to study the precision of the obtained location information in order to determine if these new positioning techniques are suitable for indoor positioning.
The prediction filters are well known models for signal estimation, in communications, control and many others areas. The classical method for deriving linear prediction coding (LPC) filters is often based on the minimization of a mean square error (MSE). Consequently, second order statistics are only required, but the estimation is only optimal if the residue is independent and identically distributed (iid) Gaussian. In this paper, we derive the ML estimate of the prediction filter. Relationships with robust estimation of auto-regressive (AR) processes, with blind deconvolution and with source separation based on mutual information minimization are then detailed. The algorithm, based on the minimization of a high-order statistics criterion, uses on-line estimation of the residue statistics. Experimental results emphasize on the interest of this approach.
En el sector suroriental de la Cuenca del Ebro, la inclinación paleomagnética obtenida en las sucesiones aluviales oligocenas es considerablemente menor que la esperable, si se considera la paleolatitud de referencia calculada para esa región durante el Oligoceno. Este error de inclinación puede deberse a diversos factores, como el control hidrodinámica de las partículas magnéticas en el medio deposicional, la compactación diferencial del sedimento durante el enterramiento, o bien a la deformación tectónica. Este trabajo se ha centrado en su estudio en dos sucesiones dominantemente aluviales, donde previamente se había establecido su magnetoestratigrafia. Las litofacies aluviales y lacustres estudiadas se han agrupado en cinco grupos: areniscas grises, areniscas rojas y versicolores, limos rojos, lutitas rojas y calizas. Se ha demostrado la existencia de una correlación entre la abundancia de filosilicatos y el error de inclinación. De esta manera, las litofacies con un bajo porcentaje de filosilicatos (calizas y areniscas grises) presentan errores de unos 5', estadisticarnente no significativos, con respecto a la inclinación de referencia. Por el contrario, en materiales con un porcentaje más elevado de filosilicatos (limos y arcillas) el error puede llegar a los 25'. Este hecho no tiene repercusión en la interpretación de las polaridades magnéticas, pero si en las reconstmcciones palinspásticas y paleogeográficas basadas en los cálculos de paleolatitudes a partir de las paleoinclinaciones. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la necesidad de cautela en la propuesta de conclusiones basadas exclusivamente en este tipo de información.
Abnormal Error Monitoring in Math-Anxious Individuals: Evidence from Error-Related Brain Potentials.
This study used event-related brain potentials to investigate whether math anxiety is related to abnormal error monitoring processing. Seventeen high math-anxious (HMA) and seventeen low math-anxious (LMA) individuals were presented with a numerical and a classical Stroop task. Groups did not differ in terms of trait or state anxiety. We found enhanced error-related negativity (ERN) in the HMA group when subjects committed an error on the numerical Stroop task, but not on the classical Stroop task. Groups did not differ in terms of the correct-related negativity component (CRN), the error positivity component (Pe), classical behavioral measures or post-error measures. The amplitude of the ERN was negatively related to participants" math anxiety scores, showing a more negative amplitude as the score increased. Moreover, using standardized low resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) we found greater activation of the insula in errors on a numerical task as compared to errors in a nonnumerical task only for the HMA group. The results were interpreted according to the motivational significance theory of the ERN.
The visual angle that is projected by an object (e.g. a ball) on the retina depends on the object's size and distance. Without further information, however, the visual angle is ambiguous with respect to size and distance, because equal visual angles can be obtained from a big ball at a longer distance and a smaller one at a correspondingly shorter distance. Failure to recover the true 3D structure of the object (e.g. a ball's physical size) causing the ambiguous retinal image can lead to a timing error when catching the ball. Two opposing views are currently prevailing on how people resolve this ambiguity when estimating time to contact. One explanation challenges any inference about what causes the retinal image (i.e. the necessity to recover this 3D structure), and instead favors a direct analysis of optic flow. In contrast, the second view suggests that action timing could be rather based on obtaining an estimate of the 3D structure of the scene. With the latter, systematic errors will be predicted if our inference of the 3D structure fails to reveal the underlying cause of the retinal image. Here we show that hand closure in catching virtual balls is triggered by visual angle, using an assumption of a constant ball size. As a consequence of this assumption, hand closure starts when the ball is at similar distance across trials. From that distance on, the remaining arrival time, therefore, depends on ball's speed. In order to time the catch successfully, closing time was coupled with ball's speed during the motor phase. This strategy led to an increased precision in catching but at the cost of committing systematic errors.
Los análisis de Fourier permiten caracterizar el contorno del diente y obtener una serie de parámetros para un posterior análisis multivariante. Sin embargo, la gran complejidad que presentan algunas formas obliga a determinar el error de medición intrínseco que se produce. El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar y validar los análisis de Fourier en el estudio de la forma dental del segundo molar inferior (M2) de cuatro especies de primates Hominoidea para explorar la variabilidad morfométrica interespecífica, así como determinar el error de medición a un nivel intra e interobservador. El contorno de la superficie oclusal del diente fue definido digitalmente y con las funciones derivadas del análisis de Fourier se realizaron Análisis Discriminantes y Test de Mantel (correlaciones de Pearson) para determinar las diferencias de forma a partir de las mediciones tomadas. Los resultados indican que el análisis de Fourier muestra la variabilidad de forma en dientes molares en especies de primates Hominoidea. Adicionalmente, los altos niveles de correlación a nivel intra (r>0,9) como interobservador (r>0,7) sugieren que la descripción morfométrica del diente a partir de métodos de Fourier realizados por diferentes observadores puede ser agrupada para posteriores análisis.
While general equilibrium theories of trade stress the role of third-country effects, little work has been done in the empirical foreign direct investment (FDI) literature to test such spatial linkages. This paper aims to provide further insights into long-run determinants of Spanish FDI by considering not only bilateral but also spatially weighted third-country determinants. The few studies carried out so far have focused on FDI flows in a limited number of countries. However, Spanish FDI outflows have risen dramatically since 1995 and today account for a substantial part of global FDI. Therefore, we estimate recently developed Spatial Panel Data models by Maximum Likelihood (ML) procedures for Spanish outflows (1993-2004) to top-50 host countries. After controlling for unobservable effects, we find that spatial interdependence matters and provide evidence consistent with New Economic Geography (NEG) theories of agglomeration, mainly due to complex (vertical) FDI motivations. Spatial Error Models estimations also provide illuminating results regarding the transmission mechanism of shocks.
Using event-related brain potentials, the time course of error detection and correction was studied in healthy human subjects. A feedforward model of error correction was used to predict the timing properties of the error and corrective movements. Analysis of the multichannel recordings focused on (1) the error-related negativity (ERN) seen immediately after errors in response- and stimulus-locked averages and (2) on the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) reflecting motor preparation. Comparison of the onset and time course of the ERN and LRP components showed that the signs of corrective activity preceded the ERN. Thus, error correction was implemented before or at least in parallel with the appearance of the ERN component. Also, the amplitude of the ERN component was increased for errors, followed by fast corrective movements. The results are compatible with recent views considering the ERN component as the output of an evaluative system engaged in monitoring motor conflict.
Cada cert temps hi ha assumptes d’alt interès social dins de la jurisdicció. En els últims anys, coincidint amb la crisi financera internacional, els assumptes relatius a contractes bancaris complexos, sobretot permutes financeres o swaps, han tingut una gran rellevància. En un context de crisi financera internacional, i també nacional, s'han estès el nombre de demandes dirigides contra bancs i entitats financeres. Són reclamacions en les quals se sol·licita la declaració de nul·litat dels citats contractes, principalment es basa en un error del consentiment, nul·litat que comporta la devolució de les quantitats invertides, de les rentabilitats esperades o de les penalitzacions aplicades davant la resolució anticipada d'us contractes pels clients defraudats en les seves expectatives. Les presents pàgines pretenen un estudi dels litigis sobre SWAPS, principalment dels “Interest Rate Swap”, identificar quins són els contractes bancaris complexes, quines són les normes de consentiment contractual que els regeixen. Respecte dels primers, cal destacar que l'elevat nombre de casos plantejats davant els nostres tribunals no es tradueix en una casuística tan àmplia com seria imaginable. La gran majoria versa sobre les peticions de nul·litat del contracte (total o parcial) realitzades pels clients, al moment en què l'Euribor va descendir, i que allò que molts havien contractat com un segur de cobertura enfront dels elevats tipus d'interès que havien de pagar per les seves hipoteques, veien com conforme als pactes en el contracte, havien de satisfer al seu contrapart (una entitat de crèdit) una liquidació.
This work proposes a fully-digital interface circuit for the measurement of inductive sensors using a low-cost microcontroller (µC) and without any intermediate active circuit. Apart from the µC and the sensor, the circuit just requires an external resistor and a reference inductance so that two RL circuits with a high-pass filter (HPF) topology are formed. The µC appropriately excites such RL circuits in order to measure the discharging time of the voltage across each inductance (i.e. sensing and reference) and then it uses such discharging times to estimate the sensor inductance. Experimental tests using a commercial µC show a non-linearity error (NLE) lower than 0.5%FSS (Full-Scale Span) when measuring inductances from 1 mH to 10 mH, and from 10 mH to 100 mH.
The directional consistency and skew-symmetry statistics have been proposed as global measurements of social reciprocity. Although both measures can be useful for quantifying social reciprocity, researchers need to know whether these estimators are biased in order to assess descriptive results properly. That is, if estimators are biased, researchers should compare actual values with expected values under the specified null hypothesis. Furthermore, standard errors are needed to enable suitable assessment of discrepancies between actual and expected values. This paper aims to derive some exact and approximate expressions in order to obtain bias and standard error values for both estimators for round-robin designs, although the results can also be extended to other reciprocal designs.
Entrevista con Manuel Villegas