81 resultados para Entity Authentication


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Spectrum is an essential resource for the provision of mobile services. In order to control and delimit its use, governmental agencies set up regulatory policies. Unfortunately, such policies have led to a deficiency of spectrum as only few frequency bands are left unlicensed, and these are used for the majority of new emerging wireless applications. One promising way to alleviate the spectrum shortage problem is adopting a spectrum sharing paradigm in which frequency bands are used opportunistically. Cognitive radio is the key technology to enable this shift of paradigm.Cognitive radio networks are self-organized systems in which devices cooperate to use those spectrum ranges that are not occupied by licensed users. They carry out spectrum sensing in order to detect vacant channels that can be used for communication. Even though spectrum sensing is an active area of research, an important issue remains unsolved: the secure authentication of sensing reports. Not providing security enables the input of false data in the system thus empowering false results. This paper presents a distributed protocol based on wireless physical layer security, symmetric cryptography and one-way functions that allows determining a final sensing decision from multiple sources in a quick and secure way, as well as it preserves users¿ privacy.


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La informació biomètrica s'ha convertit en una tecnologia complementària a la criptografia que permet administrar còmodament les dades criptogràfiques. Són útils dues necessitats importants: en primer lloc, posar aquestes dades sempre a mà i, a més, fent fàcilment identificable el seu legítim propietari. En aquest article es proposa un sistema que integra la signatura biomètrica de reconeixement facial amb un esquema de signatura basat en la identitat, de manera que la cara de l'usuari esdevé la seva clau pública i la ID del sistema. D'aquesta manera, altres usuaris poden verificar els missatges utilitzant fotos del remitent, proporcionant un intercanvi raonable entre la seguretat del sistema i la usabilitat, així com una manera molt més senzilla d'autenticar claus públiques i processos de distribució.


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Cognitive radio networks sense spectrum occupancyand manage themselves to operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. Spectrum sensing is more accurate if jointly performed by several reliable nodes. Even though cooperative sensing is an active area of research, the secureauthentication of local sensing reports remains unsolved, thus empowering false results. This paper presents a distributed protocol based on digital signatures and hash functions, and ananalysis of its security features. The system allows determining a final sensing decision from multiple sources in a quick and secure way.


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El despliegue de un esquema de confianza es fundamental para poder desarrollar servicios de seguridad que permitan administrar y operar una red. Sin embargo, las soluciones empleadas en las redes tradicionales no se adaptan a un entorno ad hoc debido a la naturaleza dinámica y sin infraestructura de estas redes. En el presente trabajo se propone un esquema de confianza práctico y eficiente basado en una infraestructura de clave pública distribuida, umbral y jerárquica, que no requiere sincronización temporal entre todos los nodos de la red. La autorización de usuarios en el sistema se hace a través de certificados de corta duración que eliminan la necesidad de mantener la publicación y diseminación de unas listas de revocación. Por otro lado, una entidad externa de confianza permite alargar la reputación de un usuario de la red más allá de la existencia de la propia red.


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Desenvolupament de dues aplicacions destinades a oferir informació bàsica dels productes dins d'un centre comercial. Aquestes dues aplicacions es desenvoluparan en llenguatge .NET però en dues tecnologies diferents. L'aplicació destinada als clients de les botigues es desenvoluparà en tecnologia ASP.NET i es tractarà d'una pàgina web. L'aplicació destinada al personal de la botiga es desenvoluparà en tecnologia WPF i es tractarà d'una aplicació d'escriptori. Ambdues aplicacions compartiran informació que estarà emmagatzemada en una base de dades i, en el cas de les imatges, en directoris físics del servidor.


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Implementación de una base de datos transaccional para el control del consumo eléctrico mediante contadores inteligentes. La base de datos propuesta permite desarrollar los diferentes compromisos de gestión de las compañías suministradoras, consumidores, contadores, consumos y núcleos energéticos (smart cities), proporcionando los procedimientos almacenados necesarios para su gestión. También se desarrolla la implementación de una base de datos analítica, data warehouse, para la explotación de los datos almacenados en la primera parte del proyecto. El objetivo es la implementación de las entidades necesarias para la explotación analítica de los datos mediante consultas sencillas.


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En este trabajo se describen algunas actuaciones llevadas a cabo en el sector frutero leridano de cara a la concentración de oferta y la creación de las cooperativas de segundo grado. A continuación se analizan las acciones adoptadas por una entidad de segundo grado, de la provincia, que es la que ha conseguido integrar a un mayor número de entidades. Seguidamente se analiza comparativamente el grado de eficiencia técnica y económica que presentan las cooperativas asociadas a la entidad de segundo grado en contraposición a las que no han ejercido la opción de asociarse. En el periodo analizado no aparecen grandes diferencias entre los niveles de eficiencia obtenidos por ambos grupos de entidades.


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El nou Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya (2006) preveu la creació de vegueries, enteses en la doble funció d’ens local en substitució de les diputacions i com a àmbit d’actuació perifèrica de la Generalitat. Resta per aclarir l’encaix de la vegueria amb la província estatal. Hores d’ara la planificació del territori i bona part de l’administració perifèrica de la Generalitat s’organitza en 7 àmbits, en tant que l’Estat manté inalterada la seva organització en 4 províncies. S’estudien els precedents històrics de les vegueries contemporànies i en particular el debat i gestació de 9 regions en temps de la Generalitat republicana (1931-1939). Es posa de relleu la important aportació intel·lectual d’Enric Lluch en la reforma i simplificació del mapa de vegueries (de 9 a 7). Es planteja el feixuc trànsit efectuat des de la idea de “província única” al plantejament d’un increment en el nombre de províncies-vegueries.


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The control of the right application of medical protocols is a key issue in hospital environments. For the automated monitoring of medical protocols, we need a domain-independent language for their representation and a fully, or semi, autonomous system that understands the protocols and supervises their application. In this paper we describe a specification language and a multi-agent system architecture for monitoring medical protocols. We model medical services in hospital environments as specialized domain agents and interpret a medical protocol as a negotiation process between agents. A medical service can be involved in multiple medical protocols, and so specialized domain agents are independent of negotiation processes and autonomous system agents perform monitoring tasks. We present the detailed architecture of the system agents and of an important domain agent, the database broker agent, that is responsible of obtaining relevant information about the clinical history of patients. We also describe how we tackle the problems of privacy, integrity and authentication during the process of exchanging information between agents.


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In times of crisis, the youth policies are experiencing enormous cutbacks and transformations to the point that we are wondering whether they really exist as public policies with their own entity. The situation in which many young people find themselves in Spain leads them to wonder where the traditional protection networks are: The family, the NGO’s or the Welfare State, when they are really needed. Our objective in this article is to show and discuss the situation of the youth policies in Spain in the present context of social austerity and drastic cutbacks. We carry out this analysis from the parameters of the magical triangle that unite policies, research and social work with young people


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In this paper we use a Terahertz (THz) time-domain system to image and analyze the structure of an artwork attributed to the Spanish artist Goya painted in 1771. The THz images show features that cannot be seen with optical inspection and complement data obtained with X-ray imaging that provide evidence of its authenticity, which is validated by other independent studies. For instance, a feature with a strong resemblance with one of Goya"s known signatures is seen in the THz images. In particular, this paper demonstrates the potential of THz imaging as a complementary technique along with X-ray for the verification and authentication of artwork pieces through the detection of features that remain hidden to optical inspection.


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Objective: to describe the clinical and radiological characteristics of patients with Stafne bone cavity. Study design: a retrospective, observational study of 11 cases of Stafne bone cavity. After finding an imagine compatible with Stafne bone cavity in the Orthopantomograph® of 11 patients, a sialography of the mandibular gland was made in 3 cases, computerized tomography (CT) in 6 cases, and in 4 cases surgical intervention to confirm the diagnosis. Results: the average age was 51.5 years, predominantly males. The entity was diagnosed incidentally during a routine radiology in all cases. The sialography revealed glandular tissue within the defect, and the CT demonstrated the conservation of the lingual cortical and the peripheral origin of the lesion. Glandular tissue was found within the lesions of two of the patients who underwent surgery, and in the other two the cavity was empty. No progressive changes were found in any of the 11 cases. Conclusions: Stafne bone cavity was an incidental finding, presenting no evolutionary changes, and as such conservatory therapy based on periodic controls was indicated. Currently, complementary techniques such as CT are sufficient to establish a certain diagnosis.


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El presente trabajo propone el uso de autenticación por tercera parte, para centralizar el proceso de autenticación y utilizar solo una contraseña para acceder a los distintos servicios y propone también el uso de contraseñas gráficas, para crear contraseñas robustas y fácilmente recordables.


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In this paper we shall try to explain why speakers experience their languages so passionately. One explanation is based on the role language plays in the construction of the community and in the fact that it is a clear mark of belonging. Furthermore, we support another reason. Speakers experience their language as something received from their ancestors and that they are obliged to transmit to their descendents, an imperative which carries an extraordinary emotional charge. In fact, fear of the death of a language is experienced as an act of irreparable non-fulfilment. Why? We believe that language is one of the most evident signs of community, much more than the sum of the individuals of which it is composed. Indeed, it is a long-lasting entity projected into both the past and the future and which, moreover, accumulates within the language the whole of the culture. In the survival of the community and the language we find a response, even though it may be illusory, to the need for transcendence: our ancestors live on in our language and we, if we meet our obligations, live on in the language of our descendents


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JXTA is a mature set of open protocols, with morethan 10 years of history, that enable the creation and deployment of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, allowing the execution of services in a distributed manner. Throughout its lifecycle, ithas slowly evolved in order to appeal a broad set of different applications. Part of this evolution includes providing basic security capabilities in its protocols in order to achieve some degree of message privacy and authentication. However, undersome contexts, more advanced security requirements should be met, such as anonymity. There are several methods to attain anonymity in generic P2P networks. In this paper, we proposehow to adapt a replicated message-based approach to JXTA, by taking advantage of its idiosyncracies and capabilities.