88 resultados para Eagles, Fossil
Inter-individual diet variation within populations is likely to have important ecological and evolutionary implications. The diet-fitness relationships at the individual level and the emerging population processes are, however, poorly understood for most avian predators inhabiting complex terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we use an isotopic approach to assess the trophic ecology of nestlings in a long-lived raptor, the Bonelli"s eagle Aquila fasciata, and investigate whether nestling dietary breath and main prey consumption can affect the species" reproductive performance at two spatial scales: territories within populations and populations over a large geographic area. At the territory level, those breeding pairs whose nestlings consumed similar diets to the overall population (i.e. moderate consumption of preferred prey, but complemented by alternative prey categories) or those disproportionally consuming preferred prey were more likely to fledge two chicks. An increase in the diet diversity, however, related negatively with productivity. The age and replacements of breeding pair members had also an influence on productivity, with more fledglings associated to adult pairs with few replacements, as expected in long-lived species. At the population level, mean productivity was higher in those population-years with lower dietary breadth and higher diet similarity among territories, which was related to an overall higher consumption of preferred prey. Thus, we revealed a correspondence in diet-fitness relationships at two spatial scales: territories and populations. We suggest that stable isotope analyses may be a powerful tool to monitor the diet of terrestrial avian predators on large spatio-temporal scales, which could serve to detect potential changes in the availability of those prey on which predators depend for breeding. We encourage ecologists and evolutionary and conservation biologists concerned with the multi-scale fitness consequences of inter-individual variation in resource use to employ similar stable isotope-based approaches, which can be successfully applied to complex ecosystems such as the Mediterranean.
We present a new bed of cold Malacological fauna of the Wrm in the Catalan littoral, one af its species is dated for the first time iii the hlediterranean (Sipho curtus). We point out the predorninance of Gasteropoda as regards Bivalves in comparison with the other cold beds known.
Outcrops of old strata at the shelf edge resulting from erosive gravity-driven flows have been globally described on continental margins. The reexposure of old strata allows for the reintroduction of aged organic carbon (OC), sequestered in marine sediments for thousands of years, into the modern carbon cycle. This pool of reworked material represents an additional source of C-14-depleted organic carbon supplied to the ocean, in parallel with the weathering of fossil organic carbon delivered by rivers from land. To understand the dynamics and implications of this reexposure at the shelf edge, a biogeochemical study was carried out in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea) where erosive processes, driven by shelf dense water cascading, are currently shaping the seafloor at the canyon heads. Mooring lines equipped with sediment traps and current meters were deployed during the cascading season in the southwestern canyon heads, whereas sediment cores were collected along the sediment dispersal system from the prodelta regions down to the canyon heads. Evidence from grain-size, X-radiographs and Pb-210 activity indicate the presence in the upper slope of a shelly-coarse surface stratum overlying a consolidated deposit. This erosive discontinuity was interpreted as being a result of dense water cascading that is able to generate sufficient shear stress at the canyon heads to mobilize the coarse surface layer, eroding the basal strata. As a result, a pool of aged organic carbon (Delta C-14 = -944.5 +/- 24.7%; mean age 23,650 +/- 3,321 ybp) outcrops at the modern seafloor and is reexposed to the contemporary carbon cycle. This basal deposit was found to have relatively high terrigenous organic carbon (lignin = 1.48 +/- 0.14 mg/100 mg OC), suggesting that this material was deposited during the last low sea-level stand. A few sediment trap samples showed anomalously depleted radiocarbon concentrations (Delta C-14 = -704.4 +/- 62.5%) relative to inner shelf (Delta C-14 = -293.4 +/- 134.0%), mid-shelf (Delta C-14 = -366.6 +/- 51.1%), and outer shelf (Delta C-14 = -384 +/- 47.8%) surface sediments. Therefore, although the major source of particulate material during the cascading season is resuspended shelf deposits, there is evidence that this aged pool of organic carbon can be eroded and laterally advected downslope.
We present the global phylogeography of the black sea urchin Arbacia lixula, an amphi-Atlantic echinoid with potential to strongly impact shallow rocky ecosystems. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase gene of 604 specimens from 24 localities were obtained, covering most of the distribution area of the species, including the Mediterranean and both shores of the Atlantic. Genetic diversity measures, phylogeographic patterns, demographic parameters and population differentiation were analysed. We found high haplotype diversity but relatively low nucleotide diversity, with 176 haplotypes grouped within three haplogroups: one is shared between Eastern Atlantic (including Mediterranean) and Brazilian populations, the second is found in Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean and the third is exclusively from Brazil. Significant genetic differentiation was found between Brazilian, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean regions, but no differentiation was found among Mediterranean sub-basins or among Eastern Atlantic sub-regions. The star-shaped topology of the haplotype network and the unimodal mismatch distributions of Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic samples suggest that these populations have suffered very recent demographic expansions. These expansions could be dated 94-205 kya in the Mediterranean, and 31-67 kya in the Eastern Atlantic. In contrast, Brazilian populations did not show any signature of population expansion. Our results indicate that all populations of A. lixula constitute a single species. The Brazilian populations probably diverged from an Eastern Atlantic stock. The present-day genetic structure of the species in Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean is shaped by very recent demographic processes. Our results support the view (backed by the lack of fossil record) that A. lixula is a recent thermophilous colonizer which spread throughout the Mediterranean during a warm period of the Pleistocene, probably during the last interglacial. Implications for the possible future impact of A. lixula on shallow Mediterranean ecosystems in the context of global warming trends must be considered.
Se da un catálogo sistemático y estratigráfico de los pectnidos del Negeno del NE de España.
El estudio de la serie marina del Ilerdiense del Oeste (le Tremp (Lérida), sobre todo en el corte de la Carretera de Tremp a Pont de Montañana, ha sido ya realizado y sus resultados publicados parcialmente (DE REKZI 1965 y en prensa)...
Se estudian y comparan las trazas de depredación realizadas presumiblemente por crustáceos dedópodos sobre conchas degasterpodos y bivalvos procedentes de las áreas pliocéanicas catalanas del Baix Llobregat y del Empordà.
En el presente trabajo se describen.16 especies de Euthyneura procedentes del Plioceno ael Empordh. Girona. Para ello se ha tenido en cuenta tanto el material nuevo como el procedente de las colecciones ya existentes, Cuando el numero dc individuos lo ha permitido, la descripcion ha sido acompañada por los siguientes datos numericos: valor maximo (M), minimo (m), media (x). desviación tipica (S). varianza (s2). intervalos media y varianza. asi como elcoeficiente de correlación (r).
Se estudian y comparan las trazas de depredación realizadas presumiblemente por crustáceos dedópodos sobre conchas degasterpodos y bivalvos procedentes de las áreas pliocéanicas catalanas del Baix Llobregat y del Empordà.
La formación de arenas y calcarenitas bioclásticas de la base de la transgresión tortoniense en Alhama de Granada contiene varios tipos de formas coloniales y de acúmulos de briozoos de características peculiares, nuevas o poco conocidas. Una breve descripción de dichos tipos y el establecimiento de su relación con las distintas facies sedimentarias complementan la información sobre el medio sedimentario conseguida por los métodos sedimentológicos clásicos y permiten plantear el significado e interés de los briozoos en el análisis sedimentológico.
Se propone una biozonación mediante carófitas de las sucesiones paleógenas (Thanetiense- Oligoceno superior) de la Cuenca del Ebro, basada en las peculiaridades de sus asociaciones paleoflorísticas. Una de las novedades más interesantes en esta biozonación es la caracterización del Ilerdiense continental en la Cuenca del Ebro por la biozona de Maedleriella lavocati. Las disiribuciones cronoestratigráficas previamente conocidas de algunas de las especies índice del Paleógeno han sido notablemente ampliadas a partir de los nuevos datos sobre su distribución en la Cuenca del Ebro. Este hecho modifica el rango de distribución cronológica y la atribución cronoestratigráfica de algunas de las biozonas europeas de carófitas hoy en uso. Estos cambios implican la modificación de la biozonación del Paleógeno de Europa Occidental mediante carofitas (Riveline, 1986) del modo siguiente:l) La biozona de N. (T. ) thaleri se inicia en el Ilerdiense y no en el Cuisiense. 2) Se define una nueva biozona en el Priaboniense (biozona de S. labellata ) y otra en el Chattiense (biozona de H. lagenalis). 3) La prolongación del rango de varias especies zonales ha inducido a la supresión de la biozona de Chara notata y la redefinición de las de Chara microcera, Srephanocharapinguis, Stephanochara vectensis y Stephanochara berdotensis. Desde un punto de vista paleogeográfico los porcentajes estimados de especies pluricontinentales, europeas e ibéricas sugieren un cierto grado de aislamiento (durante el Bartoniense y el tránsito Priaboniense- Estampiense) de las poblaciones de carófitas paleógenas de la zona NE de Iberia.
Orthophragminids are Paleocene-Eocene bilamellarperforate larger foraminifers characterized by a lenticular test with an equatorial layer of rectangular chamberlets arranged in concentric rings and lateral chamberlets on either side. Usually called 'discocyclinids', orthophragrninids include genera from two families: Discocyclinidae and Orbitoclypeidae.
The Albian amber from Spain presently harbors the greatest number and diversity of amber adult fossil snakeflies (Raphidioptera). Within Baissopteridae, Baissoptera? cretaceoelectrasp. n., from the Peñacerrada I outcrop (Moraza, Burgos), is the first amber inclusion belonging to the family and described from western Eurasia, thus substantially expanding the paleogeographical range of the family formerly known from the Cretaceous of Brazil and eastern Asia. Within the family Mesoraphidiidae, Necroraphidia arcuatagen. et sp. n. and Amarantoraphidia ventolinagen. et sp. n. are described from the El Soplao outcrop (Rábago, Cantabria), whereas Styporaphidia? hispanicasp. n. and Alavaraphidia imperterritagen. et sp. n. are describedfrom Peñacerrada I. In addition, three morphospecies are recognized from fragmentary remains. The following combinations are restored: Yanoraphidia gaoi Ren, 1995, stat. rest., Mesoraphidia durlstonensis Jepson, Coram and Jarzembowski, 2009, stat. rest., and Mesoraphidia heteroneura Ren, 1997, stat. rest. The singularity of this rich paleodiversity could be due to the paleogeographic isolation of the Iberian territory and also the prevalence of wildfires during the Cretaceous.
En la presente nota se da una lista ampliada de la fauna malacológica del yacimiento pliocénico de la Plaça de les Bruixes (Molis de Rei, Barcelona). Los fenómenos de coacción que se describen nos muestran su utilidad a la hora de definir las condiciones ambientales y paleogeográficas del lugar donde habita la fauna.
En la presente nota se da una lista ampliada de la fauna malacológica del yacimiento pliocénico de la Plaça de les Bruixes (Molis de Rei, Barcelona). Los fenómenos de coacción que se describen nos muestran su utilidad a la hora de definir las condiciones ambientales y paleogeográficas del lugar donde habita la fauna.