67 resultados para Drum screen
L’Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Vic disposa d’una cèl·lula de fabricació didàctica de la marca FESTO que simula un procés d’assemblatge d’una comanda. Aquesta cèl·lula esta composta per quatre estacions diferenciades que poden treballar de forma independent o de forma conjunta, l’estació palets, l’estació plaques, l’estació cinta i l’estació magatzem. Cada estació és un conjunt de sensors i actuadors controlats per mitjà d’un PLC, aquests estan interconnectats a través d’un bus industrial. L’objectiu d’aquest treball consisteix en realitzar la substitució dels PLC’s, decidir el funcionament que han de tenir les estacions, instal·lar una pantalla tàctil pel control del procés i realitzar la programació de tots els elements. Aquest projecte ha estat realitzat en cinc fases principals: 1. Estudi i coneixement de les estacions, en aquesta fase s’ha estudiat els diferents sensors i actuadors que les conformen, així com el funcionament d’aquestes amb el programa i PLC’s antics. 2. Instal·lació i cablejat dels nous PLC’s i de la pantalla tàctil. 3. Estudi sobre el nou funcionament que han de seguir les estacions. 4. Programació dels nous dispositius seguint el funcionament acordat. 5. Posada en marxa del sistema i realització de proves. 6. Realització de la memòria del projecte, on s’expliquen les característiques i el funcionament de totes les estacions i de la pantalla tàctil. La conclusió que s’ha extret d’aquest treball és que l’automatització d’un procés de fabricació tot i que suposa un esforç inicial a nivell de recursos, un cop realitzada la instal·lació suposa una millora de l’eficiència del sistema. És per això que la indústria cada cop més tendeix a automatitzar els seus processos, no només per millorar la competitivitat, sinó també per realitzar tasques que les persones no poden executar de forma eficient o segura.
The development of targeted molecular therapies has provided remarkable advances into the treatment of human cancers. However, in most tumors the selective pressure triggered by anticancer agents encourages cancer cells to acquire resistance mechanisms. The generation of new rationally designed targeting agents acting on the oncogenic path(s) at multiple levels is a promising approach for molecular therapies. 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives have been highlighted for their properties of targeting oncogenic Met receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. In this study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of one of the most active imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazol-2-ylphenyl moiety-based agents, Triflorcas, on a panel of cancer cells with distinct features. We show that Triflorcas impairs in vitro and in vivo tumorigenesis of cancer cells carrying Met mutations. Moreover, Triflorcas hampers survival and anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells characterized by 'RTK swapping' by interfering with PDGFRβ phosphorylation. A restrained effect of Triflorcas on metabolic genes correlates with the absence of major side effects in vivo. Mechanistically, in addition to targeting Met, Triflorcas alters phosphorylation levels of the PI3K-Akt pathway, mediating oncogenic dependency to Met, in addition to Retinoblastoma and nucleophosmin/B23, resulting in altered cell cycle progression and mitotic failure. Our findings show how the unusual binding plasticity of the Met active site towards structurally different inhibitors can be exploited to generate drugs able to target Met oncogenic dependency at distinct levels. Moreover, the disease-oriented NCI Anticancer Drug Screen revealed that Triflorcas elicits a unique profile of growth inhibitory-responses on cancer cell lines, indicating a novel mechanism of drug action. The anti-tumor activity elicited by 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives through combined inhibition of distinct effectors in cancer cells reveal them to be promising anticancer agents for further investigation.
The development of targeted molecular therapies has provided remarkable advances into the treatment of human cancers. However, in most tumors the selective pressure triggered by anticancer agents encourages cancer cells to acquire resistance mechanisms. The generation of new rationally designed targeting agents acting on the oncogenic path(s) at multiple levels is a promising approach for molecular therapies. 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives have been highlighted for their properties of targeting oncogenic Met receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. In this study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of one of the most active imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazol-2-ylphenyl moiety-based agents, Triflorcas, on a panel of cancer cells with distinct features. We show that Triflorcas impairs in vitro and in vivo tumorigenesis of cancer cells carrying Met mutations. Moreover, Triflorcas hampers survival and anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells characterized by 'RTK swapping' by interfering with PDGFRβ phosphorylation. A restrained effect of Triflorcas on metabolic genes correlates with the absence of major side effects in vivo. Mechanistically, in addition to targeting Met, Triflorcas alters phosphorylation levels of the PI3K-Akt pathway, mediating oncogenic dependency to Met, in addition to Retinoblastoma and nucleophosmin/B23, resulting in altered cell cycle progression and mitotic failure. Our findings show how the unusual binding plasticity of the Met active site towards structurally different inhibitors can be exploited to generate drugs able to target Met oncogenic dependency at distinct levels. Moreover, the disease-oriented NCI Anticancer Drug Screen revealed that Triflorcas elicits a unique profile of growth inhibitory-responses on cancer cell lines, indicating a novel mechanism of drug action. The anti-tumor activity elicited by 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives through combined inhibition of distinct effectors in cancer cells reveal them to be promising anticancer agents for further investigation.
Electron scattering on a thin layer where the potential depends self-consistently on the wave function has been studied. When the amplitude of the incident wave exceeds a certain threshold, a soliton-shaped brightening (darkening) appears on the layer causing diffraction of the wave. Thus the spontaneously formed transverse pattern can be viewed as a self-induced nonlinear quantum screen. Attractive or repulsive nonlinearities result in different phase shifts of the wave function on the screen, which give rise to quite different diffraction patterns. Among others, the nonlinearity can cause self-focusing of the incident wave into a beam, splitting in two "beams," single or double traces with suppressed reflection or transmission, etc.
En aquest projecte s’han dissenyat i simulat diferents models de tags RFID per a la banda UHF sobre diferents classes de substrats i tintes conductores amb l’objectiu d’estudiar la viabilitat de la tecnologia de Printed Electronics per a la seva d’implementació física. A partir de dues configuracions ja existents a la literatura, aquestes etiquetes RFID s’han modelat electromagnèticament mitjançant el software ADS i s’ha simulat la seva resposta freqüencial. En segon terme, a fi d’avaluar el seu rendiment, també s’ha representat el read range d’aquests tags RFID en funció d’aquestes tintes conductores i substrats. Posteriorment, s’han realitzat diferents proves de fabricació mitjançant un mètode basat en la serigrafia, així com d’obtenció experimental de la seva distància de lectura. Finalment, en base als resultats obtinguts s’ha pogut concloure que és viable realitzar tags RFID segons aquesta tècnica d’impressió, però a falta d’una verificació experimental únicament a nivell de simulació.
MOTOR IMPAIRMENTS ARE COMMON AFTER STROKE but efficacious therapies for these dysfunctions are scarce. Extending an earlier study on the effects of music-supported training (MST), behavioral indices of motor function were obtained before and after a series of training sessions to assess whether this new treatment leads to improved motor functions. Furthermore, music-supported training was contrasted to functional motor training according to the principles of constraint-induced therapy (CIT). In addition to conventional physiotherapy, 32 stroke patients with moderately impaired motor function and no previous musical experience received 15 sessions of MST over a period of three weeks, using a manualized, step-bystep approach. A control group consisting of 15 patients received 15 sessions of CIT in addition to conventional physiotherapy. A third group of 30 patients received exclusively conventional physiotherapy and served as a control group for the other three groups. Fine as well as gross motor skills were trained by using either a MIDI-piano or electronic drum pads programmed to emit piano tones. Motor functions were assessed by an extensive test battery. MST yielded significant improvement in fine as well as gross motor skills with respect to speed, precision, and smoothness of movements. These improvements were greater than after CIT or conventional physiotherapy. In conclusion, with equal treatment intensity, MST leads to more pronounced improvements of motor functions after stroke than CIT.
The scientific community has been suffering from peer review for decades. This process (also called refereeing) subjects an author's scientific work or ideas to the scrutiny of one or more experts in the field. Publishers use it to select and screen manuscript submissions, and funding agencies use it to award research funds. The goal is to get authors to meet their discipline's standards and thus achieve scientific objectivity. Publications and awards that haven't undergone peer review are often regarded with suspicion by scholars and professionals in many fields. However, peer review, although universally used, has many drawbacks. We propose replacing peer review with an auction-based approach: the better the submitted paper, the more scientific currency the author likely bid to have it published. If the bid correctly reflects the paper's quality, the author is rewarded in this new scientific currency; otherwise, the author loses this currency. We argue that citations are an appropriate currency for all scientists. We believe that citation auctions encourage scientists to better control their submissions' quality. It also inspire them to prepare more exciting talks for accepted papers and to invite discussion of their results at congresses and conferences and among their colleagues. In the long run, citation auctions could have the power to greatly improve scientific research