136 resultados para Cultural Operational Principles
The current research in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is showing the potential that the Information Technologies can have in music related applications. Amajor research challenge in that direction is how to automaticallydescribe/annotate audio recordings and how to use the resulting descriptions to discover and appreciate music in new ways. But music is a complex phenomenonand the description of an audio recording has to deal with this complexity. For example, each musicculture has specificities and emphasizes different musicaland communication aspects, thus the musical recordings of each culture should be described differently. At the same time these cultural specificities give us the opportunity to pay attention to musical concepts andfacets that, despite being present in most world musics, are not easily noticed by listeners. In this paper we present some of the work done in the CompMusic project, including ideas and specific examples on how to take advantage of the cultural specificities of differentmusical repertoires. We will use examples from the art music traditions of India, Turkey and China.
With each passing election, U.S. political campaigns have renewed their efforts in courting the “Latino vote,” yet the Latino population is not a culturally homogenous voting bloc. This study examined how cultural identifications and acculturation attitudes in U.S. born Mexican Americans interacted with socioeconomic status (SES) to predict political orientation. Individuals who held stronger Mexican identity and supported biculturalism as an acculturation strategy had a more liberal orientation, while belonging to a higher SES group and holding stronger assimilation attitudes predicted a less liberal orientation. Mexican cultural identification interacted with SES such that those who held a weaker Mexican identity, but came from a higher social class were less liberal and more moderate in their political orientation. Weak Mexican identification and higher SES also predicted weaker endorsement of bicultural acculturation attitudes, which in turn, mediated the differences in political orientation. The acceptance of one’s ethnic identity and endorsement of bicultural attitudes predicted a more liberal political orientation. In light of these findings, political candidates should be cautious in how they pander to Latino constituents—referencing the groups’ ethnic culture or customs may distance constituents who are not strongly identified with their ethnic culture.
Since at least the last two decades of the 20th century, the normative debate on multiculturalism has been one-dimensional. It has deployed arguments related to cultural demands either linked to feminism and sub-cultural identities, immigration or national minorities. Little attention has been given to the relations between these dimensions, and how they effect each other in putting forward demands to the nation-state. The purpose of this article is to analyse the interaction between cultural demands of immigrants and minority nations. The basic objective of this paper is to give an overview of different reflections coming from three basic contributors: J. Carens, W. Kymlicka and R. Bauböck.
El cine se enfrenta, hoy, a múltiples retos en su propia configuración, acompañando un frenético desarrollo tecnológico. Se ha convertido en matriz de la multiplicación audiovisual contemporánea. En este contexto es preciso redefinir al espectador como sujeto que encarna hoy nuevas funciones y ocupa espacios variados en el conjunto de la producción cultural.Se apuesta por una redefinición del espectador cinematográfico en relación a la evolución del audiovisual digital -sus implicaciones tecnológicas y narrativas- y la relación de ambos con las instituciones de la producción cultural contemporánea -sus políticas de acceso y estrategias de adaptación-.Esta aproximación se fundamenta en el reconocimiento de la capacidad productiva de este nuevo agente cultural y las correspondencias que esta evolución implica respecto al panorama audiovisual contemporáneo.
Tots hem sentit a parlar del canvi del Raval en aquests últims anys. Actualment la majoria del jovent no només hi estudia sinó que hi passa la major part del seu tempsd’oci, en bars, restaurants, museus, galeries d’art, comerços...Nosaltres ens hem preguntat: Per què el Raval ha canviat tant? S’han fet molts treballs, molts estudis, s’han intentat trobar les diverses causes que han produït aquest fenòmen.Més específicament ens hem preguntat: Pot ser que degut a la construcció del cluster cultural format pel MACBA i el CCCB, entre d’altres, s’hagi produït aquest canvi?Així doncs, en aquest treball intentarem contestar ambdues preguntes. Intentarem ser precisos, concisos, breus i clars; esperem que us resulti interessant.
Anàlisi de la figura de l'educador/a social en processos de desenvolupament comunitari a partir d'experiències diverses a Catalunya
We provide a cultural explanation to the phenomenon of corruption in the framework of an overlapping generations model with intergenerational transmissionof values. We show that the economy has two steady states with different levels of corruption. The driving force in the equilibrium selection process is the education effort exerted by parents which depends on the distribution of ethics in the population and on expectations about future policies. We propose some policy interventions which via parents' efforts have long-lasting effects on corruption and show the success of intensive education campaigns. Educating the young is a key element in reducing corruption successfully.
In spite of its relative importance in the economy of many countriesand its growing interrelationships with other sectors, agriculture has traditionally been excluded from accounting standards. Nevertheless, to support its Common Agricultural Policy, for years the European Commission has been making an effort to obtain standardized information on the financial performance and condition of farms. Through the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), every year data are gathered from a rotating sample of 60.000 professional farms across all member states. FADN data collection is not structured as an accounting cycle but as an extensive questionnaire. This questionnaire refers to assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and seems to try to obtain a "true and fair view" of the financial performance and condition of the farms it surveys. However, the definitions used in the questionnaire and the way data is aggregated often appear flawed from an accounting perspective. The objective of this paper is to contrast the accounting principles implicit in the FADN questionnaire with generally accepted accounting principles, particularly those found in the IVth Directive of the European Union, on the one hand, and those recently proposed by the International Accounting Standards Committees Steering Committeeon Agriculture in its Draft Statement of Principles, on the other hand. There are two reasons why this is useful. First, it allows to make suggestions how the information provided by FADN could be more in accordance with the accepted accounting framework, and become a more valuable tool for policy makers, farmers, and other stakeholders. Second, it helps assessing the suitability of FADN to become the starting point for a European accounting standard on agriculture.
This paper presents findings from a study investigating a firm s ethical practices along the value chain. In so doing we attempt to better understand potential relationships between a firm s ethical stance with its customers and those of its suppliers within a supply chain and identify particular sectoral and cultural influences that might impinge on this. Drawing upon a database comprising of 667 industrial firms from 27 different countries, we found that ethical practices begin with the firm s relationship with its customers, the characteristics of which then influence the ethical stance with the firm s suppliers within the supply chain. Importantly, market structure along with some key cultural characteristics were also found to exert significant influence on the implementation of ethical policies in these firms.
The system of beliefs and values, that shaped the model for management and organizations during the 20th century, is just not good enough today. In order to keep a business functioning well and competing successfully in markets that are increasingly more global, complex, professionally demanding, constantly changing and oriented towards quality and customer satisfaction a new model is needed. In this paper, we will propose that both Management by Instructions (MBI) and Management by Objectives (MBO) today give notoriously inadequate results. By contrast, description of a new approach labeled: Management by Values (MBV), seem to be emerging as a strategic leadership tool. The paper outlines this approach and discusses the implementation of MBV as a tool to redesign culture in organizations and prepare them for the next millenium.
The main goal of this research is to investigate how people with different cultural background differ in their interaction style and visual behavior on search engine results pages (SERP), more specifically between groups from the Middle Eastern region vs. Western Europe. We conducted a controlled eye-tracking experiment to explore and evaluate the visual behavior of Arabs and Spaniardusers when scanning through the first page of the search results in Google. Big differences can be observed in the 4 aspects studied: U.A.E. participants stayed on the SERPs for longer, they read more results and they read each snippet in a more complete way than Spaniards. In Spain, people tended to scan the SERP, reading less text on each snippet, and choose a result among the first top rankedones without hardly seeing those in bottom positions.
Esta investigación se enmarca en el estudio de la vida cotidiana de las personas y se pregunta específicamente por el proceso de construcción y redefinición de identidades, es decir los cambios en la vida de las personas. Un tema que podría ser demasiado general se encuadra en un caso concreto: El Centro Cultural Comunitario de Playa Ancha (CCPA)1.Entendemos todo proceso de construcción y redefinición identitaria como una experiencia de aprendizaje perceptual. En el marco específico del CCPA, los participantes han construido una comunidad de práctica a través de sus interacciones comunicativas recurrentes en el tiempo, prácticas comunicativas y significativas para los miembros del CCPA. Comparten una serie de repertorios simbólicos, relaciones de participación y cooperación, entre otras cosas. Aprendizaje que logrado que los integrantes del CCPA sean reconocidos por su entorno como practicantes y miembros del CCPA.Para explorar este proceso nos posicionamos desde un abordaje cualitativo. Por lo mismo, intentamos objetivar esta experiencia de aprendizaje perceptual desde las percepciones y las prácticas de los sujetos estudiados. Se contempla el desarrollo de un trabajo de campo de 6 meses que contempla un período de inmersión en la comunidad a través de la observación participante.Por medio de esta herramienta, se explorará en las formas que organizan su espacio, sus tiempos, sus prácticas y por ende, sus interacciones comunicativas. Es decir, como establecen y coordinan el vivir en común. Posteriormente, para objetivar el proceso de construcción y redefinición identitaria se realizarán 10 historias orales temáticas a los miembros más antiguos y experimentados del CCPA.
Projecte elaborat pel CPSV en motiu de la Convocatoria Abierta y Permanente (CAP) de la Agencia Española de Cooperación y Desarrollo.