77 resultados para Climatic zoning
In the region of Alt Empordà (Girona), olive groves historically shaped a landscape of high economic value, cultural and environmental although since mid-twentieth century is in sharp decline. One of the municipalities located on the edge of the plana altoampurdanesa that best exemplify this process of abandonment and near disappearance of that crop is Navata. This article analyzes the changes in the olive grove of this municipality in the period 1957-2004, both through the development of mapping land use and land cover level of detail as the analysis of data sources and oral exercise that makes emphasizes the loss of 90% of the existing olive grove in the middle of last century. The frost of February of 1956 was one of the main causes, but not unique. However, both the importance of the olive groves as an identity and conservation of biodiversity as the differential nature of the oil obtained from varieties natives to the area (especially argudell), justify the need to promote policies that will help your recovery
Aquesta Master Tesi té per objecte investigar la relació entre el canvi climàtic i el desenvolupament de destinacions turístiques madures. En concret, es pretén avançar en el coneixement que es té sobre: 1) com afectarà el canvi climàtic a les destinacions madures; 2) quines mesures s’estan prenent per a fer-hi front des de l’àmbit públic; i 3) en quina mesura la lluita contra el canvi climàtic pot alinear-se al costat dels processos de rejoveniment de les destinacions, de forma que ambdós es retroalimentin i generin sinèrgies positives perquè les destinacions turístiques les aprofitin per esdevenir més sostenibles i, a la vegada, es projectin cap al futur resultant més atractives. Per contrastar els avenços teòrics a nivell pràctic, s’ha decidit delimitar l’àrea geogràfica de la Costa Brava (Catalunya, Espanya) per tal de formular un estudi de cas, que consisteix en l’anàlisi de les Agendes 21 locals dels municipis de litoral. Aquesta anàlisi ha permès extreure conclusions que, si bé encara s’han de considerar a nivell prospectiu i les quals caldrà que siguin revalidades per la comunitat científica, igualment s’han de considerar valuoses per la seva aportació en les teories de gestió de destinacions turístiques i d’estratègies per fer front del canvi climàtic
Aquesta Master Tesi té per objecte investigar la relació entre el canvi climàtic i el desenvolupament de destinacions turístiques madures. En concret, es pretén avançar en el coneixement que es té sobre: 1) com afectarà el canvi climàtic a les destinacions madures; 2) quines mesures s’estan prenent per a fer-hi front des de l’àmbit públic; i 3) en quina mesura la lluita contra el canvi climàtic pot alinear-se al costat dels processos de rejoveniment de les destinacions, de forma que ambdós es retroalimentin i generin sinèrgies positives perquè les destinacions turístiques les aprofitin per esdevenir més sostenibles i, a la vegada, es projectin cap al futur resultant més atractives. Per contrastar els avenços teòrics a nivell pràctic, s’ha decidit delimitar l’àrea geogràfica de la Costa Brava (Catalunya, Espanya) per tal de formular un estudi de cas, que consisteix en l’anàlisi de les Agendes 21 locals dels municipis de litoral. Aquesta anàlisi ha permès extreure conclusions que, si bé encara s’han de considerar a nivell prospectiu i les quals caldrà que siguin revalidades per la comunitat científica, igualment s’han de considerar valuoses per la seva aportació en les teories de gestió de destinacions turístiques i d’estratègies per fer front del canvi climàtic
L"escalfament de la Terra i la invasió d"espècies té cara i creu. Al mateix temps que alteren l"equilibri dels ecosistemes, poden augmentar-ne la riquesa
El Informe Stern, realizado a instancias del Gobierno Británico, se ha convertido en el documento paradigmático de la economía del cambio climático. No solo proporciona una estimación de los costes del cambio climático, sino que resulta ser una aportación fundamental a la evaluación de los datos existentes y al fomento de un mayor conocimiento de los aspectos económicos del cambio climático. El informe tiene una perspectiva internacional, por cuanto el cambio climático es un problema mundial, tanto en sus causas como en sus consecuencias. La adopción de medidas colectivas a nivel internacional es crucial para conseguir una respuesta eficaz, eficiente y equitativa. Así, se insta a la comunidad internacional a actuar con fuerza y de forma inmediata en la toma de decisiones que permitan reducir las emisiones (de CO2) para que los efectos del cambio climático no comiencen a ser irremediables. De hecho, la principal conclusión del informe es que los beneficios de la adopción de medidas prontas y firmes sobre el cambio climático superarán con creces los costes
Background Dugesia sicula is the only species of its genus not presenting an endemic or restricted distribution within the Mediterranean area. It mostly comprises fissiparous populations (asexual reproduction by body division and regeneration), most likely sexually sterile, and characterized by an extremely low genetic diversity interpreted as the consequence of a recent anthropic expansion. However, its fissiparous reproduction can result in an apparent lack of diversity within the species, since genetic variation within individuals can be as large as between them because most individuals within a population are clones. We have estimated haplotype and nucleotide diversity of cytochrome oxidase I within and among individuals along the species distribution of a broad sample of D. sicula, including asexual and the two only sexual populations known today; and predicted its potential distribution based on climatic variables. Our aim was to determine the centre of colonisation origin, whether the populations are recent, and whether the species is expanding. Results The species presents 3 most frequent haplotypes, differing in a maximum of 11 base pairs. As expected from their fissiparous mode of reproduction, in half of all the analysed localities many individuals have multiple heteroplasmic haplotypes. The distribution of haplotypes is not geographically structured; however, the distribution of haplotypes and heteroplasmic populations shows higher diversity in the central Mediterranean region. The potential distribution predicted by climatic variables based modelling shows a preference for coastal areas and fits well with the observed data. Conclusions The distribution and frequency of the most frequent haplotypes and the presence of heteroplasmic individuals allow us to gain an understanding of the recent history of the species, together with previous knowledge on its phylogenetic relationships and age: The species most probably originated in Africa and dispersed through the central Mediterranean. After one or multiple populations became triploid and fissiparous, the species colonized the Mediterranean basin, likely both by its own means and helped by human activities. Its present distribution practically fulfils its potential distribution as modelled with climatic variables. Its prevalence in coastal regions with higher water temperatures predicts a likely future expansion to northern and more interior areas following the increase in temperatures due to climate change.
The sloppy process of urbanization that took place in the outskirts of Barcelona from mid XIXth to mid XXth century resulted on large informal slums with evident urban deficiencies. The Metropolitan Masterplan of 1976 and its subsequent amendments could only partially improve the conditions of these areas of the city. Since 2005 some initiatives, in which local community or academic research played an important role, were undertaken following a tactical approach. The paper summarizes six proposed strategies that are a reaction to the traditional planning and zoning approach for the area. Some of them are currently been discussed or have already been included in the planning framework of the city.
Aquesta Master Tesi té per objecte investigar la relació entre el canvi climàtic i el desenvolupament de destinacions turístiques madures. En concret, es pretén avançar en el coneixement que es té sobre: 1) com afectarà el canvi climàtic a les destinacions madures; 2) quines mesures s’estan prenent per a fer-hi front des de l’àmbit públic; i 3) en quina mesura la lluita contra el canvi climàtic pot alinear-se al costat dels processos de rejoveniment de les destinacions, de forma que ambdós es retroalimentin i generin sinèrgies positives perquè les destinacions turístiques les aprofitin per esdevenir més sostenibles i, a la vegada, es projectin cap al futur resultant més atractives. Per contrastar els avenços teòrics a nivell pràctic, s’ha decidit delimitar l’àrea geogràfica de la Costa Brava (Catalunya, Espanya) per tal de formular un estudi de cas, que consisteix en l’anàlisi de les Agendes 21 locals dels municipis de litoral. Aquesta anàlisi ha permès extreure conclusions que, si bé encara s’han de considerar a nivell prospectiu i les quals caldrà que siguin revalidades per la comunitat científica, igualment s’han de considerar valuoses per la seva aportació en les teories de gestió de destinacions turístiques i d’estratègies per fer front del canvi climàtic
A priori parameterisation of the CERES soil-crop models and tests against several European data sets
Mechanistic soil-crop models have become indispensable tools to investigate the effect of management practices on the productivity or environmental impacts of arable crops. Ideally these models may claim to be universally applicable because they simulate the major processes governing the fate of inputs such as fertiliser nitrogen or pesticides. However, because they deal with complex systems and uncertain phenomena, site-specific calibration is usually a prerequisite to ensure their predictions are realistic. This statement implies that some experimental knowledge on the system to be simulated should be available prior to any modelling attempt, and raises a tremendous limitation to practical applications of models. Because the demand for more general simulation results is high, modellers have nevertheless taken the bold step of extrapolating a model tested within a limited sample of real conditions to a much larger domain. While methodological questions are often disregarded in this extrapolation process, they are specifically addressed in this paper, and in particular the issue of models a priori parameterisation. We thus implemented and tested a standard procedure to parameterize the soil components of a modified version of the CERES models. The procedure converts routinely-available soil properties into functional characteristics by means of pedo-transfer functions. The resulting predictions of soil water and nitrogen dynamics, as well as crop biomass, nitrogen content and leaf area index were compared to observations from trials conducted in five locations across Europe (southern Italy, northern Spain, northern France and northern Germany). In three cases, the model’s performance was judged acceptable when compared to experimental errors on the measurements, based on a test of the model’s root mean squared error (RMSE). Significant deviations between observations and model outputs were however noted in all sites, and could be ascribed to various model routines. In decreasing importance, these were: water balance, the turnover of soil organic matter, and crop N uptake. A better match to field observations could therefore be achieved by visually adjusting related parameters, such as field-capacity water content or the size of soil microbial biomass. As a result, model predictions fell within the measurement errors in all sites for most variables, and the model’s RMSE was within the range of published values for similar tests. We conclude that the proposed a priori method yields acceptable simulations with only a 50% probability, a figure which may be greatly increased through a posteriori calibration. Modellers should thus exercise caution when extrapolating their models to a large sample of pedo-climatic conditions for which they have only limited information.
Among the traits of breeding interest for the common walnut tree Juglans regia L., characteristics such as timing of budbreak and leaf fall, water-use efficiency and growth performance are regarded as being of utmost relevance in Mediterranean conditions. The authors evaluated intraspecific variation in $\delta$13C (carbon isotope composition, surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency, WUE$_{\rm i}$) for 22 J. regia families grown in a progeny test under supplementary irrigation, and investigated whether such variation correlated with climatic indicators of native habitats. The genetic relationships between $\delta$13C, growth and phenology were also assessed during two consecutive years. Overall, the most water-use-efficient families (i.e. with higher $\delta$13C), which originated mainly from drought-prone provenance regions which have a high vapour pressure deficit and low rainfall, exhibited less height growth and smaller DBH. Using a stepwise regression procedure, $\delta$13C was included as the main explanatory variable of genotypic variation in growth traits, together with growing season duration (for DBH in both years) and flushing (for height in 2007). It was concluded that WUE$_{\rm i}$ is largely unconnected to phenology effects in the explanation of growth performance for J. regia, therefore suggesting the opportunity of simultaneously selecting for low WUE$_{\rm i}$ and extended growing period to maximise productivity in non-water-limited environments.
El origen y progresivo desarrollo de la agricultura es probablemente el primer ejemplo de interacción recíproca a gran escala entre la humanidad y el medio ambiente. Por tanto, reconstruir las condiciones ambientales que caracterizaron la adopción de la agricultura es de gran interés de cara a conocer sus causas potenciales, así como para comprender los efectos a largo plazo de la economía agrícola sobre el ambiente. En este trabajo presentamos la metodología desarrollada por nuestro equipo para reconstruir las condiciones climáticas y de cultivo en la agricultura primitiva, basada en el análisis de la composición isotópica de carbono (enriquecimiento en 13C) y nitrógeno (enriquecimiento en 15N) en restos vegetales recuperados de yacimientos arqueológicos. El análisis de 13C en cariópsides de cereales carbonizadas ha permitido cuantificar la disponibilidad hídrica de los cultivos en diversos yacimientos de la Península Ibérica y el Creciente Fértil, así como estimar su rendimiento en el pasado, mientras que el análisis de 15N, nos aporta información cualitativa sobre las condiciones nutricionales. Por otro lado, el análisis de 13C en restos forestales (carbones) ha permitido cuantificar las condiciones climáticas (precipitación y déficit hídrico) en los mismos yacimientos, aportando así información sobre el marco climático en el que se desarrollaron los cultivos.
En el ámbito mediterráneo es frecuente la concurrencia en un mismo hábitat de especies perennifolias y caducifolias como Quercus ilex y Q. faginea. En este estudio se pretende analizar la diferencia en la respuesta ecofisiológica de las dos especies frente a la variación climática estacional mediante la composición isotópica de carbono de la materia orgánica soluble de las hojas (δ13Ch) y de la α-celulosa de la madera (δ13Cm). Se observaron patrones intraanuales dependientes de la especie en la δ13Ch. Por un lado, Q. faginea utiliza reservas de almidón como fuente de carbono para producir nuevas hojas a principios de abril, dando lugar a valores altos de δ13Ch. Por otro, Q. ilex utiliza asimilados recientes de las hojas formadas el año anterior (aún funcionales). No obstante, los valores globales de δ13Ch en ambas especies son similares (-25,4±0,55 y -25,5±0,89, para Q. faginea y Q. ilex, respectivamente), lo que apunta a valores equivalentes de eficiencia intrínseca en el uso del agua. Como en las hojas, la δ13Cm de Q. faginea reflejó claramente el uso de reservas en la madera temprana. Tanto la δ13Ch como la δ13Cm de las dos especies registran ajustes como respuesta a las variaciones ambientales estacionales. No obstante, y como parámetro integrador de eficiencia hídrica, la menor amplitud de las variaciones en la δ13Cm de Q. ilex sugiere una menor sensibilidad de esta especie frente a las fluctuaciones climáticas, lo que puede otorgarle cierta ventaja competitiva bajo condiciones de incremento progresivo de aridez.
The overwintering of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) at the northern limits of its geographic distribution is not yet well known. With the aim of estimating the survival rate of medfly adults in northeast Spain under natural winter conditions, a two-winter-season trial was carried out. A control was carried out in a climatic chamber at 25°C. The results showed that medfly adults were unable to survive the entire winter season in the Girona area. Climatic conditions, including the daily minimum temperature, daily maximum temperature and the high rainfall, appeared to be involved in adult mortality in winter.
Este estudio está basado en el muestreo de campo y posterior análisis de 24 parcelas de hayedo seleccionadas mediante una estratificación de su área de distribución basada en la clasificación CLATERES de la Ecorregión Catalano-Aragonesa. En cada parcela se han evaluado 3 parámetros fisiográficos, 15 climáticos y 18 edáficos, a partir de los cuales se han establecido sus valores paramétricos centrales y marginales que permiten definir los hábitats fisiográfico, climático y edáfico de las masas de Fagus sylvatica L. en Cataluña. Los hayedos catalanes se presentan sobre substratos litológicos muy diversos (plutonitas, vulcanitas, metamorfitas y sedimentitas, tanto ácidas como básicas), con texturas predominantes francas, franco-arenosas o franco-limosas. Los suelos, según FAO, son mayoritariamente cambisoles. A pesar de que la capacidad de retención de agua de sus suelos es escasa, la sequía fisiológica es reducida. Los humus predominantemente pertenecen a los tipos mull forestal y mull cálcico. Además, se presentan una serie de parámetros selvícolas ( Densidad de pies y densidad de chirpiales, Area basimétrica, Altura Total dominante, Índices de Hart-Becking, Índice de Calidad de Estación y Edad de la masa) que al correlacionarlos con los ecológicos nos ha permitido comprobar que los mejores hayedos se encuentran en las localizaciones más térmicas, en las que incluso se podría producir sequía fisiológica si no fuera por que existen suficientes precipitaciones estivales.
Zonal management in vineyards requires the prior delineation of stable yield zones within the parcel. Among the different methodologies used for zone delineation, cluster analysis of yield data from several years is one of the possibilities cited in scientific literature. However, there exist reasonable doubts concerning the cluster algorithm to be used and the number of zones that have to be delineated within a field. In this paper two different cluster algorithms have been compared (k-means and fuzzy c-means) using the grape yield data corresponding to three successive years (2002, 2003 and 2004), for a ‘Pinot Noir’ vineyard parcel. Final choice of the most recommendable algorithm has been linked to obtaining a stable pattern of spatial yield distribution and to allowing for the delineation of compact and average sized areas. The general recommendation is to use reclassified maps of two clusters or yield classes (low yield zone and high yield zone) and, consequently, the site-specific vineyard management should be based on the prior delineation of just two different zones or sub-parcels. The two tested algorithms are good options for this purpose. However, the fuzzy c-means algorithm allows for a better zoning of the parcel, forming more compact areas and with more equilibrated zonal differences over time.