76 resultados para Basileia III


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Objective: To compare lower incisor dentoalveolar compensation and mandible symphysis morphology among Class I and Class III malocclusion patients with different facial vertical skeletal patterns. Materials and Methods: Lower incisor extrusion and inclination, as well as buccal (LA) and lingual (LP) cortex depth, and mandibular symphysis height (LH) were measured in 107 lateral cephalometric x-rays of adult patients without prior orthodontic treatment. In addition, malocclusion type (Class I or III) and facial vertical skeletal pattern were considered. Through a principal component analysis (PCA) related variables were reduced. Simple regression equation and multivariate analyses of variance were also used. Results: Incisor mandibular plane angle (P < .001) and extrusion (P  =  .03) values showed significant differences between the sagittal malocclusion groups. Variations in the mandibular plane have a negative correlation with LA (Class I P  =  .03 and Class III P  =  .01) and a positive correlation with LH (Class I P  =  .01 and Class III P  =  .02) in both groups. Within the Class III group, there was a negative correlation between the mandibular plane and LP (P  =  .02). PCA showed that the tendency toward a long face causes the symphysis to elongate and narrow. In Class III, alveolar narrowing is also found in normal faces. Conclusions: Vertical facial pattern is a significant factor in mandibular symphysis alveolar morphology and lower incisor positioning, both for Class I and Class III patients. Short-faced Class III patients have a widened alveolar bone. However, for long-faced and normal-faced Class III, natural compensation elongates the symphysis and influences lower incisor position.


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In many plant and animal bacterial pathogens, the Type III secretion system (TTSS) that directly translocates effector proteins into the eukaryotic host cells is essential for the development of disease. In all species studied, the transcription of the TTSS and most of its effector substrates is tightly regulated by a succession of consecutively activated regulators. However, the whole genetic programme driven by these regulatory cascades is still unknown, especially in bacterial plant pathogens. Here, we have characterised the programme triggered by HrpG, a host-responsive regulator of the TTSS activation cascade in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. We show through genome-wide expression analysis that, in addition to the TTSS, HrpG controls the expression of a previously undescribed TTSS-independent pathway that includes a number of other virulence determinants and genes likely involved in adaptation to life in the host. Functional studies revealed that this second pathway co-ordinates the bacterial production of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes, exopolysaccharide, and the phytohormones ethylene and auxin. We provide experimental evidence that these activities contribute to pathogenicity. We also show that the ethylene produced by R. solanacearum is able to modulate the expression of host genes and can therefore interfere with the signalling of plant defence responses. These results provide a new, integrated view of plant bacterial pathogenicity, where a common regulator activates synchronously upon infection the TTSS, other virulence determinants and a number of adaptive functions, which act co-operatively to cause disease.


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Borges decía que son clásicos aquellos libros que uno conoce antes de haberlos leído. Quizás en este sentido (sin duda en muchos otros) podemos afirmar que Figuras III, de Gérard Genette ,es un clásico. Se trata, sin embargo, de un libro de lectura lenta y, en ocasiones, confusa que quizás sea necesario resumir y sistematizar. El propósito de esta reseña, claro está, no es sustituir la lectura individual del mismo, sino , en todo caso, como si de una guía de viajes se tratase, introducir y animar a su lectura.


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Egiptòlegs, biòlegs, radiòlegs i patòlegs intervenen en un estudi genètic per reconstruir el gran enigma de com va morir el faraó i quin dels seus fills el va substituir


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The purpose of this work is to evaluate the possible impact of the so-called “crisis of the 3rd century” in the area between Tarraco (Tarragona) and Saguntum (Sagunt), currently corresponding to the southern limit of Catalonia and the north of Valencia, which during the Roman era made up the southernmost part of the conventus Tarraconensis. The processes of change experienced in rural settlements and cities between the Severan dynasty and the beginning of the tetrarchy are analyzed, and the importance of the city-country relationship is examined to explain these changes. The extent of the Frankish invasion during of the Gallic period, initially substantiated by sources and now by archaeological evidence, is discussed. The study of coin hoards (treasures and deposits) from the second half of the 3rd century, found in abundance in this area, is a very interesting aspect of this topic. In addition, a quantitative approach is used to study the population changes experienced as a result of the rural settlement of this area during the 3rd century, between the High and the Low Empires.


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Background Dopamine is believed to be a key neurotransmitter in the development of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Several recent studies point to an association of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) gene and this condition. More specifically, the 7 repeat variant of a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism in exon III of this gene is suggested to bear a higher risk for ADHD. In the present study, we investigated the role of this polymorphism in the modulation of neurophysiological correlates of response inhibition (Go/Nogo task) in a healthy, high-functioning sample. Results Homozygous 7 repeat carriers showed a tendency for more accurate behavior in the Go/Nogo task compared to homozygous 4 repeat carriers. Moreover, 7 repeat carriers presented an increased nogo-related theta band response together with a reduced go-related beta decrease. Conclusions These data point to improved cognitive functions and prefrontal control in the 7 repeat carriers, probably due to the D4 receptor's modulatory role in prefrontal areas. The results are discussed with respect to previous behavioral data on this polymorphism and animal studies on the impact of the D4 receptor on cognitive functions.


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We present here the characterization of a new gene family, awr, found in all sequenced Ralstonia solanacearum strains and in other bacterial pathogens. We demonstrate that the five paralogues in strain GMI1000 encode type III-secreted effectors and that deletion of all awr genes severely impairs its capacity to multiply in natural host plants. Complementation studies show that the AWR (alanine-tryptophanarginine tryad) effectors display some functional redundancy, although AWR2 is the major contributor to virulence. In contrast, the strain devoid of all awr genes (¿awr1-5) exhibits enhanced pathogenicity on Arabidopsis plants. A gain-of-function approach expressing AWR in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 proves that this is likely due to effector recognition, because AWR5 and AWR4 restrict growth of this bacterium in Arabidopsis. Transient overexpression of AWR in nonhost tobacco species caused macroscopic cell death to varying extents, which, in the case of AWR5, shows characteristics of a typical hypersensitive response. Our work demonstrates that AWR, which show no similarity to any protein with known function, can specify either virulence or avirulence in the interaction of R. solanacearum with its plant hosts.


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Ésta es la tercera entrega de una serie sobre las pruebas complementarias que se inició en el ejemplar de Nursing2007 de abril. Nuestra intención es completar el apartado sobre el esqueleto óseo. La importancia de la radiología convencional osteoarticular y su uso generalizado hacen que consideremos indicado profundizar en algunos aspectos ya mencionados en la anterior entrega e introducir algunos conceptos nuevos que nos permitan conocer a fondo este apartado. Una vez más recordamos la importancia que para los diplomados/as en enfermería tiene la posibilidad de conocer estas exploraciones, y más en el caso que nos ocupa, por lo habitual del contacto con estas técnicas en la práctica diaria de muchos de nosotros. El objetivo es conocer la preparación y las características generales de la prueba, así como las curas posteriores a ella para satisfacer las necesidades del paciente durante el proceso diagnóstico. En nuestro entrenamiento para aprender a identificar las imágenes es interesante ayudarse de personas que, como los técnicos especialistas en radiología y los médicos especialistas radiólogos, visualizan continuamente exploraciones radiológicas y nos pueden ayudar a aplicar los conocimientos y las pautas de interpretación de imágenes radiológicas que exponemos en esta serie.


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Ésta es la tercera entrega de una serie sobre las pruebas complementarias que se inició en el ejemplar de Nursing2007 de abril. Nuestra intención es completar el apartado sobre el esqueleto óseo. La importancia de la radiología convencional osteoarticular y su uso generalizado hacen que consideremos indicado profundizar en algunos aspectos ya mencionados en la anterior entrega e introducir algunos conceptos nuevos que nos permitan conocer a fondo este apartado. Una vez más recordamos la importancia que para los diplomados/as en enfermería tiene la posibilidad de conocer estas exploraciones, y más en el caso que nos ocupa, por lo habitual del contacto con estas técnicas en la práctica diaria de muchos de nosotros. El objetivo es conocer la preparación y las características generales de la prueba, así como las curas posteriores a ella para satisfacer las necesidades del paciente durante el proceso diagnóstico. En nuestro entrenamiento para aprender a identificar las imágenes es interesante ayudarse de personas que, como los técnicos especialistas en radiología y los médicos especialistas radiólogos, visualizan continuamente exploraciones radiológicas y nos pueden ayudar a aplicar los conocimientos y las pautas de interpretación de imágenes radiológicas que exponemos en esta serie.


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En la present nota indiquem un seguit de novetats corològiques per a la flora vascular dels massissos de les Guilleries i del Collsacabra.


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Aquesta obra recull les aportacions del III Col·loqui internacional sobre la concepció de l'espai a Grècia "Cel i Terra: anomenar l'espai a Grècia", coorganitzat per la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Clàssics (filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans) i l'ICAC i que va tenir lloc els dies 29 i 30 de novembre del 2010. Es tracta del tercer volum sobre la concepció de l’espai a Grècia editat pel grup de recerca “L’espai segons el veien i el pensaven els grecs”.


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[cat] L'any 235, quan Alexandre Sever fou occit per Maximí el Traci, es va inaugurar una «crisi» caracteritzada per una anarquia militar i per tot un seguit de crisis derivades i interconnectades entre elles: la politicoinstitucional, la militar, l'econòmica i la religiosa. Tradicionalment, es considera que aquest període es va cloure amb la pujada al tron de Dioclecià, l'any 284. Aquest emperador va instaurar un nou sistema polític, conegut per tetrarquia, que va permetre que quatre emperadors governessin al mateix temps però en plena concòrdia, gràcies al qual es va poder aplicar amb més eficàcia el cúmul de reformes que Dioclecià va posar en marxa per a redreçar l'Imperi. Ara bé, aquestes reformes tingueren un alt cost social i polític: una concepció teocràtica del poder que sacralitzava l'emperador i assimilava la seva funció de govern com una missió divina.


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The bis(mu-oxo) dicopper(III) species [Cu-III 2(mu-O)(2)(m-XYLMeAN)](2+) (1) promotes the electrophilic ortho-hydroxylation-defluorination of 2-fluorophenolates to give the corresponding catechols, a reaction that is not accomplishable with a (eta(2) : eta(2)-O-2) dicopper(II) complex. Isotopic labeling studies show that the incoming oxygen atom originates from the bis(mu-oxo) unit. Ortho-hydroxylation-defluorination occurs selectively in intramolecular competition with other ortho-substituents such as chlorine or bromine


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The proposal to work on this final project came after several discussions held with Dr. Elzbieta Malinowski Gadja, who in 2008 published the book entitled Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). The project was carried out under the technical supervision of Dr. Malinowski and the direct beneficiary was the University of Costa Rica (UCR) where Dr. Malinowski is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics. The purpose of this project was twofold: First, to translate chapter III of said book with the intention of generating educational material for the use of the UCR and, second, to venture in the field of technical translation related to data warehouse. For the first component, the goal was to generate a final product that would eventually serve as an educational tool for the post-graduate courses of the UCR. For the second component, this project allowed me to acquire new skills and put into practice techniques that have helped me not only to perfom better in my current job as an Assistant Translator of the Inter-American BAnk (IDB), but also to use them in similar projects. The process was lenggthy and required torough research and constant communication with the author. The investigation focused on the search of terms and definitions to prepare the glossary, which was the basis to start the translation project. The translation process itself was carried out by phases, so that comments and corrections by the author could be taken into account in subsequent stages. Later, based on the glossary and the translated text, illustrations had been created in the Visio software were translated. In addition to the technical revision by the author, professor Carme Mangiron was in charge of revising the non-technical text. The result was a high-quality document that is currently used as reference and study material by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics of Costa Rica.


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La primera part d'aquest article (AVUI,24-10) començava dient que la diversitat forma part del nostre entorn, tant la diversitat biològica, que és conseqüència de la diversitat genètica, com la diversitat cultural. Argumentava que la diversitat genètica dels éssers vius, que és el que garanteix la seva supervivència en permetre que s'adaptin a noves situacions ambientals, està greument amenaçada per l'activitat humana.Estem provocant, potser sense saber-ho i sense copsar-ne les greus implicacions, una de les més grans extincions massives d'éssers vius [...].