337 resultados para Almería


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Se efectúa un estudio de la mineralogénesis de la galena en la mina de Cierco (Alta Riborgaza). Se determina a partir de cálculos termodinamicos la solubilidad de la galena en una solución hidrotermal a 150ºC y 3 molal de NaCl y se estudian 10s efectos de los diferentes posibles agentes precipitantes. A partir de las mineralizaciones que acompañan a la galena, del conocimiento que se dispone de las inclusiones presentes en las mineralizaciones se efectúan posibles hipótesis sobre la formación del yacimiento.


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En el presente trabajo se estudia la síntesis de la reacción en el estado sólido entre el Pbs(PO4)a y el PbCla y la influencia de la temperatura sobre dicha reacción. La fase sintetizada, sometiendo la mezcla a diferentes tiempos de calefacción y a diversos intervalos de temperaturas, ha sido estudiada mediante difracción de rayos X.


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The presence of cavities filled with new minerals in carbonate rocks is a common feature in oil reservoirs and lead-zinc deposits. Since groundwater equilibrates rapidly with carbonates, the presence of dissolution cavities in deep carbonate host rocks is a paradox. Two alternative geochemical processes have been proposed to dissolve carbonates at depth: hydrogen sulfide oxidation to sulfuric acid, and metal sulfide precipitation. With the aid of geochemical modeling we show that mixing two warm solutions saturated with carbonate results in a new solution that dissolves limestone. Variations in the proportion of the end-member fluids can also form a supersaturated mixture and fill the cavity with a new generation of carbonate. Mixing is in general more effective in dissolving carbonates than the aforementioned processes. Moreover, mixing is consistent with the wide set of textures and mineral proportions observed in cavity infillings.


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El diposit consisteix en dos filons E-W, tallats per un altre N-S. El rebliment filonia ès zonat amb esfalerita- galena-calcita als nivells profunds i galena-baritina als superiors. Els elements traça en esfalerites i galenes, plenament separades, han estat analitzats mitjancant fluorescència de raigs X. Els resultats mostren que l'esfalerita concentra la majoria d'elements traça, preferentment Fe, Co, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ga, Cu, Ge i Ag, amb una bona correlació entre els sis primers. La galena concentra únicament Sb, Ag i As, amb bona correlació entre els dos primers. Els continguts en elements traça estan homogèniament distribuits en tot el diposit.


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Els materials pre-hercinians i el granit de Costabona estan travessats per un conjunt de filons de quars de fins a 15 km de longitud, coneguts com a 'Esquerdes de Roja'. Aquests filons estan localment afectats per un sistema de bandes milonítiques i per un altre posterior de fractures. A partir de l'anilisi microtermometrica de les inclusions fluides primàries en quars, ha estat obtinguda una temperatura de formació de l'ordre de + 280 C per la major part del quars, i una temperatura de + 250 C per als monocristalls que omplen esquerdes i cavitats. Els filons s'haurien format a partir de solucions mineralitzants que contenien ~ a + C, a++, K+ i, en menor proporció, ~ g + + .fins una salinitat total de l'ordre del 20/@ en pes de la Na CI.


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Podiform chromitite bodies occur in highly serpentinized peridotites at Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif (Rhodope Mountains, southeastern Bulgaria). The ultramafic body is believed to represent a fragment of Palaeozoic ophiolite mantle. The ophiolite sequence is associated with greenschist - lower-temperature amphibolite facies metamorphosed rocks (biotitic gneisses hosting amphibolite). This association suggests that peridotites, chromitites and metamorphic rocks underwent a common metamorphic evolution. Chromitites at Dobromirtsi have been strongly altered. Their degree of alteration depends on the chromite/silicate ratio and to a lesser extent, on the size of chromitite bodies. Alteration is recorded in individual chromite grains in the form of optical and chemical zoning. Core to rim chemical trends are expressed by MgO- and Al2O3- impoverishment, mainly compensated by FeO and/or Fe2O3 increases. Such chemical variations correspond with three main alteration events. The first one was associated with ocean-floor metamorphism and was characterized by a lizardite replacement of olivine and the absence of chromite alteration. The second event took place during greenchist facies metamorphism. During this event, MgO- and SiO2-rich fluids (derived from low temperature serpentinization of olivine and pyroxenes) reacted with chromite to form chlorite; as a consequence, chromite became altered to a FeO- and Cr2O3-rich, Al2O3-poor chromite. The third event, mainly developed during lower temperature amphibolite facies metamorphism, caused the replacement of the primary and previously altered chromite by Fe2O3-rich chromite (ferritchromite).


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Ultramafic rocks, mainly serpentinized peridotites of mantle origin, are mostly associated with the ophiolites of Mesozoic age that occur in belts along three of the margins of the Caribbean plate. The most extensive exposures are in Cuba. The ultramafic-mafic association (ophiolites) were formed and emplaced in several different tectonic environments. Mineralogical studies of the ultramafic rocks and the chemistry of the associated mafic rocks indicate that most of the ultramafic-mafic associations in both the northern and southern margins of the plate were formed in arc-related environments. There is little mantle peridotite exposed in the ophiolitic associations of the west coast of Central America, in the south Caribbean in Curacao and in the Andean belts in Colombia. In these occurrences the chemistry and age of the mafic rocks indicates that this association is mainly part of the 89 Ma Caribbean plateau province. The age of the mantle peridotites and associated ophiolites is probably mainly late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous. Emplacement of the ophiolites possibly began in the Early Cretaceous in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, but most emplacement took place in the Late Cretaceous to Eocene (e.g. Cuba). Along the northern South America plate margin, in the Caribbean mountain belt, emplacement was by major thrusting and probably was not completed until the Oligocene or even the early Miocene. Caribbean mantle peridotites, before serpentinization, were mainly harzburgites, but dunites and lherzolites are also present. In detail, the mineralogical and chemical composition varies even within one ultramafic body, reflecting melting processes and peridotite/melt interaction in the upper mantle. At least for the northern Caribbean, uplift (postemplacement tectonics) exposed the ultramafic massifs as a land surface to effective laterization in the beginning of the Miocene. Tectonic factors, determining the uplift, exposing the peridotites to weathering varied. In the northern Caribbean, in Guatemala, Jamaica, and Hispaniola, uplift occurred as a result of transpresional movement along pre-existing major faults. In Cuba, uplift occurred on a regional scale, determined by isostatic adjustment. In the south Caribbean, uplift of the Cordillera de la Costa and Serrania del Interior exposing the peridotites, also appears to be related to strike-slip movement along the El Pilar fault system. In the Caribbean, Ni-laterite deposits are currently being mined in the central Dominican Republic, eastern Cuba, northern Venezuela and northwest Colombia. Although apparently formed over ultramafic rocks of similar composition and under similar climatic conditions, the composition of the lateritic soils varies. Factors that probably determined these differences in laterite composition are geomorphology, topography, drainage and tectonics. According to the mineralogy of principal ore-bearing phases, Dominican Ni-laterite deposits are classified as the hydrous silicate-type. The main Ni-bearing minerals are hydrated Mg-Ni silicates (serpentine and ¿garnierite¿) occurring deeper in the profile (saprolite horizon). In contrast, in the deposits of eastern Cuba, the Ni and Cooccurs mainly in the limonite zone composed of Fe hydroxides and oxides as the dominant mineralogy in the upper part of the profile, and are classified as the oxide-type.


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Se exponen los fundamentos del análisis canóiiico, combinación del análisis de la varianza y del factorial, así como sus posibles aplicaciones a los problemas geológicos.


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Palaeobotany applied to freshwater plants is an emerging field of palaeontology. Hydrophytic plants reveal evolutionary trends of their own, clearly distinct from those of the terrestrial and marine flora. During the Precambrian, two groups stand out in the fossil record of freshwater plants: the Cyanobacteria (stromatolites) in benthic environments and the prasinophytes (leiosphaeridian acritarchs) in transitional planktonic environments. During the Palaeozoic, green algae (Chlorococcales, Zygnematales, charophytes and some extinct groups) radiated and developed the widest range of morphostructural patterns known for these groups. Between the Permian and Early Cretaceous, charophytes dominated macrophytic associations, with the consequence that over tens of millions of years, freshwater flora bypassed the dominance of vascular plants on land. During the Early Cretaceous, global extension of the freshwater environments is associated with diversification of the flora, including new charophyte families and the appearance of aquatic angiosperms and ferns for the first time. Mesozoic planktonic assemblages retained their ancestral composition that was dominated by coenobial Chlorococcales, until the appearance of freshwater dinoflagellates in the Early Cretaceous. In the Late Cretaceous, freshwater angiosperms dominated almost all macrophytic communities worldwide. The Tertiary was characterised by the diversification of additional angiosperm and aquatic fern lineages, which resulted in the first differentiation of aquatic plant biogeoprovinces. Phytoplankton also diversified during the Eocene with the development of freshwater diatoms and chrysophytes. Diatoms, which were exclusively marine during tens of millions of years, were dominant over the Chlorococcales during Neogene and in later assemblages. During the Quaternary, aquatic plant communities suffered from the effects of eutrophication, paludification and acidification, which were the result of the combined impact of glaciation and anthropogenic disturbance.


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El Grupo Scala Dei, localizado en el margen meridional oriental de la cuenca del Ebro, representa la respuesta sedimentaria a los cabalgamientos desarrollados en las Cadenas Costeras Catalanas. En la Serra de la Llena los 1600 m de materiales aluviales se organizan en cuatro megasecuencias principales (M,-M,) separadas por discordancias angulares. Los nuevos datos paleomastológicos indican un influjo de materiales terrígenos gruesos durante un período que abarca desde un Luteciense superior-Bartoniense en la base, hasta un Catiense medio-superior. La sedimentación en la Serra del Montsant continua hasta la parte media del Catiense superior. La tasa media de acumulación (expresada en términos de centímetros cada mil años- kilo años- K. a,), en la Serra de la Llena, es de 13 crn1K.a. para la megasecuencia inferior (M,), de 7,5 cm/ K.a. para M,-M, y de 6 cm /K.a. para la última y mas fina (M,). La disposición general de los depósitos de la Serra de la Llena con una doble flexión monoclinal buzante al NW indica un control tectónico de la deposición mediante dos estructuras diferentes en profundidad. Las discordancias progresivas desarrolladas en los anteflancos de los anticlinales indican una moción continuada, así como un equilibrio entre la tasa de levantamiento vertical y la tasa de acumulación de sedimentos. Las discordancias progresivas se han desarrollado principalmente en función de la componente tectónica vertical y por la rotación continuada del flanco de antepaís de los anticlinales.


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El análisis estratigráfico y estructural de los conglomerados finieocenos y oligocenos de La Pobla de Segur (Formación de Collegats) localizados en los Pirineos centrales, ha permitido correlacionar diferentes episodios de sedimentación y de estructuración tectónica. Los materiales que constituyen el relleno de la cuenca intramontañosa de La Pobla de Segur (facies de abanico aluvial y deltaico, con intercalaciones lacustres subordinadas) reposan discordantemente sobre un substrato Mesozoico previamente deformado y estan organizados en una serie de cuñas clásticas que alcanzan un espesor acumulativo mínimo de 3500 m. El reconocimiento de superficies de discontinuidad, cartografiables a lo largo de toda la cuenca, ha permitido la definición de 5 alogrupos (Pessonada, Ermita, Pallaresa, Senterada y Antist) que a su vez pueden subdividirse en aloformaciones o secuencias. Las relaciones estructurales entre el suhstrato y los depósitos aluviales han permitido establecer la cronologia de la deformación compresiva tardía que afectó a este sector de la cadena sur-pirenaica y precisar el orígen claramente tectónico de las discontinuidades que constituyen los límites de los alogrupos.


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A detailed magnetostratigraphic study has been carried out in the early to middle Miocene distal alluvial and lacustrine sediments of the Montes de Castejón (central Ebro Basin). The study was based on the analysis of 196 magnetostratigraphic sites sampled along a stratigraphic interval of about 240 meters. Local magnetostratigraphy yielded a sequence of 12 magnetozones (6 normal and 6 reverse) which could be correlated with the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) interval C5Cr to C5AD (between 17 and 14.3 Ma.). The sampled sedimentary sequences include the boundary between two tectosedimentary units (TSU, T5 and T6) already defined in the Ebro Basin. The magnetostratigraphy of the Montes de Castejón allows to date the T5/T6 TSU boundary at 16.14 Ma, within chron C5Cn.1n. This magnetostratigraphy also allows us to analyse in detail as well as to discuss the variations in sedimentation rates through space and time between different lacustrine environments: Outer carbonate lacustrine fringes and distal alluvial plains (Montes de Castejón sections) show higher sedimentation rates than offshore lacustrine areas (San Caprasio section, 50 km east of Montes de Castejón).


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El presente volumen, que corresponde a los dos primeros números del volumen 32 de ACTA GEOLOGICA HISPANICA, está dedicado a algunos de los aspectos geológicos más importantes de la zona de los Andes Centrales Argentino-Chilenos, y constituye una recopilación de trabajos de diferentes autores americanos y españoles.