855 resultados para Universitat de València-Aniversaris i centenaris


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The prediction of rockfall travel distance below a rock cliff is an indispensable activity in rockfall susceptibility, hazard and risk assessment. Although the size of the detached rock mass may differ considerably at each specific rock cliff, small rockfall (<100 m3) is the most frequent process. Empirical models may provide us with suitable information for predicting the travel distance of small rockfalls over an extensive area at a medium scale (1:100 000¿1:25 000). "Solà d'Andorra la Vella" is a rocky slope located close to the town of Andorra la Vella, where the government has been documenting rockfalls since 1999. This documentation consists in mapping the release point and the individual fallen blocks immediately after the event. The documentation of historical rockfalls by morphological analysis, eye-witness accounts and historical images serve to increase available information. In total, data from twenty small rockfalls have been gathered which reveal an amount of a hundred individual fallen rock blocks. The data acquired has been used to check the reliability of the main empirical models widely adopted (reach and shadow angle models) and to analyse the influence of parameters which affecting the travel distance (rockfall size, height of fall along the rock cliff and volume of the individual fallen rock block). For predicting travel distances in maps with medium scales, a method has been proposed based on the "reach probability" concept. The accuracy of results has been tested from the line entailing the farthest fallen boulders which represents the maximum travel distance of past rockfalls. The paper concludes with a discussion of the application of both empirical models to other study areas.


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Presentamos en esta nota un esquema descriptivo de las formas litorales de la costa catalana, elaborado mediante la consulta de las fotografas areas y de trabajos de diversos autores. Los criterios establecidos para la clasificacin de las formas han sido lo ms elementales posible, a fin de obtener un esquema bsico de trabajo para investigaciones posteriores de cualquier tipo.


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E11 esta nota explico de forma muy resumida las principales hipótesis y conclusiones expuestas en la memoria que, sobre el mismo tema y con el mismo título, he realizado como tesis doctoral. Se estudian las características estratigráficas y sedimentológicas del Cuaternario del delta del Llobregat que se desarrolla básicamente sobre las margas azules del Plioceno. Se han diferenciado dos tipos de Cuaternario, uno inferior denominado complejo detrítico inferior que se atribuye al Flandrierise y se caracteriza por la existencia de ciclos transgresivos separados por niveles de estabilización y depósitos regresivos, y un complejo deltaico que incluye una fase transgresiva (10.900 +/- 150 años B.P.) y el delta en sentido estricto, en el que domina la progradación deltaica aunque también incluye períodos de estabilización. Todo este Cuaternario se asocia al ascenso del mar Flandriense que se realizó, no de forma continua sino con etapas de estabilización.


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El análisis estructural del domo del río Freser (Pirineos Orientales, España) permite poner de manifiesto una sucesión de tres fases de plegamiento hercinianas. Se describen las características de las mismas y se comparan con las descritas por otros autores en regiones vecinas.


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Se describe una discordancia de los materiales atribuidos al caradoc sobre las formaciones Canavelles y Jujols en la zona axiai pirenaica, entre la Cerdanya y el ro Freser (prov. dc Gerona, Espaa) y en Andorra. Se discute su importancia y significado, as como la edad de los materiales de las foririacioms Canavelles y Jujols


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The Upper Cretaceous volcanic succession of Hannah Point is the best exposure of the Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group on L ivingston Island. The aim of the present paper is to contribute to the characterisation of the stratigr a p hy and petrogr a p hy of this little studied succession, and briefly discuss some aspects of the eru p t ive style of its volcanism. The succession is about 470 m thick and is here subdivided into five lithostratigraphic units (A to E from base to top). Unit A, approximately 120 m thick, is mainly composed of polymict clast-supported volcaniclastic breccias and also includes a dacitic lava laye r. Interstratified in the breccias of this unit, there is a thin laminated devitrified layer which shows some degree of welding. Unit B, approx imately 70 m thick, is almost entirely composed of volcaniclastic breccias, and includes a volcaniclastic conglomerate laye r. Breccias in this unit can be subdivided into two distinct types; polymict clast-supported breccias, and monomict matrix-supported breccias rich in juvenile components and displaying incipient welding. Unit C, about 65 m thick, is mainly composed of basaltic lavas, which are interlayered with minor vo lcaniclastic breccias. Unit D, approximately 65 m thick, is lithologically similar to unit B, composed of an alternation of polymict clasts upported breccias and matrix-supported breccias, and includes a volcaniclastic conglomerate laye r. Unit E, about 150 m thick, is mainly formed of thick andesitic lava layers. Minor basaltic dykes and a few normal faults cut the succession, and the contact betwe e n units A and B can be interpreted both as an unconformity or a fault. The matrix-supported breccias included in the succession of Hannah Point have high contents of juvenile components and incipient welding, which suggest that part of the succession is the result of pyroclastic fragmentation and emplacement from pyroclastic flows. In contrast, the polymict clast-supported breccias suggest reworking of previous deposits and deposition from cool mass flows. The lavas indicate eff u s ive volcanic eruptions, and the absence of features indicative of subaqueous volcanism suggests that at least these portions of the succession were emplaced in a subaerial environment .


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The As Pontes basin (12 km2), NW Iberian Peninsula, is bounded by a double restraining bend of a dextral strike-slip fault, which is related to the western onshore end of the Pyrenean belt. Surface and subsurface data obtained from intensive coal exploration and mining in the basin since the 1960s together with additional structural and stratigraphic sequence analysis allowed us to determine the geometric relationships between tectonic structures and stratigraphic markers. The small size of the basin and the large amount of quality data make the As Pontes basin a unique natural laboratory for improving our understanding of the origin and evolution of restraining bends. The double restraining bend is the end stage of the structural evolution of a compressive underlapping stepover, where the basin was formed. During the first stage (stepover stage), which began ca. 30 Ma ago (latest Rupelian) and lasted 3.4 My, two small isolated basins bounded by thrusts and normal faults were formed. For 1.3 My, the strike-slip faults, which defined the stepover, grew towards each other until joining and forming the double restraining bend, which bounds one large As Pontes basin (transition stage). The history of the basin was controlled by the activity of the double restraining bend for a further 3.4 My (restraining bend stage) and ended in mid-Aquitanian times (ca. 22 Ma).


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In an era of increasing concern for limited water resources a wise joint management of conventional and nonconventional water resources must be considered. Water scarcity aggravates in coastal zones which are often characterised by high population density, intense economic activity and tourism; meaning heavy seasonal water demands. The relationships between sea and land-water can also compromise the quality of available freshwater. In this context, the use of non-conventional water increases the availability of water supplies. Non-conventional water resources of low quality could be directed to meet several needs (like watering lawns, washing cars, flushing toilets and cooling systems, among others). Therefore, significantly more potable water would be available to meet human demand for safe water.


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Presentem l'estudi taxonòmic dels représentants d'Euphorbia subsect. Esula a la Península Ibèrica. Prèviament, s'inclou un primer capítol dedicai a l'estudi de les epidermis foliars i un segon capítol sobre nombres cromosòmics...


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Se ha estudiado la flora algal del Canal de Piragüismo de Aguas Tranquilas durante un año. Se han identificado 90 taxa (20 Cyanophyta, 25 Chlorophyta , 1 Charophyta, 9 Euglenophyta, 31Chrysophyta, 2 Cryptophyta y 2 Pirrophyta). Se aportan datos morfométricos, descripciones y fotografías de microscopio óptico de algunas de las especies. También se incluyen fotografías de diatomeas realizadas al microscopio electrónico de barrido. Se comentan los cambios observados en la composición florística en relación con la mejora de la calidad del agua del canal. También se discute el efecto del progresivo incremento de salinidad del agua sobre las poblaciones de diatomeas.


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The presence of Ursinia nana, an Anthemideae of South-African origin which has been introduced into the NE Iberian Peninsula, is reported for the fi rst time in Europe. The data offered cover its precise location, morphology, chromosome number, ecology and a population census, as well as its life cycle, fl oral structure, reproductive biology and fruit dispersal mechanisms. Of special note are the clear predominance of autogamy (geitonogamy) over xenogamy as a reproductive system and the large number of fruits produced with high and immediate germinative capacity. These characteristics permit rapid colonization by the introduced species, which can become invasive. However, fruit predation by the ant Messor barbarus points to a natural mechanism that helps regulate population growth and makes biological control possible. Finally its possibilities of expansion in the colonized area and of naturalization in the NE Iberian Peninsula are assessed.


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S"assenyala per primera vegada la presència de Felicia filifolia, espècie introduïda d"origen sud-africà, a les muntanyes del nord de Falset (Priorat). En el registre de plantes al·lòctones constitueix una novetat corològica per a la flora de Catalunya i de la Península Ibèrica.


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Seseli farrenyi: un endemisme empordanès en vies d"extinció?- Seseli farrenyi és un endemisme estrictament català, que compta amb un nombre molt reduït de poblacions a la franja litoral nord del cap de Creus (Alt Empordà). L"espècie ha estat catalogada com a"En Perill" (EN) segons els criteris de la UICN en base a una sèrie d"estudis realitzats a finals dels anys noranta, que van incloure un cens i una cartografia detallada. Després de poc més d"una dècada, un nou cens realitzat pel mateix equip d"investigadors revela una pèrdua de més de 90% del nombre total d"individus, junt amb la desaparició de la localitat clàssica de l"espècie, justificant elevar la seva categoria d"amenaça a"En Perill Crític" (CR). Una de les prioritats del pla de recuperació per a l"espècie (la redacció i aplicació del qual es deriva de la inclusió de S. farrenyi al Catàleg de Flora Amenaçada de Catalunya) hauria d"ésser la realització d"estudis demogràfics que permetin conèixer la causa del seu declivi poblacional.


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Seguimos para este taxon, en lo nomenclatural, a TAMURA & LAUENER (1979:459), mientras no se tipifique de forma adecuada A. lycoctonum L., considerado nom. ambig. ya por TUTIN (1964:212), con pocas posibilidades de que no sea diverso de A. vulparia. A. pyrenaicum L. es también algo muy distinto del taxon que nos ocupa y, en caso de no ser aceptada la proposición de que se lo considere ñamen rejiciendum, hecha por TAMURA & LAUENER (Le.: 447), seria el nombre correcto para A. barbatum Pers. (=A. squarrosum DC.) de Siberia. Otro nombre que aún podría ser prioritario, A. altissimum Miller (WARNCKE, 1964:30; TAMURA & LAUENER, l.c), no puede usarse en tanto no se localice algún material de aquel en que se basó la descripción un tanto ambigua de Miller....