744 resultados para Egothymics attribution
Notes florístiques i corològiques del Baix Empordà
Objectives: Identify the frequency and intensity of the perception of adverse professional consequences and their association with burnout syndrome and occupational variables. Methods: Cross-sectional sample of 11,530 healthcare professionals resident in Spain and Latin America. The association of negative work-related consequences on burnout, as measured by the MBI and work-related variables was analysed by multiple logistic regression. Results: The emotional exhaustion was the first variable associated with absenteeism, with intention of giving up profession, personal deterioration, and family deterioration. Depersonalization was most associated with the perception of having made mistakes. Conclusions: The findings indicate a considerable prevalence of adverse work-related consequences
L’objectiu del treball és emular virtualment l’entorn de treball del robot Stäubli Tx60 quehi ha al laboratori de robòtica de la UdG (dins les possibilitats que ofereix el software adquirit).Aquest laboratori intenta reproduir un entorn industrial de treball en el qual es realitzal’assemblatge d’un conjunt de manera cent per cent automatitzada.En una primera fase, s’ha dissenyat en tres dimensions tot l’entorn de treball que hi hadisponible al laboratori a través del software CAD SolidWorks. Cada un dels conjuntsque conformen l’estació de treball s’ha dissenyat de manera independent.Posteriorment s’introdueixen tots els elements dissenyats dins el software StäubliRobotics Suite 2013. Amb tot l’anterior, cal remarcar que l’objectiu principal del treball consta de duesetapes. Inicialment es dissenya el model 3D de l’entorn de treball a través del software SolidWorks i s’introdueix dins el software Stäubli Robotics Suite 2013. Enuna segona etapa, es realitza un manual d’ús del nou software de robòtica
Recuperació d’una antiga bòbila de rajols del segle XX a Vilafant per a la implantació d’un centre d’investigació, recerca i desenvolupament en el sector agroalimentari. La fàbrica , abandonada des dels anys 60, presenta esfondraments parcials de bona part de l’edifici. La proposta arquitectònica es basa en tres eixos principals: recuperació del patrimoni industrial, preservant l’essència de l’espai primitiu, compatible amb els nous usos de la proposta arquitectònica ; proposta de tractament de l’entorn immediat per a la integració paisatgística de la proposta ; implantació d’un nou pol de coneixement que millori la situació de les explotacions agrícoles del territori i del país.L’abast del projecte té dues vessants: local i territorial per la recuperació del patrimoni i creixement de les empreses locals que puguin col•laborar amb aquests centres d’investigació i estatal i mundial ja que els programes d’investigació, recerca i desenvolupament generen avenços i coneixement aplicables a d’altres territoris
Elnostreclientésunpromotoralqualselihaencarregatlaconstrucciód’unallard’infantsprivadaperaunacol•∙legideprimàriaDinselrecintedel’escolaprimàriahihaunespaidestinatperlaconstrucciódelallard’infants,peròlaintencióésquelaLlard’Infantstinguitotalindependènciaenergèticadel’edificiexistent. L’objectedelprojecteéseldissenyidimensionamentd’unainstal•∙laciódecalefacciómitjançantcalderadebiomassa,quesatisfacilesnecessitatsdelaLlard’Infants,ieldissenyidimensionamentd’unsistemasolartèrmicperabastirl’aiguacalentasanitàriaiquecomenergiaderecolzamentutilitzilacalderadebiomassa.Comaaltresrequisitsatenirencomptehihaeldimensionamentd’unaltresistemaalternatiud’estalvid’energiaperreduirelconsumdelainstal•∙lacióifer--‐laaixíméseficientieldesigexprésdelpropietari,quedeserpossible,liagradariainstal•∙larterraradiant.Améstambés’haencarregatl’elaboraciód’unestudideviabilitateconòmica,delainversiód’instal•∙larunacalderadebiomassaenfrontaladeinstal•∙larunsistemaambcalderadegasoilpertenirencompteeltempsderetorneconòmicil’amortització.Perdissenyaridimensionarlainstal•∙laciós’hatingutencompteelcomplimentdelesexigènciesmarcadespelRITE,pelCodiTècnicdel’Edificacióitambés’havolgutadaptarlesinstal•∙lacionsalesDirectivesEuropees2010/31/UEi2012/27/UEenrelacióaeficiènciaenergètica
Majolica pottery was the most characteristic tableware produced in Spain during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. A study of the three main production centers in the historical region of Aragon during Middle Ages and Renaissance was conducted on a set of 71 samples. The samples were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical procedures. Our results show a clear discrimination among different production centers allowing a reliable provenance attribution of ceramic sherds from the Aragonese workshops.
The richness and rarity of an insect community were analysed in a Mediterranean temporary pond located in NE of the Iberian Peninsula. The aquatic community was sampled weekly over 7 periods of flooding during y years (1996-1999). Distribution of rare species (with scarce presence at regional or peninsular levels, is detailed. The richness of the Espolla pond has been compared with that of other aquatic environments. The number of rare species of insects (8 taxa: 5 Corixidae, 1 Limnephilidae and 2 Chironomidae) and the insect richness (82 taxa) contrast with the traditional attribution of a low richness and rarity to the temporary aquatic environments
Nota breu de flora sobre la presència de Elatine brochonii Clavaud, recol·lectada a les depressions inundables de terrenys granítics de l''Alt Empordà (DG 98 i DG 99)
Nota breu de flora sobre la presència de dos isoets amfibis que apareixen en algunes depressions inundables de terrenys granítics de l'Alt Empordà, a St. Climent Sescebes i Cantallops (DG 99), sovint acompanyant Elatine brochonii Clavaud
Triops cancriformis, Chirocephalus diaphanus, Branchipus schaefferi and Tanymastix stagnalis are recorded in several new localities of Iberian Peninsula. A literature review of the previous localities is done. It is described the characteristics of the habitats in those that the four species have been located. This paper extends the geographic and altitudinal distribution range of T. stagnalis in the Iberian Peninsula. A reduction of T. cancriformis populations has been detected in rice fields where they were abundant. A significant number oflocalities are inside or near protected areas, so it is important a sensitivity in the management of these areas for the conservation of temporary waters. A better knowledge of the distribution of these species is the basis for a necessary and efficient species and habitat protection
A floristic characterization of the Alt Empordà plain (N.E. Iberian Peninsula) is presented, including an appraisal of its recent evolution and present state. Eight different environments, correlated with lithological and edaphological features, are stablished on the basis of their floristic composition. The results will be of use in the management of the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park, which falls in its entirety within the study area
We have studied some depressions and areas temporarily flooded where after the water evaporates, a high diversity and abundance of bryophyta can be observed on the emerged soil. For the distribution of these bryophytes we have established three concentric zones according to their humidity level. At the most external one, which is seldom flooded, the hepatics Riccia gougetiana and Fossombronia maritima were found, as well as various Anthocerotae. At the emerged zone Pseudephemerum nitidum, Archidium alternifolium and a high number of Riccia species, such as R. macrocarpa and R. warnstorfii could be found. In some depressions with a long flooding period, we observed pleurocarpous mosses such as Amblystegium riparium and Drepanocladus aduncus
We examined the genetic population structure of the european hake (Merluccius merluccius) using electrophoretically detectable population markers in 35 protein loci. Samples were collected from 7 locations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Six loci were polymorphic using the 0.05 criterion of polymorphism. Sample heterozigosities ranged from 0.052 to 0.072 and averaged 0.0625. In this study, significant allele frequency differences were detected between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations in three polymorphic loci: GAPDH-1*, GPI-2* and SOD-1*. Two major genetic groups were considered: a North-Atlantic stock and the Mediterranean stock. The Nei genetic distance, D, (based on 33 loci) between samples from these two groups ranged from 0.002 to 0.006. Genetic differenciation between these areas appears to reflect the barrier effect of Strait of Gibraltar. On average over loci, 96.92 % of the total gene diversity was contained within samples, 0.23 % expressed differences among locations within areas, and 2.64 % differences between regions. A review of morphological variation together with the genetic data presented here suggest that the populations of hake from these areas are subdivided into two different stocks: the North-Atlantic stock and the Mediterranean stock. The most conservative approach to the management of these stocks is to consider the Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks independently from oneanother
Sobre la Directiva Marc del’Aigua (DMA) (Directiva 2000/60/CE)
This article reflects the analysis of personal and social competences through the study and analysis of creative tensión in engineering students, using a computer application called Cycloid. The main objective was to compare the students' creative tensión by asigning them the task of being the project leader of a given project: their own university major. The process consisted of evaluating, through special surveys, a group of students to know the current situation of competences, using fuzzy logic analysis. From this self-knowledge, provided by the survey, students can know their strong and weak characteristics regarding their study habits. Results showed that tolerance to stress and to language courses are the weaker points. This application is useful for the design of study strategies that students themselves can do to better face their courses