698 resultados para American Physical Society
We calculate the ripplon field contribution to the self-energy of an electron exterior to a liquid for planar and spherical geometries. We compare the full dielectric calculation of the electron-liquid interaction with the simpler alternative method consisting of integrating the electron-atom static-induced-dipolar potential through the whole liquid volume. We obtain good agreement between both methods for a nonpolar liquid such as 4He but differences up to 40% for a polar liquid such as water. We study the conditions under which the ripplon contribution to the self-energy is a perturbation. For an electron moving parallel to a planar liquid surface, we calculate the ripplon contribution to its stopping power. For this dynamical case, we conclude that the alternative method is a good approximation even for polar liquids.
Electron wave motion in a quantum wire with periodic structure is treated by direct solution of the Schrödinger equation as a mode-matching problem. Our method is particularly useful for a wire consisting of several distinct units, where the total transfer matrix for wave propagation is just the product of those for its basic units. It is generally applicable to any linearly connected serial device, and it can be implemented on a small computer. The one-dimensional mesoscopic crystal recently considered by Ulloa, Castaño, and Kirczenow [Phys. Rev. B 41, 12 350 (1990)] is discussed with our method, and is shown to be a strictly one-dimensional problem. Electron motion in the multiple-stub T-shaped potential well considered by Sols et al. [J. Appl. Phys. 66, 3892 (1989)] is also treated. A structure combining features of both of these is investigated.
We present a very simple but fairly unknown method to obtain exact lower bounds to the ground-state energy of any Hamiltonian that can be partitioned into a sum of sub-Hamiltonians. The technique is applied, in particular, to the two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. Reasonably good results are easily obtained and the extension of the method to other systems is straightforward.
Epitaxial and fully strained SrRuO3 thin films have been grown on SrTiO3(100). At initial stages the growth mode is three-dimensional- (3D-)like, leading to a finger-shaped structure aligned with the substrate steps and that eventually evolves into a 2D step-flow growth. We study the impact that the defect structure associated with this unique growth mode transition has on the electronic properties of the films. Detailed analysis of the transport properties of nanometric films reveals that microstructural disorder promotes a shortening of the carrier mean free path. Remarkably enough, at low temperatures, this results in a reinforcement of quantum corrections to the conductivity as predicted by recent models of disordered, strongly correlated electronic systems. This finding may provide a simple explanation for the commonly observed¿in conducting oxides-resistivity minima at low temperature. Simultaneously, the ferromagnetic transition occurring at about 140 K, becomes broader as film thickness decreases down to nanometric range. The relevance of these results for the understanding of the electronic properties of disordered electronic systems and for the technological applications of SrRuO3¿and other ferromagnetic and metallic oxides¿is stressed.
We report on experiments of spin filtering through ultrathin single-crystal layers of the insulating and ferromagnetic oxide BiMnO3 (BMO). The spin polarization of the electrons tunneling from a gold electrode through BMO is analyzed with a counterelectrode of the half-metallic oxide La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). At 3 K we find a 50% change of the tunnel resistances according to whether the magnetizations of BMO and LSMO are parallel or opposite. This effect corresponds to a spin-filtering efficiency of up to 22%. Our results thus show the potential of complex ferromagnetic insulating oxides for spin filtering and injection.