620 resultados para Jocs tradicionals
En aquest número, com en el passat, publiquem un proposta didàctica al voltant dels escacs. L’article que us presentem justifica i emmarca aquestes propostes. Les directrius del Parlament de Catalunya i del mateix Parlament Europeu fan que s’iniciï una recerca educativa que evidenciï els avantatges del treball dels escacs a l’aula a nivell cognitiu i social i es converteixi en un programa educatiu institucional que s’està desenvolupant a Catalunya
Presentació de diferent propostes de treball per a l'alumnat de primària per aprendre a jugar als escacs
Utilizar los juegos para aprender a resolver conflictos = Using games to learn and resolve conflicts
The characteristics of games make them excellent tools for multiple learning situations in the area of Physical Education, aswell as learning those necessary skills that allow students to handle social situations and especially conflicts. Understandingthat a conflict may be considered from a constructive perspective and that it may represent an excellent learningopportunity is a fundamental point. Games can help us in this task but it is important that the teacher knows theircharacteristics and which may be the most convenient in each educational moment
In this article we try to look at the learning of mathematics through games in the first years of schooling. The use of game resources in the class should not be carried out in a uniquely intuitive way but rather in a manner that contains some preliminary reflections such as, what do we understand by games? Why use games as a resource in the Mathematics classroom? And what does its use imply?
One of the methodological resources that teachers use in a generalised way in Physical Education classes is the game. Inthis article we define the concept of game and analyse the characteristics of their internal structure. On the other hand welook at the concepts of physical condition and conditional skills and describe the objectives of its work in Primary Education.Finally, we relate these concepts and propose two practical examples of modifying the internal structure of the game so asto produce variations in the implied conditional skills