130 resultados para unified framework
By using suitable parameters, we present a uni¯ed aproach for describing four methods for representing categorical data in a contingency table. These methods include:correspondence analysis (CA), the alternative approach using Hellinger distance (HD),the log-ratio (LR) alternative, which is appropriate for compositional data, and theso-called non-symmetrical correspondence analysis (NSCA). We then make an appropriate comparison among these four methods and some illustrative examples are given.Some approaches based on cumulative frequencies are also linked and studied usingmatrices.Key words: Correspondence analysis, Hellinger distance, Non-symmetrical correspondence analysis, log-ratio analysis, Taguchi inertia
In this paper, an information theoretic framework for image segmentation is presented. This approach is based on the information channel that goes from the image intensity histogram to the regions of the partitioned image. It allows us to define a new family of segmentation methods which maximize the mutual information of the channel. Firstly, a greedy top-down algorithm which partitions an image into homogeneous regions is introduced. Secondly, a histogram quantization algorithm which clusters color bins in a greedy bottom-up way is defined. Finally, the resulting regions in the partitioning algorithm can optionally be merged using the quantized histogram
Este proyecto de final de carrera va encaminado al análisis, diseño e implementación de componentes de software, usualmente llamado framework, con la idea de servir de base para desarrollos sencillos directos así como para rediseños escalares posteriores. El objetivo es triple: estudiar y evaluar las diferentes alternativas existentes para implementar la capa de persistencia para aplicaciones JEE de cliente delgado, hacer el diseño y la implementación de un framework de mapeo entidad-relación y, por último, construir una aplicación de ejemplo que muestre el uso del framework que ha implementado.
Aquest treball de fi de carrera ha tingut com a objectius l'estudi dels diferents elements que existeixen a l'hora de construir la part visual d'aplicacions Web desenvolupades sobre la plataforma de construcció de J2EE, els patrons de Disseny de la capa de presentació i allò que es denominen Frameworks de presentació. I d'altra banda a partir de l'esmentat estudi es a realitzat la creació d'un Framework propi que permeti la creació d'interfícies per a pàgines Web creades per a la gestió de maneig d'aplicacions empresarials d'una forma òptima, estàndard i simplificada.
El objetivo de este proyecto es la construcción de un framework de presentación para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web basadas en la plataforma J2EE. El proyecto comprende el estudio de las características de los frameworks más importantes disponibles en el mercado, prestando una atención especial a su arquitectura.
Implementación y estudio de un framework de persistencia como solución a una problemática concreta.
Technological limitations and power constraints are resulting in high-performance parallel computing architectures that are based on large numbers of high-core-count processors. Commercially available processors are now at 8 and 16 cores and experimental platforms, such as the many-core Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer (SCC) platform, provide much higher core counts. These trends are presenting new sets of challenges to HPC applications including programming complexity and the need for extreme energy efficiency.In this work, we first investigate the power behavior of scientific PGAS application kernels on the SCC platform, and explore opportunities and challenges for power management within the PGAS framework. Results obtained via empirical evaluation of Unified Parallel C (UPC) applications on the SCC platform under different constraints, show that, for specific operations, the potential for energy savings in PGAS is large; and power/performance trade-offs can be effectively managed using a cross-layerapproach. We investigate cross-layer power management using PGAS language extensions and runtime mechanisms that manipulate power/performance tradeoffs. Specifically, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of such a middleware for application-aware cross-layer power management of UPC applications on the SCC platform. Finally, based on our observations, we provide a set of recommendations and insights that can be used to support similar power management for PGAS applications on other many-core platforms.
Implementació i diseny d'un marc de treball per accelerar la productivitat en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions J2EE.
This file contains the ontology of patterns of educational settings, as part of the formal framework for specifying, reusing and implementing educational settings. Furthermore, it includes the set of rules that extend the ontology of educational scenarios as well as a brief description of the level of patters of such ontological framework.
Aquest fitxer conté la ontologia que descriu un metamodel de l'especificació Open Service Interface Design v.2.0 proposada per OKI. Ha estat creada en OWL i estesa amb un conjunt de regles SWRL. S'adjunta també el conjunt de regles.
This file includes the ontology of patterns of educational settings adapted to a given organization as part of a formal framework for specifying, reusing and implementing educational settings. It includes a description of such an ontology.
Implementació d'un projecte per migrar un framework basat en Struts 1.1 a JSF 2.0, incloent les biblioteques de tags.
Disseny i implementació d'un framework de persistència anomenat MyFrameUOC que facilita i agilitza la implementació de la capa d'administració de dades de les aplicacions J2EE.
La finalidad de este proyecto es la construcción de un framework para la capa de presentación para aplicaciones web bajo la plataforma J2EE.