71 resultados para tectonic geomorphology


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Lignite deposits in the Cenozoic As Pontes strike-slip basin (northwestern Spain)were formed as a function of specific paleoclimatic conditions and tectonic evolution of the basin.


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La presente nota tiene por objeto, dar a conocer una serie estratigráfica del Cuaternario del Llobregat en las inmediaciones de Cornellá. El estudio de esta fortliación deltaica, constituye el tema de un trabajo más extenso que se está realizando con la ayuda de la Fundación Juan March.


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The Cerro Quema district, located on the Azuero Peninsula, Panama, is part of a large regional hydrothermal system controlled by regional faults striking broadly E-W, developed within the Río Quema Formation. This formation is composed of volcanic, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks indicating a submarine depositional environment, corresponding to the fore-arc basin of a Cretaceous-Paleogene volcanic arc. The structures observed in the area and their tectono-stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding formations suggest a compressive and/or transpressive tectonic regime, at least during Late Cretaceous-Oligocene times. The igneous rocks of the Río Quema Formation plot within the calc-alkaline field with trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of volcanic arc affinity. This volcanic arc developed on the Caribbean large igneous province during subduction of the Farallon Plate. Mineralization consists of disseminations of pyrite and enargite as well as a stockwork of pyrite and barite with minor sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, hosted by a subaqueous dacitic lava dome of the Río Quema Formation. Gold is present as submicroscopic grains and associated with pyrite as invisible gold. A hydrothermal alteration pattern with a core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica with alunite, dickite, pyrite and enargite) and an outer zone of argillic alteration (kaolinite, smectite and illite) has been observed. Supergene oxidation overprinted the hydrothermal alteration resulting in a thick cap of residual silica and iron oxides. The ore minerals, the alteration pattern and the tectono-volcanic environment of Cerro Quema are consistent with a high sulfidation epithermal system developed in the Azuero peninsula during pre-Oligocene times.


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The hercynian outcrops of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (NE Spain) consist mainly of Lower Permian-Upper Carboniferous, post-tectonic, epizona1 granitoid intrusions which form a typical applutonic calc-alkaline suite ranging from mafic hornblende gabbros and ultramafic olivine homblendites throught on alites and granodioritcs to leucogranites. This suite displays major andtrace-element characteristics and Sr isotope ratios similar to volcanic arc and post-collision magmatism oceanic lithosphere and to have been modified by contamination and is therefore believed to have formed above subducted with melts from the crust


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This study analyses the infl uence of two diff erent land uses on the hydrology of the Vernegà experimental basin between the years 2005 and 2009. It is located in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula and is infl uenced by a Mediterranean climate, with an average annual rainfall of 646 mm. The study of rainfall distributi on in the 1982 to 2009 period shows that the majority occurs during autumn, winter, and spring representi ng 33.2%, 25.5%, and 25.7% respecti vely of the total annual rainfall. Surface runoff is concentrated from October to June. Between 2005 and 2009, total runoff was 242.38 mm at the"Bosc" gauging stati on, which drains an area of 1.60 km2, and 298.54 mm at the"Campàs" gauging stati on, which drains an area of 2.57 km2 and is located at the outlet of the basin. More than 80% of the total surface runoff yielded during the study period corresponds to the 2005-2006 hydrologic year. Finally, Campàs gauging stati on registers a higher total runoff than Bosc gauging stati on. Part of this phenomenon may be due to the intercepti on of rainfall and plant biomass in the forested area of the basin. In relati on to the sediment yield, an overall increase in the two basins has been detected. Recent forest management practi ces undertaken in the catchment area are considered to be one of the most important reasons for this change.


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Two main coal-bearing sequences developed during the Oligocene in the Tertiary Ebro Basin, the Calaf (early Oligocene) and Mequinenza (late Oligocene) coal basins. Coal deposition took place in shallow marsh-swamp-lake complexes which sometimes became closed and evolved under warm climatic conditions with fluctuating humidity. These shallow lacustrine systems are closely interrelated with the terminal parts of the distributive fluvial systems which spread from the tectonically active Ebro basin margins. Laterally extensive lignite-bearing sequences, including rather thin, lenticular autochthonous and/or hypautochthonous coal seams with high ash and sulphur contents, characterized coal deposition in the shallow lacustrine systems. Coal seam geometry, which makes them nearly subeconomic, resulted from the tectonic instability during basin margin evolution and the sometimes closed, arid conditions under which the lacustrine systems evolved. High ash and sulphur contents resulted from the inadequate isolation of peat forming environments from clastic influx and from the very low acidity and sometimes high sulphate contents of the lacustrine waters. Coal exploration in shallow lacustrine sequences similar to those described here must take into account that the spread of coal-forming environments and maxima of coal deposition are usually coincident with lake expansions and retraction or shifting of the terminal fluvial zones interrelated with the lacustrine areas.


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A very important alluvial fan clastic sedimentation, took place in the NNESSW trending Valles-Penedes graben (northeastem Spain) during Miocene time. Shallow lacustrine and paludine areas developed in distal zones of these alluvial fan complexes during Burdigalian (Early Miocene). At that time both facies development and their distribution were closely controlled by tectonic activity. Fault scarp retreat and back-faulting processes in the southeastem edge of the basin (observed in westem Valles afea), originated an expansive advance of distal alluvial-fan facies in that direction. The decreasing or cessation of the activity of the southeastern margin fault ca~sedi,n Late Burdigalian time (while faults in the northwestern margin were still active) facies redistribution, and gave way to the assymetry of the basin. Finally lacustrine, marine and transitional deposits of late burdigalian and langhian age, were laid down overlapping the southeastem inactive margins.


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En el presente trabajo se exponen los principales resultados obtenidos de una cartografa geommfolgica a escala 1: 50.W, adjuntndose un esquema geolgico y un esquema geomorfdlgito. Se pone de manifiesto las diferencias de modelado entre los Munitany~es de Prades y la Conca de Barkri debido a la teatnica y da ~litologa, la existencia de materiales crioclsticos a I..W m de altitud y su ausencia (no se han encontrado trazas de ellos) ten las zonas bajas, iste describen varios, tipos de evolucin de las cornilsas calcreas, toda una serie de depsitos fluviales y torrenciales escallonados, as como algunos pequeos glacis poco desarrollddos debido a la litologa diel substrato. Por iiiltimo hay un pequeo apartado en que se trata la dinmica aotual teniendo en cuenta las modificaciones introducidas por dl hombre.


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Proponemos en esta nota un cambio del trazado del río Corb durante el Cuaternario, lo que nos permite explicar el origen de algunas formaciones aluviales cuaternarias del sur del Pla d'Urgell desligadas de la red de drenaje actual. Este cambio de trazado sera la consecuencia de la inadaptación de este río a la topografía actual, a causa del basculamiento neóñeno hacia el NW del borde de la Depresión Central Catalana.


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El mapa d'isobates de la base del Paleogen autocton del Pirineu oriental mostra la topografia subterrania actual del basament. Aquesta topografia presenta una gran zona de culminació a la transversal de Banyoles. Les linies d'isoprofunditats descriuen una forma cóncava vista des del S, essent les maximes profunditats cap al NW amb mes de 4.000 m i en menor importancia cap al NE. Aquestes zones de maxima profunditat coincideixen, en superfície, amb els Mantells superiors: els del Pedraforca al NW i els de L'Emporda al NE constitui'ts principalment per series mesozoiques. En el sector occidental, les línies d'isobates de la base de l'Eoce tenen gran continuitat per sota Je I'anomenada alineació del Segre. A l'est de la zona estudiada hi ha un conjunt de falles amb enfonsament del bloc oriental amb una edat mes moderna a mida que ens desplacem a I'est i lligades a la formació de la depressió de l'Emporda: Els Mantells superiors es poden dividir en dos grans grups segons la seva serie cretacica: els mantells superiors del Pedraforca i de 1'Emporda constituits per Cretaci inferior i base del Cretaci superior i els mantells inferiors del Pedraforca i de l'Emporda constitui'ts per Cretaci superior a partir del Santonià.


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The Catalan Coastal Ranges constitute the northwestem emerged sector of the Catalan-Valencian domain of the Valencia trough. Since late Oligocene this domain of the Valencia trough was subjected to extension wich gradually attenuated during later periods. The Miocene tectonic evolution of the Catalan Coastal Ranges is relativelly well known while the Pliocene to-Quaternary stages have not been studied in detail. The recorded seismicity of the area is moderate and constant but not sufficiently intense to cliaracterize and locate recent tectonics. However, geological analysis provides further information. A morphotectonic and deformational analysis of the Catalan Coastal Ranges is presented in this paper.


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Este artículo intenta presentar algunos rasgos de la geomorfología moderna a la luz de sus nexos históricos con la geografía y, a través de ella, con el conjunto de las ciencias sociales. Esta conexión implica una dependencia parcial del pensamiento geomorfológico en relación con la controversia metodológica entre naturalismo e historicismo, cuyo desarrollo difiere según los países. En geomorfología, como en otras ciencias, ese pluralismo ha sido un activo factor de cambio. Dentro de este intento de explicación histórica de los estudios sobre el relieve, se subraya el influjo duradero de las polémicas sobre el método ligadas a la crisis del positivismo decimonónico, que tuvo lugar en vísperas de la emergencia de la geomorfología como disciplina diferenciada. Los rasgos tardopositivistas de la síntesis davisiana son destacados especialmente para relacionarlos con determinados puntos débiles de la estructura doctrinal que se pueden apreciar en los tratados y manuales de geomorfología.


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Este artículo intenta presentar algunos rasgos de la geomorfología moderna a la luz de sus nexos históricos con la geografía y, a través de ella, con el conjunto de las ciencias sociales. Esta conexión implica una dependencia parcial del pensamiento geomorfológico en relación con la controversia metodológica entre naturalismo e historicismo, cuyo desarrollo difiere según los países. En geomorfología, como en otras ciencias, ese pluralismo ha sido un activo factor de cambio. Dentro de este intento de explicación histórica de los estudios sobre el relieve, se subraya el influjo duradero de las polémicas sobre el método ligadas a la crisis del positivismo decimonónico, que tuvo lugar en vísperas de la emergencia de la geomorfología como disciplina diferenciada. Los rasgos tardopositivistas de la síntesis davisiana son destacados especialmente para relacionarlos con determinados puntos débiles de la estructura doctrinal que se pueden apreciar en los tratados y manuales de geomorfología.


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The Anti-Atlas basement massif extends South of the High Atlas, and, despite a very mild Cenozoic deformation, its altitude exceeds 1500m in large areas, reaching 3305m in Jbel Sirwa. Structural contours of the present elevation of a polygenic planation surface (the High Erosional surface) and of the base of Cretaceous and Neogene inliers have been performed to characterize the major tectonic structures. Gentle Cenozoic WSW-ENE- and N-Strending folds, of 60 to100km wavelength, reactivate Variscan structures, being the major contributors to the local topography of the Anti-Atlas. Reactivated thrusts of decakilometric to kilometric-scale and E-W trend involving the Neogene rocks exhibit a steep attitude and a small displacement, but they also produce a marked topographic expression. The resulting Cenozoic horizontal shortening along N-S sections across the Anti-Atlas is about 1%. The position of the major anticlinal hinges determines the location of the fluvial divides of the Warzazat basin and the Anti-Atlas, and a structural depression on one of these hinges (Jbel Saghro anticline) allowed the formerly endorheic Warzazat basin to drain southwards. The first Cenozoic structures generating local topography are of pre-mid Miocene age (postdated by 6.7Ma volcanic rocks at the Jbel Saghro), whereas the youngest thrust movements postdate the Pliocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks (involving 2.1Ma volcanic rocks at Jbel Sirwa). In addition to these features, the mean elevation of the Anti-Atlas at the regional scale is also the result of a mantle thermal anomaly reported in previous works for the entire Atlas system.


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This paper is an abstract of the doctoral thesis presented by the autor at the University of Barcelona on September 1983. It constitutes a regional study about the Quatemary Glacial Geology in the Ribagorca high valleys. It is the first work in relation to the geomorphology, sedimentology and stratigraphy of the glacial and related deposits in this zone of the Pyrenees. Several formations of quatemary deposits have been studied in detail (mainly in Llauset Valley and in Tall area); and the local quatemary stratigraphy is established and finally a correlation with some previously studied areas in the Pyrenees is attemped.