102 resultados para ratio variables


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The photoproduction of η′η′-mesons off different nuclei has been measured with the CBELSA/TAPS detector system for incident photon energies between 15002200 MeV. The transparency ratio has been deduced and compared to theoretical calculations describing the propagation of η′η′-mesons in nuclei. The comparison indicates a width of the η′η′-meson of the order of Γ=1525 MeVΓ=1525 MeV at ρ=ρ0ρ=ρ0 for an average momentum pη′=1050 MeV/cpη′=1050 MeV/c, at which the η′η′-meson is produced in the nuclear rest frame. The inelastic η′Nη′N cross section is estimated to be 310 mb. Parameterizing the photoproduction cross section of η′η′-mesons by σ(A)=σ0Aασ(A)=σ0Aα, a value of α=0.84±0.03α=0.84±0.03 has been deduced.


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We present a class of systems for which the signal-to-noise ratio always increases when increasing the noise and diverges at infinite noise level. This new phenomenon is a direct consequence of the existence of a scaling law for the signal-to-noise ratio and implies the appearance of stochastic resonance in some monostable systems. We outline applications of our results to a wide variety of systems pertaining to different scientific areas. Two particular examples are discussed in detail.


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We study a class of models of correlated random networks in which vertices are characterized by hidden variables controlling the establishment of edges between pairs of vertices. We find analytical expressions for the main topological properties of these models as a function of the distribution of hidden variables and the probability of connecting vertices. The expressions obtained are checked by means of numerical simulations in a particular example. The general model is extended to describe a practical algorithm to generate random networks with an a priori specified correlation structure. We also present an extension of the class, to map nonequilibrium growing networks to networks with hidden variables that represent the time at which each vertex was introduced in the system.


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Background: Mortality among patients who complete tuberculosis (TB) treatment is still high among vulnerable populations. The objective of the study was to identify the probability of death and its predictive factors in a cohort of successfully treated TB patients. Methods: A population-based retrospective longitudinal study was performed in Barcelona, Spain. All patients who successfully completed TB treatment with culture-confirmation and available drug susceptibility testing between 1995 1997 were retrospectively followed-up until December 31, 2005 by the Barcelona TB Control Program. Socio-demographic, clinical, microbiological and treatment variables were examined. Mortality, TB Program and AIDS registries were reviewed. Kaplan-Meier and a Cox regression methods with time-dependent covariates were used for the survival analysis, calculating the hazard ratio (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Among the 762 included patients, the median age was 36 years, 520 (68.2%) were male, 178 (23.4%) HIV-infected, and 208 (27.3%) were alcohol abusers. Of the 134 (17.6%) injecting drug users (IDU), 123 (91.8%) were HIV-infected. A total of 30 (3.9%) recurrences and 173 deaths (22.7%) occurred (mortality rate: 3.4/100 person-years of follow-up). The predictors of death were: age between 4160 years old (HR: 3.5; CI:2.15.7), age greater than 60 years (HR: 14.6; CI:8.924), alcohol abuse (HR: 1.7; CI:1.22.4) and HIV-infected IDU (HR: 7.9; CI:4.713.3). Conclusions: The mortality rate among TB patients who completed treatment is associated with vulnerable populations such as the elderly, alcohol abusers, and HIV-infected IDU. We therefore need to fight against poverty, and promote and develop interventions and social policies directed towards these populations to improve their survival.


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En Tract on Monetary Reform, John Maynard Keynes propuso utilizar la base monetaria y el coeficiente de reserva bancaria como variables instrumentales d¿una política monetaria que había sido considerada hasta entonces innecesaria. En este trabajo se intenta desvelar las primeras contribuciones de Keynes al progreso del análisis económico


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Most structure-building organisms in rocky benthic communities are surface-dependent because their energy inputs depend mainly on the surface they expose to water. Two photosynthetic strategies, divided into calcareous and non calcareous algae, strict suspension-feeders and photosynthetic suspension feeders (e.g. hermatypic corals) are the four main strategies evolutively acquired by benthic organisms. Competition between those strategies occur in relation to productivity of the different species, in such a way that, for given environmental conditions, species with a higher growth (P/B ratio) would dominate. At a worldwide scale, littoral marine benthos can he considered to fit into the four fields defined by two main axes: the first, relates to productivity and relies atrophic and oligotrophic waters and the second is defined by the degree of environmental variability or seasonality (from high to low). Coral reefs (marine ecosystems dominated by photosynthetic suspension feeders) develop in the space of oligotrophic areas with low variability, while kelp beds (marine ecosystem dominated by large, non calcareous algae) are to be found only in eutrophic places with a high variability. The space of eutrophic waters with a low variability do not has specially adapted, high structured, benthic marine ecosystems, and in these conditions opportunistic algae and animals predominate. Finally, photophilic mediterranean benthos -devoid of kelps and without hermatypic corals- typifies the field of oligotrophic areas with high variability; in its more genuine aspect, Mediterranean benthos is represented by small algae with a high percentage of calcareous thallii. In all cases strict suspension-feeders compete successfully with photosynthetic organisms only in situations of low irradiances or very high inputs of POM. In its turn, Mediterranean rocky benthos, in spite of its relative uniformity, is geographically organized along the same axes. The Gulf of Lions and the insular bottoms (Balearic Islands, for example) would correspond to the extremes of eutrophic-high variability areas and oligotrophic-low variability areas, respectively. Irradiance, nutrient and POM concentration, and hydrodynamism are the three variables which mainly affect the distribution of the different surface-dependent strategies, and thus, these parameters are of paramount interest for understanding the trophic structure of Mediterranean benthic communities. In environments non limited by light, nutrient availability, defined as the product between nutrient -POM concentration and hydrodynamism, states the dominance of calcareous versus non calcareous algae. Calcareous algae dominate in oligotrophic waters while non-calcareous algae dominate in moderately eutrophic waters. In light-limited environments, passive suspension feeders (octocorallaria, gorgonians) become dominant species if POM availability is enhanced by a high hydrodynamism (strong currents); in waters with a low charge of POM organisms of other groups, mainly active suspension feeders, predominate (sponges, bryozoans, scleractiniarians). In any case, there always exists a very variable bathymetric zone, depending on light attenuation and nutrient-POM availability, where encrusting calcareous algae strongly compete with suspension feeders (coralligenous).


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A través de la investigación presentada en este articulo se ha pretendido operacionalizar la parte predictiva de la Teoria de Acción Razonada, propuesta por Fishbein y Ajzen. Para ello, se ha utilizado la reciente metodologia de 10s modelos de ecuaciones estructurales lineales con variables latentes desarrollados por Joreskog y Sorbom, entre otros. Como dominio se ha delimitado el consumo de tabaco en distintas situaciones sociales. Después de estimar y valorar el modelo predictivo especificado desde la Teoria de Fishbein y Ajzen, se estimo y valoro el modelo generalizado propuesto por Bentler y Speckart y se asumió como mas coherente este modelo generalizado. En el trabajo también se plantean una serie de observaciones para optimizar, sobre todo, la parte metodológica de recogida de datos asociados a estos modelos y se presenta una propuesta para operacionalizar todo el sistema teórico de predicción y explicación de las conductas desde la Teoria de Fishbein y Ajzen.


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The present study discusses retention criteria for principal components analysis (PCA) applied to Likert scale items typical in psychological questionnaires. The main aim is to recommend applied researchers to restrain from relying only on the eigenvalue-than-one criterion; alternative procedures are suggested for adjusting for sampling error. An additional objective is to add evidence on the consequences of applying this rule when PCA is used with discrete variables. The experimental conditions were studied by means of Monte Carlo sampling including several sample sizes, different number of variables and answer alternatives, and four non-normal distributions. The results suggest that even when all the items and thus the underlying dimensions are independent, eigenvalues greater than one are frequent and they can explain up to 80% of the variance in data, meeting the empirical criterion. The consequences of using Kaiser"s rule are illustrated with a clinical psychology example. The size of the eigenvalues resulted to be a function of the sample size and the number of variables, which is also the case for parallel analysis as previous research shows. To enhance the application of alternative criteria, an R package was developed for deciding the number of principal components to retain by means of confidence intervals constructed about the eigenvalues corresponding to lack of relationship between discrete variables.


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Few studies have been found that to assess the factors that explain higher levels of familyburden in adults with intellectualdisability (ID) and intellectualdisability and mental disorders (ID-MD). The aims of this study were to assess familyburden in people with ID and ID-MD and to determine which sociodemographic, clinical and functionaldisabilityvariables account for familyburden. The sample is composed of pairs of 203 participants with disability and their caregivers, of which 33.5% are caregivers of people with ID and 66.5% of ID-MD. Assessments were performed using scales of clinical and functionaldisability as the following instruments: Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III), Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP), Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Development Disability (PAS-ADD checklist), Disability Assessment Schedule of the World Health Organization (WHO-DAS-II) and familyburden (Subjective and Objective FamilyBurden Inventory - SOFBI/ECFOS-II). People with ID-MD presented higher levels of functionaldisability than those with ID only. Higher levels of familyburden were related to higher functionaldisability in all the areas (p < 0.006-0.001), lower intelligence quotient (p < 0.001), diagnosis of ID-MD (p < 0.001) and presence of organic, affective, psychotic and behavioral disorders (p < 0.001). Stepwise multiple regression showed that behavioral problems, affective and psychotic disorder, disability in participation in society, disability in personal care and presence of ID-MD explained more than 61% of the variance in familyburden. An integrated approach using effective multidimensional interventions is essential for both people with ID and ID-MD and their caregivers in order to reduce familyburden.


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This article summarizes the configurations involving isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technology available at the CCiTUB and the wide range of possible applications. Some examples of these applications are shown.


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Accumulation of physical activity during daily living is a current public health target that is influenced by the layout of the built environment. This study reports how the layout of the environment may influence responsiveness to an intervention. Pedestrian choices (n = 41 717) between stairs and the adjacent escalators were monitored for seven weeks in a train station (Birmingham, UK). After a 3.5 week baseline period, a stair riser banner intervention to increase stair climbing was installed on two staircases adjacent to escalators and monitoring continued for a further 3.5 weeks. Logistic regression analyses revealed that the visibility of the intervention, defined as the area of visibility in the horizontal plane opposite to the direction of travel (termed the isovist) had a major effect on success of the intervention. Only the largest isovist produced an increase in stair climbing (isovist=77.6 m2, OR = 1.10, CIs 1.02-1.19; isovist=40.7 m2, OR = 0.98, CIs 0.91-1.06; isovist=53.2 m2, OR = 1.00, CIs 0.95-1.06). Additionally, stair climbing was more common during the morning rush hour (OR = 1.56, CIs 1.80-2.59) and at higher levels of pedestrian traffic volume (OR = 1.92, CIs 1.68-2.21). The layout of the intervention site can influence responsiveness to point-of-choice interventions. Changes to the design of train stations may maximize the choice of the stairs at the expense of the escalator by pedestrians leaving the station.


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Between late spring and early fall, the development of storms is common in Catalonia. Despite the fact that they usually produce heavy showers of short duration, they can also involve severe weather with ice pellets or hail. While the latter usually affect inland regions, and there are numerous publications on these cases; the analysis of events affecting the coast and causing damage to public and private properties is not so well developed. The aim of this study is to provide additional thermodynamic indicators that help differentiate storms with hail from storms without hail, considering cases that have affected various regions of Catalonia, mainly coastal areas. The aim is to give more information to improve prognosis and the ability to detail information in these situations. The procedure developed involved the study of several episodes of heavy rainfall and hail that hit Catalonia during the 2003-2009 period, mainly in the province of Girona, and validated the proposal during the campaign of late summer and fall of 2009, as well as 2012. For each case, several variables related to temperature, humidity and wind were analyzed at different levels of the atmosphere, while the information provided by the radio sounding in Barcelona was also taken into account. From this study, it can be concluded that the temperature difference between 500 hPa and 850 hPa, the humidity in the lower layers of the atmosphere and the LI index are good indicators for the detection of storms with associated hail.


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The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) is a test introduced by S. Frederick (2005) Cognitive reflection and decision making, J Econ Perspect 19(4): 25-42. The task is designed to measure the tendency to override an intuitive response that is incorrect and to engage in further reflection that leads to the correct response. The consistent sex differences in CRT performance may suggest a role for gonadal hormones, particularly testosterone. A now widely studied putative marker for fetal testosterone is the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D). This paper tests to what extent 2D:4D, as a proxy for prenatal exposure to testosterone, can predict CRT scores in a sample of 623 students. After controlling for sex, we observe that a lower 2D:4D (reflecting a higher exposure to testosterone) is significantly associated with a higher number of correct answers. The result holds for both hands? 2D:4Ds. In addition, the effect appears to be sharper for females than for males. We also control for patience and math proficiency, which are significantly related to performance in the CRT. But the effect of 2D:4D on performance in CRT is not reduced with these controls, implying that these variables are not mediating the relationship between digit ratio and CRT.


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The aim of this work is to study the tropospheric ozone concentrations and daily peak cycles in the Lisbon MetropolitanArea (LMA) during the summer season (June, July and August, JJA) covering the 4-yr study period 2002-2005. Theresults show that all the stations have the same pattern: a minimum in the early morning followed by an increase at 1000UTC reaching to a peak at 1300-1400 UTC, dropped again to minimum values 1800 UTC but with different concentrationsdue to regional and local wind circulations and complex dynamic interactions. We identified in Lisbon city the ozone “weekendeffect”. Finally, we studied an episode of very high levels of tropospheric ozone and related daily ozone concentrationswith some meteorological variables.