67 resultados para occupation Stride Rite Shoes


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long-term cultural history of the Madriu-Perafita-Claror valleys (Andorra) and the Cadí Range (Catalonia) has been investigated thanks to the combination of archaeological surveys and excavation, analysis of written sources, multiproxy alaeoenvironment analysis (pollen, NPP, micro and macro charcoal, sedimentology and geochemistry), and digital technologies such as stereophotogrammetry, multispectral imaging, DGPS and GIS. The project has been designed from a landscape archaeology approach and the study area has been selected due to the suitable setting it provides for a meaningful application of the aforementioned techniques. Consequently, archaeological, historical and palaeoenvironmental data have been all treated as cultural proxies. Their comparison has allowed obtaining not only coherent but also complementary results. The project outcomes show an uninterrupted occupation of these high mountain valleys (2000-2600 m a.s.l.) from the Mesolithic until the present. This human occupation shows strong spatial and chronological variability in human practices ranging from a stable long term group occupation in the Late Neolithic to the diversification of representative practices during the Roman period (metallurgy, pine resin exploitation, charcoal production, pastoralism, etc.). This high diversity of activities leads to complex cultural landscapes in the high Pyrenean areas. The reconstruction of the cultural history at the study areas will allow the development of more sustainable politics for these landscapes management.


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Les recherches menées ces dernières années sur le site de Lattes ont livré une documentation abondante sur l’architecture et l’organisation de l’espace domestique du ve s. et surtout du ive s. av. J.-C. C’est en effet durant cette période qu’a eu lieu la mise en place de la trame urbaine de la ville qui, dans ses grandes lignes, perdurera jusqu’à la fin de l’occupation protohistorique du site ; de même, c’est à ce moment qu’apparaissent des techniques de construction dont certaines sont exclusives de ces périodes, mais qui pour d’autres resteront en vigueur jusqu’à la Protohistoire récente. Cet article présente une synthèse de nos connaissances sur cette phase ancienne, en insistant sur les permanences, les modifications ou les évolutions dans l’architecture, la typologie des maisons et les pratiques domestiques au cours de ces étapes et par rapport aux étapes postérieures.


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This paper presents the first results of a current research project about human – environmental interactions in the Montseny Massif. Our work sets out to integrate two research lines in the studied area: - Archaeological and archaeo-morphological surveys in a lower part of the mountains in order to characterize the evolution of the settlements and field systems. - The geological and geomorphological characterization of the slope and terrace deposits in relation with field systems and archaeological data. First results point out the intensive occupation of these inland areas during the Iberian and the Roman periods. Post-Roman sediments show different processes of erosion.


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Des dels inicis de l'ocupació francesa d'Algèria, a les acaballes de la primera meitat del segle XIX, un gran nombre de valencians, menorquins, andalusos i murcians, fugint de la misèria i de la fam o com a conseqüència de la inestabilitat política i social d'Espanya, es dirigiren al país magrebí a la cerca d'una vida millor. Aquesta migració es perllongà al llarg de més d'un segle, i es va caracteritzar pel seu dinamisme: un flux continu d'entrades i eixides i una gran heterogeneïtat de procedències. L'amalgama creada a l'Algèria colonial amb la coexistència i interacció de diferents realitats culturals, donà lloc a un nou sentiment d'identitat dins la comunitat d'origen europeu, impulsat per una solidaritat espontània dirigida a assolir una estabilitat econòmica i de subsistència, però també per un esforç polític premeditat de l'administració colonial francesa adreçat a cohesionar, mitjançant la francització, els europeus i jueus del país nord-africà


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Objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és el dissany d'una instal·lació de climatització per un edifici d'oficines, utilitzant com a principal font de producció l'energia geotèrmica extreta de l'aigua del subsòl. L'àmbit d'aplicació d'aquest projecte es centra en les noves instal·lacions de climatització d'unes oficines. L'edifici projectat està situat a la capital del Pla d'Urgell, Mollerussa (Lleida). El disseny contempla, única i exclusivament, el dimensionament dels elements de producció, acumulació, conducció, i difusió de la instal·lació de climatització. Queda fora d'aquest projecte la instal·lació elèctrica, de sanejament, i d'altres instal·lacions que puguin estar associades a la instal·lació de climatització.


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Este estudio histórico está dedicado a analizar la ocupación del territorio ilerdense por las tropas francesas, la repercusión y la reacción negativa que provocó en la población de Lleida, sobre todo se hará hincapié en el “Motín del Femeret”, un intento de subversión del poder fáctico tradicional por parte de una muchedumbre enfurecida ante la indolencia de las autoridades locales. También se examinará la organización de la resistencia interior de la ciudad para evitar ser conquistada, su asedio ulterior por parte de los soldados galos, la posterior conquista de Lleida por el ejército napoleónico en el año 1810 y la brutal represión que ejercieron sobre sus habitantes, causando notables daños tanto materiales como personales. Asimismo se hará referencia al gobierno francés del barón Henriod (1810-1812) como también al mandato de Alban de Villeneuve (1812-1814). Además se expondrá la reconquista a principios del año 1814 y finalmente se hará referencia a las consecuencias demográficas, económicas y sociales que produjo la Guerra de la Independencia en la ciudad de Lleida.


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The consolidation of an agricultural economy based in extensive cereals production influenced the development of the typical communities of the plains of western Catalonia during the second millennium BC and the first centuries of the first and differentiated them from the villages of the coast. This paper analyzes the occupation and exploitation pattems of temtories, settlements and specially the development of stone architecture in the Bronze and Iron Age periods. We characterise the process that leads from the first open-air sedentary settlements to the agricultural settlements in early and middle Bronze Age period and the appearance of wellbuilt houses and town planning during the late Bronze Age. We can asses the contribution of the early Urnfield period and link the kind of settlement, the town plan, the architecture and building techniques - which centuries later characterised the Ibero-Ilergeta society - to their origin during the later Urnfield period: systematic exploitation of lands suitable for agriculture (Urgell, Monegros), the phenomenon of concentration-depopulation and the decrease in number of settlements combined with an increase in size.


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One of the five burials excavated in 1984 at the necropolis of Coll del Moro in Gandesa (Terra Alta-Tarragona) bore evidence of primary cremations. The tomb, a tumulus, yielded a cremation burial with a pottery urn and other vessels as funerary offerings. The chamber of the grave also contained bronze jewellery, basically bracelets. It is interesting to notice that the dead were cremated in the same place where the tomb was built. The complexity of the burial rite and the magnitude of some of the tumuli indicated a social structure consolidated with different grades of authority. We date these burials in the late Hallstatt but there is already evidence of commercial trade with punic people who arrived at the east coast in the second half of the seventh century BC and, from there, reached inland sites on the Ebro river and its afluents.


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A la formación se le asigna capacidad para favorecer la productividad, la competitividad y el acceso a una ocupación. Teniendo en cuenta esta característica, el artículo analiza los cambios y tendencias de la formación inicial, continua y ocupacional en España desde la aprobación del primer Programa Nacíonal de Formación Profesional en 1993, hasta el segundo Programa aprobado en 1998. En este sentido, se observa que los tres subsistemas de formación no están exentos de ciertos puntos débiles que dificultan la plena consecución de los objetivos que tienen asignados y que en ciertos aspectos no han sido corregidos en el nuevo Programa Nacional de Formación Profesional.


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This paper presents an approach based on the saddle-point approximation to study the equilibrium interactions between small molecules and macromolecules with a large number of sites. For this case, the application of the Darwin–Fowler method results in very simple expressions for the stoichiometric equilibrium constants and their corresponding free energies in terms of integrals of the binding curve plus a correction term which depends on the first derivatives of the binding curve in the points corresponding to an integer value of the mean occupation number. These expressions are simplified when the number of sites tends to infinity, providing an interpretation of the binding curve in terms of the stoichiometric stability constants. The formalism presented is applied to some simple complexation models, obtaining good values for the free energies involved. When heterogeneous complexation is assumed, simple expressions are obtained to relate the macroscopic description of the binding, given by the stoichiomeric constants, with the microscopic description in terms of the intrinsic stability constants or the affinity spectrum. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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Los jóvenes a los que se les ha impuesto una medida de realización de tareas socioeducativas (RTS) o de prestaciones en beneficio de la comunidad (PBC) presentan un alto fracaso escolar, mayoritariamente con bajo rendimiento y abandono de los estudios en la mitad de los casos. Uno de cada tres jóvenes proviene de una familia con algún tipo de problemática específica o una economía insuficiente. Los resultados indican, sin embargo, que los jóvenes que realizan tareas socioeducativas suelen acumular más problemáticas que a los que se les ha impuesto una PBC, ya sea a nivel personal, familiar o social. En cuanto el perfil penal y criminológico, el 63% de los chicos y chicas de estas dos medidas tiene antecedentes. La tasa de reincidencia de la RTS es del 31,1% y la de PBC del 25,2%. Algunos de los factores que los jóvenes reincidentes muestran en mayor proporción son tener un grupo de iguales disocial, estar en contacto con los servicios sociales o tener antecedentes. Los reincidentes de RTS también presentan mayor proporción de consumo de tóxicos, problemas de salud mental, fracaso escolar y una ocupación del tiempo desestructurada y con conductas de riesgo. Comparando estos resultados con estudios respecto a otros programas y medidas de Justicia juvenil podemos concluir que la tasa de reincidencia global en Cataluña es del 28,9% y la específica de Medio abierto es del 27,8%.


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Electron scattering on unstable nuclei is planned in future facilities of the GSI and RIKEN upgrades. Motivated by this fact, we study theoretical predictions for elastic electron scattering in the N=82, N=50, and N=14 isotonic chains from very proton-deficient to very proton-rich isotones. We compute the scattering observables by performing Dirac partial-wave calculations. The charge density of the nucleus is obtained with a covariant nuclear mean-field model that accounts for the low-energy electromagnetic structure of the nucleon. For the discussion of the dependence of scattering observables at low-momentum transfer on the gross properties of the charge density, we fit Helm model distributions to the self-consistent mean-field densities. We find that the changes shown by the electric charge form factor along each isotonic chain are strongly correlated with the underlying proton shell structure of the isotones. We conclude that elastic electron scattering experiments on isotones can provide valuable information about the filling order and occupation of the single-particle levels of protons.


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This project is a tool for engineers and technicians in the development and knowledge of the most important construction equipment, tower crane. It consists of a memory, 10 annexes and an Excel spreadsheet to do the calculations automatically . Some of these annexes are: Annex 1. Types of cranes and elements of them. Annex 2. Mounting and dismounting. Annex 3. Useful clamping loads. Annex 4. Safety systems , etc. Every single annex separately, provides detailed explanations , both written and visual of problems and solutions in the world of tower cranes . Professionals are able to learn in an orderly way, definitions, developments, calculations, processes etc., Which will greatly easy people's job in the construction and in the writing of a project. Also a spreadsheet with the Excel program has been made to help engineers on calculations. This sheet is protected and it can be accesed only to enter the data needed to perform the calculations of the safety factor and weight of shoes . The results will tell us if there is a risk of tipping of the tower crane and the weight of shoes. This tool will greatly help engineers on their calculations. All documentation is based on laws, regulations and no legal rules status, they guarantee that we are always within the Spanish and legislative Autonomous framework. This fact makes the professional carries out a project to a successful future and a legalistic view. Also note that these rules are in constant change, which makes it necessary for the professional to always be in a constant revision of the legislation.


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El objetivo es proporcionar el marco para la recopilación de datos en el área de la salud de los recién nacidos que permitan la armonización de la asistencia sea cual sea su lugar de nacimiento. Para ello es necesario conocer la población atendida y la mayor dificultad es la ausencia de un sistema de recopilación de datos y de unos estándares asistenciales para todas las condiciones del recién nacido. Es imprescindible disponer de un registro único en el que se recojan los principales datos perinatales y neonatales de todos los recién nacidos. La Sociedad Española de Neonatología (SEN) debe ser el depositario y responsable de la base de datos, que debe cumplir todas las exigencias legales de privacidad y confidencialidad. A nivel de cada centro es posible conocer el peso relativo de la afección atendida por grupos de diagnósticos relacionados (DRG) y los resultados desde el aspecto de calidad asistencial. Mediante análisis comparativos (estudios de benchmarking,. . .) es posible establecer las pautas de diagnóstico y tratamiento. Es necesario conocer la población de recién nacidos atendida y definir criterios de diagnóstico y tratamiento para mejorar la calidad asistencial. La SEN desea dirigirse a los responsables asistenciales de los centros hospitalarios para pedirles su apoyo y colaboración en la puesta en marcha de estas recomendaciones.


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In the 1940s, when the Governor of Puerto Rico was appointed by the US President and the Puerto Rican government was answerable only to the US Federal government, a large state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector was established on the island. Public services such as water, transportation and energy were nationalized, and several new manufacturing SOEs were created to produce cement, glass, shoes, paper and chalkboard, and clay products. These enterprises were created and managed by government-owned corporations. Later on, between 1948 and 1950, under the island’s first elected Governor, the government sold these SOEs to private groups. This paper documents both the creation and the privatization of the SOE sector in Puerto Rico, and analyzes the role played by ideology, political interests, and economic concerns in the decision to privatize them. Whereas ideological factors might have played a significant role in the building of the SOE sector, we find that privatization was driven basically by economic factors, such as the superior efficiency of private firms in the sectors where the SOEs operated, and by the desire to attract private industrial investment to the Puerto Rican economy.