62 resultados para gray economy


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[spa] El estudio de los procesos a través de los cuales la economía política se ha transformado en una disciplina académica es un área de creciente interés en la historia del pensamiento económico. Dicho estudio se ha abordado a través del análisis de la importancia de la economía política en un conjunto de instituciones, consideradas clave en la expansión de la economía en las sociedades occidentales en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y primeras décadas del XX: universidades, sociedades económicas, publicaciones periódicas de contenido económico y los parlamentos nacionales. Este papel presenta una comparación entre los desarrollos del proceso de institutionalización de la economía política en España e Italia, a través del estudio de la presencia de esta disciplina en las instituciones mencionadas para el periodo 1860-1900. El objetivo es medir la posible existencia de una vía común en la institucionalización de la economía política en ambos países, como un primer paso hacia la elaboración de un modelo supranacional de institucionalización de la economía en este periodo.


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This paper gives new evidence on the relationship between integration and industrial agglomeration in the presence of scale economies, by testing directly one of the predictions that can be derived from Krugman (1991), that is, the existence of regional nominal wage gradients and its transformation following changes in trade regimes. Our case study analyzes the effects of the substitution of an open economy by a closed economy regime, exactly the opposite process studied by Hanson (1996, 1997). In Spain, during the interwar period, protectionist policies would have favored the loss of centrality of the coastal location (Barcelona) and the relative rise of central locations (such as Madrid). Our results indicate the existence of a wage gradient centered in Barcelona during the interwar period (1914-1930) and its weakening after 1925.


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This paper gives new evidence on the relationship between integration and industrial agglomeration in the presence of scale economies, by testing directly one of the predictions that can be derived from Krugman (1991), that is, the existence of regional nominal wage gradients and its transformation following changes in trade regimes. Our case study analyzes the effects of the substitution of an open economy by a closed economy regime, exactly the opposite process studied by Hanson (1996, 1997). In Spain, during the interwar period, protectionist policies would have favored the loss of centrality of the coastal location (Barcelona) and the relative rise of central locations (such as Madrid). Our results indicate the existence of a wage gradient centered in Barcelona during the interwar period (1914-1930) and its weakening after 1925.


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The appearance and popularization of the internet has created new forms of writing, which compel us to think anew about identity and subjectivity. Webjournals or blogs are specially interesting because they are a massive phenomenon that use autobiographical writing in a peculiar way. These forms of writing stress a particular paradox of the genre: the coexistence between a purpose of private, confessional and spontaneous writing and a public image, carefully built, as a result of its writing. The technology is new, but, in fact, the paradox is old. This paper tries to explore this old paradox, our eternal condition of cyborgs, our use of technologies in order to construct a public, unique and recognizably identity. In oder to do so, I will try to show the virtual condition of any written individual ¿this issue has already been dealt with by autobiographical studies¿, focusing on blogs, and especially on concrete example (Lord Whimsy¿s Journal). I will pay attention to gender as a technology that constructs identity and, at the same time, is deconstructed by the autobiographical narratives analyzed. In short, I attempt to show that virtual and autobiographical discourse do not bring forth a new kind of subject but the permanence of an old phenomenon "clearly developed by dandyism, for instance¿: the use of tehnologies to re-invent, re-formulate and re-construct us as multiple, hybrid and mixed subjects."


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A taxonomic study is undertaken of the ten taxa (nine of them specific) belonging to the genus Chamaesyce S.F. Gray (Euphorbiaceae) which are present in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and a dichotomic key is provided. The taxonomic chacarcteristics of ecology are given. The presence of Chamaesyce humifusa (Willd.) Prokh. in the Iberian Peninsula is confirmed and Chamaesyce humistrata (Gray) Small is recorded for the first time from Europe.


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Seguimos para este taxon, en lo nomenclatural, a TAMURA & LAUENER (1979:459), mientras no se tipifique de forma adecuada A. lycoctonum L., considerado nom. ambig. ya por TUTIN (1964:212), con pocas posibilidades de que no sea diverso de A. vulparia. A. pyrenaicum L. es también algo muy distinto del taxon que nos ocupa y, en caso de no ser aceptada la proposición de que se lo considere ñamen rejiciendum, hecha por TAMURA & LAUENER (Le.: 447), seria el nombre correcto para A. barbatum Pers. (=A. squarrosum DC.) de Siberia. Otro nombre que aún podría ser prioritario, A. altissimum Miller (WARNCKE, 1964:30; TAMURA & LAUENER, l.c), no puede usarse en tanto no se localice algún material de aquel en que se basó la descripción un tanto ambigua de Miller....


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Con el fin de allegar materiales para un estudio cariológico de Chamaesyce S. F. Gray que forma parte de una revisión genérica, objeto de la tesis de licenciatura de uno de nosotros J. J. Orell , se planteó la necesidad de visitar la isla de Mallorca. Fruto de la visita son las notas que siguen.


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The appearance and popularization of the internet has created new forms of writing, which compel us to think anew about identity and subjectivity. Webjournals or blogs are specially interesting because they are a massive phenomenon that use autobiographical writing in a peculiar way. These forms of writing stress a particular paradox of the genre: the coexistence between a purpose of private, confessional and spontaneous writing and a public image, carefully built, as a result of its writing. The technology is new, but, in fact, the paradox is old. This paper tries to explore this old paradox, our eternal condition of cyborgs, our use of technologies in order to construct a public, unique and recognizably identity. In oder to do so, I will try to show the virtual condition of any written individual ¿this issue has already been dealt with by autobiographical studies¿, focusing on blogs, and especially on concrete example (Lord Whimsy¿s Journal). I will pay attention to gender as a technology that constructs identity and, at the same time, is deconstructed by the autobiographical narratives analyzed. In short, I attempt to show that virtual and autobiographical discourse do not bring forth a new kind of subject but the permanence of an old phenomenon "clearly developed by dandyism, for instance¿: the use of tehnologies to re-invent, re-formulate and re-construct us as multiple, hybrid and mixed subjects."


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Why do public-sector workers receive so much of their compensation in the formof pensions and other benefits? This paper presents a political economy model inwhich politicians compete for taxpayers' and government employees' votes by promising compensation packages, but some voters cannot evaluate every aspect of promisedcompensation. If pension packages are "shrouded", so that public-sector workers better understand their value than ordinary taxpayers, then compensation will be highlyback-loaded. In equilibrium, the welfare of public-sector workers could be improved,holding total public-sector costs constant, if they received higher wages and lowerpensions. Centralizing pension determination has two offsetting effects on generosity:more state-level media attention helps taxpayers better understand pension costs, andthat reduces pension generosity; but a larger share of public-sector workers will votewithin the jurisdiction, which increases pension generosity. A short discussion of pensions in two decentralized states (California and Pennsylvania) and two centralizedstates (Massachusetts and Ohio) suggests that centralization appears to have modestlyreduced pensions, but, as the model suggests, this is unlikely to be universal.


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[spa] En este artículo, analizamos la volatilidad agregada de una economía estilizada donde los agentes estann conectados en redes. Si hay relaciones estratégicas entre las acciones de los agentes, choques idiosincráticos pueden generar fluctuaciones agregadas. Demonstramos que la volatilidad agregada depende de la estructura de redes de la economía de dos maneras. Por un lado, si hay más conexiones en la economía en su conjunto, la volatilidad agregada es más baja. Por otro lado, si las conexiones están más concentradas, la volatilidad agregada es más alta. Presentamos una aplicación de nuestras predicciones teóricas que utiliza datos de EEUU de conexiones intrasectoriales y de diversificación de las empresas.


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[spa] En este artículo, analizamos la volatilidad agregada de una economía estilizada donde los agentes estann conectados en redes. Si hay relaciones estratégicas entre las acciones de los agentes, choques idiosincráticos pueden generar fluctuaciones agregadas. Demonstramos que la volatilidad agregada depende de la estructura de redes de la economía de dos maneras. Por un lado, si hay más conexiones en la economía en su conjunto, la volatilidad agregada es más baja. Por otro lado, si las conexiones están más concentradas, la volatilidad agregada es más alta. Presentamos una aplicación de nuestras predicciones teóricas que utiliza datos de EEUU de conexiones intrasectoriales y de diversificación de las empresas.


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Desde antiguo, los caracteres morfológicos han permitido agrupar las especies de Chamaesyce, bien con rango genérico independiente (Chamaesyce S. F. Gray, Anisophyllum Haw., Xamesike Rafin.), bien supeditándolas a Euphorbia L. a nivel subgenérico (E. subgen. Chamaesyce Rafin.) o seccional (E. sect. Anisophyllum Roeper). Los resultados de los estudios comparativos sobre el tipo de crecimiento, fisiología del metabolismo, morfología de los granulos de almidón del látex, carpología, fitodermología, boiquímica y palinología (cf. KOUTNIK, allertonia 4 : 331-387, 1984) aportan datos más que suficientes para considerar Chamaesyce segregado genéricamente de Euphorbia. Una vez aceptado el género Chamaesyce, se plantea el problema de la inclusión en dicho género de Euphorbia chamaesyce L.


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Discussions about the culture-economy articulation have occurred largely within theconfines of economic geography. In addition, much attention has been diverted intocaricaturized discussions over the demise of political economy or the invalidity ofculturalist arguments. Moving the argument from the inquiry on the ¿nature¿ of theeconomy itself to the transformation of the role of culture and economy inunderstanding the production of the urban form from an urban political economy (UPE)this paper focuses on how the challenges posed by the cultural turn have enabled urbanpolitical economy to participate constructively in interdisciplinary efforts to reorientpolitical economy in the direction of a critical cultural political economy.