57 resultados para entrepreneurial intentions


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En la literatura sobre creació d’empreses, les dones empresàries són considerades un re· servori de desenvolupament econòmic i un model de gestió empresarial alternatiu. D’al· tra banda, els immigrants posseeixen un fort esperit emprenedor. El paper de les adminis· tracions locals per donar suport a aquests col· lectius en la creació d’empreses és rellevant. L’intens procés migratori viscut a Osona en els darrers anys mereix una anàlisi des de la perspectiva de l’emprenedoria de gènere. Aquest estudi fa una comparació de les em· presàries autòctones i immigrades de la co· marca, així com de les polítiques de suport realitzades pels ajuntaments.


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[eng] This paper examines the quantitative effects of gender gaps in entrepreneurship and labor force participation on aggregate productivity and income per capita. We simulate an occupational choice model with heterogeneous agents in entrepreneurial ability, where agents choose to be workers, self-employed or employers. The model assumes that men and women have the same talent distribution, but we impose several frictions on women's opportunities and pay in the labor market. In particular, we restrict the fraction of women participating in the labor market.


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This paper examines the quantitative effects of gender gaps in entrepreneurship and labor force participation on aggregate productivity and income per capita. We simulate an occupational choice model with heterogeneous agents in entrepreneurial ability, where agents choose to be workers, self-employed or employers. The model assumes that men and women have the same talent distribution, but we impose several frictions on women's opportunities and pay in the labor market. In particular, we restrict the fraction of women participating in the labor market.


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This paper examines the quantitative effects of gender gaps in entrepreneurship and labor force participation on aggregate productivity and income per capita. We simulate an occupational choice model with heterogeneous agents in entrepreneurial ability, where agents choose to be workers, self-employed or employers. The model assumes that men and women have the same talent distribution, but we impose several frictions on women's opportunities and pay in the labor market. In particular, we restrict the fraction of women participating in the labor market.


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This study tested the effects of a training program intending to foster social understanding or the capacity which enables them to understand themselves and others in terms of intentions, beliefs, desires, and emotions in children at preschool age. A number of studies have shown that in the context of shared narratives, children are particularly likely to engage in talk about inner states


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The aim of this study is to confirm the factorial structure of the Identification-Commitment Inventory (ICI) developed within the frame of the Human System Audit (HSA) (Quijano et al. in Revist Psicol Soc Apl 10(2):27-61, 2000; Pap Psicól Revist Col Of Psicó 29:92-106, 2008). Commitment and identification are understood by the HSA at an individual level as part of the quality of human processes and resources in an organization; and therefore as antecedents of important organizational outcomes, such as personnel turnover intentions, organizational citizenship behavior, etc. (Meyer et al. in J Org Behav 27:665-683, 2006). The theoretical integrative model which underlies ICI Quijano et al. (2000) was tested in a sample (N = 625) of workers in a Spanish public hospital. Confirmatory factor analysis through structural equation modeling was performed. Elliptical least square solution was chosen as estimator procedure on account of non-normal distribution of the variables. The results confirm the goodness of fit of an integrative model, which underlies the relation between Commitment and Identification, although each one is operatively different.


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Background: Being physically assaulted is known to increase the risk of the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms but it may also skew judgements about the intentions of other people. The objectives of the study were to assess paranoia and PTSD after an assault and to test whether theory-derived cognitive factors predicted the persistence of these problems. Method: At 4 weeks after hospital attendance due to an assault, 106 people were assessed on multiple symptom measures (including virtual reality) and cognitive factors from models of paranoia and PTSD. The symptom measures were repeated 3 and 6 months later. Results: Factor analysis indicated that paranoia and PTSD were distinct experiences, though positively correlated. At 4 weeks, 33% of participants met diagnostic criteria for PTSD, falling to 16% at follow-up. Of the group at the first assessment, 80% reported that since the assault they were excessively fearful of other people, which over time fell to 66%. Almost all the cognitive factors (including information-processing style during the trauma, mental defeat, qualities of unwanted memories, self-blame, negative thoughts about self, worry, safety behaviours, anomalous internal experiences and cognitive inflexibility) predicted later paranoia and PTSD, but there was little evidence of differential prediction. Conclusions: Paranoia after an assault may be common and distinguishable from PTSD but predicted by a strikingly similar range of factors.


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Este trabajo pretende estudiar el uso que se hace de la iluminación para la puesta en valor del patrimonio. Aquí veremos las medidas, normativas, y usos que emplea la ciudad en el espacio nocturno y la relación que tiene con el turismo. Ver si se transmite a través de la imagen inducida nocturna de la ciudad. En un segundo tiempo, miraremos si esas medidas influyen en la imagen del destino. Es decir, si las intenciones de los agentes inductivos, con las medidas, proyectos y normativas se ven reflejados y presentes en las imágenes inducidas del destino


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Instructor and student beliefs, attitudes and intentions toward contributing to local open courseware (OCW) sites have been investigated through campus-wide surveys at Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and the University of Michigan. In addition, at the University of Michigan, faculty have been queried about their participation in open access (OA) publishing. We compare the instructor and student data concerning OCW between the two institutions, and introduce the investigation of open access publishing in relation to open courseware publishing.


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El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es analizar el discurso de indígenas y mestizos a partir de una perspectiva pragmática. En particular, vamos a explorar la idea de que estos discursos están constituidos por muchas voces. En otras palabras, se muestra la polifonía, para utilizar una idea de Bakhtin. Según este enfoque, la identidad se desarrolla a través de la integración de voces ajenas que se produce a través de narraciones. En este sentido, la identidad surge de rellenar con la propia intención las palabras de los demás. Siguiendo la etnografía de la comunicación nuestra unidad de análisis es el acto de habla (el acto de significado) que se produce en un contexto. Sugerimos que la ventrilocuación de las ideas de otras personas y los conflictos son temas relevantes para el estudio de la construcción narrativa de la identidad.


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Following earlier work by Audretsch et al. (2002), we assume that an optimal size-class structure exists, in terms of achieving maximal economic growth rates. Such an optimal structure is likely to exist as economies need a balance between the core competences of large firms (such as exploitation of economies of scale) and those of smaller firms (such as flexibility and exploration of new ideas). Accordingly, changes in size-class structure (i.e., changes in the relative shares in economic activity accounted for by micro, small, medium-sized and large firms) may affect macro-economic growth. Using a unique data base of the EU-27 countries for the period 2002-2008 for five broad sectors of economic activity and four size-classes, we find empirical support which suggests that, on average for these countries over this period, the share of micro and large firms may have been ‘above optimum’ (particularly in lower income EU countries) whereas the share of medium-sized firms may have been ‘below optimum’ (particularly in higher income EU countries). This evidence suggests that the transition from a ‘managed’ to an ‘entrepreneurial’ economy (Audretsch and Thurik, 2001) has not been completed yet in all countries of the EU-27. Keywords: small firms, large firms, size-classes, macro-economic performance