118 resultados para distributed computing projects
El desarrollo de este Trabajo, identificado por los diferentes capítulos que lo componen, se ha definido siguiendo un hilo conductor que nos permite desgranar la Gestión de Proyectos informáticos, y de esta manera poder hacer una mejor penetración en su fase de definición, para poder aportar mejoras en su enfoque más comercial.Esta fase engloba áreas tales como definir el objeto del proyecto, fijar objetivos, acordar presupuestos, etc., es decir, esta fase de definición del proyecto representa su mismo fundamento. Por lo tanto, la manera en qué se lleve a cabo, marcará la pauta para el resto del proyecto. Profundizando en la gestión de Proyectos podemos evidenciar que la fase de definición se puede considerar una de las fases más importante de cualquier proyecto. A menos que se lleve a cabo correctamente, el proyecto tiene pocas probabilidades de éxito.Por lo tanto, el planteamiento de este Trabajo, está basado en un guión que da una visión general de la Gestión de Proyectos, para posteriormente profundizar en el enfoque más comercial de la fase de definición, de una manera natural.
Kialti, S.A. es una consultoria regentada per una persona propera a l'alumne que subscriu, precisava d'una eina per a la col·laboració i la gestió de projectes.
El projecte que es presenta a continuació és una planificació de migració de servidors físics a un entorn virtualitzat, allà on sigui possible. A més s'ha plantejat una renovació tecnològica de tot el parc de servidors per estalviar diners en el manteniment i en el consum d'energia.La solució de virtualització es buscarà que sigui programari lliure.
S'analitzen les problemàtiques relacionades amb la presentació d'informació gràfica en temps real durant un càlcul paral·lel o col·laboratiu en un entorn distribuït, i es fa una proposta de toolkit obert que estén el llenguatge OpenGL per la seva resolució.
This paper analyses the use of open video editing tools to support the creation and production of online collaborative audiovisual projects for higher education. It focuses on the possibilities offered by these tools to promote collective creation in virtual environments.
Examining the sustainability issues in UKOER projects : Developing a sustainable OER ecosystem in HE
The development of open educational resources (OERs) is becoming a strategic priority for governments and education institutions around the world, in response to funding cuts and rising costs in educational provision. In the United Kingdom, a government-sponsored Pilot Programme on Open Educational Recourses (JISC/HEA, 2009) was launched in 2009 with an initial budget of £5.7m. This paper reviews the key sustainability issues identified by the projects including the different approaches and models that have been adopted in order to sustain the continuing development and release of OER once funding has ended. The analysis also considers the challenges relating to the development and implementation of policies and processes for sustainable OER practice within institutions and among academics. The paper concludes by drawing on the experiences from the wider United Kingdom and international OER communities to develop a sustainable OER ecosystem model that can facilitate discussions on future development of OER initiatives.
This paper will discuss the possible roles of academic libraries in promoting, supporting, and sustaining institutional Open Educational Resource initiatives. It will note areas in which libraries or librarians have skills and knowledge that intersect with some of the needs of academic staff and students as they use and release OERs. It will also present the results of a brief survey of the views of some OER initiatives on the current and potential role of academic libraries.
Las aplicaciones que se distribuyen a través de Internet como un servicio (Software as a service, SaaS) y el hardware y software de base de los centros de datos (Nube, Cloud) son los dos elementos de la ecuación llamada cloud computing. En este paradigma, se juegan tres roles principales: proveedor del cloud, usuario del cloud que a su vez es proveedor de servicio (como los repositorios) y los usuarios finales del servicio. Los primeros se benefician de la especialización y las economías de escala; mientras que los segundos de una mayor elasticidad en el aprovisionamiento. En este sentido, DuraSpace ha creado un piloto llamado DuraCloud para probar el uso de tecnologías de almacenamiento en la nube para la preservación de contenido digital. El taller pretende describir los conceptos básicos del cloud, con ejemplos de donde se está usando este tipo de tecnología; y el impacto que puede tener en los repositorios digitales.
When underwater vehicles navigate close to the ocean floor, computer vision techniques can be applied to obtain motion estimates. A complete system to create visual mosaics of the seabed is described in this paper. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic is difficult to evaluate. The use of a laboratory setup to obtain an accurate error measurement is proposed. The system consists on a robot arm carrying a downward looking camera. A pattern formed by a white background and a matrix of black dots uniformly distributed along the surveyed scene is used to find the exact image registration parameters. When the robot executes a trajectory (simulating the motion of a submersible), an image sequence is acquired by the camera. The estimated motion computed from the encoders of the robot is refined by detecting, to subpixel accuracy, the black dots of the image sequence, and computing the 2D projective transform which relates two consecutive images. The pattern is then substituted by a poster of the sea floor and the trajectory is executed again, acquiring the image sequence used to test the accuracy of the mosaicking system
We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation. The proposed system is completely distributed and automates the mechanisms for adapting the logical network to the offered load. The system is able to manage dynamically a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switched path network in MPLS or GMPLS. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS) which make the decisions of when and how to change a logical path. Despite the lack of a centralised global network view, results show that MAS manages the network resources effectively, reducing the connection blocking probability and, therefore, achieving better utilisation of network resources. We also include details of its architecture and implementation
Due to the high cost of a large ATM network working up to full strength to apply our ideas about network management, i.e., dynamic virtual path (VP) management and fault restoration, we developed a distributed simulation platform for performing our experiments. This platform also had to be capable of other sorts of tests, such as connection admission control (CAC) algorithms, routing algorithms, and accounting and charging methods. The platform was posed as a very simple, event-oriented and scalable simulation. The main goal was the simulation of a working ATM backbone network with a potentially large number of nodes (hundreds). As research into control algorithms and low-level, or rather cell-level methods, was beyond the scope of this study, the simulation took place at a connection level, i.e., there was no real traffic of cells. The simulated network behaved like a real network accepting and rejecting SNMP ones, or experimental tools using the API node
We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation and path restoration mechanisms. Our focus is on the dynamic bandwidth management results, although the main goal of the system is the integration of the different mechanisms that manage the reserved paths (bandwidth, restoration, and spare capacity planning). The objective is to avoid conflicts between these mechanisms. The system is able to dynamically manage a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switch path network in MPLS. This system has been designed to be modular in the sense that in can be activated or deactivated, and it can be applied only in a sub-network. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS). We also included details of its architecture and implementation
In this project I have carried out a vulnerability assessment of a component of the Condor Middleware. In this assessment I have sought and found the more dangerous software vulnerabilities of this system, I have reported them to the development team such that they may be fixed, and thus improve the security of this distributed system, and the networks that use it.
Aquest treball pretén elaborar un sistema de detecció d'incendis implementat sota una xarxa de sensors sense fils. Aquesta xarxa està formada per petits dispositius autònoms equipats amb un transmissor de ràdio, un microcontrolador, diferents sensors (temperatura, lluminositat i efecte Hall) i alimentació per bateries (AA).
El presente proyecto consiste en una introducción al "cloud computing" y un estudio en profundidad de las herramientas OpenNebula, dentro del modelo IaaS (Infraestructure as a Service), y Hadoop, dentro del modelo PaaS (Platform as a Service). El trabajo también incluye la instalación, integración, configuración y puesta en marcha de una plataforma "cloud computing" utilizando OpenNebula y Hadoop con el objetivo de aplicar los conceptos teóricos en una solución real dentro de un entorno de laboratorio que puede ser extrapolable a una instalación real.