77 resultados para Xanthophyll cycle Mehler-peroxidase reaction


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An Apicomplexan Perkinsus species has been found parasitizing the clam Ruditapes philippinarum (= Tapes semidecussatus) collected on the Mediterranean coast in the region of the Ebro Delta (Tarragona, Spain). Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to study different stages of this parasite during zoosporulation induced by incubation in thioglycollate medium and seawater. During incubation the trophozoites began zoosporulation, which originated prezoosporangia and zoosporangia at different developmental stages. Successive cytokinesis and nucleokinesis gave rise to prezoospores, which became elongate and differentiated in biflagellated zoospores. The latter presented large mitochondria and an apical complex formed by a conoid, polar ring, micronemes, rhophtries and subpellicular microtubules. The zoosporangium wall showed some typical lamosomes and a discharge tube developed in early phases of incubation. Ultrastructural data were compared with the only four species of the genus Perkinsus previously described. The morphological data, the host and the geographic proximity suggest that the species located on the Mediterranean coast was Perkinsus atlanticus.


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ß-catenin is a multifunctional protein involved in cell-cell adhesion and Wnt signal transduction. ß-Catenin signaling has been proposed to act as inducer of cell proliferation in different tumors. However, in some developmental contexts and cell systems ß-catenin also acts as a positive modulator of apoptosis. To get additional insights into the role of ß-Catenin in the regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis, we have analyzed the levels and subcellular localization of endogenous ß-catenin and its relation with adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) during the cell cycle in S-phase¿synchronized epithelial cells. ß-Catenin levels increase in S phase, reaching maximum accumulation at late G2/M and then abruptly decreasing as the cells enter into a new G1 phase. In parallel, an increased cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of ß-catenin and APC is observed during S and G2 phases. In addition, strong colocalization of APC with centrosomes, but not ß-catenin, is detected in M phase. Interestingly, overexpression of a stable form of ß-catenin, or inhibition of endogenous ß-catenin degradation, in epidermal keratinocyte cells induces a G2 cell cycle arrest and leads to apoptosis. These results support a role for ß-catenin in the control of cell cycle and apoptosis at G2/M in normal and transformed epidermal keratinocytes.


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Using the extended Thomas-Fermi version of density-functional theory (DFT), calculations are presented for the barrier for the reaction Na20++Na20+¿Na402+. The deviation from the simple Coulomb barrier is shown to be proportional to the electron density at the bond midpoint of the supermolecule (Na20+)2. An extension of conventional quantum-chemical studies of homonuclear diatomic molecular ions is then effected to apply to the supermolecular ions of the alkali metals. This then allows the Na results to be utilized to make semiquantitative predictions of position and height of the maximum of the fusion barrier for other alkali clusters. These predictions are confirmed by means of similar DFT calculations for the K clusters.


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We study the dynamics of generic reaction-diffusion fronts, including pulses and chemical waves, in the presence of multiplicative noise. We discuss the connection between the reaction-diffusion Langevin-like field equations and the kinematic (eikonal) description in terms of a stochastic moving-boundary or sharp-interface approximation. We find that the effective noise is additive and we relate its strength to the noise parameters in the original field equations, to first order in noise strength, but including a partial resummation to all orders which captures the singular dependence on the microscopic cutoff associated with the spatial correlation of the noise. This dependence is essential for a quantitative and qualitative understanding of fluctuating fronts, affecting both scaling properties and nonuniversal quantities. Our results predict phenomena such as the shift of the transition point between the pushed and pulled regimes of front propagation, in terms of the noise parameters, and the corresponding transition to a non-Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. We assess the quantitative validity of the results in several examples including equilibrium fluctuations and kinetic roughening. We also predict and observe a noise-induced pushed-pulled transition. The analytical predictions are successfully tested against rigorous results and show excellent agreement with numerical simulations of reaction-diffusion field equations with multiplicative noise.


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We consider the distribution of cross sections of clusters and the density-density correlation functions for the A+B¿0 reaction. We solve the reaction-diffusion equations numerically for random initial distributions of reactants. When both reactant species have the same diffusion coefficients the distribution of cross sections and the correlation functions scale with the diffusion length and obey superuniversal laws (independent of dimension). For different diffusion coefficients the correlation functions still scale, but the scaling functions depend on the dimension and on the diffusion coefficients. Furthermore, we display explicitly the peculiarities of the cluster-size distribution in one dimension.


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We study front propagation in stirred media using a simplified modelization of the turbulent flow. Computer simulations reveal the existence of the two limiting propagation modes observed in recent experiments with liquid phase isothermal reactions. These two modes respectively correspond to a wrinkled although sharp propagating interface and to a broadened one. Specific laws relative to the enhancement of the front velocity in each regime are confirmed by our simulations.


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We derive the back reaction on the gravitational field of a straight cosmic string during its formation due to the gravitational coupling of the string to quantum matter fields. A very simple model of string formation is considered. The gravitational field of the string is computed in the linear approximation. The vacuum expectation value of the stress tensor of a massless scalar quantum field coupled to the string gravitational field is computed to one loop order. Finally, the back-reaction effect is obtained by solving perturbatively the semiclassical Einsteins equations.


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We consider the distribution of cross sections of clusters and the density-density correlation functions for the A+B¿0 reaction. We solve the reaction-diffusion equations numerically for random initial distributions of reactants. When both reactant species have the same diffusion coefficients the distribution of cross sections and the correlation functions scale with the diffusion length and obey superuniversal laws (independent of dimension). For different diffusion coefficients the correlation functions still scale, but the scaling functions depend on the dimension and on the diffusion coefficients. Furthermore, we display explicitly the peculiarities of the cluster-size distribution in one dimension.


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We study front propagation in stirred media using a simplified modelization of the turbulent flow. Computer simulations reveal the existence of the two limiting propagation modes observed in recent experiments with liquid phase isothermal reactions. These two modes respectively correspond to a wrinkled although sharp propagating interface and to a broadened one. Specific laws relative to the enhancement of the front velocity in each regime are confirmed by our simulations.


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We consider an irreversible autocatalytic conversion reaction A+B->2A under subdiffusion described by continuous-time random walks. The reactants transformations take place independently of their motion and are described by constant rates. The analog of this reaction in the case of normal diffusion is described by the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation leading to the existence of a nonzero minimal front propagation velocity, which is really attained by the front in its stable motion. We show that for subdiffusion, this minimal propagation velocity is zero, which suggests propagation failure.


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Aquest treball fa una revisió de mesures experimentals i càlculs teòrics sobre la dinàmica de col·lisions i reaccions moleculars. Els experiments se centren en col·lisions, a energies intermèdies, que involucren sistemes del tipus ió-àtom i iómolècula, per les quals es mesuren seccions eficaces totals, estat a estat, així com aquelles que discerneixen les diferents contribucions del moment angular d'espín. Els resultats obtinguts s'interpreten satisfactòriament en termes d'acoblaments no adiabàtics entre els diferents estats electrònics dels sistemes col·lisionants. Els càlculs teòrics utilitzen la metodologia quasiclàssica, així com metodologies mecanoquàntiques recentment desenvolupades, tant aproximades com exactes. S'han obtingut resultats totalment convergits per sistemes tipus, mentre que s'han analitzat, de manera detallada i extensiva, les característiques dinàmiques de sistemes triatòmic, tetraatòmic i pentaatòmic.


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Rigorous quantum dynamics calculations of reaction rates and initial state-selected reaction probabilities of polyatomic reactions can be efficiently performed within the quantum transition state concept employing flux correlation functions and wave packet propagation utilizing the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree approach. Here, analytical formulas and a numerical scheme extending this approach to the calculation of state-to-state reaction probabilities are presented. The formulas derived facilitate the use of three different dividing surfaces: two dividing surfaces located in the product and reactant asymptotic region facilitate full state resolution while a third dividing surface placed in the transition state region can be used to define an additional flux operator. The eigenstates of the corresponding thermal flux operator then correspond to vibrational states of the activated complex. Transforming these states to reactant and product coordinates and propagating them into the respective asymptotic region, the full scattering matrix can be obtained. To illustrate the new approach, test calculations study the D + H2(ν, j) â HD(νâ², jâ²) + H reaction for J = 0.