83 resultados para Verviers (Belgique)--Conditions sociales


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This study engages with the debate over the mortality crises in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe by 1) considering at length and as complementary to each other the two most prominent explanations for the post-communist mortality crisis, stress and alcohol consumption; 2) emphasizing the importance of context by exploiting systematic similarities and differences across the region. Differential mortality trajectories reveal three country groups that cluster both spatially and in terms of economic transition experiences. The first group are the countries furthest west in which mortality rates increased minimally after the transition began. The second group experienced a severe increase in mortality rates in the early 1990s, but recovered previous levels within a few years. These countries are located peripherally to Russia and its nearest neighbours. The final group consists of countries that experienced two mortality increases or in which mortality levels had not recovered to pre-transition levels well into the 21st century. Cross-sectional time-series data analyses of men’s and women’s age and cause-specific death rates reveal that the clustering of these countries and their mortality trajectories can be partially explained by the economic context, which is argued to be linked to stress and alcohol consumption. Above and beyond many basic differences in the country groups that are held constant—including geographically and historically shared cultural, lifestyle and social characteristics—poor economic conditions account for a remarkably consistent share of excess age-specific and cause-specific deaths.


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The availability of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)has created extraordinary opportunities for modeling andperhaps treating human disease. However, all reprogrammingprotocols used to date involve the use of products of animal origin. Here, we set out to develop a protocol to generate and maintain human iPSC that would be entirelydevoid of xenobiotics. We first developed a xeno-free cellculture media that supported the long-term propagation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to a similar extent as conventional media containing animal origin products or commercially available xeno-free medium. We also derivedprimary cultures of human dermal fibroblasts under strictxeno-free conditions (XF-HFF), and we show that they can be used as both the cell source for iPSC generation as well as autologous feeder cells to support their growth. We also replaced other reagents of animal origin trypsin, gelatin, matrigel) with their recombinant equivalents. Finally, we used vesicular stomatitis virus G-pseudotyped retroviral particles expressing a polycistronic construct encoding Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and GFP to reprogram XF-HFF cells under xeno-free conditions. A total of 10 xeno-free humaniPSC lines were generated, which could be continuously passaged in xeno-free conditions and aintained characteristics indistinguishable from hESCs, including colonymorphology and growth behavior, expression of pluripotency-associated markers, and pluripotent differentiationability in vitro and in teratoma assays. Overall, the resultspresented here demonstrate that human iPSCs can be generatedand maintained under strict xeno-free conditions and provide a path to good manufacturing practice (GMP) applicability that should facilitate the clinical translation of iPSC-based therapies.


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Background: Spain has recently become an inward migration country. Little is known about the occupational health of immigrant workers. This study aimed to explore the perceptions that immigrant workers in Spain had of their working conditions.Methods: Qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study. Criterion sampling. Data collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through semi-structured focus groups and individual interviews, with a topic guide. One hundred and fifty-eight immigrant workers (90 men/68 women) from Colombia (n = 21), Morocco (n = 39), sub-Saharan Africa (n = 29), Romania (n = 44) and Ecuador (n = 25), who were authorised (documented) or unauthorised (undocumented) residents in five medium to large cities in Spain.Results: Participants described poor working conditions, low pay and health hazards. Perception of hazards appeared to be related to gender and job sector. Informants were highly segregated into jobs by sex, however, so this issue will need further exploration. Undocumented workers described poorer conditions than documented workers, which they attributed to their documentation status. Documented participants also felt vulnerable because of their immigrant status. Informants believed that deficient language skills, non-transferability of their education and training and, most of all, their immigrant status and economic need left them with little choice but to work under poor conditions.Conclusions: The occupational health needs of immigrant workers must be addressed at the job level, while improving the enforcement of existing health and safety regulations. The roles that documentation status and economic need played in these informants' work experiences should be considered and how these may influence health outcomes.


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The pseudo-spectral time-domain (PSTD) method is an alternative time-marching method to classicalleapfrog finite difference schemes in the simulation of wave-like propagating phenomena. It is basedon the fundamentals of the Fourier transform to compute the spatial derivatives of hyperbolic differential equations. Therefore, it results in an isotropic operator that can be implemented in an efficient way for room acoustics simulations. However, one of the first issues to be solved consists on modeling wallabsorption. Unfortunately, there are no references in the technical literature concerning to that problem. In this paper, assuming real and constant locally reacting impedances, several proposals to overcome this problem are presented, validated and compared to analytical solutions in different scenarios.


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The Pseudo-Spectral Time Domain (PSTD) method is an alternative time-marching method to classical leapfrog finite difference schemes inthe simulation of wave-like propagating phenomena. It is based on the fundamentals of the Fourier transform to compute the spatial derivativesof hyperbolic differential equations. Therefore, it results in an isotropic operator that can be implemented in an efficient way for room acousticssimulations. However, one of the first issues to be solved consists on modeling wall absorption. Unfortunately, there are no references in thetechnical literature concerning to that problem. In this paper, assuming real and constant locally reacting impedances, several proposals toovercome this problem are presented, validated and compared to analytical solutions in different scenarios.


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El presente documento conduce a un análisis y comparativa de diferentes y variados conjuntos de redes sociales on-line. Para ello, primero se explica la base teórica de teoría de grafos para su interpretación y comprensión, así como de la base matemática que fundamenta el tipo específico de red estudiada y las diferentes métricas (estadísticas) extraídas de estas. Luego, se ofrece una detallada explicación del entorno de trabajo tanto para la aplicación informática desarrollada, como para posterior visualización y también una explicación y los algoritmos utilizados en las funciones implementadas con tales fines. Para finalizar el documento, se realiza una inmersión particular en cada red social on-line, puntualizando sus características y finalizando con una comparativa general entre todas ellas, siempre acompañadas con sus respectivas visualizaciones en el espacio 2D representadas en forma de grafo.


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Seguramente en los últimos meses alguno de vosotros habréis escuchado hablar o incluso os habéis convertido en clientes de algún portal social. Pero, ¿qué hay detrás de éstos? Es decir, ¿qué es lo que tienen que los haga tan interesante para conseguir clientes con una velocidad trepidante? Con nuestro trabajo pretendemos averiguar cuál es la clave de su éxito. Pero, ¿cómo? Nos proponemos investigar su estrategia de mercado así como sus costes e ingresos para determinar sus posibles beneficios empresariales y sus repercusiones sociales. Para ello estudiamos varios ámbitos de este sector como la publicidad, el registro web, la demanda, etc. Mucha de la información se basa en una encuesta realizada a estudiantes de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, así como una entrevista a los creadores de un portal social que ha obtenido un gran éxito entre los estudiantes universitarios.Los principales resultados muestran que no todos los portales son exitosos y que solo algunos tienen unos clientes fieles. Además podemos demostrar que no se puede hacer pagar por este tipo de servicio si los portales quieren mantener sus clientes.También hemos analizado si será viable o no crear un nuevo portal social.


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En el Congreso de Toledo en 2007 se aprobó el Código Deontológico del Educador/a Social. Han pasado, pues, cinco años y se hace necesario indagar si el Código realmente orienta en la intervención del educador/a o es un documento más, que no resulta significativo para el trabajo educativo. Este trabajo se justifica, por tanto, en el intento de indagar la utilidad de esta “Guía Ética” y, también, desde la mirada dinámica del propio Código, valorar su modificación para adaptarlo a la realidad de la intervención socio-educativa, a los conflictos éticos de hoy en día. Por otro lado, se quiere abordar, desde la ética de la complejidad, cómo se pone o no en marcha en los equipos de trabajo, la reflexión ética propia de cada ámbito de intervención, si son conocidos y debatidos los valores que se pretenden transmitir. La primera parte del trabajo abordará una breve interpretación histórica del Educador/a Social en el País Vasco desde los años 70 del siglo pasado, hasta nuestros días. Para pasar a continuación a describir el proceso de creación de lo que fue denominado “Primer Esbozo del Código Deontológico del Educador/a Social” redactado en la Universidad de Deusto en 1996. Por su importancia manifiesta en la creación del Código, se explica el origen del mismo a partir del III Congreso del Educador/a Social que se celebró en Barcelona, conjuntamente con el XV Congreso Mundial de la AIEJI. A raíz de este Congreso, ASEDES (Asociación Estatal de Educación Social) encargó la creación de una comisión para la redacción del Código Deontológico del Educador/a Social. Se explica la construcción del Código a partir de la DECLARACIÓN DE BARCELONA (2001) y, también, se le describe, más adelante en el mismo capítulo. Para finalizar esta primera parte, se hace una breve revisión bibliográfica donde se recogen una serie de textos que, desde mi punto de vista, realizan aportaciones en referencia a la reflexión ética y deontológica y que se relacionan con la situación social actual. En la segunda parte de trabajo se explican los objetivos, hipótesis y diseño de la investigación, para, posteriormente, pasar a describir los resultados de los diferentes items del cuestionario. Finalmente, se realizan una serie de conclusiones-recomendaciones para mejorar el conocimiento y utilidad del Código Deontológico del Educador/a So


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Emerging market crises are characterized by large swings in both macroeconomic fundamentalsand asset prices. The economic significance of observed movements in macroeconomicvariables is obscured by the brief and extreme nature of crises. In this paper we propose to study the macroeconomic consequences of crises by studying the behavior of effective fundamentals, constructed by studying the relative movements of stock prices during crises. We find that these effective fundamentals provide a different picture than that implied by observed fundamentals. First, asset prices often reflect expectations of improvement in fundamentals after the initial devaluations; specifically, effective depreciations are positive but not as large as the observed ones. Second, crises vary in their effect on credit market conditions, with investors expecting tightening of credit in some cases (Mexico 1994, Philippines 1997), but loosening of credit in others (Sweden 1992, Korea 1997, Brazil 1999).


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We study whether people's preferences in an unbalanced market are affected by whether they are on the excess supply side or the excess demand side of the market. Our analysis is based on the comparison of behavior between two types of experimental gift exchange markets, which vary only with respect to whether first or second movers are on the long side of the market. The direction of market imbalance could influence subjects' motivation, as second movers, workers, might react differently to favorable actions by first movers, firms, in the two cases. Our data show strong deviations from the standard game-theoretic prediction. However, we only find secondary treatment effects. First movers are not more generous when they are in excess supply and second movers do not respond less favorably when they are in excess demand. Competition has only minor psychological effects in our data.


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Este informe de investigación examina los factores sociales y políticos que han determinado el nivel y variabilidad de la abstención electoral en las elecciones generales españolas. Extendiendo los modelos de carácter psicológico y sociológico que se han empleado (con éxito relativo) para explicar la abstención española, este estudio muestra que el nivel de participación en las elecciones generales depende en buena medida de factores estrictamente políticos: la satisfacción global del electorado con la situación política del país, la implantación y capacidad de movilizaciónde los partidos políticos, el nivel de asociacionismo y 'capital social', el grado de competitividad electoral en cada área geográfica y los cálculosestratégicos que los electores realizan en función del tamaño de las circunscripciones electorales y de las distorsiones a la representación que impone la ley electoral. El informe emplea datos individuales, procedentesde las encuestas postelectorales del CIS, y utiliza regresiones multivariantes no lineales, aplicadas a muestras agregadas en panel.


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We argue the importance both of developing simple sufficientconditions for the stability of general multiclass queueing networks and also of assessing such conditions under a range of assumptions on the weight of the traffic flowing between service stations. To achieve the former, we review a peak-rate stability condition and extend its range of application and for the latter, we introduce a generalisation of the Lu-Kumar network on which the stability condition may be tested for a range of traffic configurations. The peak-rate condition is close to exact when the between-station traffic is light, but degrades as this traffic increases.


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¿De quina manera els periodistes utilitzen els mitjans socials com fonts en la seva feina? Aquesta investigació busca establir com el periodisme rep influència dels temes discutits en els mitjans socials, especialment les xarxes socials. Proposem repensar la clàssica teoria del agenda-setting a partir de les noves possibilitats comunicatives de l'actualitat i demostrar com els ciutadans, per mitjà de les seves manifestacions a les xarxes, també poden determinar els temes dels mitjans. Al nostre anàlisi, considerem els dos costats de la moneda sobre el tema: el que està explícit a les notícies i l'opinió del periodista. Per això, vam desenvolupar una investigació basada en diaris en línia de quatre països europeus i varem enquestar a periodistes sobre com utilitzen les xarxes en la seva professió


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Amb el creixement de les xarxes socials digitals i la constant recerca de contingut de valor
i entreteniment que exigeix el nou consumidor, diferents marques estan utilitzant cada vegada més l'humor com a eina en el seu missatge per als mitjans digitals, esperant aconseguir nivells de "viralitat", abast, freqüència, posicionament i fins i tot engagement més alts. Molts d'ells ho aconsegueixen a curt termini, però: està realment aquest missatge representant correctament els valors de marca?, el consumidor arriba a identificar característiques importants del producte? La identitat de la marca es veu reflectida correctament després de l'ús de l'humor en un missatge?