75 resultados para Valdegamas, Marqués de,


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Introduction: Minor salivary gland tumors (MSGTs) are infrequent, representing 10-15% of all salivary neoplasms. Despite this low frequency, MSGTs conform a heterogeneous group of neoplasms characterized by a broad range of histological types. Patients and method: We identified cases of MSGT in a retrospective study of the biopsies made in the period 1997-2007 in the Service of Oral Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain). The data collected comprised patient age and sex, the clinical characteristics and location of the tumor, the duration of the lesion, its size, the treatment provided, and the histopathological findings. Results: Of the 18 cases of MSGT studied, 12 corresponded to women (66.7%) and 6 to men (33.3%). The great majority (94.4%) were benign tumors. The preferential location was the posterior third of the hard palate (33.2%), followed by the soft palate (16.7%) and the mucosa of the upper lip (16.7%). The histopathological diagnoses of our MSGTs comprised 10 pleomorphic adenomas (55.3%), 2 cystadenomas (11.1%), 1 myoepithelioma (5.6%), 1 sialadenoma papilliferum (5.6%), 1 basal cell adenoma (5.6%), 1 Warthin"s tumor (5.6%), 1 canalicular adenoma (5.6%), and 1 low-grade polymorphic adenocarcinoma (5.6%). Discussion and conclusions: Coinciding with our own results, the literature describes a high recurrence rate for MSGTs (5-30%) when surgical removal is incomplete. Six percent of all benign minor salivary gland tumors are considered to relapse, versus 65% of all malignant lesions. Periodic clinical controls are required, since the possibility of malignant transformation must be taken into account


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La nova ordenació dels ensenyaments universitaris i el desenvolupament dels graus ha comportat canvis en el perfil dels estudiants que arriben a les nostres aules. Un col·lectiu que té un pes específic important és el que accedeix a la universitat des d’una titulació de tècnic superior (cicle formatiu de grau superior – CFGS). Presentem les dades acadèmiques dels estudiants del Grau de Farmàcia des de la seva implantació el curs 2009-2010 fins el curs 2011-12, segons la seva via d’accés.


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En l’adaptació de les titulacions universitàries a l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior (EEES), cada cop té més importància l’adquisició de competències per part de l’alumne utilitzant les noves tecnologies de la informació. En aquest context, vàries professores de l’assignatura de Microbiologia II, obligatòria de tercer curs del Grau de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona, hem dissenyat una pràctica presencial innovadora utilitzant eines bioinformàtiques, per facilitar la comprensió de la docència teòrica i promoure l’aprenentatge actiu de l’alumne d’un bloc important de l’assignatura.


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La discusión de casos clínicos se utiliza como herramienta de aprendizaje en las clases de Microbiología clínica.


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La nova ordenació dels ensenyaments universitaris i el desenvolupament dels graus ha comportat canvis en el perfil dels estudiants que arriben a les nostres aules. Un col·lectiu que té un pes específic important és el que accedeix a la universitat des d’una titulació de tècnic superior (cicle formatiu de grau superior – CFGS). Presentem les dades acadèmiques dels estudiants del Grau de Farmàcia des de la seva implantació el curs 2009-2010 fins el curs 2011-12, segons la seva via d’accés.


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Different signatures of natural selection persist over varying time scales in our genome, revealing possible episodes of adaptative evolution during human history. Here, we identify genes showing signatures of ancestral positive selection in the human lineage and investigate whether some of those genes have been evolving adaptatively in extant human populations. Specifically, we compared more than 11,000 human genes with their orthologs inchimpanzee, mouse, rat and dog and applied a branch-site likelihood method to test for positive selection on the human lineage. Among the significant cases, a robust set of 11 genes were then further explored for signatures of recent positive selection using SNP data. We genotyped 223 SNPs in 39 worldwide populations from the HGDP Diversity panel and supplemented this information with available genotypes for up to 4,814 SNPs distributed along 2 Mb centered on each gene. After exploring the allele frequency spectrum, population differentiation and the maintainance of long unbroken haplotypes, we found signals of recent adaptative phenomena in only one of the 11 candidate gene regions. However, the signal ofrecent selection in this region may come from a different, neighbouring gene (CD5) ratherthan from the candidate gene itself (VPS37C). For this set of positively-selected genes in thehuman lineage, we find no indication that these genes maintained their rapid evolutionarypace among human populations. Based on these data, it therefore appears that adaptation forhuman-specific and for population-specific traits may have involved different genes.


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Background: It has been suggested that chromosomal rearrangements harbor the molecular footprint of the biological phenomena which they induce, in the form, for instance, of changes in the sequence divergence rates of linked genes. So far, all the studies of these potential associations have focused on the relationship between structural changes and the rates of evolution of single-copy DNA and have tried to exclude segmental duplications (SDs). This is paradoxical, since SDs are one of the primary forces driving the evolution of structure and function in our genomes and have been linked not only with novel genes acquiring new functions, but also with overall higher DNA sequence divergence and major chromosomal rearrangements.Results: Here we take the opposite view and focus on SDs. We analyze several of the features of SDs, including the rates of intraspecific divergence between paralogous copies of human SDs and of interspecific divergence between human SDs and chimpanzee DNA. We study how divergence measures relate to chromosomal rearrangements, while considering other factors that affect evolutionary rates in single copy DNA. Conclusion: We find that interspecific SD divergence behaves similarly to divergence of single-copy DNA. In contrast, old and recent paralogous copies of SDs do present different patterns of intraspecific divergence. Also, we show that some relatively recent SDs accumulate in regions that carry inversions in sister lineages.


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Background: Myotragus balearicus was an endemic bovid from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) that became extinct around 6,000-4,000 years ago. The Myotragus evolutionary lineage became isolated in the islands most probably at the end of the Messinian crisis, when the desiccation of the Mediterranean ended, in a geological date established at 5.35 Mya. Thus, the sequences of Myotragus could be very valuable for calibrating the mammalian mitochondrial DNA clock and, in particular, the tree of the Caprinae subfamily, to which Myotragus belongs. Results: We have retrieved the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1,143 base pairs), plus fragments of the mitochondrial 12S gene and the nuclear 28S rDNA multi-copy gene from a well preserved Myotragus subfossil bone. The best resolved phylogenetic trees, obtained with the cytochrome b gene, placed Myotragus in a position basal to the Ovis group. Using the calibration provided by the isolation of Balearic Islands, we calculated that the initial radiation of caprines can be dated at 6.2 ± 0.4 Mya. In addition, alpine and southern chamois, considered until recently the same species, split around 1.6 ± 0.3 Mya, indicating that the two chamois species have been separated much longer than previously thought. Conclusion: Since there are almost no extant endemic mammals in Mediterranean islands, the sequence of the extinct Balearic endemic Myotragus has been crucial for allowing us to use the Messinian crisis calibration point for dating the caprines phylogenetic tree.


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Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of periodontal therapy combined with tacrolimus in the suppression of gingival overgrowth (GO) and the effect on GO of changing from cyclosporin A to tacrolimus. Patients and Methods: Sixteen renal transplant patients, averaging 52 years of age, whose kidney function was stable and were receiving treatment with cyclosporin A, were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the experimental group, patients were instructed in oral hygiene and underwent periodontal treatment, whereas in the control group, only oral hygiene instructions were given. After the first visit and the change of medication from cyclosporine to tacrolimus in both groups, periodic clinical revisions were carried out for 3 months in order to assess the evolution of GO. Results: All patients showed a progressive decrease in GO. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups (p>0.05). A greater decrease in GO occurred within the first month after changing the medication. Conclusions: No improved effectiveness in reducing GO was observed for periodontal therapy in combination with tacrolimus. Tacrolimus is an alternative to cyclosporine when attempting to avoid GO in patients with kidney transplants


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El febrer de 2001 moria a Santa Cristina d’Aro Jordi Verrié i Faget, personatge polifacètic que al llarg de la seva vida s’havia dedicat a diferents tasques sempre en defensa i reconeixement de la cultura i la pedagogia catalanes. Investigador incansable, ens deixava un important llegat fruit de la seva passió pels llibres i del seu interès per la nostra història educativa, una part del qual era donat a la Universitat de Girona. Aquest fons documental és el punt de partida d’aquest estudi, que vol aprofundir en la figura de Verrié, contextualitzar el seu fons i valorar què significa per la nostra pedagogia. Aquest és un reconeixement a Jordi Verrié i a la seva tasca, que representa una important aportació a la història de l’educació catalana


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L’objecte del projecte és la renovació de les infraestructures i serveis d’un polígon industrial de 28, 5 hectàrees situat al municipi de Sant Andreu de la Barca. Amb les millores es preveu millorar la qualitat de vida dels principals usuaris i la integració del polígon dins la xarxa de polígons de la resta del municipi, per altra banda, es planteja que determinades zones del polígon puguin ser utilitzades com a zones de lleure. La millora de les infraestructures comprén: Xarxa de sanejament, xarxa d’aigua potable, xarxa elèctrica , xarxa d’enllumenat públic, millora del ferm i projecció d’un espai verd públic.


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La presente nota tiene por objeto, dar a conocer una serie estratigráfica del Cuaternario del Llobregat en las inmediaciones de Cornellá. El estudio de esta fortliación deltaica, constituye el tema de un trabajo más extenso que se está realizando con la ayuda de la Fundación Juan March.


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The incorporation of the Spanish university system into the European Higher Education Areahas brought about a series of adaptations. Among the recommendations is the inclusion ofan external training period in a company, which has resulted in significant changes in thedegree syllabus in order to balance the theoretical and practical education required by thestudents. This new framework has been legally confirmed by the Spanish Government and, inthe case of the University of Barcelona, by the publication of internal guidelines. Takingadvantage of this new opportunity to adapt the Pharmacy degree to real-world problems inindustry, the Dean’s team of the Faculty of Pharmacy, with the support of the Facultyadministrative staff and the Students Advisory Service, have assumed the challenge ofincluding a new subject in the syllabus entitled Training in Companies.In parallel, a new activity has been set up to ensure that the students choose the mostsuitable company department/job for them and to help them pass the company interview.Under the name of Passport to a Profession, a series of ten explanatory talks has beenscheduled every academic year. These talks deal with a broad range of topics aimed atproviding the students with the basic tools they will need to make the most of a companytraining period and to make headway in the professional world when they finish theirdegree. In addition, three Faculty of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical company workshops and tworound-table conferences have been held in the last two years in order to bring the universityand industry together. Notably, the project to provide students with company training isexpanding on an international level, with two to three undergraduate students contractedevery year by a United Kingdom-based multinational pharmaceutical company.The statistical data of the whole process has been analysed for a more in-depthunderstanding of the activity and to improve the programme.


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The objective of this article is to identify differential traits of successful SMEs in comparison to average SME firms in the textile and clothing sector. The method used is the multiple case-study of 12 firms based on qualitative and quantitative data obtained by means of in-depth interviews. Building on recent academic literature, we use four main dimensions that may explain success: i) knowledge generation (R&D) and acquisition; ii) innovation activity; iii) product and market characteristics and iv) strategic characteristics. Our results indicate that a higher R&D intensity and knowledge acquisition do not explain success. The main differential characteristic is that successful firms have a higher level of innovation activity, since innovation is their strategic priority, being a result of perceiving the key success factors of their markets differently. From the analysis it also follows that the prevalent strategy of successful firms is the niche strategy, with a demand pull focus, and a high proximity to the customer


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Background: Myotragus balearicus was an endemic bovid from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) that became extinct around 6,000-4,000 years ago. The Myotragus evolutionary lineage became isolated in the islands most probably at the end of the Messinian crisis, when the desiccation of the Mediterranean ended, in a geological date established at 5.35 Mya. Thus, the sequences of Myotragus could be very valuable for calibrating the mammalian mitochondrial DNA clock and, in particular, the tree of the Caprinae subfamily, to which Myotragus belongs. Results: We have retrieved the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1,143 base pairs), plus fragments of the mitochondrial 12S gene and the nuclear 28S rDNA multi-copy gene from a well preserved Myotragus subfossil bone. The best resolved phylogenetic trees, obtained with the cytochrome b gene, placed Myotragus in a position basal to the Ovis group. Using the calibration provided by the isolation of Balearic Islands, we calculated that the initial radiation of caprines can be dated at 6.2 ± 0.4 Mya. In addition, alpine and southern chamois, considered until recently the same species, split around 1.6 ± 0.3 Mya, indicating that the two chamois species have been separated much longer than previously thought. Conclusion: Since there are almost no extant endemic mammals in Mediterranean islands, the sequence of the extinct Balearic endemic Myotragus has been crucial for allowing us to use the Messinian crisis calibration point for dating the caprines phylogenetic tree.