84 resultados para Ultrasonic Relaxation


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Background and aims: Anandamide is an endocannabinoid that evokes hypotension by interaction with peripheral cannabinoid CB1 receptors and with the perivascular transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 protein (TRPV1). As anandamide has been implicated in the vasodilated state in advanced cirrhosis, the study investigated whether the mesenteric bed from cirrhotic rats has an altered and selective vasodilator response to anandamide. Methods: We assessed vascular sensitivity to anandamide, mRNA and protein expression of cannabinoid CB1 receptor and TRPV1 receptor, and the topographical distribution of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in resistance mesenteric arteries of cirrhotic and control rats. Results: Mesenteric vessels of cirrhotic animals displayed greater sensitivity to anandamide than control vessels. This vasodilator response was reverted by CB1 or TRPV1 receptor blockade, but not after endothelium denudation or nitric oxide inhibition. Anandamide had no effect on distal femoral arteries. CB1 and TRPV1 receptor protein was higher in cirrhotic than in control vessels. Neither CB1 mRNA nor protein was detected in femoral arteries. Immunochemistry showed that CB1 receptors were mainly in the adventitia and in the endothelial monolayer, with higher expression observed in vessels of cirrhotic rats than in controls. Conclusions: These results indicate that anandamide is a selective splanchnic vasodilator in cirrhosis which predominantly acts via interaction with two different types of receptors, CB1 and TRPV1 receptors, which are mainly located in perivascular sensory nerve terminals of the mesenteric resistance arteries of these animals.


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We present a computer-simulation study of the effect of the distribution of energy barriers in an anisotropic magnetic system on the relaxation behavior of the magnetization. While the relaxation law for the magnetization can be approximated in all cases by a time logarithmic decay, the law for the dependence of the magnetic viscosity with temperature is found to be quite sensitive to the shape of the distribution of barriers. The low-temperature region for the magnetic viscosity never extrapolates to a positive no-null value. Moreover our computer simulation results agree reasonably well with some recent relaxation experiments on highly anisotropic single-domain particles.


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Electronic canopy characterization is an important issue in tree crop management. Ultrasonic and optical sensors are the most used for this purpose. The objective of this work was to assess the performance of an ultrasonic sensor under laboratory and field conditions in order to provide reliable estimations of distance measurements to apple tree canopies. To this purpose, a methodology has been designed to analyze sensor performance in relation to foliage ranging and to interferences with adjacent sensors when working simultaneously. Results show that the average error in distance measurement using the ultrasonic sensor in laboratory conditions is ±0.53 cm. However, the increase of variability in field conditions reduces the accuracy of this kind of sensors when estimating distances to canopies. The average error in such situations is ±5.11 cm. When analyzing interferences of adjacent sensors 30 cm apart, the average error is ±17.46 cm. When sensors are separated 60 cm, the average error is ±9.29 cm. The ultrasonic sensor tested has been proven to be suitable to estimate distances to the canopy in field conditions when sensors are 60 cm apart or more and could, therefore, be used in a system to estimate structural canopy parameters in precision horticulture.


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Canopy characterization is a key factor to improve pesticide application methods in tree crops and vineyards. Development of quick, easy and efficient methods to determine the fundamental parameters used to characterize canopy structure is thus an important need. In this research the use of ultrasonic and LIDAR sensors have been compared with the traditional manual and destructive canopy measurement procedure. For both methods the values of key parameters such as crop height, crop width, crop volume or leaf area have been compared. Obtained results indicate that an ultrasonic sensor is an appropriate tool to determine the average canopy characteristics, while a LIDAR sensor provides more accuracy and detailed information about the canopy. Good correlations have been obtained between crop volume (CVU) values measured with ultrasonic sensors and leaf area index, LAI (R2 = 0.51). A good correlation has also been obtained between the canopy volume measured with ultrasonic and LIDAR sensors (R2 = 0.52). Laser measurements of crop height (CHL) allow one to accurately predict the canopy volume. The proposed new technologies seems very appropriate as complementary tools to improve the efficiency of pesticide applications, although further improvements are still needed.


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The structural relaxation of pure amorphous silicon a-Si and hydrogenated amorphous silicon a-Si:H materials, that occurs during thermal annealing experiments, has been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike a-Si, the heat evolved from a-Si:H cannot be explained by relaxation of the Si-Si network strain but it reveals a derelaxation of the bond angle strain. Since the state of relaxation after annealing is very similar for pure and hydrogenated materials, our results give strong experimental support to the predicted configurational gap between a-Si and crystalline silicon.


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The origin of the microscopic inhomogeneities in InxGa1-xAs layers grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy is analyzed through the optical absorption spectra near the band gap. It is seen that, for relaxed thick layers of about 2.8μm, composition inhomogeneities are responsible for the band edge smoothing into the whole compositional range (0.05relaxation. In consequence, the strain variations present in the layer are converted into composition variations during growth. This process is energetically favorable as it diminishes elastic energy. An additional support to this hypothesis is given by a clear proportionality between the magnitude of the composition variations and the mean strain


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The structural relaxation of pure amorphous silicon (a-Si) and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) materials, that occurs during thermal annealing experiments, has been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike a-Si, the heat evolved from a-Si:H cannot be explained by relaxation of the Si-Si network strain but it reveals a derelaxation of the bond angle strain. Since the state of relaxation after annealing is very similar for pure and hydrogenated materials, our results give strong experimental support to the predicted configurational gap between a-Si and crystalline silicon


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí­fic del Jovent l'any 2009. L'NXT és un robot creat per l'empresa Lego que disposa d'un controlador, de diversos servo motors i de sensors (tacte, llum, ultrasons, so...). Es programa mitjançant un programa especial, pensat per nois i noies de catorze anys, anomenat Lego Mindstorms. S'estudia el funcionament d'aquest programa i les parts del sistema de control del robot. L'estudi engloba el controlador, quatre sensors i els servomotors.


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S’ha demostrat que la pràctica d'estats de relaxació profunda redueix el dolor i incrementa el benestar i la qualitat de vida. Els estats de relaxació profunda i meditació estan al seu torn associats a patrons electroencefalogràfics (EEG) característics. En el present projecte proposem un procediment pal·liatiu del dolor basat en l 'entrenament autodidàctic per aconseguir aquests estats de relaxació. Per a això es proposa retro-alimentar al subjecte un senyal auditiu reflex de la seva activitat EEG que l'ajudi a modificar voluntàriament la seva activitat cerebral, la qual cosa li permet aproximar-la progressivament al patró EEG corresponent al de relaxació profunda desitjat. S’ha dissenyat un protocol d'entrenament d'estats mentals de relaxació i meditació (entre altres) i implementat un programa que processa el senyal EEG i genera un senyal auditiu reflex de l'activitat cerebral de l'individu. També registra les lectures EEG del progrés de l'individu, genera les gràfiques corresponents i genera dades estadístiques per a futur anàlisi.


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L'ansietat acadèmica i davant els exàmens com a fòbia específica de tipus situacional és un trastorn infantil i juvenil d'efectes pertorbadors i negatius que repercuteixen sobre la salut mental i emocional, el rendiment acadèmic i la integració social de l'estudiant que la pateix. En aquest treball s'especifiquen les seves característiques clíniques. Així mateix, s'inclou un cas clínic d'un adolescent de 14 anys que patia d'aquest trastorn fòbic escolar, acompanyat de baixa autoestima personal i dificultats d'adaptació amb el seu grup-classe. Se li va aplicar una avaluació i tractament de tall cognitiu-conductual que ha tingut com a finalitat la superació de la fòbia, i la millora del seu rendiment acadèmic i social. D'entre totes les eines terapèutiques utilitzades destaquen: l'exposició en viu, i l'aprenentatge i utilització de mecanismes de control de l'ansietat (la relaxació Jacobson i la reestructuració cognitiva). Finalment, assenyalar que aquesta intervenció terapèutica ha estat possible gràcies a la participació coordinada i cooperant de l'equip interdisciplinari.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és el disseny d'un tractament de relaxació progressiva online, basat en l'evidència de la seva efectivitat en teràpies presencials, per poder abordar la simptomatologia en els primers estadis del dolor crònic abdominal en nens i adolescents.


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El projecte se centra en desenvolupar una aplicació per un hotel amb instal·lacions d'esbarjo i relaxació.


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El projecte desenvolupat és un sistema per a un hotel amb diferents instal·lacions d'esbarjo i relaxació, que permeti als seus clients obtenir informació d'aquestes activitats i recursos, i reservar places si escau, i als encarregats del establiment realitzar el control i gestió de les possibles peticions.


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We performed complete eye exams on 50 eyes in 25 patients with congenital aniridia. Factors such as age, history of ocular surgery, dry eye score and aesthesiometry results correlated with the degree of aniridia-related keratopathy. Schirmer’s test I in 86.8%, Schirmer’s test II in 94.4% and TFBUT in 83.3% of cases were all normal. Corneal staining was altered in 54.2%, and conjunctival staining was altered in 45.7%. The tear ferning pattern was abnormal in 80%. Conjunctival metaplasia was present in 76.9%.Corneal endothelial cell density was normal. Ultrasonic pachymetry was higher than average in all eyes examined.


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Mosaics have been commonly used as visual maps for undersea exploration and navigation. The position and orientation of an underwater vehicle can be calculated by integrating the apparent motion of the images which form the mosaic. A feature-based mosaicking method is proposed in this paper. The creation of the mosaic is accomplished in four stages: feature selection and matching, detection of points describing the dominant motion, homography computation and mosaic construction. In this work we demonstrate that the use of color and textures as discriminative properties of the image can improve, to a large extent, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic. The system is able to provide 3D metric information concerning the vehicle motion using the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera while integrating the measurements of an ultrasonic sensor. The experimental results of real images have been tested on the GARBI underwater vehicle