82 resultados para Solar storage
An analytical model of an amorphous silicon p-i-n solar cell is presented to describe its photovoltaic behavior under short-circuit conditions. It has been developed from the analysis of numerical simulation results. These results reproduce the experimental illumination dependence of short-circuit resistance, which is the reciprocal slope of the I(V) curve at the short-circuit point. The recombination rate profiles show that recombination in the regions of charged defects near the p-i and i-n interfaces should not be overlooked. Based on the interpretation of the numerical solutions, we deduce analytical expressions for the recombination current and short-circuit resistance. These expressions are given as a function of an effective ¿¿ product, which depends on the intensity of illumination. We also study the effect of surface recombination with simple expressions that describe its influence on current loss and short-circuit resistance.
A recent method used to optimize biased neural networks with low levels of activity is applied to a hierarchical model. As a consequence, the performance of the system is strongly enhanced. The steps to achieve optimization are analyzed in detail.
Newly synthesized glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) enters into the insulin-responsive storage compartment in a process that is Golgi-localized γ-ear-containing Arf-binding protein (GGA) dependent, whereas insulin-stimulated translocation is regulated by Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160). In the present study, using a variety of GLUT4/GLUT1 chimeras, we have analyzed the specific motifs of GLUT4 that are important for GGA and AS160 regulation of GLUT4 trafficking. Substitution of the amino terminus and the large intracellular loop of GLUT4 into GLUT1 (chimera 1-441) fully recapitulated the basal state retention, insulin-stimulated translocation, and GGA and AS160 sensitivity of wild-type GLUT4 (GLUT4-WT). GLUT4 point mutation (GLUT4-F5A) resulted in loss of GLUT4 intracellular retention in the basal state when coexpressed with both wild-type GGA and AS160. Nevertheless, similar to GLUT4-WT, the insulin-stimulated plasma membrane localization of GLUT4-F5A was significantly inhibited by coexpression of dominant-interfering GGA. In addition, coexpression with a dominant-interfering AS160 (AS160-4P) abolished insulin-stimulated GLUT4-WT but not GLUT4-F5A translocation. GLUT4 endocytosis and intracellular sequestration also required both the amino terminus and large cytoplasmic loop of GLUT4. Furthermore, both the FQQI and the SLL motifs participate in the initial endocytosis from the plasma membrane; however, once internalized, unlike the FQQI motif, the SLL motif is not responsible for intracellular recycling of GLUT4 back to the specialized compartment. Together, we have demonstrated that the FQQI motif within the amino terminus of GLUT4 is essential for GLUT4 endocytosis and AS160-dependent intracellular retention but not for the GGA-dependent sorting of GLUT4 into the insulin-responsive storage compartment.
The antimicrobial effect against L. monocytogenes of biodegradable films (alginate, zein and polyvinyl alcohol) containing enterocins was investigated. Survival of the pathogen was studied by means of challenge tests performed at 6 °C during 8 and 29 days, for air-packed and vacuum-packed sliced cooked ham, respectively. Air packaging was tested with two concentrations of enterocins (200 and 2000 AU/cm2). Control air-packed cooked ham showed an increase of L. monocytogenes from 104 to 107 CFU/g after 8 days. By contrast, packaging with antimicrobial films effectively slowed down the pathogen's growth, leading to final counts lower than in control lots. Air-packaging with alginate films containing 2000 AU/cm2 of enterocins effectively controlled L. monocytogenes for 8 days. An increase of only 1 log unit was observed in zein and polyvinyl alcohol lots at the same enterocin concentration. Vacuum packaging with films containing enterocins (2000 AU/cm2) also delayed the growth of the pathogen. No increase from inoculated levels was observed during 15 days in antimicrobial alginate films. After 29 days of storage, the lowest counts were obtained in samples packed with zein and alginate films containing enterocins, as well as with zein control films. The most effective treatment for controlling L. monocytogenes during 6 °C storage was vacuum-packaging of sliced cooked ham with alginate films containing 2000 AU/cm2 of enterocins. From the results obtained it can concluded that antimicrobial packaging can improve the safety of sliced cooked ham by delaying and reducing the growth of L. monocytogenes.
The efficiency of combining high-pressure processing (HPP) and active packaging technologies to control Listeria monocytogenes growth during the shelf life of artificially inoculated cooked ham was assessed. Three lots of cooked ham were prepared: control, packaging with alginate films, and packaging with antimicrobial alginate films containing enterocins. After packaging, half of the samples were pressurized. Sliced cooked ham stored at 6 °C experienced a quick growth of L. monocytogenes. Both antimicrobial packaging and pressurization delayed the growth of the pathogen. However, at 6 °C the combination of antimicrobial packaging and HPP was necessary to achieve a reduction of inoculated levels without recovery during 60 days of storage. Further storage at 6 °C of pressurized antimicrobial packed cooked ham resulted in L. monocytogenes levels below the detection limit (day 90). On the other hand, storage at 1 °C controlled the growth of the pathogen until day 39 in non-pressurized ham, while antimicrobial packaging and storage at 1 °C exerted a bacteriostatic effect for 60 days. All HPP lots stored at 1 °C led to counts <100 CFU/g at day 60. Similar results were observed when combining both technologies. After a cold chain break no growth of L. monocytogenes was observed in pressurized ham packed with antimicrobial films, showing the efficiency of combining both technologies.
The effect of high pressure processing (400 MPa for 10 min) and natural antimicrobials 2 (enterocins and lactate-diacetate) on the behaviour of L. monocytogenes in sliced cooked ham 3 during refrigerated storage (1ºC and 6ºC) was assessed. The efficiency of the treatments after a 4 cold chain break was evaluated. Lactate-diacetate exerted a bacteriostatic effect against L. 5 monocytogenes during the whole storage period (3 months) at 1ºC and 6ºC, even after 6 temperature abuse. The combination of low storage temperature (1ºC), high pressure 7 processing (HPP) and addition of lactate-diacetate reduced the levels of L. monocytogenes 8 during storage by 2.7 log CFU/g. The most effective treatment was the combination of HPP, 9 enterocins and refrigeration at 1ºC, which reduced the population of the pathogen to final counts 10 of 4 MPN/g after 3 months of storage, even after the cold chain break.
En aquest article es presenta la fase de la intervenció realitzada al mercat de Santa Caterina que es desenvolupa en l’època altimperial romana i està relacionada amb els inicis de la ciutat de Barcino. En funció de les estructures recuperades i la gran quantitat de material d’escòries ceràmiques recollides, les restes documentades s’han identificat amb una zona de producció ceràmica suburbial, on podrien produir-se tant ceràmiques comunes com recipients amfòrics. Aquests últims són els que han aportat més informació, tant per la quantitat com per la diversitat de marques recollides, que han permès ampliar el coneixement sobre les possibles produccions a la ciutat i els circuits del vi a la zona.
High-energy charged particles in the van Allen radiation belts and in solar energetic particle events can damage satellites on orbit leading to malfunctions and loss of satellite service. Here we describe some recent results from the SPACECAST project on modelling and forecasting the radiation belts, and modelling solar energetic particle events. We describe the SPACECAST forecasting system that uses physical models that include wave-particle interactions to forecast the electron radiation belts up to 3 h ahead. We show that the forecasts were able to reproduce the >2 MeV electron flux at GOES 13 during the moderate storm of 7-8 October 2012, and the period following a fast solar wind stream on 25-26 October 2012 to within a factor of 5 or so. At lower energies of 10- a few 100 keV we show that the electron flux at geostationary orbit depends sensitively on the high-energy tail of the source distribution near 10 RE on the nightside of the Earth, and that the source is best represented by a kappa distribution. We present a new model of whistler mode chorus determined from multiple satellite measurements which shows that the effects of wave-particle interactions beyond geostationary orbit are likely to be very significant. We also present radial diffusion coefficients calculated from satellite data at geostationary orbit which vary with Kp by over four orders of magnitude. We describe a new automated method to determine the position at the shock that is magnetically connected to the Earth for modelling solar energetic particle events and which takes into account entropy, and predict the form of the mean free path in the foreshock, and particle injection efficiency at the shock from analytical theory which can be tested in simulations.
High-energy charged particles in the van Allen radiation belts and in solar energetic particle events can damage satellites on orbit leading to malfunctions and loss of satellite service. Here we describe some recent results from the SPACECAST project on modelling and forecasting the radiation belts, and modelling solar energetic particle events. We describe the SPACECAST forecasting system that uses physical models that include wave-particle interactions to forecast the electron radiation belts up to 3 h ahead. We show that the forecasts were able to reproduce the >2 MeV electron flux at GOES 13 during the moderate storm of 7-8 October 2012, and the period following a fast solar wind stream on 25-26 October 2012 to within a factor of 5 or so. At lower energies of 10- a few 100 keV we show that the electron flux at geostationary orbit depends sensitively on the high-energy tail of the source distribution near 10 RE on the nightside of the Earth, and that the source is best represented by a kappa distribution. We present a new model of whistler mode chorus determined from multiple satellite measurements which shows that the effects of wave-particle interactions beyond geostationary orbit are likely to be very significant. We also present radial diffusion coefficients calculated from satellite data at geostationary orbit which vary with Kp by over four orders of magnitude. We describe a new automated method to determine the position at the shock that is magnetically connected to the Earth for modelling solar energetic particle events and which takes into account entropy, and predict the form of the mean free path in the foreshock, and particle injection efficiency at the shock from analytical theory which can be tested in simulations.
Articulo sobre la importancia de las energias renovables y su integración arquitectónica en el camino hacia una arquitectura sostenible. Descripción y evaluación del proyecto Fachada Solar SCHOTT Iberica.
L'exercici de l'arqueologia urbana a Tarragona ha permès la documentació de restes arquitectòniques del fortí del Rei, bastit en el context de la Guerra de Successió. L'element més significatiu és la documentació d'una galeria i/o camí protegit que connectava aquest fortí amb el de l'Oliva.
Es té una vivenda unifamiliar, de nova construcció, en la que s'ha elaborat un projecte per proporcionar-li un sistema de calefacció, i aprofitant l'energia solar produir ACS. S'han calculat les necessitats tèrmiques de la vivenda considerant que s'ha construit l'envolvent tèrmic de la vivenda segons CTE. S'han estudiat els possibles sistemes de calefacció i s'ha escollit el de radiadors d'aigua calenta amb distribució bitubular i caldera de gasoil. S'han determinat les necessitats d'ACS i s'ha projectat la instal·lació solar amb captadors de tubs de buit i recolzament auxiliar de la pròpia caldera de calefacció. Les instal·lacions s'han projectat complint els requisits de la normativa d'obligat compliment.
Dissenyar la xarxa elèctrica d'una nau industrial i dissenyar una instal·lació solar fotovoltaica connectada a la xarxa de baixa tensió. Per a la instal·lació de la nova xarxa elèctrica s'ha aprofitat tot l'enllumenat, els endolls i els interruptors existents en la nau, de l'anterior instal·lació, que s'ha quedat obsoleta degut a la instal·lació de noves màquines. S'ha escollit una instal·lació solar fotovoltaica connectada a la xarxa elèctrica perquè s'utilitza una energia purament neta i inesgotable, perquè té una bona rentabilitat.