72 resultados para QSAR-2D


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We have investigated hysteresis and the return-point memory (RPM) property in deterministic cellular automata with avalanche dynamics. The RPM property reflects a partial ordering of metastable states, preserved by the dynamics. Recently, Sethna et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3347 (1993)] proved this behavior for a homogeneously driven system with static disorder. This Letter shows that the partial ordering and the RPM can be displayed as well by systems driven heterogeneously, as a result of its own evolution dynamics. In particular, we prove the RPM property for a deterministic 2D sandpile automaton driven at a central site.


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We have studied the interaction between the low-lying transverse collective oscillations and the thermal excitations of an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate by means of perturbation theory. We consider a cylindrical trapped condensate and calculate the transverse elementary excitations at zero temperature by solving the linearized Gross-Pitaevskii equations in two dimensions (2D). We use them to calculate the matrix elements between the thermal excited states and the quasi-2D collective modes. The Landau damping of transverse collective modes is studied as a function of temperature. At low temperatures, the corresponding damping rate is in agreement with the experimental data for the decay of the transverse quadrupole mode, but it is too small to explain the observed slow decay of the transverse breathing mode. The reason for this discrepancy is discussed.


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In this paper, we study dynamical aspects of the two-dimensional (2D) gonihedric spin model using both numerical and analytical methods. This spin model has vanishing microscopic surface tension and it actually describes an ensemble of loops living on a 2D surface. The self-avoidance of loops is parametrized by a parameter ¿. The ¿=0 model can be mapped to one of the six-vertex models discussed by Baxter, and it does not have critical behavior. We have found that allowing for ¿¿0 does not lead to critical behavior either. Finite-size effects are rather severe, and in order to understand these effects, a finite-volume calculation for non-self-avoiding loops is presented. This model, like his 3D counterpart, exhibits very slow dynamics, but a careful analysis of dynamical observables reveals nonglassy evolution (unlike its 3D counterpart). We find, also in this ¿=0 case, the law that governs the long-time, low-temperature evolution of the system, through a dual description in terms of defects. A power, rather than logarithmic, law for the approach to equilibrium has been found.


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The energy and structure of a dilute hard-disks Bose gas are studied in the framework of a variational many-body approach based on a Jastrow correlated ground-state wave function. The asymptotic behaviors of the radial distribution function and the one-body density matrix are analyzed after solving the Euler equation obtained by a free minimization of the hypernetted chain energy functional. Our results show important deviations from those of the available low density expansions, already at gas parameter values x~0.001 . The condensate fraction in 2D is also computed and found generally lower than the 3D one at the same x.


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Epitaxial and fully strained SrRuO3 thin films have been grown on SrTiO3(100). At initial stages the growth mode is three-dimensional- (3D-)like, leading to a finger-shaped structure aligned with the substrate steps and that eventually evolves into a 2D step-flow growth. We study the impact that the defect structure associated with this unique growth mode transition has on the electronic properties of the films. Detailed analysis of the transport properties of nanometric films reveals that microstructural disorder promotes a shortening of the carrier mean free path. Remarkably enough, at low temperatures, this results in a reinforcement of quantum corrections to the conductivity as predicted by recent models of disordered, strongly correlated electronic systems. This finding may provide a simple explanation for the commonly observed¿in conducting oxides-resistivity minima at low temperature. Simultaneously, the ferromagnetic transition occurring at about 140 K, becomes broader as film thickness decreases down to nanometric range. The relevance of these results for the understanding of the electronic properties of disordered electronic systems and for the technological applications of SrRuO3¿and other ferromagnetic and metallic oxides¿is stressed.


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Amorphous thin films of Fe/Sm, prepared by evaporation methods, have been magnetically characterized and the results were interpreted in terms of the random magnets theory. The samples behave as 2D and 3D random magnets depending on the total thickness of the film. From our data the existence of orientational order, which greatly influences the magnetic behavior of the films, is also clear.


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The formation of coherently strained three-dimensional (3D) islands on top of the wetting layer in the Stranski-Krastanov mode of growth is considered in a model in 1 + 1 dimensions accounting for the anharmonicity and nonconvexity of the real interatomic forces. It is shown that coherent 3D islands can be expected to form in compressed rather than expanded overlayers beyond a critical lattice misfit. In expanded overlayers the classical Stranski-Krastanov growth is expected to occur because the misfit dislocations can become energetically favored at smaller island sizes. The thermodynamic reason for coherent 3D islanding is incomplete wetting owing to the weaker adhesion of the edge atoms. Monolayer height islands with a critical size appear as necessary precursors of the 3D islands. This explains the experimentally observed narrow size distribution of the 3D islands. The 2D-3D transformation takes place by consecutive rearrangements of mono- to bilayer, bi- to trilayer islands, etc., after the corresponding critical sizes have been exceeded. The rearrangements are initiated by nucleation events, each one needing to overcome a lower energetic barrier than the one before. The model is in good qualitative agreement with available experimental observations.


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The synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with monodispere size distributions, their self assembly into ordered arrays and their magnetic behavior as a function of structural order (ferrofluids and 2D assemblies) are presented. Magnetic colloids of monodispersed, passivated, cobalt nanocrystals were produced by the rapid pyrolysis of cobalt carbonyl in solution. The size, size distribution (std. dev.< 5%) and the shape of the nanocrystals were controlled by varying the surfactant, its concentration, the reaction rate and the reaction temperature. The Co particles are defect-free single crystals with a complex cubic structure related to the beta phase of manganese (epsilon-Co). In the 2D assembly, a collective behavior was observed in the low-field susceptibility measurements where the magnetization of the zero field cooled process increases steadily and the magnetization of the field cooling process is independent the temperature. This was different from the observed behavior in a sample comprised of disordered interacting particles. A strong paramagnetic contribution appears at very low temperatures where the magnetization increases drastically after field cooling the sample. This has been attributed to the Co surfactant-particle interface since no magnetic atomic impurities are present in these samples.


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We consider a Potts model diluted by fully frustrated Ising spins. The model corresponds to a fully frustrated Potts model with variables having an integer absolute value and a sign. This model presents precursor phenomena of a glass transition in the high-temperature region. We show that the onset of these phenomena can be related to a thermodynamic transition. Furthermore, this transition can be mapped onto a percolation transition. We numerically study the phase diagram in two dimensions (2D) for this model with frustration and without disorder and we compare it to the phase diagram of (i) the model with frustration and disorder and (ii) the ferromagnetic model. Introducing a parameter that connects the three models, we generalize the exact expression of the ferromagnetic Potts transition temperature in 2D to the other cases. Finally, we estimate the dynamic critical exponents related to the Potts order parameter and to the energy.


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Amorphous thin films of Fe/Sm, prepared by evaporation methods, have been magnetically characterized and the results were interpreted in terms of the random magnets theory. The samples behave as 2D and 3D random magnets depending on the total thickness of the film. From our data the existence of orientational order, which greatly influences the magnetic behavior of the films, is also clear.


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The ab initio cluster model approach has been used to study the electronic structure and magnetic coupling of KCuF3 and K2CuF4 in their various ordered polytype crystal forms. Due to a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion these systems exhibit strong anisotropies. In particular, the magnetic properties strongly differ from those of isomorphic compounds. Hence, KCuF3 is a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nearest neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas K2CuF4 is the only ferromagnet among the K2MF4 series of compounds (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) behaving all as quasi-2D nearest neighbor Heisenberg systems. Different ab initio techniques are used to explore the magnetic coupling in these systems. All methods, including unrestricted Hartree-Fock, are able to explain the magnetic ordering. However, quantitative agreement with experiment is reached only when using a state-of-the-art configuration interaction approach. Finally, an analysis of the dependence of the magnetic coupling constant with respect to distortion parameters is presented.


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Long-lived states (LLS) are relaxation-favoured eigenstates of J-coupled magnetic nuclei. LLS were measured, along with classical 1H and 15 N relaxation rate constants, in aminoacids of the N-terminal Unique domain of the c-Src kinase (USrc), which is disordered in vitro under physiological conditions. The relaxation rates of LLS are a probe for motions and interactions in biomolecules. LLS of the aliphatic protons of glycines, with lifetimes ca. four times longer than their spin-lattice relaxation times, are reported for the first time in an intrinsically disordered protein domain (IDP). LLS relaxation experiments were integrated with 2D spectroscopy methods, further adapting them for studies on proteins.


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Monodispersed colloidal crystals based on silica sub-micrometric particles were synthesized using the Stöber-Fink-Bohn process. The control of nucleation and coalescence result in improved characteristics such as high sphericity and very low size dispersion. The resulting silica particles show characteristics suitable for self-assembling across large areas of closely-packed 2D crystal monolayers by an accurate Langmuir-Blodgett deposition process on glass, fused silica and silicon substrates. Due to their special optical properties, colloidal films have potential applications in fields including photonics, electronics, electro-optics, medicine (detectors and sensors), membrane filters and surface devices. The deposited monolayers of silica particles were characterized by means of FESEM, AFM and optical transmittance measurements in order to analyze their specific properties and characteristics. We propose a theoretical calculation for the photonic band gaps in 2D systems using an extrapolation of the photonic behavior of the crystal from 3D to 2D. In this work we show that the methodology used and the conditions in self-assembly processes are decisive for producing high-quality two-dimensional colloidal crystals by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique.


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Purpose: To assess the feasibility of a method based on microwave spectrometry to detect structural distortions of metallic stents in open air conditions and envisage the prospects of this approach toward possible medical applicability for the evaluation of implanted stents. Methods: Microwave absorbance spectra between 2.0 and 18.0 GHz were acquired in open air for the characterization of a set of commercial stents using a specifically design setup. Rotating each sample over 360º, 2D absorbance diagrams were generated as a function of frequency and rotation angle. To check our approach for detecting changes in stent length (fracture) and diameter (recoil), two specific tests were performed in open air. Finally, with a few adjustments, this same system provides 2D absorbance diagrams of stents immersed in a water-based phantom, this time over a bandwidth ranging from 0.2 to 1.8 GHz. Results: The authors show that metallic stents exhibit characteristic resonant frequencies in their microwave absorbance spectra in open air which depend on their length and, as a result, may reflect the occurrence of structural distortions. These resonances can be understood considering that such devices behave like dipole antennas in terms of microwave scattering. From fracture tests, the authors infer that microwave spectrometry provides signs of presence of Type I to Type IV stent fractures and allows in particular a quantitative evaluation of Type III and Type IV fractures. Recoil tests show that microwave spectrometry seems able to provide some quantitative assessment of diametrical shrinkage, but only if it involves longitudinal shortening. Finally, the authors observe that the resonant frequencies of stents placed inside the phantom shift down with respect to the corresponding open air frequencies, as it should be expected considering the increase of dielectric permittivity from air to water. Conclusions: The evaluation of stent resonant frequencies provided by microwave spectrometry allows detection and some quantitative assessment of stent fracture and recoil in open air conditions. Resonances of stents immersed in water can be also detected and their characteristic frequencies are in good agreement with theoretical estimates. Although these are promising results, further verifica tion in a more relevant phantom is required in order to foresee the real potential of this approach.


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Aging is a gradual, complex process in which cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism itself deteriorate in a progressive and irreversible manner that, in the majority of cases, implies pathological conditions that affect the individual"s Quality of Life (QOL). Although extensive research efforts in recent years have been made, the anticipation of aging and prophylactic or treatment strategies continue to experience major limitations. In this review, the focus is essentially on the compilation of the advances generated by cellular expression profile analysis through proteomics studies (two-dimensional [2D] electrophoresis and mass spectrometry [MS]), which are currently used as an integral approach to study the aging process. Additionally, the relevance of the oxidative stress factors is discussed. Emphasis is placed on postmitotic tissues, such as neuronal, muscular, and red blood cells, which appear to be those most frequently studied with respect to aging. Additionally, models for the study of aging are discussed in a number of organisms, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, senescence-accelerated probe-8 mice (SAMP8), naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), and the beagle canine. Proteomic studies in specific tissues and organisms have revealed the extensive involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress in aging.