85 resultados para Preston family (John Preston, d. 1747)


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This study contributes to developing our understanding of gender and family business, a topic so crucial to recent policies about competitive growth. It does so by providing an interdisciplinary synthesis of some major theoretical debates. It also contributes to this understanding by illuminating the role of women and their participation in the practices of the family and the business. Finally, it explores gender relations and the notion that leadership in family business may take complex forms crafted within constantly changing relationships. Leadership is introduced as a concept that captures the reality of women and men in family firms in a better way than other concepts used by historians or economists like ownership and management.


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Capital intensive industries in specialized niches of production have constituted solid ground for family firms in Spain , as evidenced by the experience of the iron and steel wire industries between 1870 and 2000. The embeddedness of these firms in their local and regional environments have allowed the creation of networks that, together with favourable institutional conditions, significantly explain the dominance of family entrepreneurship in iron and steel wire manufacturing in Spain, until the end of the 20 th century. Dominance of family firms at the regional level has not been not an obstacle for innovation in wire manufacturing in Spain, which has taken place even when institutional conditions blocked innovation and traditional networking. Therefore, economic theories about the difficulties dynastic family firms may have to perform appropriately in science-based industries must be questioned


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CODEX SEARCH és un motor de recuperació d'informació especialitzat en dret d'estrangeria que està basat en eines i coneixement lingüístics. Per a desenvolupar un SRI (sistema de recuperació d'informació) eficient en el domini indicat no n'hi ha prou amb emprar un model tradicional de RI (recuperació d'informació), és a dir, comparar els termes de la pregunta amb els de la resposta, bàsicament perquè no expressen implicacions. En aquest sentit, la solució lingüística proposada es basa a incorporar el coneixement dels especialistes mitjançant la integració en el sistema d'una llibreria de casos. Els casos són exemples de procediments aplicats per experts/ertes en la solució de problemes que han ocorregut en la realitat i que han acabat en èxit o fracàs. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta primera fase són molt encoratjadors, però és necessari continuar la investigació en aquest camp per millorar el rendiment del prototip.


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Algunes de les investigacions desenvolupades en els últims temps fan cada cop més inci¨ncia en la importància de l’enfocament metodològic sota el qual s’integren les noves tecnologies a l’aula. L’estudi que es presenta a continuació parteix de l’anàlisi €™una experiència €™integració de les TIC en una proposta de projectes de treball global desenvolupada en dues aules €™educació infantil de l’escola la Sínia de Vic. El propòsit general del treball és mostrar quins són els efectes que aquestes tecnologies exerceixen sobre l’alumnat i el professorat implicat, així com la contribució €™un recurs com el bloc en la relació entre l’escola i la família, prenent com a fil conductor el projecte portat a terme. En aquest sentit, alguns dels resultats més rellevants de la investigació mostren com els rols desenvolupats per l’alumnat i el professorat de l’aula influeixen directament en les actituds i la motivació de l’alumnat envers les tasques, i finalment posen de manifest la importància dels plantejaments di ctics sota els quals s’utilitzen els recursos TIC a l’aula. €™altra banda, s’ha vist que el bloc no ha tingut les mateixes repercussions en totes les famílies per diversos motius particulars que requeriran €™un treball més a fons per potenciar-ho molt més entre els pares i mares.


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A l’escola bressol el vincle entre equip educatiu i família és de gran importància i, en la societat canviant en la que vivim, és important cercar noves vies de comunicació. Aquesta recerca és un estudi de casos de l’ús de les TIC com a mitjà de comunicació entre escola i família a tres escoles bressol. Amb l’objectiu de descriure i analitzar aquestes eines s’utilitzen entrevistes, qüestionaris i anàlisi de documents com a instruments de recollida de dades. Els resultats mostren que les eines més utilitzades són el blog i el correu electrònic amb la funció €™informar a les famílies. Aquestes dades permeten identificar l’ús, la funció i els destinataris com a criteris necessaris per a escollir l’eina TIC més adient per a la relació família-escola €™un centre, i per elaborar una guia per a l’elecció €™eines TIC com a mitjà de relació entre els dos agents educatius.


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L’objectiu €™aquest treball és analitzar la inclusió €™un infant amb deficiència visual durant l’etapa €™Educació Infantil, amb la finalitat €™establir propostes de millora al centre encaminades a potenciar mesures per a la inclusió de tot l’alumnat. Per a la realització €™aquest estudi primerament ha estat necessari conèixer la fonamentació teòrica del concepte de visió i €™inclusió escolar, així com també les implicacions per part del centre, la família i l’entorn. Per a realitzar aquest anàlisi hem utilitzat entrevistes i pautes €™observació validades, amb la finalitat de conèixer més a fons la trajectòria de l’infant a l’etapa €™Educació Infantil, sempre des €™una concepció interaccionista, és a dir, tenint en compte l’àmbit escolar, familiar i l’entorn. I ja per acabar, aquest anàlisi ha servit per a proposar propostes de millora per a la inclusió de futurs alumnes en el centre.


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During John Lake's visit to Barcelona to take part in a seminar organized by the Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació (Department of Library and Information Science) at the University of Barcelona (UB)1 EPI sought an interview to further explore some of the themes addressed in the seminar, drawing on his extensive experience in the world of public libraries.


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Many engineering problems that can be formulatedas constrained optimization problems result in solutionsgiven by a waterfilling structure; the classical example is thecapacity-achieving solution for a frequency-selective channel.For simple waterfilling solutions with a single waterlevel and asingle constraint (typically, a power constraint), some algorithmshave been proposed in the literature to compute the solutionsnumerically. However, some other optimization problems result insignificantly more complicated waterfilling solutions that includemultiple waterlevels and multiple constraints. For such cases, itmay still be possible to obtain practical algorithms to evaluate thesolutions numerically but only after a painstaking inspection ofthe specific waterfilling structure. In addition, a unified view ofthe different types of waterfilling solutions and the correspondingpractical algorithms is missing.The purpose of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, itoverviews the waterfilling results existing in the literature from aunified viewpoint. On the other hand, it bridges the gap betweena wide family of waterfilling solutions and their efficient implementationin practice; to be more precise, it provides a practicalalgorithm to evaluate numerically a general waterfilling solution,which includes the currently existing waterfilling solutions andothers that may possibly appear in future problems.


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A series of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobenzo[h][1,6]naphthyridines differently substituted at positions 1, 5, and 9 have been designed from the pyrano[3,2-c]quinoline derivative 1, a weak inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with predicted ability to bind to the AChE peripheral anionic site (PAS), at the entrance of the catalytic gorge. Fourteen novel benzonaphthyridines have been synthesized through synthetic sequences involving as the key step a multicomponent Povarov reaction between an aldehyde, an aniline and an enamine or an enamide as the activated alkene. The novel compounds have been tested against Electrophorus electricus AChE (EeAChE), human recombinant AChE (hAChE), and human serum butyrylcholinesterase (hBChE), and their brain penetration has been assessed using the PAMPA-BBB assay. Also, the mechanism of AChE inhibition of the most potent compounds has been thoroughly studied by kinetic studies, a propidium displacement assay, and molecular modelling. We have found that a seemingly small structural change such as a double O → NH bioisosteric replacement from the hit 1 to 16a results in a dramatic increase of EeAChE and hAChE inhibitory activities (>217- and >154-fold, respectively), and in a notable increase in hBChE inhibitory activity (> 11-fold), as well. An optimized binding at the PAS besides additional interactions with AChE midgorge residues seem to account for the high hAChE inhibitory potency of 16a (IC50 = 65 nM), which emerges as an interesting anti-Alzheimer lead compound with potent dual AChE and BChE inhibitory activities.


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A series of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobenzo[h][1,6]naphthyridines differently substituted at positions 1, 5, and 9 have been designed from the pyrano[3,2-c]quinoline derivative 1, a weak inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with predicted ability to bind to the AChE peripheral anionic site (PAS), at the entrance of the catalytic gorge. Fourteen novel benzonaphthyridines have been synthesized through synthetic sequences involving as the key step a multicomponent Povarov reaction between an aldehyde, an aniline and an enamine or an enamide as the activated alkene. The novel compounds have been tested against Electrophorus electricus AChE (EeAChE), human recombinant AChE (hAChE), and human serum butyrylcholinesterase (hBChE), and their brain penetration has been assessed using the PAMPA-BBB assay. Also, the mechanism of AChE inhibition of the most potent compounds has been thoroughly studied by kinetic studies, a propidium displacement assay, and molecular modelling. We have found that a seemingly small structural change such as a double O → NH bioisosteric replacement from the hit 1 to 16a results in a dramatic increase of EeAChE and hAChE inhibitory activities (>217- and >154-fold, respectively), and in a notable increase in hBChE inhibitory activity (> 11-fold), as well. An optimized binding at the PAS besides additional interactions with AChE midgorge residues seem to account for the high hAChE inhibitory potency of 16a (IC50 = 65 nM), which emerges as an interesting anti-Alzheimer lead compound with potent dual AChE and BChE inhibitory activities.


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We have synthesized a family of rheinhuprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and ()-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and ()-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and ()-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.


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We have synthesized a family of rheinhuprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and ()-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and ()-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and ()-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.


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La crisi actual ha agreujat la situació socioeconòmica de nombroses persones i famílies , esdevenint una realitat social cada vegada més complexa . Aquest nou context, ha portat a que aquesta nova bossa de persones hagin de recórrer a demanar suport als serveis socials bàsics. Persones que fins aquest moment havien estat en una situació normalitzada i en aquests moments estan en el llindar de l’exclusió social. El treball Sorgeix de la necessitat del món local, concretament de l’Àrea Bàsica de Serveis Socials del Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Pene¨s, de disposar €™eines €™inserció social per a les persones perceptores de la renda mínima €™inserció de la comarca, que formen part €™aquest col·lectiu en risc €™exclusió. Planteja la importància que des del món local es creïn aliances amb entitats , associacions diverses i de diferents àmbits , per tal €™adequar les respostes i les mesures €™inserció social segons la realitat de cada persona i família a través de diferents tasques col·laboratives, dins la seva comunitat, el seu entorn més immediat. Presenta la renda mínima com una via útil i necessària per lluitar contra la pobresa i a favor de la inclusió social


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In this research from the late medieval period, we want to analyze diferent aspects related to funerary world through Brunissèn €™Alentorn’s will. The document is compared with other wills from Lleida’s area that acquire knowledge to these customs, for instance, the draps €™or’s uses. These were provided of decease€™ heraldry, and were comissioned to cover the tomb. Also, in Lleida’s case, they were used to decorate the ancient cathedral’s presbitery during the main festivities, and the patrons’ wedding bed. Artistic patronage, social prestige, family arms ostentation, pomp and devotion are other aspects that would be emphasized in this tour, just as the private devotions in the chapels and altars that were founded regarding this topic.


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Montcada’s family had in Middle Ages the Baronia €™Aitona in the land known as Baix Segre, in Lleida. His properties included the villages of Serós, Aitona, Mequinensa, Faió, Vallobar and Maials. This part of the family, who lived in Lleida, is really unknown. Documents from the Arxiu Ducal de Medinaceli a Catalunya have shown new members of this part of the family unknown since now. This new information has allowed to complete the genealogical trees of the Montcada’s family in Lleida.