236 resultados para Potential theory (Physics)
The string model with N=2 world-sheet supersymmetry is approached via ghosts, Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin cohomology, and bosonization. Some amplitudes involving massless scalars and vectors are computed at the tree level. The constraints of locality on the spectrum are analyzed. An attempt is made to "decompactify" the model into a four-dimensional theory.
The properties of a proposed model of N point particles in direct interaction are considered in the limit of small velocities. It is shown that, in this limit, time correlations cancel out and that Newtonian dynamics is recovered for the system in a natural way.
We study the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian constraints of the Polyakov string. The gauge fixing at the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian level is also studied.
The equivalence between the covariant and the noncovariant versions of a constrained system is shown to hold after quantization in the framework of the field-antifield formalism. Our study covers the cases of electromagnetism and Yang-Mills fields and sheds light on some aspects of the Faddeev-Popov method, for both the covariant and noncovariant approaches, which have not been fully clarified in the literature.
The Newton-Hooke algebras in d dimensions are constructed as contractions of dS(AdS) algebras. Nonrelativistic brane actions are WZ terms of these Newton-Hooke algebras. The NH algebras appear also as subalgebras of multitemporal relativistic conformal algebras, SO(d+1,p+2). We construct generalizations of pp-wave metrics from these algebras.
The exchange of gluons between heavy quarks produced in e+e- interactions results in an enhancement of their production near threshold. We study QCD threshold effects in collisions. The results are relevant to heavy quark production by beamstrahlung and laser backscattering in future linear collider experiments. Detailed predictions for top-, bottom-, and charm-quark production are presented.
To cosmic rays incident near the horizon the Earth's atmosphere represents a beam dump with a slant depth reaching 36 000 g cm-2 at 90. The prompt decay of a heavy quark produced by very high energy cosmic ray showers will leave an unmistakable signature in this dump. We translate the failure of experiments to detect such a signal into an upper limit on the heavy quark hadroproduction cross section in the energy region beyond existing accelerators. Our results disfavor any rapid growth of the cross section or the gluon structure function beyond conservative estimates based on perturbative QCD.