49 resultados para Poder judiciário Teses
Aquest article t dos objectius bsics. En primer lloc, mostrar la capacitat analtica d'un estudi de cas a l'hora d'estudiar l'expressi de la identitat i dels rols assumits pels participants en la comunicaci, posant-la en relaci amb els marcs participatius d'Erwing Goffman (1981), d'una banda, i amb la dixi de persona i les seves manifestacions gramaticals (Levinson 1983; Nogu 2008), de l'altra. I en segon lloc, mostrar com l'estructura gramatical pot proporcionar indicadors lingstics que donen informaci sobre la identitat i els rols assumits, posant l'mfasi en una circumstncia concreta: la manera com es reflecteix lingsticament la collisi entre dos o ms rols. Paraules clau: dixi de persona, identitat, rol participatiu, marc participatiu. This article has two main purposes. In the first place, to show how a case study can provide interesting information about the expression of identity and of the different roles assumed by the communication participants. On the one hand, this information is related to the participation frameworks proposed by Erwing Goffman (1981); on the other hand, to person deixis and its grammatical manifestations (Levinson 1983; Nogu 2008). And in the second place, to show how grammatical structure can provide linguistic cues about identity and roles, putting the emphasis on a specific circumstance: the linguistic signs of the collision between two or more of these roles. Key words: person deixis, identity, participation role, participation framework.
The basketball refereeing has undergone many changes in the last ten years. This article claims to combine some conceptual and methodological basis to define the meanings for the so called modern refereeing. Indeed, this research is concerned to the analysis of the new communication skills as an inseparable asset to the arbitration task, characterized by the dialogue, the administration of 'soft power', the emotional management and the adoption of a renewed and empathic attitude towards all the components of the game. Finally, this paper will propose the concretion of some specific communicative characteristics of the basketball refereeing in the XXI century.
[esp]Durante la primera mitad de los aos setenta, Michel Foucault modific en algunos aspectos su pensamiento, pasando de su etapa <<arqueolgica>> a su etapa <<genealgica>>. Como consecuencia de esta transformacin, neg que la familia fuera (como haba defendido en los aos sesenta) un modelo adecuado para explicar la organizacin de las primeras instituciones psiquitricas. En este trabajo, estudiaremos las relaciones existentes entre dicho cambio de perspectiva y la crtica foucaultiana a la definicin del trmino <<ideologa>> propuesto por Althusser.