49 resultados para Parallel version


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We present parallel characterizations of two different values in the framework of restricted cooperation games. The restrictions are introduced as a finite sequence of partitions defined on the player set, each of them being coarser than the previous one, hence forming a structure of different levels of a priori unions. On the one hand, we consider a value first introduced in Ref. [18], which extends the Shapley value to games with different levels of a priori unions. On the other hand, we introduce another solution for the same type of games, which extends the Banzhaf value in the same manner. We characterize these two values using logically comparable properties.


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The Catalan Research Portal (Portal de la Recerca de Catalunya or PRC) is an initiative carried out by the Consortium for University Services in Catalonia (CSUC) in coordination with nearly all universities in Catalonia. The Portal will provide an online CERIF-compliant collection of all research outputs produced by Catalan HEIs together with an appropriate contextual information describing the specific environment where the output was generated (such as researchers, research group, research project, etc). The initial emphasis of the Catalan Research Portal approach to research outputs will be made on publications, but other outputs such as patents and eventually research data will eventually be addressed as well. These guidelines provide information for PRC data providers to expose and exchange their research information metadata in CERIFXML compatible structure, thus allowing them not just to exchange validated CERIF XML data with the PRC platform, but to improve their general interoperability by being able to deliver CERIFcompatible outputs.


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On this instrumental study we intend to analyse the factorial structure of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) in a Spanish sample using exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. As a second objective we intend to develop a short form of it for rapid screening and, finally, to analyze the reliabilities of both questionnaires. The SCARED was administered to a community sample of 1,508 children aged between 8 and 12 years. The sample was randomly split using half for the exploratory analysis and the other half for the confirmatory study. Furthermore a reduced version of the SCARED was developed using the SchmidLeiman procedure. Exploratory Factor Analysis yielded a four factor structure comprised of Somatic/panic, Generalized anxiety, Separation anxiety and Social phobia factors This structure was confirmed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The four factors, the full scale and the short scale showed good reliabilities. The results obtained seem to indicate that the Spanish version of the SCARED has good internal consistency, and along with other recent results, has a structure of four related factors that replicates the dimensions proposed for anxiety disorders by the DSM-IV-TR


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S’arriba a 4 conclusions de l’anàlisi del PDU estudiat. 1- Respecte al nou traçat de la C-55, s’entén necessari determinat desplaçament en sentit sud que alliberi territori no malmès i de futur creixement.2- Respecte al pont sobre el riu Llobregat, és prioritari per poder connectar dues parts de la població travessada per múltiples infraestructures i elements naturals. 3- Respecte al vial connexió B40-B224, ha de descarregar clarament el trànsit procedent de la zona industrial cap a la A2, oferint sortida cap a la AP7 i la B40, és un eix reconegudament favorable.4- Respecte a l’àmbit de ponent paral•lel a la futura B40 es posa de relleu les potencialitats d’aquesta part del territori com reserva natural, en conseqüència, qualsevol actuació que es pogués plantejar en aquest àmbit, caldria orientar-la des de la perspectiva d’una zona o via de servei de la B40.