77 resultados para PLANTAR PRESSURES


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Paciente femenina de 34 años de edad, acude a la consulta con dolor agudo selectivo en la zona plantar del antepie a nivel de las cabezas del 1er y 2º metatarsiano. Realizada la anamnesis descartamos cualquier posibilidad de traumatismo o neuralgia. A lo largo de este trabajo expondremos las características principales de la paciente observadas durante la exploración tanto en estática como en dinámica, diseño del plan de tratamiento con los objetivos que pretendemos alcanzar, metodología de aplicación y conclusiones.


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Se estudia la patología dolorosa, que en ocasiones, puede producir la existencia de un escafoides accesorio del tarso. Este hueso accesorio generalmente se une al escafoides con la maduración ósea, hacia la adolescencia, mediante un centro secundario de osificación, En ocasiones se vuelve doloroso cuando, en esta edad, existe un exceso de tracción del tendón del tibial posterior, el cual se inserta en este centro secundario de sificación; esto puede ser producido por la presencia de un pie valgo-plano o por la realización de una fuerte actividad física. También, aquellos accesorios que son muy prominentes, pueden volverse sintomáticos con el roce con el calzado. Inicialmente el tratamiento será conservador, evitando el exceso de tracción del tendón del tibial posterior mediante reposo, y con la utilización de un soporte plantar que disminuya la pronación del pie. Esperando la osificación de ambos huesos, en la gran mayoría de las veces desaparecen los síntomas. Solamente en algunos casos es necesaria la intervención quirúrgica, la cual consiste en la simple exéresis del accesorio. En éste artículo se desmiente, de forma argumentada, la hipótesis de que el escafoides accesorio produce un pie valgo-plano. No obstante, si se constata la importante asociación que hay entre su existencia cuando es sintomático y el aplanamiento del pie; la explicación que se da a esto es que, cuando hay un pie plano, el exceso de pronación que este ocasiona provocará un exceso de tracción del tendón del tibial posterior sobre el accesorio,convirtiéndolo en doloroso; éstos son los pies que vienen a la consulta, y no los asintomáticos, dando la falsa impresión de que el escafoides accesorio provoca un pie valgo-plano.


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Después de varios años de experiencia en la aplicación de las férulas estabilizadoras del sistema aquileocalcáneo plantar FESAP) en pacientes con parálisis cerebral, creemos que deberían ser el tratamiento ortopodológico de elección del pie equino en niños con miopatías y lesiones neurológlcas de la unidad motora, del sistema piramidal o extrapiramidal, tanto por su perfecta adaptación a la morfología de la extremidad inferior como por sus caracteristicas funcionales y sus acciones fisio1ógicas y terapéuticas.


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The paper commented on here R. M. C. de Almeida, S. Gonçalves, I. J. R. Baumvol and F. C. Stedile Phys. Rev. B 61 12992 (2000) claims that the Deal and Grove model of oxidation is unable to describe the kinetics in the thin oxide regime due to two main simplifications: (a) the steady-state assumption and (b) the abrupt Si∕SiO2 interface assumption. Although reasonably good fits are obtained without these simplifications, it will be shown that the values of the kinetic parameters are not reliable and that the solutions given for different partial pressures are erroneous. Finally, it will be shown that the correct solution of their model is unable to predict the oxidation rate enhancement observed in the thin oxide regime and that the predicted width of the interface compatible with the Deal and Grove rate constants is too large


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Increasing anthropogenic pressures urge enhanced knowledge and understanding of the current state of marine biodiversity. This baseline information is pivotal to explore present trends, detect future modifications and propose adequate management actions for marine ecosystems. Coralligenous outcrops are a highly diverse and structurally complex deep-water habitat faced with major threats in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological, aesthetic and economic value, coralligenous biodiversity patterns are still poorly understood. There is currently no single sampling method that has been demonstrated to be sufficiently representative to ensure adequate community assessment and monitoring in this habitat. Therefore, we propose a rapid non-destructive protocol for biodiversity assessment and monitoring of coralligenous outcrops providing good estimates of its structure and species composition, based on photographic sampling and the determination of presence/absence of macrobenthic species. We used an extensive photographic survey, covering several spatial scales (100s of m to 100s of km) within the NW Mediterranean and including 2 different coralligenous assemblages: Paramuricea clavata (PCA) and Corallium rubrum assemblage (CRA). This approach allowed us to determine the minimal sampling area for each assemblage (5000 cm² for PCA and 2500 cm²for CRA). In addition, we conclude that 3 replicates provide an optimal sampling effort in order to maximize the species number and to assess the main biodiversity patterns of studied assemblages in variability studies requiring replicates. We contend that the proposed sampling approach provides a valuable tool for management and conservation planning, monitoring and research programs focused on coralligenous outcrops, potentially also applicable in other benthic ecosystems


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Visual perception is initiated in the photoreceptor cells of the retina via the phototransduction system.This system has shown marked evolution during mammalian divergence in such complex attributes as activation time and recovery time. We have performed a molecular evolutionary analysis of proteins involved in mammalianphototransduction in order to unravel how the action of natural selection has been distributed throughout thesystem to evolve such traits. We found selective pressures to be non-randomly distributed according to both a simple protein classification scheme and a protein-interaction network representation of the signaling pathway. Proteins which are topologically central in the signaling pathway, such as the G proteins, as well as retinoid cycle chaperones and proteins involved in photoreceptor cell-type determination, were found to be more constrained in their evolution. Proteins peripheral to the pathway, such as ion channels and exchangers, as well as the retinoid cycle enzymes, have experienced a relaxation of selective pressures. Furthermore, signals of positive selection were detected in two genes: the short-wave (blue) opsin (OPN1SW) in hominids and the rod-specific Na+/Ca2+,K+ ion exchanger (SLC24A1) in rodents. The functions of the proteins involved in phototransduction and the topology of the interactions between them have imposed non-random constraints on their evolution. Thus, in shaping or conserving system-level phototransduction traits, natural selection has targeted the underlying proteins in a concerted manner.


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The combined effect of pressure and mild temperature treatments on bovine sarcoplasmic proteins and quality parameters was assessed. M. longissimus dorsi samples were pressurised in a range of 200–600 MPa and 10–30 °C. High Pressure Processing (HPP) induced a reduction of protein solubility (p < 0.001) compared to non-treated controls (NT), more pronounced above 200 MPa. HPP at pressures higher than 200 MPa induced a strong modification (p < 0.001) of meat colour and a reduction of water holding capacity (WHC). SDS–PAGE analysis demonstrated that HPP significantly modified the composition of the sarcoplasmic protein fraction. The pressurisation temperature mainly affected protein solubility and colour; a smaller effect was observed on protein profiles. Significant correlations (p < 0.001) between sarcoplasmic protein solubility and both expressible moisture (r = −0.78) and colour parameters (r = −0.81 to −0.91) suggest that pressure induced denaturation of sarcoplasmic proteins could influence to some extent WHC and colour modifications of beef. Changes in protein band intensities were also significantly correlated with protein solubility, meat lightness and expressible moisture. These results describe the changes induced by HPP on sarcoplasmic proteins and confirm a relationship between modification of the sarcoplasmic protein fraction and alteration of meat quality characteristics


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Sóc de l’opinió que hem d’analitzar acuradament els fets històrics precedents i veure què feien els nostres avantpassats per conèixer i viure més intensament el present, i també per encarar amb més precisió el futur. Saber en quines situacions es van trobar ens pot servir per plantar cara al present, amb actituds, coneixements i intuïcions que provenen de l’herència de la història que ens precedeix.Ben segur que és aquest el principal motiu que m'ha empès a dur a terme aquesta recerca i convertir-la en el meu Treball de Fi de Grau. Cal analitzar l’exili republicà, conseqüència directa de la victòria de l’exèrcit rebel. Amb l'inici de la dictadura de Francisco Franco, el procés demogràfic generacional a Espanya va patir un greu sotrac. Amb la “modernització del país” propugnada pel Caudillo, molts homes i dones es van veure forçats a marxar precipitadament del seu poble, d'on provenien i on tenien les seves arrels, per arribar a grans ciutats, totalment contràries a la seva manera de viure rural. Aquests milions de persones que van deixar el país o van canviar de domicili van ser víctimes d'aquest “nou ordre” franquista.


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The relationship between pressure induced changes on individual proteins and selected quality parameters in bovine longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) muscle was studied. Pressures ranging from 200 to 600 MPa at 20 °C were used. High pressure processing (HPP) at pressures above 200 MPa induced strong modifications of protein solubility, meat colour and water holding capacity (WHC). The protein profiles of non-treated and pressure treated meat were observed using two dimensional electrophoresis. Proteins showing significant differences in abundance among treatments were identified by mass spectrometry. Pressure levels above 200 MPa strongly modified bovine LTL proteome with main effects being insolubilisation of sarcoplasmic proteins and solubilisation of myofibrillar proteins. Sarcoplasmic proteins were more susceptible to HPP effects than myofibrillar. Individual protein changes were significantly correlated with protein solubility, L*, b* and WHC, providing further insights into the mechanistic processes underlying HPP influence on quality and providing the basis for the future development of protein markers to assess the quality of processed meats.


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Viruses are known to tolerate wide ranges of pH and salt conditions and to withstand internal pressures as high as 100 atmospheres. In this paper we investigate the mechanical properties of viral capsids, calling explicit attention to the inhomogeneity of the shells that is inherent to their discrete and polyhedral nature. We calculate the distribution of stress in these capsids and analyze their response to isotropic internal pressure (arising, for instance, from genome confinement and/or osmotic activity). We compare our results with appropriate generalizations of classical (i.e., continuum) elasticity theory. We also examine competing mechanisms for viral shell failure, e.g., in-plane crack formation vs radial bursting. The biological consequences of the special stabilities and stress distributions of viral capsids are also discussed.


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This paper describes preliminary results of a qualitative case study on mobile communication conducted in an elders¿ retirement home in Toronto (Ontario, Canada) in May 2012. This is part of an international research project on the relationship between mobile communications and older people.Secondary data at a Canadian level contextualizes the case study. We focus ondemographic characteristics and on adoption and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) broken by age.Participants in the study (21 individuals) are between 75 and 98 years of age, thereforewe can consider that the gathered evidence refers to the ¿old¿ older. Mobile phoneusers in the sample describe very specific uses of the mobile phone, while non-usersreport not facing external pressures for adopting that technology. The main channel formediated communication is the landline; in consequences mobile phones ¿when used¿ constitute an extra layer of communication. Finally, when members of the personal network of the individuals live abroad they are more prone to use Internet and Skype. We are also able to find ex-users of both mobile telephony and computers/internet who stopped using these technologies because they did not find any use for them.


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En els darrers anys s’estan duent a terme transformacions dels sòl en la comarca del Priorat per plantar noves vinyes. Les transformacions realitzades han consistit en volteig d’horitzons i trituració de material, comportant canvis importants en les propietats físiques, químiques i hidrològiques del sòl. S’han identificat i quantificat els canvis, evidenciant alteracions importants en molts paràmetres, com una reducció de la matèria orgànica, capacitat de retenció d’aigua i conductivitat hidràulica, que dificulten l’estabilitat estructural del sòl, augmentant-ne l’escolament superficial i l’erosió, i dificultant el correcte desenvolupament de les plantes.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de evaluar la deposición transversal de caldo de las boquillas pulverizadoras de doble abanico TTJ60-11004 y TTJ60-11002 en distintas condiciones operacionales. Se utilizaron 5 muestras de cada boquilla pulverizadora siendo considerada cada unidad, una repetición. La distribución de caldo fue evaluada por medio de una mesa de evaluación de distribución construida de acuerdo con la norma ISO 56821. Se evaluó el perfil de distribución individual, la distribución volumétrica simulada de la superposición de los chorros por medio del coeficiente de variación (CV%) de los volúmenes colectados, el caudal y el ángulo de abertura de los chorros. Las condiciones operacionales fueron: presión de trabajo de 200, 300 y 400 Kpa, altura de 30, 40 y 50 cm en relación al blanco y espaciamiento entre boquillas simulados en Software (Microsoft Excel) entre 45 y 100 cm. Las boquillas presentaron perfil individual descontinuo con la mayor deposición de líquido en la región central y reducción del volumen gradual en dirección a las extremidades. El aumento de la presión promovió alargamiento del perfil y de la franja de aplicación. Las boquillas proporcionaron perfil uniforme que dependió del espaciamiento entre las boquillas, con valores menores con reducción en el espaciamiento y en presiones mayores. El caudal y el ángulo del chorro aumentaron con el incremento en la presión.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a distribuição de líquido da ponta de pulverização com indução de ar e jato excêntrico AIUB 8502 sob diferentes condições operacionais. Foram avaliados perfil individual, vazão, ângulo de abertura do jato, faixa de aplicação e distribuição volumétrica simulada de duas pontas AIUB 8502 nas pressões de trabalho de 200, 300, 400 e 500 kPa, altura de 30, 40 e 50 cm em relação ao alvo e espaçamento entre pontas de 30 a 100 cm. Todas as análises foram realizadas seguindo a norma ISSO 5682-1, com algumas adaptações. A ponta apresentou distribuição de líquido excêntrica com um lado descontínuo e extremidade oposta excêntrica, com queda abrupta do volume de líquido. À medida que se aumentou a altura da barra e a pressão de trabalho, alongou-se o perfil do jato. O maior número de configurações uniformes foi obtido na altura de 50 cm, decrescendo nas alturas de 40 e 30 cm. A vazão e o ângulo do jato excêntrico aumentaram com o incremento na pressão, não havendo diferença entre o ângulo do jato descontínuo e o total entre as pressões de 400 e 500 kPa e de 200 e 300 kPa.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a distribuição volumétrica e o espectro de gotas das pontas de pulverização de baixa deriva TTI110015, AI110015 e AVI11001 sob diferentes condições operacionais. A distribuição volumétrica foi determinada em bancada de ensaios padronizada analisando o coeficiente de variação (CV%) de uma barra simulada em computador, utilizando pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa, altura de 30, 40 e 50 cm em relação à bancada e espaçamento entre pontas de 40 a 100 cm. O espectro de gotas foi produzido utilizando-se apenas água como calda em um analisador de partículas em meio aquoso, nas pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa. Foram avaliados o DMV, a porcentagem de gotas com diâmetro inferior a 100 µm (%100 µm) e a amplitude relativa (AR). As pontas proporcionaram perfil descontínuo nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa e uniforme a 200 kPa. Na pressão de 200 kPa, as pontas foram adequadas apenas para aplicação em faixa, e a 300 e 400 kPa, apenas para área total. Ocorreu menor CV (abaixo de 7%) com a maior pressão de trabalho e menor espaçamento entre pontas. À medida que se aumentou a pressão de trabalho, reduziu-se o DMV. As pontas TTI110015 e AI110015 em todas as pressões e a ponta AVI11001 na pressão de 200 kPa produziram gotas extremamente grossas e gotas grossas nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa apenas para a ponta AVI11001. As pontas proporcionaram baixos valores de amplitude relativa (AR) e gotas de tamanho uniforme, bem como produziram baixa porcentagem de gotas menores que 100 µm, principalmente TTI110015 e AI110015, com menor risco de deriva.