52 resultados para Maximum likelihood – Expectation maximization (ML-EM)


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El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo principal analizar tres funciones de perfil del fuste sobre tres clones de Populus x euramericana (Canadá Blanco, I-214 y MC) en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra para elaborar una tarifa de cubicación con clasificación de volumen. Para minimizar el efecto de la autocorrelación entre los residuos se emplea una estructura de error continua autorregresiva de orden 2 o de orden 3 en función del clon analizado. Por otra parte, se compara el coeficiente local de forma de cada uno de los clones estudiados mediante dos metodologías: el análisis de la varianza de la estimación individual de dicho coeficiente y el contraste del estadístico de máxima verosimilitud entre ajustes, resultando ser el clon Canadá el más cónico de los tres. Los datos utilizados provienen de 143 chopos de plantaciones coetáneas y con mismo marco de plantación (marco real de 4,5 × 4,5 m).


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El presente estudio se enmarca en el proyecto europeo SIBERIA. Trata de explorar el uso de imágenes radar de satélite (ERS y JERS) para la actualización de la cartografía de vegetación de zonas boreales. Se dispone de 8 imágenes de amplitud y coherencia tomadas en 1998, así como de un inventario de vegetación georreferenciado de dos pequeñas zonas. Se proponen tres tipos de clasificaciones supervisadas por el método de máxima verosimilitud. La primera con las imágenes de satélite, la segunda añadiendo algunas imágenes texturales, y la tercera utilizando sólo las imágenes de los componentes principales más significativos. Se siguen los criterios establecidos en el proyecto SIBERIA para la obtención de áreas de entrenamiento. Se propone una doble validación, por una parte vía matrices de confusión a partir de áreas de verdad-terreno obtenidas por el mismo método que las áreas de entrenamiento, y por otra parte contrastando y correlacionando las clasificaciones con los parámetros de inventario disponibles para dos pequeñas áreas de verdad-terreno. Los resultados indican una sensible mejora en la clasificación con la incorporación de imágenes texturales (la precisión aumenta de un 66% a un 75%), y señalan el parámetro biomasa como el mejor correlacionado con las clasificaciones derivadas (coeficiente de correlación r de hasta 0,49). Diferentes fuentes de error permiten augurar un margen de mejora para posteriores estudios.


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Membrane proteins account for about 20% to 30% of all proteins encoded in a typical genome. They play central roles in multiple cellular processes mediating the interaction of the cell with its surrounding. Over 60% of all drug targets contain a membrane domain. The experimental difficulties of obtaining a crystal structural severely limits our ability or understanding of membrane protein function. Computational evolutionary studies of proteins are crucial for the prediction of 3D structures. In this project, we construct a tool able to quantify the evolutionary positive selective pressure on each residue of membrane proteins through maximum likelihood phylogeny reconstruction. The conservation plot combined with a structural homology model is also a potent tool to predict those residues that have essentials roles in the structure and function of a membrane protein and can be very useful in the design of validation experiments.


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BACKGROUND: The bacterial flagellum is the most important organelle of motility in bacteria and plays a key role in many bacterial lifestyles, including virulence. The flagellum also provides a paradigm of how hierarchical gene regulation, intricate protein-protein interactions and controlled protein secretion can result in the assembly of a complex multi-protein structure tightly orchestrated in time and space. As if to stress its importance, plants and animals produce receptors specifically dedicated to the recognition of flagella. Aside from motility, the flagellum also moonlights as an adhesion and has been adapted by humans as a tool for peptide display. Flagellar sequence variation constitutes a marker with widespread potential uses for studies of population genetics and phylogeny of bacterial species. RESULTS: We sequenced the complete flagellin gene (flaA) in 18 different species and subspecies of Aeromonas. Sequences ranged in size from 870 (A. allosaccharophila) to 921 nucleotides (A. popoffii). The multiple alignment displayed 924 sites, 66 of which presented alignment gaps. The phylogenetic tree revealed the existence of two groups of species exhibiting different FlaA flagellins (FlaA1 and FlaA2). Maximum likelihood models of codon substitution were used to analyze flaA sequences. Likelihood ratio tests suggested a low variation in selective pressure among lineages, with an omega ratio of less than 1 indicating the presence of purifying selection in almost all cases. Only one site under potential diversifying selection was identified (isoleucine in position 179). However, 17 amino acid positions were inferred as sites that are likely to be under positive selection using the branch-site model. Ancestral reconstruction revealed that these 17 amino acids were among the amino acid changes detected in the ancestral sequence. CONCLUSION: The models applied to our set of sequences allowed us to determine the possible evolutionary pathway followed by the flaA gene in Aeromonas, suggesting that this gene have probably been evolving independently in the two groups of Aeromonas species since the divergence of a distant common ancestor after one or several episodes of positive selection. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Alexey Kondrashov, John Logsdon and Olivier Tenaillon (nominated by Laurence D Hurst).


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A BASIC computer program (REMOVAL) was developed to compute in a VAXNMS environment all the calculations of the removal method for population size estimation (catch-effort method for closed populations with constant sampling effort). The program follows the maximum likelihood methodology,checks the failure conditions, applies the appropriate formula, and displays the estimates of population size and catchability, with their standard deviations and coefficients of variation, and two goodness-of-fit statistics with their significance levels. Data of removal experiments for the cyprinodontid fish Aphanius iberus in the Alt Emporda wetlands are used to exemplify the use of the program


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Identification of clouds from satellite images is now a routine task. Observation of clouds from the ground, however, is still needed to acquire a complete description of cloud conditions. Among the standard meteorologicalvariables, solar radiation is the most affected by cloud cover. In this note, a method for using global and diffuse solar radiation data to classify sky conditions into several classes is suggested. A classical maximum-likelihood method is applied for clustering data. The method is applied to a series of four years of solar radiation data and human cloud observations at a site in Catalonia, Spain. With these data, the accuracy of the solar radiation method as compared with human observations is 45% when nine classes of sky conditions are to be distinguished, and it grows significantly to almost 60% when samples are classified in only five different classes. Most errors are explained by limitations in the database; therefore, further work is under way with a more suitable database


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We develop a method for obtaining 3D polarimetric integral images from elemental images recorded in low light illumination conditions. Since photon-counting images are very sparse, calculation of the Stokes parameters and the degree of polarization should be handled carefully. In our approach, polarimetric 3D integral images are generated using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation and subsequently reconstructed by means of a Total Variation Denoising filter. In this way, polarimetric results are comparable to those obtained in conventional illumination conditions. We also show that polarimetric information retrieved from photon starved images can be used in 3D object recognition problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on 3D polarimetric photon counting integral imaging.