78 resultados para Indispensability argument


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While the theoretical industrial organization literature has long arguedthat excess capacity can be used to deter entry into markets, there islittle empirical evidence that incumbent firms effectively behave in thisway. Bagwell and Ramey (1996) propose a game with a specific sequence ofmoves and partially-recoverable capacity costs in which forward inductionprovides a theoretical rationalization for firm behavior in the field. Weconduct an experiment with a game inspired by their work. In our data theincumbent tends to keep the market, in contrast to what the forwardinduction argument of Bagwell and Ramey would suggest. The results indicatethat players perceive that the first mover has an advantage without havingto pre-commit capacity. In our game, evolution and learning do not driveout this perception. We back these claims with data analysis, atheoretical framework for dynamics, and simulation results.


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Whereas much literature exists on choice overload, little is known about effects of numbers of alternatives in donation decisions. How do these affect both the size and distribution of donations? We hypothesize that donations are affected by the reputation of recipients and increase with their number, albeit at a decreasing rate. Allocations to recipients reflect different concepts of fairness equity and equality. Both may be employed but, since they differ in cognitive and emotional costs, numbers of recipients are important. Using a cognitive (emotional) argument, distributions become more uniform (skewed) as numbers increase. In a survey, respondents indicated how they would donate lottery winnings of 50 Euros. Results indicated that more was donated to NGO s that respondents knew better. Second, total donations increased with the number of recipients albeit at a decreasing rate. Third, distributions of donations became more skewed as numbers increased. We comment on theoretical and practical implications.


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Within the emerging policy debate on interculturalism we critically review two recent books in 2012: Bouchard’s L’interculturalisme: un point de vue quebecois, and Cantle’s Interculturalism: The New Era of Cohesion and Diversity. In my view, both contribute very directly to open a foundational debate on interculturalism. In addressing the point of convergence and the dividing lines of these two contributions, I will claim that in spite of having one core concept of interculturalism, there are, however, at least two basic conceptions that have to be interpreted in complementary ways: Bouchard’s essay represents the contractual strand, Cantle’s book the cohesion strand. At the end I would also suggest that these two strands do not manage to express explicitly that diversity can also be seen as a resource of innovation and creativity, and so can drive individual and social development. This view is based on the diversity advantage literature already informing most of the diversity debate in Europe and elsewhere. This is what I will call the constructivist strand. My ultimate purpose is to defend a comprehensive view, grounded on the argument that no one can have the sole authority to define intercultural policy, since the three strands can be applied at different moments, according to different purposes and policy needs. The challenge now is that policy managers be able to achieve a balance between these three policy drivers.


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En este trabajo introducimos diversas clases de barreras del dividendo en la teoría modelo clásica de la ruina. Estudiamos la influencia de la estrategia de la barrera en probabilidad de la ruina. Un método basado en las ecuaciones de la renovación [Grandell (1991)], alternativa a la discusión diferenciada [Gerber (1975)], utilizado para conseguir las ecuaciones diferenciales parciales para resolver probabilidades de la supervivencia. Finalmente calculamos y comparamos las probabilidades de la supervivencia usando la barrera linear y parabólica del dividendo, con la ayuda de la simulación


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It is very well known that the first succesful valuation of a stock option was done by solving a deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) of the parabolic type with some complementary conditions specific for the option. In this approach, the randomness in the option value process is eliminated through a no-arbitrage argument. An alternative approach is to construct a replicating portfolio for the option. From this viewpoint the payoff function for the option is a random process which, under a new probabilistic measure, turns out to be of a special type, a martingale. Accordingly, the value of the replicating portfolio (equivalently, of the option) is calculated as an expectation, with respect to this new measure, of the discounted value of the payoff function. Since the expectation is, by definition, an integral, its calculation can be made simpler by resorting to powerful methods already available in the theory of analytic functions. In this paper we use precisely two of those techniques to find the well-known value of a European call


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Rotating scroll waves are dynamical spatiotemporal structures characteristic of three-dimensional active media. It is well known that, under low excitability conditions, scroll waves develop an intrinsically unstable dynamical regime that leads to a highly disorganized pattern of wave propagation. Such a ¿turbulent¿ state bears some resemblance to fibrillation states in cardiac tissue. We show here that this unstable regime can be controlled by using a spatially distributed random forcing superimposed on a control parameter of the system. Our results are obtained from numerical simulations but an explicit analytical argument that rationalizes our observations is also presented.


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We investigated the influence of a hydrogenated disordered carbon (a-C:H) layer on the nucleation of diamond. Substrates c-Si<100>, SiAlON, and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite {0001} were used in this study. The substrate surfaces were characterized with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) while diamond growth was followed with Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that on silicon and SiAlON substrates the presence of the a-C:H layer enabled diamond to grow readily without any polishing treatment. Moreover, more continuous diamond films could be grown when the substrate was polished with diamond powder prior to the deposition of the a-C:H layer. This important result suggests that the nucleation of diamond occurs readily on disordered carbon surfaces, and that the formation of this type of layer is indeed one step in the diamond nucleation mechanism. Altogether, the data refute the argument that silicon defects play a direct role in the nucleation process. Auger spectra revealed that for short deposition times and untreated silicon surfaces, the deposited layer corresponds to an amorphous carbon layer. In these cases, the subsequent diamond nucleation was found to be limited. However, when the diamond nucleation density was found to be high; i.e., after lengthy deposits of a¿C:H or after diamond polishing, the Auger spectra suggested diamondlike carbon layers.


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The tunneling approach to the wave function of the Universe has been recently criticized by Bousso and Hawking who claim that it predicts a catastrophic instability of de Sitter space with respect to pair production of black holes. We show that this claim is unfounded. First, we argue that different horizon size regions in de Sitter space cannot be treated as independently created, as they contend. And second, the WKB tunneling wave function is not simply the inverse of the Hartle-Hawking one, except in very special cases. Applied to the related problem of pair production of massive particles, we argue that the tunneling wave function leads to a small constant production rate, and not to a catastrophe as the argument of Bousso and Hawking would suggest.


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Ground-state instability to bond alternation in long linear chains is considered from the point of view of valence-bond (VB) theory. This instability is viewed as the consequence of a long-range order (LRO) which is expected if the ground state is reasonably described in terms of the Kekulé states (with nearest-neighbor singlet pairing). It is argued that the bond alternation and associated LRO predicted by this simple, VB picture is retained for certain linear Heisenberg models; many-body VB calculations on spin s=1 / 2 and s=1 chains are carried out in a test of this argument.


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La reducció de l'interès del 5 % al 3 % ha estat considerada el principi de la fi dels censals. Però aquest argument no té en compte que la de 1750 va ser només l'última d'una sèrie de reduccions del for de censal, que també es produïren a Anglaterra, França o Castella, i que els primers símptomes de retracció de l'oferta de préstecs censals no apareixerien fins a la darreria del segle XVIII o principi del segle XIX. L¿article proposa una explicació alternativa d¿aquelles reduccions, que ajustaven l'interès a l'alça coetània del valor patrimonial de la terra i la minva de la rendibilitat del seu esmerç, i de la fi del censal a partir de l'impagament de pensions que es desencadenà a les acaballes del segle XVIII, juntament amb la vaga de delmes i rendes de la terra, quan s'havien esgotat, en bona part, les possibilitats d'expansió agrària del segle XVIII.


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We characterize the approach regions so that the non-tangential maximal function is of weak-type on potential spaces, for which we use a simple argument involving Carleson measure estimates.


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It is very well known that the first succesful valuation of a stock option was done by solving a deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) of the parabolic type with some complementary conditions specific for the option. In this approach, the randomness in the option value process is eliminated through a no-arbitrage argument. An alternative approach is to construct a replicating portfolio for the option. From this viewpoint the payoff function for the option is a random process which, under a new probabilistic measure, turns out to be of a special type, a martingale. Accordingly, the value of the replicating portfolio (equivalently, of the option) is calculated as an expectation, with respect to this new measure, of the discounted value of the payoff function. Since the expectation is, by definition, an integral, its calculation can be made simpler by resorting to powerful methods already available in the theory of analytic functions. In this paper we use precisely two of those techniques to find the well-known value of a European call


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En este trabajo introducimos diversas clases de barreras del dividendo en la teoría modelo clásica de la ruina. Estudiamos la influencia de la estrategia de la barrera en probabilidad de la ruina. Un método basado en las ecuaciones de la renovación [Grandell (1991)], alternativa a la discusión diferenciada [Gerber (1975)], utilizado para conseguir las ecuaciones diferenciales parciales para resolver probabilidades de la supervivencia. Finalmente calculamos y comparamos las probabilidades de la supervivencia usando la barrera linear y parabólica del dividendo, con la ayuda de la simulación


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Rotating scroll waves are dynamical spatiotemporal structures characteristic of three-dimensional active media. It is well known that, under low excitability conditions, scroll waves develop an intrinsically unstable dynamical regime that leads to a highly disorganized pattern of wave propagation. Such a ¿turbulent¿ state bears some resemblance to fibrillation states in cardiac tissue. We show here that this unstable regime can be controlled by using a spatially distributed random forcing superimposed on a control parameter of the system. Our results are obtained from numerical simulations but an explicit analytical argument that rationalizes our observations is also presented.


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Els seguiments o monitoritzacions, com els empenys humans, tenen per tret diferencial els alts i baixos, les dents de serra. I aixó, no només és vàlid per al comportament de les variables monitoritzades, sino també per als avatars administratius i financers. Fins l'extrem que la continuitat temporal, i no sols l'antiguitat delsregistres, és la millor mesura de la seriositat en la gestió d'un país; en aquest sentit, és evident que els països anglo-saxons tenen molt que ensenyar als llatins (p.e. en els registres de dades metereològiques).Abans del que haguèssim volgut, els alts i baixos polítics i financers van tocar, fent trontollar l'any 1995, al Seguiment del Patrimoni Biològic de les Illes Medes. L'any 1994 s'acabà el primer cicle del Pla d'Usos de l'Àrea protegida de les illes Medes (sorgit de la llei 19/1990 de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya).Aquest havia d'obrir les portes a un segon cicle quatrienal en el que, de forma preceptiva segons l'esmentada llei, s'havien de continuar els controls biològics del seu patrimoni natural. Per tant, no calia recorrer al nostre reiterat argument que en ecologia hom precisa de períodes d'estudi relativament llargs per definir amb fiabilitat les tendències de canvi: l'administració havia assumit l'argument i el feia seu. Malgrat tot, no podem dir que causès sorpresa la notícia que, després de moltes dil.lacions, informacions contradictòries i canvis de titularitat en els òrgans de gestió, el seguiment de 1995 es veia desproveït de suport financer (ens apresurem a reconeixer que a nivell d'intencions, el suport de les administracions involucrades no es va veure mai compromés). Conscients de la ingenuïtat d'esperar un suport lliure d'entrebancs, el nostre equip de treball havia assumit, des de l'inici del seguiment en 1990, el risc d'aquesta eventualitat. I havia previst que, arribat el cas, caldria continuar el seguiment, omplint si calia el buit derivat de la manca del marcadministratiu (en aquest cas el nou conveni entre la conselleria d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca i la Universitat de Barcelona) que per motius diversos no es restablí en tot el curs del 1995. És així que el seguiment del patrimoni natural de l'Àrea protegida de les illes Medes al llarg de l'any 1995 es feu amb recursos propis, la qual cosa vol dir amb moltes estretors econòmiques. Afortunadament, la situaciós'ha redrecat, en renovar-se per tres anys més (1996-1998) el conveni que estableix el seguiment. La satisfacció per la signatura d'aquest nou conveni, em fa alimentar l'esperança que ens anys a venir els nous gestors de la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes, conscients del paper capdavanter d'aquest espai en la gestió dels espais litorals mediterrànis, no permetràn que tals anomalies es repeteixin.