75 resultados para GAS-GIANT PLANET
The heat exchanged at the low-temperature first-order magnetostructural transition is directly measured in Gd5Ge4 . Results show that the origin and the temperature dependence of the heat exchanged varies with the reversible/irreversible character of the first-order transition. In the reversible regime, the heat exchanged by the sample is mostly due to the latent heat at the transition and decreases with decreasing temperature, while in the irreversible regime, the heat is irreversibly dissipated and increases strongly with decreasing temperature, reaching a value of 237 J/kg at 4 K.
The effective diffusion coefficient for the overdamped Brownian motion in a tilted periodic potential is calculated in closed analytical form. Universality classes and scaling properties for weak thermal noise are identified near the threshold tilt where deterministic running solutions set in. In this regime the diffusion may be greatly enhanced, as compared to free thermal diffusion with, for a realistic experimental setup, an enhancement of up to 14 orders of magnitude.
Magnetic, structural, and transport properties of as quenched and annealed Co10Cu90 samples have been investigated using x¿ray diffraction and a SQUID magnetometer. The largest value of MR change was observed for the as¿quenched sample annealed at 450°C for 30 min. The magnetic and transport properties closely correlate with the microstructure, mainly with Co magnetic particle size and its distribution. For thermal annealing the as quenched samples below 600°C, the Co particle diameters increase from 4.0 to 6.0 nm with a magnetoresistance (MR) drop from 33.0% to 5.0% at 10 K. Comparison with the theory indicates that the interfacial electron spin¿dependent scattering mechanism correlates with GMR for Co particle diameters up to about 6.0 nm.
El desarrollo desigual de las economias en el pasado constituye un factor determinante de la distinta capacidad de los paises para aprovechar las mejoras tecnológicas. En algunos casos, 10s menos, el atraso económico puede jugar un papel positivo, al reducir las resistencias que toda innovación genera. En los más, sin embargo, la debilidad del desarrollo anterior constituye un lastre dificil de superar. Suele destacarse, en este sentido, que en las sociedades de menor nivel de desarrollo las disponibilidades de capital para nuevas inversiones acostumbran a ser escasas, y que la demanda, estimulo indispensable, está limitada por los bajos niveles de renta. Pero se olvida a menudo que el resultado de un desarrollo económico lento es siempre una infraestructura muy limitada, que puede significar una dificultad considerable en el momento de plantear una mejora de los procesos de producción.
[cat] En els últims temps es parla molt del nou paper dels hidrocarburs d'Àfrica, fins i tot s'al·ludeix a un oil rush o a un african oil scramble , que inevitablement desembocarà en una confrontació bipolar entre la Xina i els Estats Units, pel control de les reserves de petroli del subsòl del continent africà. Així, el propòsit d'aquest text és, en primer lloc, realitzar una anàlisi descriptiva que ajudi a valorar la hipòtesi d'aquest african oil scramble. A continuación, amb les dades obtingudes, es discutirà sobre la possibilitat de que aquest fenomen desemboqui en un escenari de confrontació xinoamericana. Aquesta especulació ens durà a concloure que hi ha suficients indicis per a argumentar que el joc petrolífer africà podria desenvolupar-se en un escenari marcat per la multilateralitat.
p-toluensulfonate doped polypyrrole (PPy), undergoes an electric-field induced reversible transition from an insulating state to a highly conductive one. The spatially average field can be as small as 200 V/cm, when the temperature of the sample is below 20 K. The applied electric field leads to a sharp jump in the value of the current to a value which is nearly five orders of magnitude higher than before. When the applied electric field is reduced to below a critical value, the system switches back to a low conductive state. The effect is reversible, symmetric in voltage, and reproducible for different samples. The switching is, we believe, an electronic glass melting transition and it is due to the disordered, highly charged granular nature of PPy.
Up until now, analyses of the international distribution of pollutant emissions have not paid sufficient attention to the implications that, in terms of social welfare, the combined evolution of the global world average entails. In this context, this paper proposes the use of environmental welfare indices, taken and adapted from the literature on social welfare and inequality, in order to make a comprehensive examination of the international equity factor and the mean factor in this field. The proposed methodology is implemented empirically in order to explore the evolution in distributive-based environmental welfare on a global level for the three main pollutants with greenhouse gas effects: CO2, CH4 and NO, both globally and for selected years during the period of 1990- 2005. The main results found are as follows: firstly, typically, the environmental welfare associated with the overall greenhouse gases decreased significantly over the period, due primarily to the role of CO2; secondly, in contrast, the global welfare associated with CH4 and NO improved; and thirdly, typically, the evolutions can be attributed to a greater extent to the mean component than to the distributive component, although there are exceptions. These results would seem to be relevant in policy terms. JEL codes: D39; Q43; Q56. Keywords: environmental welfare: greenhouse gases; environmental equity.
We have observed a type of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in magnetic granular Co10Cu90 alloys. The asymmetric GMR depends strongly on the size of magnetic Co particles, which exhibit superparamagnetic behavior at given measured temperature. The asymmetric GMR points to a metastable state that develops when the sample is field-cooled, which is lost after recycling. We propose that high-field cooling produces more effective parallel alignment of small unblocked Co particle moments and interfacial magnetizations, which contributes to the further decrease of the resistance in comparison with the samples zero-field-cooled, and then applied to the same field.
The main goal of this special issue was to gather contributions dealing with the latest breakthrough methods for providing value compounds and energy/fuel from waste valorization. Valorization is a relatively new approach in the area of industrial wastes management, a key issue to promote sustainable development. In this field, the recovery of value-added substances, such as antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, and so forth, from the processing of agroindustrial byproducts, is worth mentioning. Another important valorization approach is the use of biogas from waste treatment plants for the production of energy. Several approaches involving physical and chemical processes, thermal and biological processes that ensure reduced emissions and energy consumptions were taken into account. The papers selected for this topical issue represent some of the mostly researched methods that currently promote the valorization of wastes to energy and useful materials ...