88 resultados para EQUIAXED TRANSITION


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Using event-driven molecular dynamics simulations, we study a three-dimensional one-component system of spherical particles interacting via a discontinuous potential combining a repulsive square soft core and an attractive square well. In the case of a narrow attractive well, it has been shown that this potential has two metastable gas-liquid critical points. Here we systematically investigate how the changes of the parameters of this potential affect the phase diagram of the system. We find a broad range of potential parameters for which the system has both a gas-liquid critical point C1 and a liquid-liquid critical point C2. For the liquid-gas critical point we find that the derivatives of the critical temperature and pressure, with respect to the parameters of the potential, have the same signs: they are positive for increasing width of the attractive well and negative for increasing width and repulsive energy of the soft core. This result resembles the behavior of the liquid-gas critical point for standard liquids. In contrast, for the liquid-liquid critical point the critical pressure decreases as the critical temperature increases. As a consequence, the liquid-liquid critical point exists at positive pressures only in a finite range of parameters. We present a modified van der Waals equation which qualitatively reproduces the behavior of both critical points within some range of parameters, and gives us insight on the mechanisms ruling the dependence of the two critical points on the potential¿s parameters. The soft-core potential studied here resembles model potentials used for colloids, proteins, and potentials that have been related to liquid metals, raising an interesting possibility that a liquid-liquid phase transition may be present in some systems where it has not yet been observed.


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We consider damage spreading transitions in the framework of mode-coupling theory. This theory describes relaxation processes in glasses in the mean-field approximation which are known to be characterized by the presence of an exponentially large number of metastable states. For systems evolving under identical but arbitrarily correlated noises, we demonstrate that there exists a critical temperature T0 which separates two different dynamical regimes depending on whether damage spreads or not in the asymptotic long-time limit. This transition exists for generic noise correlations such that the zero damage solution is stable at high temperatures, being minimal for maximal noise correlations. Although this dynamical transition depends on the type of noise correlations, we show that the asymptotic damage has the good properties of a dynamical order parameter, such as (i) independence of the initial damage; (ii) independence of the class of initial condition; and (iii) stability of the transition in the presence of asymmetric interactions which violate detailed balance. For maximally correlated noises we suggest that damage spreading occurs due to the presence of a divergent number of saddle points (as well as metastable states) in the thermodynamic limit consequence of the ruggedness of the free-energy landscape which characterizes the glassy state. These results are then compared to extensive numerical simulations of a mean-field glass model (the Bernasconi model) with Monte Carlo heat-bath dynamics. The freedom of choosing arbitrary noise correlations for Langevin dynamics makes damage spreading an interesting tool to probe the ruggedness of the configurational landscape.


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The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves, M(H), of SmCo4 and Fe3Tb thin films are studied according to the two-dimensional correlated spin-glass model of Chudnovsky. We have calculated the magnetization law in approach to saturation and shown that the M(H) data fit well the theory at high and low fields. In our fit procedure we have used three different correlation functions. The Gaussian decay correlation function fits well the experimental data for both samples.


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Fréedericksz transition under twist deformation in a nematic layer is discussed when the magnetic field has a random component. A dynamical model which includes the thermal fluctuations of the system is presented. The randomness of the field produces a shift of the instability point. Beyond this instability point the time constant characteristic of the approach to the stationary stable state decreases because of the field fluctuations. The opposite happens for fields smaller than the critical one. The decay time of an unstable state, calculated as a mean first-passage time, is also decreased by the field fluctuations.


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A general dynamical model for the first-order optical Fréedericksz transition incorporating spatial transverse inhomogeneities and hydrodynamic effects is discussed in the framework of a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model. The motion of an interface between two coexisting states with different director orientations is considered. A uniformly translating front solution of the dynamical equations for the motion of that interface is described.


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The magnetically induced splay Fréedericksz transition is reexamined to look for pattern forming phenomena slightly above or below criticality. By using our traditional scheme of stochastic nematodynamic equations, situations are, respectively, found of transient and permanent predominance of transversal periodicities (wave numbers) along the direction perpendicular to the initial orientation within the sample. The relevance of these predictions in relation with recent observations in the electrically driven splay Fréedericksz transition, and in general with other pattern forming phenomena, is stressed.


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Rigorous quantum dynamics calculations of reaction rates and initial state-selected reaction probabilities of polyatomic reactions can be efficiently performed within the quantum transition state concept employing flux correlation functions and wave packet propagation utilizing the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree approach. Here, analytical formulas and a numerical scheme extending this approach to the calculation of state-to-state reaction probabilities are presented. The formulas derived facilitate the use of three different dividing surfaces: two dividing surfaces located in the product and reactant asymptotic region facilitate full state resolution while a third dividing surface placed in the transition state region can be used to define an additional flux operator. The eigenstates of the corresponding thermal flux operator then correspond to vibrational states of the activated complex. Transforming these states to reactant and product coordinates and propagating them into the respective asymptotic region, the full scattering matrix can be obtained. To illustrate the new approach, test calculations study the D + H2(ν, j) → HD(ν′, j′) + H reaction for J = 0.