72 resultados para Dependência - Dependence


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We conduct a large-scale comparative study on linearly combining superparent-one-dependence estimators (SPODEs), a popular family of seminaive Bayesian classifiers. Altogether, 16 model selection and weighing schemes, 58 benchmark data sets, and various statistical tests are employed. This paper's main contributions are threefold. First, it formally presents each scheme's definition, rationale, and time complexity and hence can serve as a comprehensive reference for researchers interested in ensemble learning. Second, it offers bias-variance analysis for each scheme's classification error performance. Third, it identifies effective schemes that meet various needs in practice. This leads to accurate and fast classification algorithms which have an immediate and significant impact on real-world applications. Another important feature of our study is using a variety of statistical tests to evaluate multiple learning methods across multiple data sets.


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In this paper we deal with the identification of dependencies between time series of equity returns. Marginal distribution functions are assumed to be known, and a bivariate chi-square test of fit is applied in a fully parametric copula approach. Several families of copulas are fitted and compared with Spanish stock market data. The results show that the t-copula generally outperforms other dependence structures, and highlight the difficulty in adjusting a significant number of bivariate data series


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In this article we report our systematic studies of the dependence on the sample thickness of the onset parameters of the instability of the nematic-isotropic interface during directional growth and melting, in homeotropic or planar anchoring.


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The electronic structure and properties of cerium oxides (CeO2 and Ce2O3) have been studied in the framework of the LDA+U and GGA(PW91)+U implementations of density functional theory. The dependence of selected observables of these materials on the effective U parameter has been investigated in detail. The examined properties include lattice constants, bulk moduli, density of states, and formation energies of CeO2 and Ce2O3. For CeO2, the LDA+U results are in better agreement with experiment than the GGA+U results whereas for the computationally more demanding Ce2O3 both approaches give comparable accuracy. Furthermore, as expected, Ce2O3 is much more sensitive to the choice of the U value. Generally, the PW91 functional provides an optimal agreement with experiment at lower U energies than LDA does. In order to achieve a balanced description of both kinds of materials, and also of nonstoichiometric CeO2¿x phases, an appropriate choice of U is suggested for LDA+U and GGA+U schemes. Nevertheless, an optimum value appears to be property dependent, especially for Ce2O3. Optimum U values are found to be, in general, larger than values determined previously in a self-consistent way.


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Sickness absence (SA) is an important social, economic and public health issue. Identifying and understanding the determinants, whether biological, regulatory or, health services-related, of variability in SA duration is essential for better management of SA. The conditional frailty model (CFM) is useful when repeated SA events occur within the same individual, as it allows simultaneous analysis of event dependence and heterogeneity due to unknown, unmeasured, or unmeasurable factors. However, its use may encounter computational limitations when applied to very large data sets, as may frequently occur in the analysis of SA duration. To overcome the computational issue, we propose a Poisson-based conditional frailty model (CFPM) for repeated SA events that accounts for both event dependence and heterogeneity. To demonstrate the usefulness of the model proposed in the SA duration context, we used data from all non-work-related SA episodes that occurred in Catalonia (Spain) in 2007, initiated by either a diagnosis of neoplasm or mental and behavioral disorders. As expected, the CFPM results were very similar to those of the CFM for both diagnosis groups. The CPU time for the CFPM was substantially shorter than the CFM. The CFPM is an suitable alternative to the CFM in survival analysis with recurrent events,especially with large databases.


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Revisió sobre l’eficàcia de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadorsinformals de malalts amb demència per a reduir els nivells de morbiditatpsicològicaAntecedentsL’envelliment de la població està relacionat amb l’augment de la prevalença dedemències tals com la malaltia d’Alzheimer. El caràcter progressiu, incapacitanti irreversible de la malaltia d’Alzheimer comporta dependència i demanda,obligant l’aparició d’un cuidador informal per cobrir les necessitats del malalt.Amb l’evolució de la malaltia, augmenta l’exigència de les cures i el cuidador esveu en risc de patir alteracions a qualsevol nivell, principalment a nivellpsicològic.Objectius1. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons latipologia de les intervencions i els seus components.2. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons lescaracterístiques sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep lescures, el tipus de càrrega i els instruments de mesura.Material i mètodesEs va realitzar una revisió bibliogràfica en les bases de dades: MEDLINEPubMed, CSIC-IME, CUIDEN i Biblioteca Cochrane Plus sobre lesintervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals de demència o Alzheimerd’estudis publicats entre el gener de 2002 i febrer de 2013. Els criteris d’inclusióvan ser: cuidadors informals que convisquessin amb la persona a qui donen lescures i sense remuneració econòmica, persones amb demència o Alzheimer noinstitucionalitzades, intervencions comparades entre un grup experimental i ungrup control, prioritat per revisions sistemàtiques i metanàlisis. La mostra finalla van composar 7 estudis.ResultatsLes diferents intervencions analitzades van mostrar dades estadísticamentsignificatives tot i produir efectes discrets en les diferents variables demorbiditat psicològica. Les intervencions psicoeducatives i les intervencionsdirigides als pacients van resultar efectives en la millora de la sensació debenestar i la simptomatologia del malalt. Les intervencions psicològiques vanincidir en la sobrecàrrega i la depressió. Les intervencions de suport vanproduir un augment dels coneixements, habilitats i de la xarxa social delcuidador. El dia de descans va disminuir l’estrès, l’ansietat i la càrrega objectivaperò els efectes van ser a curt termini. Les intervencions múltiplesestructurades van mostrar una disminució del risc d’institucionalització. Lesintervencions centrades en la resolució de problemes, superiors a 6 sessions oaquelles que havien realitzat seguiment, van mostrar efectes a llarg termini finsals 12 mesos. Altres intervencions pràctiques com les realitzades al domicili oamb tecnologia, no van mostrar suficient evidència científica. El sexe i l’edat delcuidador així com la relació de parentesc amb el malalt van mostrar diferènciesen els efectes de les intervencions.ConclusionsLes intervencions s’han de planificar en funció de les necessitats del cuidadorja que no hi ha cap intervenció que incideixi en totes les variables de morbiditatpsicològica. La variabilitat de tipologia i composició de les intervencions, lesdiferències sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep les cures i lescaracterístiques dels estudis influeixen en l’heterogeneïtat de resultats de larevisió. Aquests fets limiten la contundència de resultats pel que cal seguirinvestigant


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Estudi experimental basat amb el mètode Perfetti realitzat per avaluar l’eficàcia i l’eficiència del tractament envers a les diferents afectacions cerebrals que pot tenir un pacient quan ha patit un AVC (Accident Vascular Cerebral). Farem un estudi quantitatiu, tenint en compte unes variables específiques que ens indicaran d’una forma molt més acurada l’evolució del pacient des de l’ inici fins a la fi del tractament. Hem de tenir en compte que al ser un estudi experimental ens podem trobar amb certes limitacions, implícites com trobar la idoneïtat de la mostra de pacients o que totes les afectacions cerebrals d’estudi siguin compatibles. Sempre tindrem en compte que no es seguirà un protocol sinó que és un tractament individualitzat i totalment personalitzat. La població en el nostre país cada cop envelleix més, per això millorar la qualitat de vida és imprescindible. El que volem és intentar que el pacient millori la seva qualitat de vida minvant la seva dependència i/o discapacitat, després de l’AVC. En conseqüència i ja que l’actual situació socioeconòmica no és favorable podrem afavorir la reducció de l’actual despesa sanitària,en aquest tipus de patologies en el nostre país.


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En aquest article s’ofereix un perfil del pensament de Rousseau a partir de la seva relació amb la filosofia estoica i la seva dependència respecte de les idees de Montaigne, alhora que es remarca —atenint-se a la Professió de fe del vicari savoià— la dimensió religiosa i espiritual de la seva cosmovisió. Sobre la base d’aquests supòsits es revisa l’impacte de les idees de Rousseau en el Romanticisme del segle xix, sense perdre de vista les crítiques que la seva pedagogia va merèixer dels ideòlegs del Noucentisme (Eugeni d’Ors, Joaquim Xirau). Finalment, es conclou que la presència de la pedagogia de Rousseau en el Moviment de Renovació Pedagògica, viscut durant les primeres dècades del segle xx a Catalunya, constitueix més un horitzó que no pas una realitat bastida sistemàticament i sòlidament.


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It has been shown previously that the endogenous opioid system may be involved in the behavioral effects of nicotine. In the present study, the participation of endogenous enkephalins on nicotine responses has been investigated by using preproenkephalin knock-out mice. Acute nicotine-induced hypolocomotion remained unaffected in these mice. In contrast, antinociception elicited in the tail-immersion and hot-plate tests by acute nicotine administration was reduced in mutant animals. The rewarding properties of nicotine were then investigated using the place-conditioning paradigm. Nicotine induced a conditioned place preference in wild-type animals, but this effect was absent in knock-out mice. Accordingly, in vivo microdialysis studies revealed that the enhancement in dopamine extracellular levels in the nucleus accumbens induced by nicotine was also reduced in preproenkephalin-deficient mice. Finally, the somatic expression of the nicotine withdrawal syndrome precipitated in nicotine-dependent mice by mecamylamine was significantly attenuated in mutant animals. In summary, the present results indicate that endogenous opioid peptides derived from preproenkephalin are involved in the antinociceptive and rewarding properties of nicotine and participate in the expression of physical nicotine dependence.


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The stop-loss reinsurance is one of the most important reinsurance contracts in the insurance market. From the insurer point of view, it presents an interesting property: it is optimal if the criterion of minimizing the variance of the cost of the insurer is used. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the analysis of the stop-loss contract in one period from the point of view of the insurer and the reinsurer. Firstly, the influence of the parameters of the reinsurance contract on the correlation coefficient between the cost of the insurer and the cost of the reinsurer is studied. Secondly, the optimal stop-loss contract is obtained if the criterion used is the maximization of the joint survival probability of the insurer and the reinsurer in one period.


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The magnetization process of Co/Al oxide/Py trilayers and its evolution with the temperature have been analyzed. The particular behavior of the Co layers, including the shift of the hysteresis loops and a coercivity increase with the decrease of temperature, is related with the apparition of a CoO layer at the Co/Al-oxide interface.


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Magnetization versus temperature in the temperature interval 2-200 K was measured for amorphous alloys of three different compositions: Fe 81.5B14.5Si4, Fe40Ni38 Mo4B18, and Co70Fe5Ni 2Mo3B5Si15. The measurements were performed by means of a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometer. The aim was to extract information about the different mechanisms contributing to thermal demagnetization. A powerful data analysis technique based on successive minimization procedures has demonstrated that Stoner excitations of the strong ferromagnetic type play a significant role in the Fe-Ni alloy studied. The Fe-rich and Co-rich alloys do not show a measurable contribution from single-particle excitations.


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In this paper, the theory of hidden Markov models (HMM) isapplied to the problem of blind (without training sequences) channel estimationand data detection. Within a HMM framework, the Baum–Welch(BW) identification algorithm is frequently used to find out maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates of the corresponding model. However, such a procedureassumes the model (i.e., the channel response) to be static throughoutthe observation sequence. By means of introducing a parametric model fortime-varying channel responses, a version of the algorithm, which is moreappropriate for mobile channels [time-dependent Baum-Welch (TDBW)] isderived. Aiming to compare algorithm behavior, a set of computer simulationsfor a GSM scenario is provided. Results indicate that, in comparisonto other Baum–Welch (BW) versions of the algorithm, the TDBW approachattains a remarkable enhancement in performance. For that purpose, onlya moderate increase in computational complexity is needed.


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Differences in development among wheat cultivars are not only restricted to photoperiod and vernalization responses. When both requirements are fully satisfied differences may still arise due to earliness per se. It is not clear at present to what extent this trait is ‘ intrinsically ’ expressed (a constitutive trait) independently of the environmental conditions so that it might be selected under any thermal condition or if it may be altered to the extent of showing a crossover interaction with temperature in which the ranking of wheat genotypes may be altered. The present study assessed the influence of temperature on the intrinsic earliness for lines of diploid wheat characterized for their differences in a major gene for intrinsic earliness, but also possibly differing in their genetic background for other factors controlling this polygenic trait. To do so the lines were grown individually in two temperature regimes (16 and 23 xC) under long days having previously been fully vernalized. Multiple comparisons analyses were carried out among lines of the same allelic group for the Eps-Am1 gene. Results indicated that within each group there were lines that did not differ in their earliness per se, others differed but without exhibiting any linertemperature interaction and finally different types of interaction were shown, including cases where the ranking of lines was altered depending on the growing temperature. It is thus possible that the selection of a genotype based on its earliness per se in an environment might not represent the same performance in another location where temperature varied significantly.


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N = 1 designs imply repeated registrations of the behaviour of the same experimental unit and the measurements obtained are often few due to time limitations, while they are also likely to be sequentially dependent. The analytical techniques needed to enhance statistical and clinical decision making have to deal with these problems. Different procedures for analysing data from single-case AB designs are discussed, presenting their main features and revising the results reported by previous studies. Randomization tests represent one of the statistical methods that seemed to perform well in terms of controlling false alarm rates. In the experimental part of the study a new simulation approach is used to test the performance of randomization tests and the results suggest that the technique is not always robust against the violation of the independence assumption. Moreover, sensitivity proved to be generally unacceptably low for series lengths equal to 30 and 40. Considering the evidence available, there does not seem to be an optimal technique for single-case data analysis