54 resultados para Communication plan
Expressions relating spectral efficiency, power and Doppler spectrum are derived for low-power Rayleighfaded wireless channels with proper complex signaling. Noside information on the state of the channel is assumed at the receiver. Rather, periodic reference signals are postulated inaccordance with the functioning of most wireless systems. In contrast with most previous studies, which relied on block-fading channel models, a continuous-fading model is adopted. This embeds the Doppler spectrum directly in thederived expressions thereby imbuing them with practical significance.
The optimization of the pilot overhead in wireless fading channels is investigated, and the dependence of this overhead on various system parameters of interest (e.g., fading rate, signal-to-noise ratio) is quantified. The achievable pilot-based spectral efficiency is expanded with respect to the fading rate about the no-fading point, which leads to an accurate order expansion for the pilot overhead. This expansion identifies that the pilot overhead, as well as the spectral efficiency penalty with respect to a reference system with genie-aided CSI (channel state information) at the receiver, depend on the square root of the normalized Doppler frequency. It is also shown that the widely-usedblock fading model is a special case of more accurate continuous fading models in terms of the achievable pilot-based spectral efficiency. Furthermore, it is established that the overhead optimization for multiantenna systems is effectively the same as for single-antenna systems with thenormalized Doppler frequency multiplied by the number of transmit antennas.
Teniendo en cuenta la importancia del uso del inglés en la cotidianeidad del desempeño profesional del Ingeniero en Telecomunicaciones se ha diseñado un proyecto de innovación docente fundamentado en la inmersión de los estudiantes en esta lengua.
Nuestro trabajo que hemos realizado a lo largo del curso consiste en el estudio de las plantas desalinizadoras, su mercado y producción, y en la elaboración de un plan de empresa que esperamos que sea útil a todas aquellas personas que estén interesadas en nuestro proyecto. De igual forma esperamos que nuestro trabajo y modelo de empresa sirva de ejemplo a seguir por terceros, cuya actividad esté relacionada o involucrada con las plantas desalinizadoras.El tema lo elegimos debido a su alto contenido ecológico, puesto que vivimos enuna sociedad en la que el cambio climático y la escasez de agua son graves problemas que afectan a nuestro globo terráqueo. Nosotros como habitantes del planeta nos sentimos con la obligación y el deber de intentar poner nuestro grano de arena para poder protegerlo.Los objetivos que nos planteamos al principio del trabajo y que hemos intentadoalcanzar han sido: el estudio de la situación del agua de la zona en la que noshemos centrado (Blanes, Lloret, Tossa y Maresme Nord) y las oportunidades de negocio que abre una empresa como la nuestra: Planta desalinizadora.Creemos que la creación de este tipo de empresas es una clara solución futura para solventar los problemas de falta de agua. Y en este grave problema hemos encontrado una oportunidad de negocio que a la larga se convierte en solución.En resumen, nuestro trabajo, una vez conocido el mercado y producción de estasplantas, consiste en la elaboración de un plan de empresa, las características del cuál se detallaran más adelante.
We analyze the role of commitment in pre-play communication for ensuring efficient evolutionarily stable outcomes in coordination games. All players are a priori identical as they are drawn from the same population. In games where efficient outcomes can be reached by players coordinating on the same action we find commitment to be necessary to enforce efficiency. In games where efficienct outcomes only result from play of different actions, communication without commitment is most effective although efficiency can no longer be guaranteed. Only when there are many messages then inefficient outcomes are negligible as their basins of attraction become very small.
The effectiveness of pre-play communication in achieving efficientoutcomes has long been a subject of controversy. In some environments,cheap talk may help to achieve coordination. However, Aumannconjectures that, in a variant of the Stag Hunt game, a signal forefficient play is not self-enforcing and concludes that an "agreementto play [the efficient outcome] conveys no information about what theplayers will do." Harsanyi and Selten (1988) cite this example as anillustration of risk-dominance vs. payoff-dominance. Farrell and Rabin(1996) agree with the logic, but suspect that cheap talk willnonetheless achieve efficiency. The conjecture is tested with one-waycommunication. When the sender first chooses a signal and then anaction, there is impressive coordination: a 94% probability for thepotentially efficient (but risky) play, given a signal for efficientplay. Without communication, efforts to achieve efficiency wereunsuccessful, as the proportion of B moves is only 35%. I also test ahypothesis that the order of the action and the signal affects theresults, finding that the decision order is indeed important. WhileAumann s conjecture is behaviorally disconfirmed when the signal isdetermined initially, the signal s credibility seems to be much moresuspect when the sender is known to have first chosen an action, andthe results are not statistically distinguishable from those whenthere is no signal. Some applications and issues in communication andcoordination are discussed.
We analyze the role of commitment in pre-play communication for ensuringefficient evolutionarily stable outcomes in coordination games. All players are a priori identical as they are drawn from the same population. In games where efficient outcomes can be reached by players coordinating on the same action we find commitment to be necessary to enforce efficiency. In games where efficienct outcomes only result from play of different actions, communication without commitment is most effective although efficiency can no longer be guaranteed. Only when there are many messages then inefficient outcomes are negligible as their basins of attraction become very small.
Organizations often face the challenge of communicating their strategiesto local decision makers. The difficulty presents itself in finding away to measure performance wich meaningfully conveys how to implement theorganization's strategy at local levels. I show that organizations solvethis communication problem by combining performance measures in such away that performance gains come closest to mimicking value-added asdefined by the organization's strategy. I further show how organizationsrebalance performance measures in response to changes in their strategies.Applications to the design of performance metrics, gaming, and divisionalperformance evaluation are considered. The paper also suggests severalempirical ways to evaluate the practical importance of the communicationrole of measurement systems.