49 resultados para Balneario de Valdeganga (Cuenca).
A set of GPR profiles have been recorded in order to determine the 3D geometry of a prograding delta-front sandbody (Roda sandstone formation, Eocene, Graus-Tremp basin). Common Mid Points (CMP) also have been recorded to obtain the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in ground. In order to build the topsurface of a 3D prism a set of topographic points have been acquired. Most of the GPR profiles are oriented parallel to the progradation direction (NNE-SSW) and show the expected geometries. The 3D prism has been built from the individual profiles, which shows the three dimensional geometry of the sandy lithosome.
The presence of Dactyloidites ottoi is first recorded in the Eocene Sant Llorenç del Munt fan-delta complex. This constitutes the first citation for the Paleogene. The ichnospecies occurs in the lower part of a prograding fan-delta front sequence, associated to other traces produced by sediment-feeders. This association is substituted in the upper part of the sequence by abundant vertical Ophiomorpha indicating an increase of energetic conditions. The paleoenvironmental setting interpreted for Dactyloidites is consistent with that of previous described occurrences.
Se pasa revista a los efectos geoambientales producidos por las avenidas denoviembre de 1982 y se intenta una tipología e inventario de impactos así como una cartografía de clasificación de comportamiento de las áreas que fueron cubiertas por las aguas
Se describen los domos graníticos de la cuenca del río Ridaura. Sus caraterísticas geométricas se relacionan estrechamente con la disposición de las fracturas. Su génesis deriva de una fase subsuperficial, bajo un manto de alteración, presumiblemente desarrollada durante el Plioceno, y una fase de exhumación torrencial, que comprende desde el Plioceno terminal hasta la actualidad