66 resultados para Agustín


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La obra de Massimo Casagrande es altamente interesante por dos motivos. Por un lado, llena un vacío en los trabajos relativos al norte de África romano y, por otro lado, se integra en una corriente mundial de máxima actualidad: la visión holística y diacrónica de la hidráulica antigua. Esta tendencia en la investigación está siendo protagonizada de modo incuestionable a escala internacional por la profesora Ella Hermon (Université de Laval) y su «Chaire de recherche du Canada en interactions société - environnement natural dans l¿Empire romain». En España es obligatorio mencionar el Seminario Agustín de Horozco (Universidad de Cádiz) y su proyecto «Captación, usos y administración del agua en los municipios de la Bética romana».


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We show that the dipole, a system usually proposed to model relaxation phenomena, exhibits a maximum in the signal-to-noise ratio at a nonzero noise level, thus indicating the appearance of stochastic resonance. The phenomenon occurs in two different situations, i.e., when the minimum of the potential of the dipole remains fixed in time and when it switches periodically between two equilibrium points. We have also found that the signal-to-noise ratio has a maximum for a certain value of the amplitude of the oscillating field.


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An enantioselective approach to (-)-isoavenaciolide was achieved starting from 1- undecyn-3-ol. The synthesis relied upon the preparation of a chiral 4-silyloxy-2-alkenylborane by hydroboration of a protected 2,3-allenol and subsequent stereoselective addition to 2- thiophenecarboxaldehyde


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We report a phenomenon occurring in field-responsive suspensions: shear-induced anomalous stresses. Competition between a rotating field and a shear flow originates a multiplicity of anomalous stress behaviors in suspensions of bound dimers constituted by induced dipoles. The great variety of stress regimes includes nonmonotonic behaviors, multiresonances, negative viscosity effect, and blockades. The reversibility of the transitions between the different regimes and the self-similarity of the stresses make this phenomenon controllable and therefore applicable to modify macroscopic properties of soft condensed matter phases.


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Hysteresis cycles are very important features of energy conversion and harvesting devices, such as batteries. The efficiency of these may be strongly affected by the physical size of the system. Here, we show that in systems which are small enough, the existence of physical boundaries which produce nonhomogeneities of the interaction potential gives rise to inflections and barriers in the associated free energy. This in turn brings on irreversible processes which can be triggered under suitable external conditions imposed by a heat bath. As an example, by controlling the temperature, the state of a small system may be impelled to oscillate between two different structural configurations or aggregation states avoiding equilibrium coexistence and therefore dissipating energy. This cyclical behavior associated with a hysteresis cycle may be prototypical of energy conversion, storage, or generating nanodevices, as exemplified by Li-ion insertion batteries.


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Radiative heat exchange at the nanoscale presents a challenge for several areas due to its scope and nature. Here, we provide a thermokinetic description of microscale radiative energy transfer including phonon-photon coupling manifested through a non-Debye relaxation behavior. We show that a lognormal-like distribution of modes of relaxation accounts for this non-Debye relaxation behavior leading to the thermal conductance. We also discuss the validity of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The general expression for the thermal conductance we obtain fits existing experimental results with remarkable accuracy. Accordingly, our approach offers an overall explanation of radiative energy transfer through micrometric gaps regardless of geometrical configurations and distances.


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A particular property of the matched desiredimpulse response receiver is introduced in this paper, namely,the fact that full exploitation of the diversity is obtained withmultiple beamformers when the channel is spatially and timelydispersive. This particularity makes the receiver specially suitablefor mobile and underwater communications. The new structureprovides better performance than conventional and weightedVRAKE receivers, and a diversity gain with no needs of additionalradio frequency equipment. The baseband hardware neededfor this new receiver may be obtained through reconfigurabilityof the RAKE architectures available at the base station. Theproposed receiver is tested through simulations assuming UTRAfrequency-division-duplexing mode.


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A unified and general vision of different space-time processors is presented. Many popular receivers can beaccomodated, like V-RAKE receivers, weighted V-RAKE, or spatial narrowband beamforming. By makingappropriate assumptions on the space/time characteristic of the interference it is possible to enhance theperformance of the receiver through spatial/temporal pre-processors. These receivers will be tested in the FDDmode of UTRA.


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This paper deals with the design of nonregenerativerelaying transceivers in cooperative systems where channel stateinformation (CSI) is available at the relay station. The conventionalnonregenerative approach is the amplify and forward(A&F) approach, where the signal received at the relay is simplyamplified and retransmitted. In this paper, we propose an alternativelinear transceiver design for nonregenerative relaying(including pure relaying and the cooperative transmission cases),making proper use of CSI at the relay station. Specifically, wedesign the optimum linear filtering performed on the data to beforwarded at the relay. As optimization criteria, we have consideredthe maximization of mutual information (that provides aninformation rate for which reliable communication is possible) fora given available transmission power at the relay station. Threedifferent levels of CSI can be considered at the relay station: onlyfirst hop channel information (between the source and relay);first hop channel and second hop channel (between relay anddestination) information, or a third situation where the relaymay have complete cooperative channel information includingall the links: first and second hop channels and also the directchannel between source and destination. Despite the latter beinga more unrealistic situation, since it requires the destination toinform the relay station about the direct channel, it is useful as anupper benchmark. In this paper, we consider the last two casesrelating to CSI.We compare the performance so obtained with theperformance for the conventional A&F approach, and also withthe performance of regenerative relays and direct noncooperativetransmission for two particular cases: narrowband multiple-inputmultiple-output transceivers and wideband single input singleoutput orthogonal frequency division multiplex transmissions.


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Cooperative transmission can be seen as a "virtual" MIMO system, where themultiple transmit antennas are in fact implemented distributed by the antennas both at the source and the relay terminal. Depending on the system design, diversity/multiplexing gainsare achievable. This design involves the definition of the type of retransmission (incrementalredundancy, repetition coding), the design of the distributed space-time codes, the errorcorrecting scheme, the operation of the relay (decode&forward or amplify&forward) and thenumber of antennas at each terminal. Proposed schemes are evaluated in different conditionsin combination with forward error correcting codes (FEC), both for linear and near-optimum(sphere decoder) receivers, for its possible implementation in downlink high speed packetservices of cellular networks. Results show the benefits of coded cooperation over directtransmission in terms of increased throughput. It is shown that multiplexing gains areobserved even if the mobile station features a single antenna, provided that cell wide reuse of the relay radio resource is possible.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la eficacia de diversos productos químicos en el control del muérdago (Viscum album var austriacum) sobre Pinus halepensis. La experiencia consistió en la aplicación mediante tratamiento aéreo de diversas concentraciones de etefon, ácido giberélico y glifosato. Las combinaciones de ácido giberélico y glifosato obtuvieron las mayores eficacias, especialmente la que aplicó 7,8 g/ha de ácido giberélico y 540 g/ha de glifosato.


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Se describen una serie de ensayos de campo y laboratorio (pruebas de EAG, Electro-Anteno-Grama), para optimizar el tipo de trampa, la composición y la dosis de la mezcla atrayente, con miras a obtener un nivel máximo de capturas de machos de Sesamia nonagrioides y un mayor grado de selectividad. Igualmente se presentan las curvas de vuelo de la especie en zonas maiceras representativas de Cataluña y Aragón.