75 resultados para 1. Plasma Physics
El aceite de oliva es la principal fuente de grasa de la Dieta Mediterrnea. Actualmente queda establecido su efecto preventivo y beneficioso sobre las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV), atribuyndose en gran parte a sus compuestos fenlicos. Los aceites de oliva enriquecidos en compuestos fenlicos aparecen como una buena estrategia de alimento funcional, sin embargo se ha visto que un aporte nico de una dosis muy alta de un tipo de antioxidante podra tener un efecto indeseado aumentando el estrs oxidativo. Adems, los fenoles del aceite de oliva aportan un carcter amargo indeseado para los consumidores. Es por esto que se plante el diseo de dos aceites funcionales, un aceite de oliva enriquecido con sus propios fenoles y otro con la misma dosis de fenoles pero complementado con otra fuente fenlica, concretamente tomillo. Uno de los principales factores a tener en cuenta es la determinacin de la biodisponibilidad y metabolismo de los compuestos fenlicos del aceite de oliva y del tomillo, para, posteriormente, ejercer su efecto en diferentes tejidos diana. Una posible diana de los compuestos fenlicos y sus metabolitos son las lipoprotenas de alta densidad (HDL), de manera que la bioactividad de los fenoles del aceite de oliva y del tomillo podra ser debida, en parte, a la incorporacin de sus metabolitos en las HDL.
La Dieta Mediterrnea posee un papel protector frente al riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares gracias a los alimentos que la constituyen, entre los que destaca el aceite de oliva como principal fuente de grasas. La hiptesis de la que se parte en el presente trabajo es que el aceite de oliva enriquecido en compuestos fenlicos podra actuar como nutracutico modulando el sistema antioxidante endgeno, contribuyendo as en la defensa antioxidante del plasma y de las partculas HDL.
The most general black M5-brane solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity (with a flat R4 spacetime in the brane and a regular horizon) is characterized by charge, mass and two angular momenta. We use this metric to construct general dual models of large-N QCD (at strong coupling) that depend on two free parameters. The mass spectrum of scalar particles is determined analytically (in the WKB approximation) and numerically in the whole two-dimensional parameter space. We compare the mass spectrum with analogous results from lattice calculations, and find that the supergravity predictions are close to the lattice results everywhere on the two dimensional parameter space except along a special line. We also examine the mass spectrum of the supergravity Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes and find that the KK modes along the compact D-brane coordinate decouple from the spectrum for large angular momenta. There are however KK modes charged under a U(1)U(1) global symmetry which do not decouple anywhere on the parameter space. General formulas for the string tension and action are also given.
We study new supergravity solutions related to large-N c N=1 supersymmetric gauge field theories with a large number N f of massive flavors. We use a recently proposed framework based on configurations with N c color D5 branes and a distribution of N f flavor D5 branes, governed by a function N f S(r). Although the system admits many solutions, under plausible physical assumptions the relevant solution is uniquely determined for each value of xN f /N c . In the IR region, the solution smoothly approaches the deformed Maldacena-Nez solution. In the UV region it approaches a linear dilaton solution. For x<2 the gauge coupling g function computed holographically is negative definite, in the UV approaching the NSVZ function with anomalous dimension 0=1/2 (approaching3/(32 2)(2N c N f )g 3)), and with g in the IR. For x=2, g has a UV fixed point at strong coupling, suggesting the existence of an IR fixed point at a lower value of the coupling. We argue that the solutions with x>2 describe a"Seiberg dual" picture where N f 2N c flips sign.
We recently showed that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons [1]. Here we review our previous holographic calculation of the energy loss in N=4 Super Yang-Mills and extend it to longitudinal vector mesons and scalar mesons. We also discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments. Although the Cherenkov energy loss is an O(1/Nc) effect, a ballpark estimate yields a value of dE/dx for Nc=3 which is comparable to that of other mechanisms.
We recently showed that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons [1]. Here we review our previous holographic calculation of the energy loss in N=4 Super Yang-Mills and extend it to longitudinal vector mesons and scalar mesons. We also discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments. Although the Cherenkov energy loss is an O(1/Nc) effect, a ballpark estimate yields a value of dE/dx for Nc=3 which is comparable to that of other mechanisms.
SEPServer is a three-year collaborative project funded by the seventh framework programme (FP7-SPACE) of the European Union. The objective of the project is to provide access to state-of-the-art observations and analysis tools for the scientific community on solar energetic particle (SEP) events and related electromagnetic (EM) emissions. The project will eventually lead to better understanding of the particle acceleration and transport processes at the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. These processes lead to SEP events that form one of the key elements of space weather. In this paper we present the first results from the systematic analysis work performed on the following datasets: SOHO/ERNE, SOHO/EPHIN, ACE/EPAM, Wind/WAVES and GOES X-rays. A catalogue of SEP events at 1 AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68-MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and electron recordings of the events by SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM are presented. A total of 115 energetic particle events have been identified and analysed using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) for protons and time-shifting analysis (TSA) for electrons and protons in order to infer the SEP release times at the Sun. EM observations during the times of the SEP event onset have been gathered and compared to the release time estimates of particles. Data from those events that occurred during the European day-time, i.e., those that also have observations from ground-based observatories included in SEPServer, are listed and a preliminary analysis of their associations is presented. We find that VDA results for protons can be a useful tool for the analysis of proton release times, but if the derived proton path length is out of a range of 1 AU < s[3 AU, the result of the analysis may be compromised, as indicated by the anti-correlation of the derived path length and release time delay from the asso ciated X-ray flare. The average path length derived from VDA is about 1.9 times the nominal length of the spiral magnetic field line. This implies that the path length of first-arriving MeV to deka-MeV protons is affected by interplanetary scattering. TSA of near-relativistic electrons results in a release time that shows significant scatter with respect to the EM emissions but with a trend of being delayed more with increasing distance between the flare and the nominal footpoint of the Earth-connected field line.
Nucleoside transporters (NTs) mediate the uptake of nucleosides and nucleobases across the plasma membrane, mostly for salvage purposes. The canonical NTs belong to two gene families, SLC29 and SLC28. The former encode equilibrative nucleoside transporter proteins (ENTs), which mediate the facilitative diffusion of natural nucleosides with broad selectivity, whereas the latter encode concentrative nucleoside transporters (CNTs), which are sodium-coupled and show high affinity for substrates with variable selectivity. These proteins are expressed in most cell types, exhibiting apparent functional redundancy. This might indicate that CNTs play specific roles in the physiology of the cell beyond nucleoside salvage. Here, we addressed this possibility using adenoviral vectors to restore tumor cell expression of hCNT1 or a polymorphic variant (hCNT1S546P) lacking nucleoside translocation ability. We found that hCNT1 restoration in pancreatic cancer cells significantly altered cell-cycle progression and phosphorylation status of key signal-transducing kinases, promoted poly-(ADP ribose) polymerase hyperactivation and cell death, and reduced tumor growth and cell migration. Importantly, the translocation-defective transporter triggered these same effects on cell physiology. These data predict a novel and totally unexpected biological role for the nucleoside transporter protein hCNT1 that appears to be independent of its role as mediator of nucleoside uptake by cells, thereby suggesting a transceptor function. Cell Death & Disease Anastasis Stephanou Receiving Editor Cell Death & Disease 19th Apr 2013 Dr Perez-Torras Av/ Diagonal 643. Edif. Prevosti, Pl -1 Barcelona 08028 Spain RE: Manuscript CDDIS-13-0136R, 'CDDIS-13-0136R' Dear Dr Perez-Torras, It is a pleasure to inform you that your manuscript has been evaluated at the editorial level and has now been officially accepted for publication in Cell Death & Disease, pending you meet the following editorial requirements: 1) the list of the abbreviations is missing please include Could you send us the revised text as word file via e-mail and we will proceed and transfer the paper onto our typesetters. Please download, print, sign, and return the Licence to Publish Form using the link below. This must be returned via FAX to ++ 39 06 7259 6977 before your manuscript can be published:
A detailed in situ spectroellipsometric analysis of the nucleation and growth of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a:Si:H) is presented. Photoelectronic quality aSi:H films are deposited by plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition on smooth metal (NiCr alloy) and crystalline silicon (cSi) substrates. The deposition of aSi:H is analyzed from the first monolayer up to a final thickness of 1.2 m. In order to perform an improved analysis, real time ellipsometric trajectories are recorded, using fixed preparation conditions, at various photon energies ranging from 2.2 to 3.6 eV. The advantage of using such a spectroscopic experimental procedure is underlined. New insights into the nucleation and growth mechanisms of aSi:H are obtained. The nucleation mechanism on metal and cSi substrates is very accurately described assuming a columnar microstructural development during the early stage of the growth. Then, as a consequence of the incomplete coalescence of the initial nuclei, a surface roughness at the 10-15 scale is identified during the further growth of aSi:H on both substrates. The bulk aSi:H grows homogeneously beneath the surface roughness. Finally, an increase of the surface roughness is evidenced during the long term growth of aSi:H. However, the nature of the substrate influenced the film growth. In particular, the film thickness involved in the nucleationcoalescence phase is found lower in the case of cSi (678 ) as compared to NiCr (11822 ). Likewise films deposited on cSi present a smaller surface roughness even if thick samples are considered (>1 m). More generally, the present study illustrates the capability of in situ spectroellipsometry to precisely analyze fundamental processes in thinfilm growth, but also to monitor the preparation of complex structures on a few monolayers scale.
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (aSi:H) thin films have been obtained from pure SiH4 rf discharges by using the square wave modulation (SQWM) method. Film properties have been studied by means of spectroellipsometry, thermal desorption spectrometry, photothermal deflection spectroscopy and electrical conductivity measurements, as a function of the modulation frequency of the rf power amplitude (0.2-4000 Hz). The films deposited at frequencies about 1 kHz show the best structural and optoelectronic characteristics. Based upon the experimental results, a qualitative model is presented, which points up the importance of plasma negative ions in the deposition of aSi:H from SQWM rf discharges through their influence on powder particle formation.
We use interplanetary transport simulations to compute a database of electron Green's functions, i.e., differential intensities resulting at the spacecraft position from an impulsive injection of energetic (>20 keV) electrons close to the Sun, for a large number of values of two standard interplanetary transport parameters: the scattering mean free path and the solar wind speed. The nominal energy channels of the ACE, STEREO, and Wind spacecraft have been used in the interplanetary transport simulations to conceive a unique tool for the study of near-relativistic electron events observed at 1 AU. In this paper, we quantify the characteristic times of the Green's functions (onset and peak time, rise and decay phase duration) as a function of the interplanetary transport conditions. We use the database to calculate the FWHM of the pitch-angle distributions at different times of the event and under different scattering conditions. This allows us to provide a first quantitative result that can be compared with observations, and to assess the validity of the frequently used term beam-like pitch-angle distribution.
The recently discovered apolipoprotein AV (apoAV) gene has been reported to be a key player in modulating plasma triglyceride levels. Here we identify the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 (HNF-4 ) as a novel regulator of human apoAV gene. Inhibition of HNF-4 expression by small interfering RNA resulted in down-regulation of apoAV. Deletion, mutagenesis, and binding assays revealed that HNF-4 directly regulates human apoAV promoter through DR1 [a direct repeat separated by one nucleotide (nt)], and via a novel element for HNF-4 consisting of an inverted repeat separated by 8 nt (IR8). In addition, we show that the coactivator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- coactivator-1 was capable of stimulating the HNF-4 -dependent transactivation of apoAV promoter. Furthermore, analyses in human hepatic cells demonstrated that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the MAPK signaling pathway regulate human apoAV expression and suggested that this regulation may be mediated, at least in part, by changes in HNF-4 . Intriguingly, EMSAs and mice with a liver-specific disruption of the HNF-4 gene revealed a species-distinct regulation of apoAV by HNF-4 , which resembles that of a subset of HNF-4 target genes. Taken together, our data provide new insights into the binding properties and the modulation of HNF-4 and underscore the role of HNF-4 in regulating triglyceride metabolism.
We show that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons. We demonstrate that this takes place in all strongly coupled, large-Nc plasmas with a gravity dual. The energy loss is exactly calculable in these models despite being an O(1/Nc)-effect. We discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments.
The holographic isotropization of a highly anisotropic, homogeneous, strongly coupled, non-Abelian plasma was simplified in ref. [1] by linearizing Einstein"s equations around the final, equilibrium state. This approximation reproduces the expectation value of the boundary stress tensor with a 20% accuracy. Here we elaborate on these results and extend them to observables that are directly sensitive to the bulk interior, focusing for simplicity on the entropy production on the event horizon. We also consider next-to-leading-order corrections and show that the leading terms alone provide a better description of the isotropization process for the states that are furthest from equilibrium.
By exciting at 788 nm, we have characterized the near infrared emissions of trivalent thulium ions in monoclinic KGd(WO4)2 single crystals at 1.48 and 1.84 mm as a function of dopant concentration from 0.1% to 10% and temperature from 10 K to room temperature. We used the reciprocity method to calculate the maximum emission cross-section of 3.0310220 cm2 at 1.838 mm for the polarization parallel to the Nm principal optical direction. These results agrees well with the experimental data. Experimental decay times of the 3H4!3F4 and 3F4!3H6 transitions have been measured as a function of thulium concentration.