712 resultados para Sant Cugat del Vallès (Catalonia)
It is a contribution to the study of the terraces of the river Ter along its mid-course in the town of Girona, since that is the last speace where it is still possible to observe four of these terraces with clear characteristics of climatical deposition. Itsmorphological peculiarities are described as well as the morphometrical and lithological parameters of its pebbles. These terraces are compared with others which have been studied in other areas of the regions and conclusions are drawn concerning deposition, source àrea and chronology
This study makes clear the existence of a paleogenical red basal level (Pontils Fm.) in the Vilablareix àrea, under the mio-pliocenical cover of the Girona plain, enlargening the surface known go far of that level
Potential mining of the pliocene and quaternary geological formations for the aggregate production along the medium course of the Fluvil river is likely to be carried out through gravel pits. The most significant environmental impacts are envisaged to occur during site preparation and extraction of aggregate. Several environmental impacts types have been considered: variation of water table, reduction of soil and vegetation, development of unbalanced land-forms and deterioration of landscape
There is in this work a description of sedimentological characters of the medium Eocene sandstone level from Sarriá de Ter (Gerona province Spain) and an interpretation of their genesis and situation in the regional paleogeography. The conclusion is that these sandstones form a deltaic channel(delta front). To wards the E and NE the become fluvial deposits, to wards the W, Plana de Vic, they become clay and silstones considered as a prodelta
Starting from the discovery of a cheek-booth Dinotherium giganteum KAUP in the river Oñar in Gerona we can consider that the Miocene formations of La Selva expand up to this area
Pleistocene and Quaternary sediments adjacent to the medium course of the Fluvià river are a source of aggregate in the Garrotxa. Four lithological units can be used directly, or with a minimal processing as coarse aggregate. They have been mapped in detail at the 1:5.000 escale. The stratigraphic analysis have made possible the four units to be ordered in relation to their suitibility for usage as aggregate. From high to low relative quality they are: the basaltic flow, fluviatile deposits, plio-quaternary conglomerates, and glacis deposits
Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cementedemerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area
Descripció del bloc granític basculant, conegut amb el nom de 'Pedralta', situat entre els termes municipals de Santa Cristina d'Aro i Sant Feliu arrel de la seva caiguda per causes naturals, el 10 de desembre de 1996
This paper, fundamentally stratigraphic, is based on the vertical distribution of fauna in sediments which constitute the Montgri Massif. The stratigraphic series is composed of two units: one allochtonous (Mesozoic) and a second one autochtonous (Paleogene). The latter crops out in front of the thrust belt and presents the typical facies described by PALLI (1972). The allochtonous part is formed by the following units (from bottom to top): variegated gypsiferous shales of Keuper age; marls, limestones and dolomites from the Lias (Domerian); gray breccia ted dolomites: supraliassic; and Cretaceous limestones with rare interbeds of calcareous marls and nodular shaly marls. In this unit the Neocomian, Barremian (?), Aptian, Albian, Cenomanian, Turonian (?) and Santonian haven been recognized. Structurally, the Montgri Massif is part of a thrust belt which has been divided into three parts of different development ang age. Both parts are affected by ample synclinal folds of NE-SW directions and fractures of NW-SE orientation. The fractures condition the torrential streams as well as the karstic phenomena present in the Massif. These and the eolian actions are the main causes of the present geomorphology of the Montgri
The geological features of the Baix Empordà Plain are mainly related to the sedimentary processes that took place during the Holocen, when a stable sea level was reached at the end of the Versilian transgression. In this paper, all the sedimentary environments which have given rise to the present morphology are described: alluvial, coastal and palustrine environments as well as colluvial and aeolian deposits. We conclude with a scheme in which the geological evolution of the Plain is shown
Descripció d'un nou menhir localitzat a Calonge i conegut amb el nom de Menhir del Mas Mont
In the present paper, the diverse morphologies observed in the Begur Mountain Range are described and the controlling development factors and their relationships are analized. Finally, a systematics of the different rock types macro and microforms is presented
In the present paper, the diverse morphological aspects of the Les Gavarres Massif (Catalonian Coastal Ranges) are described. Also, the different outcrop rocks are shaped in a schematic geological chart
A la Costa Brava hi ha, en comparació amb altres àrees mediterrànies, pocs testimonis de sediments litorals antics. El domini manifest dels processosd'erosió n'és la causa principal. Tanmateix, hi ha alguns dipòsits litorals fòssils, que se situen uns decimetres per sobre i per sota del nivell del mar actual. L'estudi detallat dels diferents nivells localitzats fins ara ha permès caracteritzar-los des d'un punt de vista estratigràfic. Així, s'ha pogut constatar que es tracta d'acumulacions de blocs aplegats al peu de penya-segats, de platges emergides sense cimentar, i de platges submergides que han patit un procés de cimentació. La seva edat és molt recent, en termes geològics, i es remunta a començaments de l'era cristiana
En un treball anterior (Pallí & Roqué, 1997a) es van descriure les característiques morfològiques de la Pedralta i es van analitzar les causes que van produir la caiguda del bloc oscil·lant el 10 de desembre de 1996. En aquest, es detallen els fets esdevinguts amb posterioritat a aquesta data, especialment els relacionats amb els treballs de restitució que van culminar, el dia 26 de maig de 1999, amb la col·locació de la roca al damunt de la torre rocallosa que li serveix de base