819 resultados para Pere Dorchal


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Particle fluxes (including major components and grain size), and oceanographic parameters (near-bottom water temperature, current speed and suspended sediment concentration) were measured along the Cap de Creus submarine canyon in the Gulf of Lions (GoL; NW Mediterranean Sea) during two consecutive winter-spring periods (2009 2010 and 2010 2011). The comparison of data obtained with the measurements of meteorological and hydrological parameters (wind speed, turbulent heat flux, river discharge) have shown the important role of atmospheric forcings in transporting particulate matter through the submarine canyon and towards the deep sea. Indeed, atmospheric forcing during 2009 2010 and 2010 2011 winter months showed differences in both intensity and persistence that led to distinct oceanographic responses. Persistent dry northern winds caused strong heat losses (14.2 × 103 W m−2) in winter 2009 2010 that triggered a pronounced sea surface cooling compared to winter 2010 2011 (1.6 × 103 W m−2 lower). As a consequence, a large volume of dense shelf water formed in winter 2009 2010, which cascaded at high speed (up to ∼1 m s−1) down Cap de Creus Canyon as measured by a current-meter in the head of the canyon. The lower heat losses recorded in winter 2010 2011, together with an increased river discharge, resulted in lowered density waters over the shelf, thus preventing the formation and downslope transport of dense shelf water. High total mass fluxes (up to 84.9 g m−2 d−1) recorded in winter-spring 2009 2010 indicate that dense shelf water cascading resuspended and transported sediments at least down to the middle canyon. Sediment fluxes were lower (28.9 g m−2 d−1) under the quieter conditions of winter 2010 2011. The dominance of the lithogenic fraction in mass fluxes during the two winter-spring periods points to a resuspension origin for most of the particles transported down canyon. The variability in organic matter and opal contents relates to seasonally controlled inputs associated with the plankton spring bloom during March and April of both years.


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Educación inclusiva y aprendizaje cooperativo son dos conceptos distintos pero estrechamente relacionados: las aulas inclusivas requieren una estructura cooperativa de la actividad, y educar los valores relacionados con la cooperación exige que las aulas sean inclusivas. Pasar de una estructura de la actividad individualista y/o competitiva a una estructura de la actividad cooperativa es un elemento trascendental para hacer posible la inclusión de todo el alumnado en un aula común. Resultado del Proyecto PAC –desarrollado por el Grupo de Investigación sobre Atención a la Diversidad (GRAD) de la Universidad de Vic-, el Programa CA/AC (“Cooperar para Aprender / Aprender a Cooperar”) ofrece al profesorado de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria herramientas para enseñar al alumnado a aprender en equipo. Y a partir del mismo proyecto se ha desarrollado asimismo un proceso de formación/asesoramiento para introducir en las aulas nuevas prácticas docentes basadas en el aprendizaje cooperativo. Un número considerable de centros de distintas zonas de España están siguiendo este proceso y se han recogido una gran cantidad de datos que, debidamente analizados, nos sirvan para confirmar una de las hipótesis del proyecto de investigación que nos ocupa en estos momentos: que el cambio de una estructura individualista o competitiva por otra de tipo cooperativo contribuye a que puedan aprender juntos, en un aula inclusiva, todos los alumnos y las alumnas, sean cuales sean sus necesidades educativas y sus culturas de origen.


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In this work we propose a method to quantify written signatures from digitalized images based on the use of Elliptical Fourier Descriptors (EFD). As usually signatures are not represented as a closed contour, and being that a necessary condition in order to apply EFD, we have developed a method that represents the signatures by means of a set of closed contours. One of the advantages of this method is that it can reconstruct the original shape from all the coefficients, or an approximated shape from a reduced set of them finding the appropriate number of EFD coefficients required for preserving the important information in each application. EFD provides accurate frequency information, thus the use of EFD opens many possibilities. The method can be extended to represent other kind of shapes.


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La finca de la Muntanya d’Alinyà és l’única zona del món on es poden observar les quatre espècies de voltors europeus: voltor comú (Gyps fulvus), voltor negre (Aegypius monachus), aufrany (Neophron percnopterus) i trencalòs (Gypaetus barbatus). Davant el problema de l’abandonament del poble i de l’envelliment de la població es planteja una alternativa de futur vers a una economia no tant basada en la ramaderia i l’agricultura, que són les activitats agropecuàries tradicionals a la zona. La recent intervenció de la Fundació Territori i Paisatge ha determinat, en gran part, el futur d’aquestes aus a Alinyà. Per una altra banda, les normatives vigents eren molt restrictives, fins fa ben poc, sobre l’aprofitament per part dels voltors de les restes d’animals morts provinents de la ramaderia. Ara neix una nova perspectiva de futur de tipus turístic.


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En aquest treball s'exposen els resultats obtinguts en la campanya 1994 d'anellament d'ocells inclosa dins del projecte italià Piccole Isole. Es demostra que el factor meteorològic afecta directament la fenologia migratòria de diferents espècies d'ocells. Es pretén també estudiar la influència dels diferents hàbitats en el nombre i en la diversitat de captures. Es recullen també en aquest treball les principals espècies visualitzades durant la campanya, com també l'elevat nombre de controls estrangers recuperats. Dintre de les captures i l'anellament posterior, destaca sobretot la d'un becadell gros (Gallinago media) fets per primera vegada a la peninsula Ibèrica


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En tot cas, jo voldria que aquesta conferència fos això que he dit: una breu lliçó sobre la importància de les equacions diferencials. Parlaré d'elles des de el punt de vista del models, és a dir, dels fenòmens que modelitzeu. I intentaré explicar que malgrat el seu origen antic, totes elles segueixen presentant avui en dia problemes nous i interessants, tant des de el punt de vista teòric com pràctic.


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Gauss va publicar l’any 1827 Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas, obra que ha resultat fonamental en el desenvolupament de la geometria diferencial a partir del segle XIX. La documentació de la qual es disposa sobre la gènesi i el desenvolupament de les idees d’aquesta obra, ens permet, a més de presentar els principals resultats que hi apareixen, fer una aproximació a la figura de Gauss, al seu estil matemàtic


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In the context of observed climate change impacts and their effect on agriculture and crop production, this study intends to assess the vulnerability of rural livelihoods through a study case in Karnataka, India. The social approach of climate change vulnerability in this study case includes defining and exploring factors that determine farmers’ vulnerability in four villages. Key informant interviews, farmer workshops and structured household interviews were used for data collection. To analyse the data, we adapted and applied three vulnerability indices: Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI), LVI-IPCC and the Livelihood Effect Index (LEI), and used descriptive statistical methods. The data was analysed at two scales: whole sample-level and household level. The results from applying the indices for the whole-sample level show that this community's vulnerability to climate change is moderate, whereas the household-level results show that most of the households' vulnerability is high-very high, while 15 key drivers of vulnerability were identified. Results and limitations of the study are discussed under the rural livelihoods framework, in which the indices are based, allowing a better understanding of the social behaviouraltrends, as well as an holistic and integrated view of the climate change, agriculture, and livelihoods processes shaping vulnerability. We conclude that these indices, although a straightforward method to assess vulnerability, have limitations that could account for inaccuracies and inability to be standardised for benchmarking, therefore we stress the need for further research.


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L’objecte d’aquest projecte és determinar la temperatura de descomposició de l’YBCO perun rang de diferents pressions parcials d’oxigen en l’atmosfera que es troba. Per obteniraquests resultats, en primer lloc, hem d’aconseguir generar de forma sistemàtica diversespressions parcials dins del forn i, en segon lloc, buscar quin és el mètode experimental mésadequat que ens doni els resultats més fiables utilitzant com a referència la descomposiciódel CuO. A més de realitzar els calibratges necessàries dels aparells utilitzats per poderobtenir uns bons resultats


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Les protestes socials esdevingudes en nombrosos països durant els últims tres anys –des de Tunísia i l’anomenada “Primavera àrab” fins a les recents mobilitzacions a Turquia o Brasil– han fet aflorar un debat sobre la possible dimensió global i transestatal de totes elles. El present article pretén realitzar una aproximació descriptiva i analítica a aquest intens cicle de protestes, reflexionant sobre les diferències i similituds existents entre elles, el paper que Internet i les xarxes socials han tingut en el curs de les diferents mobilitzacions o, entre altres aspectes, el repertori d’accions que han emprat. Més enllà d’aquests trets compartits o no, l’article mira d’emfasitzar la importància d’entendre aquest cicle de mobilitzacions com un procés de repolitització social que combina les contradiccions i conflictes locals de cada context en particular amb l’aparent existència d’una demanda global per major democratització política, regeneració institucional, justícia social i reapropiació d’allò comú.


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Addresses the problem of estimating the motion of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), while it constructs a visual map ("mosaic" image) of the ocean floor. The vehicle is equipped with a down-looking camera which is used to compute its motion with respect to the seafloor. As the mosaic increases in size, a systematic bias is introduced in the alignment of the images which form the mosaic. Therefore, this accumulative error produces a drift in the estimation of the position of the vehicle. When the arbitrary trajectory of the AUV crosses over itself, it is possible to reduce this propagation of image alignment errors within the mosaic. A Kalman filter with augmented state is proposed to optimally estimate both the visual map and the vehicle position


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A simple and most promising oxide-assisted catalyst-free method is used to prepare silicon nitride nanowires that give rise to high yield in a short time. After a brief analysis of the state of the art, we reveal the crucial role played by the oxygen partial pressure: when oxygen partial pressure is slightly below the threshold of passive oxidation, a high yield inhibiting the formation of any silica layer covering the nanowires occurs and thanks to the synthesis temperature one can control nanowire dimensions


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Polymorphous Si is a nanostructured form of hydrogenated amorphous Si that contains a small fraction of Si nanocrystals or clusters. Its thermally induced transformations such as relaxation, dehydrogenation, and crystallization have been studied by calorimetry and evolved gas analysis as a complementary technique. The observed behavior has been compared to that of conventional hydrogenated amorphous Si and amorphous Si nanoparticles. In the temperature range of our experiments (650700 C), crystallization takes place at almost the same temperature in polymorphous and in amorphous Si. In contrast, dehydrogenation processes reflect the presence of different hydrogen states. The calorimetry and evolved gas analysis thermograms clearly show that polymorphous Si shares hydrogen states of both amorphous Si and Si nanoparticles. Finally, the total energy of the main SiH group present in polymorphous Si has been quantified


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Oxidation of amorphous silicon (a-Si) nanoparticles grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition were investigated. Their hydrogen content has a great influence on the oxidation rate at low temperature. When the mass gain is recorded during a heating ramp in dry air, an oxidation process at low temperature is identified with an onset around 250°C. This temperature onset is similar to that of hydrogen desorption. It is shown that the oxygen uptake during this process almost equals the number of hydrogen atoms present in the nanoparticles. To explain this correlation, we propose that oxidation at low temperature is triggered by the process of hydrogen desorption