805 resultados para Comportament de risc
Consideramos el proceso clásico del riesgo modificado con la introducción de una barrera dedividendos constante, de tal forma que cuando el proceso de reservas alcanza la barrera se pagandividendos hasta la ocurrencia del siguiente siniestro. En la literatura actuarial se plantea el cálculo de W(u,b) definida como la esperanza del valor actual, a un tanto constante, de los dividendos repartidos hasta el momento de ruina en un modelo con barrera constante b(t)=b. Se calcula el valor de la barrera que maximiza dicha esperanza. En este trabajo se realizan dos contribuciones en este tema. En primer lugar se profundiza en el análisis de W(u,b), proponiéndose combinaciones de las variables de control que proporcionan resultados económicamente óptimos. En segundo lugar se definen nuevas medidas relacionadas con W(u,b) que la complementan y pueden ayudar al decisor en el proceso de definición de las variables de control.
The process of free reserves in a non-life insurance portfolio as defined in the classical model of risk theory is modified by the introduction of dividend policies that set maximum levels for the accumulation of reserves. The first part of the work formulates the quantification of the dividend payments via the expectation of their current value under diferent hypotheses. The second part presents a solution based on a system of linear equations for discrete dividend payments in the case of a constant dividend barrier, illustrated by solving a specific case.
The omega-3 index, defined as the sum of EPA and DHA in erythrocyte membranes expressed as a percentage of total fatty acids, has been proposed as both a risk marker and risk factor for CHD death. A major determinant of the omega-3 index is EPA þ DHA intake, but the impact of other dietary fatty acids has not been investigated. In a cross-sectional study on 198 subjects (102 men and 96 women, mean age 66 years) at high cardiovascular risk living in Spain, the country with low rates of cardiac death despite a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, dietary data were acquired from FFQ and blood cell membrane fatty acid composition was measured by GC. The average consumption of EPA þ DHA was 0·9 g/d and the mean omega-3 index was 7·1%. In multivariate models, EPA þ DHA intake was the main predictor of the omega-3 index but explained only 12% of its variability (P,0·001). No associations with other dietary fatty acids were observed. Although the single most influential determinant of the omega-3 index measured here was the intake of EPA þ DHA, it explained little of the former"s variability; hence, the effects of other factors (genetic, dietary and lifestyle) remain to be determined. Nevertheless, the high omega-3 index could at least partially explain the paradox of low rates of fatal CHD in Spain despite a high background prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors.
L’estudi realitzat aborda i caracteritza des de l’enfocament de la resiliència com l’alumnat de procedència estrangera s’enfronta a una etapa d’alt risc d’abandonament escolar com és l’Educació Secundària Obligatòria (ESO) –especialment en el segon cicle– i el moment de transició acadèmica cap a la Postobligatòria (PO). En altres paraules, s’analitzen i valoren els mecanismes resilients desplegats per l’alumnat immigrant que donen llum sobre com aconseguir que processos, a priori, qualificats com a problemàtics o dificultosos per aquests grups degut a la seva situació de major vulnerabilitat esdevinguin una xarxa protectora que afavoreixi trajectòries d’èxit escolar. L’emmarcament conceptual des de la resiliència educativa, en general, ha centrat la seva atenció en la capacitat de l’individu per “compensar” certes limitacions amb altres habilitats. Tanmateix, la definició de resiliència a la qual ens hem aferrat té un caire més ecològic i culturalment sensible. És la definició proposada pel Resilience Research Centre (RRC) i encunyada pel seu co-director Michael Ungar: In the context of exposure to significant adversity, resilience is both the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to the psychological, social, cultural, and physical resources that sustain their well-being, and their capacity individually and collectively to negotiate for these resources to be provided in culturally meaningful ways (Ungar, 2012). Entesa d’aquesta manera, la resiliència és un constructe social que identifica els processos i resultats relacionats amb allò que la gent conceptualitza com a “benestar”. Així, es més probable que la resiliència aparegui quan es proporcionin els serveis, suports i recursos que garanteixen el benestar de tots els nens/es des d’una perspectiva que sigui significativa tant per a l’individu, com per la seva família i comunitat...
The omega-3 index, defined as the sum of EPA and DHA in erythrocyte membranes expressed as a percentage of total fatty acids, has been proposed as both a risk marker and risk factor for CHD death. A major determinant of the omega-3 index is EPA þ DHA intake, but the impact of other dietary fatty acids has not been investigated. In a cross-sectional study on 198 subjects (102 men and 96 women, mean age 66 years) at high cardiovascular risk living in Spain, the country with low rates of cardiac death despite a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, dietary data were acquired from FFQ and blood cell membrane fatty acid composition was measured by GC. The average consumption of EPA þ DHA was 0·9 g/d and the mean omega-3 index was 7·1%. In multivariate models, EPA þ DHA intake was the main predictor of the omega-3 index but explained only 12% of its variability (P,0·001). No associations with other dietary fatty acids were observed. Although the single most influential determinant of the omega-3 index measured here was the intake of EPA þ DHA, it explained little of the former"s variability; hence, the effects of other factors (genetic, dietary and lifestyle) remain to be determined. Nevertheless, the high omega-3 index could at least partially explain the paradox of low rates of fatal CHD in Spain despite a high background prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors.
This paper analyses the behaviour of pharmaceutical companies that face the threat of having their drugs excluded from reimbursement and the markets characterised also by price caps. We conclude that price elasticity of demand and cost differentials cause the price discounts which drug firms offer to health care organisations. Additionally, we conclude that price cap regulations affect the time path of prices, resulting in higher prices for new products and lower prices for old products.
El treball és un intent d'aportar dades molt concretes sobre la incidència del suïcidi a les Illes Balears en totes les capes socials. Mitjançant una sistemàtica de treball i un mètode d'anàlisi propis, vol identificar els grups de major risc i establir unes eines de treball que es puguin exportar a altres zones geogràfiques.
With the beginning of the European Monetary Union (EMU), euro-area sovereign securities¿ adjusted spreads over Germany (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) experienced an increase that caused a lower than expected decline in borrowing costs. The objective of this paper is to study what explains that rising. In particular, if it took place a change in the price assigned by markets to domestic (credit risk and/or market liquidity) or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence supports the idea that a change in the market value of liquidity occurred with the EMU. International and default risk play a smaller role
Both public and private insurance for long-term care is undeveloped in some European countries such as in Spain and empirical evidence is still limited. This paper aims at exmining the determinants of the demand for Long Term Care (LTC) coverage in Spain using contingent valuation techniques. Our findings indicate that only one-fifth of the population is willing to pay to assure coverage decisions are significantly affected by private information asymmetry and housing tenure in giving rise to self-insurance reduces the probability of insurance being hypothetically purchased.
With European Monetary Union (EMU), there was an increase in the adjusted spreads (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) of euro participating countries' sovereign securities over Germany and a decrease in those of non-euro countries. The objective of this paper is to study the reasons for this result, and in particular, whether the change in the price assigned by markets was due to domestic factors such as credit risk and/or market liquidity, or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence suggests that market size scale economies have increased since EMU for all European markets, so the effect of the various risk factors, even though it differs between euro and non-euro countries, is always dependent on the size of the market.
Rational learning theories postulate that information channels and cognitive biases such as individual optimism may influence an individual¿s assessment of the risk of undesired events, especially with regard to those that have a cumulative nature. This is the case with disability in old age, which may take place upon survival to an advanced age, and such factors have been regarded as responsible for certain individual behaviours (for example, the limited incidence of insurance purchase). This paper examines the determinants of individual perceptions with regard to disability in old age and longevity. The cumulative nature of such perceptions of risk is tested, and potential biases are identified, including `optimism¿ and a set of information determinants. Empirical evidence from a representative survey of Catalonia is presented to illustrate these effects. The findings from this research suggest a significant overestimation of disability in old age, yet this is not the case with longevity. Furthermore, individual perceptions with regard to disability in old age, unlike those with regard to longevity, exhibit on aggregate an `optimistic bias¿ and, are perceived as `cumulative risks¿. Gender influences the perceived risk of disability in old age at a population level but not at the individual level, and the opposite holds true for age. Finally, self-reported health status is the main variable behind risk perceptions at both the individual and population level.
We develop a simple model where two technologies are available to produce the same good, and we study under what conditions both will be used. We use the model to analyze the consequences of the simultaneous use of two different technologies for the economic variables and economic growth. Finally, we explore how migrations of factors affect the technological change and the performance of the economy.
El concepto sociedad del riesgo se basa en la constatación de que, en las sociedades actuales, la producción social de riqueza va acompañada por una creciente producción social del riesgo. La progresión y el aumento de estos riesgos está teniendo consecuencias políticas y económicas claras. Un primer efecto directo consistiría en la implementación de políticas gubernamentales orientadas al control y a la reducción de los mismos, como consecuencia directa de la mayor visibilidad que, para la opinión pública, tienen los problemas ambientales. De la misma manera que, desde una perspectiva económica, podemos establecer un claro paralelismo entre la teoría de la modernización ecológica y las nuevas estrategias ecoproductivas. Este artículo pretende dar una visión general de todo este proceso partiendo del concepto sociedad del riesgo para, con posterioridad, establecer paralelismos con las nuevas estrategias ecoproductivas, con el proceso de modernización ecológico y con una última reflexión: ¿caminamos hacia un nuevo modelo productivo?.
Aquest document parteix del reconeixement del principi d'autonomia de les personesi de la llibertat de consciència, ideològica i religiosa. I precisament per això exposael risc que, en la pràctica sanitària, l'exercici de l'objecció de consciència pugui fercol·lisió amb els drets dels usuaris. Per aquesta raó, l'Administració i les diversesinstitucions involucrades, han de prendre les mesures necessàries per facilitar la compatibilitat de l'exercici dels drets i les decisions de totes les persones implicades.