777 resultados para Berneri, Camillo -- Punts de vista polítics i socials
En la lucha contra el crimen organizado transnacional, uno de los actores principales lo constituye la Oficina de Policía Europea (EUROPOL), en tanto que es la Agencia de Seguridad de la Unión Europea y gestiona la información policial relacionada con la forma más grave de delincuencia transnacional. La Agencia colabora estrechamente con los Estados miembros, facilitando el intercambio de información y lleva a cabo Análisis Operativos y Análisis Estratégicos. Por lo tanto el análisis de la información, o el análisis de inteligencia, es crucial para todas las operaciones efectuadas por EUROPOL La Agencia está dotada de un Sistema de Tratamiento de la Información, siendo la base electrónica en donde están almacenados, tratados y analizados los datos enviados por los Estados miembros o aportados por los funcionarios de EUROPOL. Este Sistema está constituido por un Sistema de Información de EUROPOL, por los Ficheros de Análisis de EUROPOL, así como por un Sistema de Índice, cada uno teniendo sus funciones específicas previstas en la Decisión EUROPOL
La deriva de las normas de convivencia fundamentalmente se explica por la falta de reacción ciudadana y, de forma especial, por la de sus elementos socializadores. Entre éstos, prioritariamente, los responsables políticos y las administraciones públicas. La preocupación del sector ferroviario se manifiesta de dos formas: haciendo un esfuerzo superior al que considera le corresponde para mantener cuantitativamente y cualitativamente las conductas incívicas en niveles aceptables o asumidos socialmente, y denunciando que los que tienen que dar soluciones globales y son competentes para ello no lo hacen. Los cambios de tendencia son preocupantes y el operador ferroviario se encuentra demasiado solo para una respuesta que considera no solo le compete a él. Actúa por la obligación que tiene con el cliente usuario de su sistema de transporte y porque considera que la limitación y, si fuese posible, la erradicación de las conductas incívicas, le permitiría tender al equilibrio financiero del sistema e incluso incrementos de tarifa menores. Las tipologías de respuesta no son solo de carácter operativo aplicando técnicas preventivas, de protección y de control. Las denominadas acciones transversales (sensibilización, acciones de convivencia social, formación y compromiso, comunicación, diseño, estudio de equipamientos y materiales, agente cívico (voluntario o no), adecuaciones legislativas, etc., requieren la participación o implicación de todas las áreas del operador ferroviario.
The important inflow of foreign population to western countries has boosted the study of acculturation processes among scholars in the last decades. By using the case of Catalonia, a receiver region of international and national migration since the fifties, this paper seeks to intersect a classic acculturation model and a newly reemerging literature in political science on contextual determinants on individual behavior. Does the context matters for understanding individual’s subjective national identity and, therefore, its voting behavior? Multilevel models show that environment matters. Percentage of Spain-born population in the town is statistically significant to account for variance in the subjective national identity and nationalist vote, even after controlling for age, sex, origin, language and left – right orientation and other contextual factors. This conclusion invites researchers not to underestimate the direct effect of the environment on individual outcomes such as feelings of belonging and vote orientation in contexts of rival identities.
La reflexión que plasmo en estas líneas parte de una concepción de la seguridad pública que serene los ánimos que en estos tiempos de dificultades, algunos, maliciosamente, intentan propagar con malas artes y oscuras intenciones. La seguridad pública, ilustrada en el caso del barrio de La Mina (Sant Adrià del Besós), no sólo es cosa sólo de la policía, ni materia reservada al Código Penal, a no ser que el populismo se imponga sobre la reflexión. Debemos huir de una visión reduccionista de los problemas sociales, porque éstos son siempre poliédricos, en sus orígenes y en las respuestas que debemos buscar para su mejora. La experiencia debe marcarnos un camino que desde la defensa de los intereses generales nos permita niveles óptimos de seguridad, combinando diferentes políticas públicas, en especial las de integración social y las urbanísticas, sin apartarnos jamás de la preocupación por la garantía de los derechos y libertades.
Les agencies de qualificació de riscos son una peça fonamental en el engranatge del sistema financer internacional. Arreu de la crisi financera es detecten conflictes d’interès entre aquestes i la resta de agents econòmics, generat per un canvi en el model de cobro. El document explica com s’ha generat aquest problema, la resposta del mercat i de les pròpies agencies de rating i exposa també les noves propostes regulatòries per a corregir-lo.
Estudi sobre la negació en el castellà antic des d'un punt de vista sincrònic i dins el marc de la gramàtica generativa
Este papel analiza el modelo gerencial del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona basado en la separación entre política y gestión, que le distingue de otras grandes ciudades españolas. Se describe el proceso de gerencialización iniciado a principios de la década de los noventa del pasado siglo y se destacan sus logros, particularmente en el terreno de las finanzas y la calidad y eficiencia de los servicios públicos. Como ejemplo de la singularidad del modelo barcelonés se estudia la figura del Gerente Municipal, a partir de entrevistas con las diferentes personas que hasta la fecha han ocupado el cargo, se analiza su trabajo cotidiano, valores, estilo de dirección, relaciones con el ámbito político, problemas y limitaciones propias de su función. Finalmente, se concluye que la principal debilidad del modelo radica en su baja institucionalización formal y se propone que ésta se refuerce.
Within pre-enlargement Europe, Italy records one of the widest employment rate gaps between highly and poorly educated women, as well one of the largest differences in the share, among working women, of public sector employment. Building on these stylized facts and using the Longitudinal Survey of Italian Households (ILFI), we investigate the working trajectories of three cohorts of Italian women born between 1935 and 1964 and observed from their first job until they are in their forties. We use mainly, but not exclusively, event history analysis in order to identify the main factors that influence entry into and exit from paid work over the life course. Our results suggest that in the Italian context, where employment protection policies have also been used as surrogate measures to favour reconciliation between family and work, and where traditional gender norms still persist, education is so important for women's employment decisions because it represents an investment in 'reconciliation' and 'work legitimacy' over and above investment in human capital.
The intensity of parental investments in child care time is expected to vary across families with different norms and time-constraints. Additionally, it should also differ across countries, since the abilities of parents to harmonize family and work vary by national context. In our opinion, however, this question remains inconclusive for two main reasons: 1) only some countries have been studied from a comparative approach; 2) previous studies have not paid enough attention to the analysis of how the conditional effects of education and employment affect parental investments.In this paper we used nationally representative time-use data from Denmark, Flanders, Spain and the United Kingdom (N=4,031) to explore how employment and education predict variations in child care time. IN Britain and Spain employment has a strong negative effect on fathers’ child care, but a weaker one in Flanders and particularly in Denmark. In contrast, maternal employment has a strong negative impact in all four countries. Education increases child care time significantly only among Spanish mothers and fathers, as well as British mothers. Nonetheless, we find that college-educated mothers under similar time-constraints increase substantially their expected child care time in Britain, Flanders and Spain; for fathers we find a more mixed picture. Routine child care activities are more sensitive to both maternal and paternal employment than interactive child care activities. Finally, we observe that working a public sector job generally increases a total time allocated to parental care, controlling for several demographic and socioeconomic variables.
This paper analyses the extent to which individual and workplacecharacteristics and regional policies influence the use and duration ofparental leave in Spain. The research is based on a sample of 125,165people, and 6,959 parental leaves stemming from the ‘Sample ofWorking Life Histories’ (SWLH), 2006. The SWLH consists of administrative register data which include information from threedifferent sources: Social Security, Municipality and Income TaxRegisters. We adopt a simultaneous equations approach to analyse theuse (logistic regression) and duration (event history analysis) ofparental leave, which allows us to control for endogeneity and censoredobservations. We argue that the Spanish parental leave scheme increases gender and social inequalities insofar as reinforces genderrole specialization, and only encourages the reconciling of work andfamily life among workers with a good position in the labour market(educated employees with high and stable working status).
This research analysis the long-term effects of nursery school attendance before the age of three in Spain. The effects are measured when the individuals are adolescents and attend secondary school. The article deals with the controversy over the long-term effects of nursery school attendance and its potential effect on reducing inequalities and social exclusion. The results estimate a significant long-term effect of nursery school attendance on improving educational performance, although the beneficial effects are lower among adolescents residing in the lower status households.
The paper examines the relationship between family formation (i.e., living with a partner and having children) and women’s occupational career in southern Europe (i.e., Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain). The relationship is explored by analysing the impact that different family structures and male [nvolvement in caring activities have on women’s early occupational trajectories (i.e., remaining in the same occupational status, experiencing downward or upward mobility, or withdrawing from paid work). This research shows that male involvement in caring activities does not really push women ahead in their career, but the absolute lack of male support seems to negatively affect women’s permanence in paid work. These results apply to all southern European countries except Portugal, where the absolute absence of the partners’ support in caring activities does not seem to alter women’s determination to remain in paid work. The methodology applied consists of the estimation of multinomial logit regression models and the analysis is based on eight waves (1994-2001) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP).
This paper investigates the effects of women‘s labour force participation on fertility, as well as the effects of the combined labour force participation of both members of a couple. It specifically focuses on such dimensions as unemployment, earnings, temporary contracts and part-time jobs, and it shows that their effects differ in accordance with national institutions and labour market regulations. Event-history methods and a longitudinal sample of the European Community Household Panel are used in the analyses, concerning the years 1993-2000. The results show that labour market insecurity of one or both members of a couple has a particularly strong impact in reducing birth rates in the Southern European countries studied. The more conventional model of men’s employment combined with housewifery has a positive impact on second or higher order births in United Kingdom, Spain and Italy, while in Denmark the effect is the opposite. These differences are consistent with different national models of combining parental responsibilities and participation by gender across the life course.
We offer new evidence on multi-level determinants of the gender division of housework. Using data from the 2004 European Social Survey (ESS) for 26 European, we study the micro and macro-level factors which increase the likelihood of men doing an equal or greater share of housework than their female partners. A sample of 11,915 young men and women is analysed with a multi-level logistic regression in order to test at individual level the classic relative-income, time-availability and gender-role values, and a new couple conflict hypothesis. At individual level we find significant relationships between relative resources, values, couple's disagreement, and the division of housework which support more economic dependency than "doing gender" perspectives. At the macro-level, we find important composition effects and also support for gender empowerment, family model and social stratification explanations of cross-country differences.