499 resultados para Nanocristalls -- Propietats tèrmiques


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Una de les coses que em sorprèn o, potser millor, m'empipa, és veure com hi ha poques empreses autòctones que es dediquin a estudiar i comercialitzar amb èxit aliments funcionals o complements alimentosos que aprofitin les propietats d'aquestes substàncies. La gran majoria d'empreses catalanes que s'hi dediquen només són distribuïdores de les marques consolidades d'altres països


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Electron scattering on a thin layer where the potential depends self-consistently on the wave function has been studied. When the amplitude of the incident wave exceeds a certain threshold, a soliton-shaped brightening (darkening) appears on the layer causing diffraction of the wave. Thus the spontaneously formed transverse pattern can be viewed as a self-induced nonlinear quantum screen. Attractive or repulsive nonlinearities result in different phase shifts of the wave function on the screen, which give rise to quite different diffraction patterns. Among others, the nonlinearity can cause self-focusing of the incident wave into a beam, splitting in two "beams," single or double traces with suppressed reflection or transmission, etc.


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Electron transport in a self-consistent potential along a ballistic two-terminal conductor has been investigated. We have derived general formulas which describe the nonlinear current-voltage characteristics, differential conductance, and low-frequency current and voltage noise assuming an arbitrary distribution function and correlation properties of injected electrons. The analytical results have been obtained for a wide range of biases: from equilibrium to high values beyond the linear-response regime. The particular case of a three-dimensional Fermi-Dirac injection has been analyzed. We show that the Coulomb correlations are manifested in the negative excess voltage noise, i.e., the voltage fluctuations under high-field transport conditions can be less than in equilibrium.


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One of the most relevant properties of composite materials to be considered is stiffness. Fiberglass has been used traditionally as a fibrous reinforcing element when stiff materials are required. However, natural fibers are been exploited as replacements for synthetic fibers to satisfy environmental concerns. Among the different natural fibers, wood fibers show the combination of relatively high aspect ratio, good specific stiffness and strength, low density, low cost, and less variability than other natural fibers of such those from annual crops. In this work, composites from polypropylene and stone groundwood fibers from softwood were prepared and mechanically characterized under tensile loads. The Young’s moduli of the ensuing composites were analyzed and their micromechanics aspects evaluated. The reinforcing effect of stone groundwood fibers was compared to that of conventional reinforcement such fiberglass. The Halpin-Tsai model with the modification proposed by Tsai-Pagano accounted fairly for the behavior of PP composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers. It was also demonstrated that the aspect ratio of the reinforcement plays a role in the Young’s modulus of injection molded specimens


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This paper deals with the product design, engineering, and material selection intended for the manufacturing of an eco-friendly chair. The final product is expected to combine design attributes with technical and legal feasibility with the implementation of new bio-based materials. Considering the industrial design, a range of objectives and trends were determined after setting the market requirements, and the final concept was proposed and modeled. The product geometry, production technology, and legal specifications were the input data for product engineering. The material selection was based on the technical requirements. Polypropylene (PP) composite materials based on coupled-fiberglass, sized-fiberglass, and coupled-stone ground wood reinforcements were prepared and characterized. Final formulations based on these PP composites are proposed and justified


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Worldwide cultivation of corn is expanding, due in part to the increasing production of bioethanol. In consequence, huge amounts of corn stalks residues are been produced. Instead of incineration, we transformed the corn stalks into a semichemical pulp and successfully applied it as reinforcement in polypropylene composites. PP composites reinforced with 40% wt corn stalk single fibers were prepared, and their mechanical properties were evaluated. Through mechanical properties modeling of the composites, the intrinsic tensile strength of the cellulosic fibers that constitute the corn stalk have been determined


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Lignin was used as a natural adhesive to manufacture Vitis vinifera fiberboards. The fiberboards were produced at laboratory scale by adding powdered lignin to material that had previously been steam-exploded under optimized pretreatment and pressing conditions. The kraft lignin used was washed several times with an acidic solution to eliminate any contaminants and low molecular weight compounds. This research studied the effects of amounts of lignin ranging from 5% to 20% on the properties of Vitis vinifera fiberboards. The fiberboard properties evaluated were density, water resistance in terms of thickness swelling, water absorption, and the mechanical properties in terms of modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, and internal bond. Results showed that fiberboards made from Vitis vinifera without lignin addition had weaker mechanical properties. However, the fiberboards obtained using acid-washed kraft lignin as a natural adhesive had good mechanical and water resistance properties that fully satisfied the relevant standard specifications


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Very fast magnetic avalanches in (La, Pr)-based manganites are the signature of a phase transition from an insulating blocked charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state to a charge-delocalized ferromagnetic (CD-FM) state. We report here the experimental observation that this transition does not occur either simultaneously or randomly in the whole sample but there is instead a spatial propagation with a velocity of the order of tens of m/s. Our results show that avalanches originate from the inside of the sample, move to the outside, and occur at values of the applied magnetic field that depend on the CD-FM fraction in the sample. Moreover, upon application of surface acoustic waves at constant magnetic fields, we are able to trigger avalanches at very well-determined values of the temperature and magnetic field. Due to the interaction with the acoustic waves, the number of isolated ferromagnetic clusters in La0.225Pr0.40Ca0.375MnO3 starts to grow across the entire sample in the same way as if it were a magnetic deflagration.


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We report controlled ignition of magnetization reversal avalanches by surface acoustic waves in a single crystal of Mn12 acetate. Our data show that the speed of the avalanche exhibits maxima on the magnetic field at the tunneling resonances of Mn12. Combined with the evidence of magnetic deflagration in Mn12 acetate [Y. Suzuki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 147201 (2005)], this suggests a novel physical phenomenon: deflagration assisted by quantum tunneling.


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Se ha n realizado implantaciones de silicio y de carbono + silicio en matrices aislantes de SÍO2 térmico, las cuales, después de un recocido a alta temperatura precipitan en forma de nanocristales de tamaños comprendidos entre 30 y 60 Á. Estas estructuras presentan una intensa fotoluminiscencia en el rojo profundo (1.4-1.6 eV) y el verde (2.0-2.2 eV). La energía e intensidad de las bandas depende fuertemente de la temperatura y duración del recocido. Diferentes comportamientos se han encontrado para las bandas roja y verde, incluyendo la cinética de desexcitación y el origen estructural. Los experimentos de absorción infrarroja, Raman y microscopía electrónica demuestran que los nanocristales son los responsables de la banda roja mientras que agregados amorfos de carbono son los responsables de la verde.


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Classical and quantum theory of spin waves in the vortex state of a mesoscopic submicron magnetic disk have been developed with account of the finite mass density of the vortex. Oscillations of the vortex core resemble oscillations of a charged string in a potential well in the presence of the magnetic field. A conventional gyrotropic frequency appears as a gap in the spectrum of spin waves of the vortex. The mass of the vortex has been computed, and the result agrees with experimental findings. The finite vortex mass generates a high-frequency branch of spin waves. The effects of an external magnetic field and dissipation have been addressed.


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The optical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of MgF2 single layers grown by ion beam sputtering have been investigated by spectrophotometric measurements, film stress characterization, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. The deposition conditions, using fluorine reactive gas or not, have been found to greatly influence the optical absorption and the stress of the films as well as their microstructure. The layers grown with fluorine compensation exhibit a regular columnar microstructure and an UV-optical absorption which can be very low, either as deposited or after thermal annealings at very low temperatures. On the contrary, layers grown without fluorine compensation exhibit a less regular microstructure and a high ultraviolet absorption which is particularly hard to cure. On the basis of calculations, it is shown that F centers are responsible for this absorption, whereas all the films were found to be stoichiometric, in the limit of the XPS sensitivity. On the basis of external data taken from literature, our experimental curves are analyzed, so we propose possible diffusion mechanisms which could explain the behaviors of the coatings.


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Moltes vegades l’usuari d’una instal•lació de climatització o calefacció, no dóna la suficient importància al sistema que l’hi ha de proporcionar un millor confort amb el màxim rendiment. Aquest confort és un factor determinant, entre molts d’altres, de la “qualitat de vida”. Mentre que el rendiment és un factor important a nivell econòmic i ecològic. Tot i tenir prevalença els aspectes d’estalvi energètic, aquests no impliquen haver de renunciar a un confort tèrmic i a un estalvi econòmic. Un dels aspectes que es centra el projecte és promoure l’ús racional de les fonts energètiques (solar, biomassa) per a la correcta climatització dels habitatges. El projecte es desenvolupa en l’àmbit domèstic, concretament correspon a un habitatge unifamiliar. Aquest està situat a la població de Roda de Ter, província de Barcelona. L’objectiu principal del projecte és l’elecció del sistema de climatització i el seu dimensionament, per tal de donar el màxim confort als usuaris que habitin a la vivenda. Criteris ambientals i eficients han estat objecte a considerar pel disseny constructiu de l’habitatge. Una de les mesures importants presses en el projecte, ha estat l’elecció de les diferents parts que formen la instal•lació de climatització. Es fa referència als aïllaments dels tancaments, el sistema solar de recolzament, equips de producció de fred i calor, entre d’altres. En el projecte, s’ha dut a terme un estudi dels diferents tancaments de l’habitatge, tot determinat per a cada un d’ells, el seu coeficient de transmissió tèrmica. Per seleccionar l’equipament més adequat s’ha partit de les condicions climatològiques del municipi de Roda de Ter i s’ha realitzat el càlcul de les necessitats tèrmiques de l’edifici. L’habitatge incorpora una instal•lació de captació solar tèrmica. Aquesta aportarà un suport energètic a tot el sistema de producció de calor, ja sigui per la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària com per el calefactat de la vivenda. La col•locació dels panells a la façana sud tindrà una doble funció: a més de proporcionar energia solar tèrmica, serviran d’elements de protecció solar en la temporada d’estiu. La caldera usada per donar recolzament tèrmic utilitzarà com a combustible el “pellet”. El “pellet” és un tipus de biomassa llenyosa que consta d’un derivat de la fusta en format granulat. Es defineix i es detalla el consum energètic en biomassa, electricitat i cost econòmic anual que ocasionarà la instal.lació dissenyada. El sistema de terra radiant adoptat permetrà el refrescament en èpoques estivals i el calefactat en èpoques hivernals. Aquest donarà el confort tèrmic necessari a cada estança de l’habitatge. En el projecte també es marquen les pautes bàsiques pel control de la instal•lació solar així com el control dels grups de bombament i la mescla d’aigua del terra radiant.