521 resultados para Camps vectorials
We recently showed that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons [1]. Here we review our previous holographic calculation of the energy loss in N=4 Super Yang-Mills and extend it to longitudinal vector mesons and scalar mesons. We also discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments. Although the Cherenkov energy loss is an O(1/Nc) effect, a ballpark estimate yields a value of dE/dx for Nc=3 which is comparable to that of other mechanisms.
We recently showed that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons [1]. Here we review our previous holographic calculation of the energy loss in N=4 Super Yang-Mills and extend it to longitudinal vector mesons and scalar mesons. We also discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments. Although the Cherenkov energy loss is an O(1/Nc) effect, a ballpark estimate yields a value of dE/dx for Nc=3 which is comparable to that of other mechanisms.
L'herbari de la UdG consta de més de 12.000 plecs de plantes vasculars i 3.200 d'algues bentòniques marines, actualment en procés d' informatització mitjançant FilcMaker Pro 2.0 per Macintosh. S'ha elaborat un programa anomenat HGI que permet utilitzar el fitxer tesaurus TEFLORA del programa BDORCA (Font, 1992), corresponent al catàleg de plantes vasculars dels Països Catalans. Al fitxer, s'hi han afegit nous camps corn la família, la forma vital i la corologia. L'estructuració d'aquest programa permet, a més de les funcions pròpies de gestió d'un herbari, el traspàs de la inforrnació introduïda a la base de dades BDORCA
No descobrirem res si afirmem que el tema de la Shoah no constitueix cap novetat pedagògica: els darrers anys s"ha generat una important literatura que ha considerat Auschwitz un referent ineludible per a l"educació contemporània1. De fet, aquesta producció pedagògica ha abordat d"una o altra manera la tragèdia de la Segona Guerra Mundial i, molt especialment, el martiri o holocaust del poble jueu amb la mort en els camps d"extermini i en les marxes de la mort de milers i milers de víctimes innocents, en especial, ancians, dones i infants. Altrament, aquest fet no ens ha de fer perdre tampoc la memòria d"aquells altres col·lectius que com ara els gitanos, els homosexuals, els testimonis de Jehovà, els opositors al nazisme, els malalts mentals, i d"altres, també van ser perseguits i conduïts fins als forns crematoris. I això més encara quan l"any 2005 es van complir seixanta anys del fi d"aquell malson amb el descobriment dels camps d"extermini (Lagers) per les tropes aliades -sobretot les soviètiques en el front de l"Est, quan el 27 de gener de 1945 van arribar a Auschwitz-, que van treure a la llum un món d"horror i barbàrie sense precedents en la història de la humanitat.
Desenvolupament de l'etapa d'inici d'un projecte de construcció de programari per a la gestió d'equips directius de conservatoris de música. Anàlisi dels requisits per a la futura implantació d'un aplicatiu que respongui a les necessitats de la gestió acadèmica i administrativa de l'organització.
A study of the angular distributions of leptons from decays of J/ψ"s produced in p-C and p-W collisions at s√=41.6~GeV has been performed in the J/ψ Feynman-x region −0.34
We show that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons. We demonstrate that this takes place in all strongly coupled, large-Nc plasmas with a gravity dual. The energy loss is exactly calculable in these models despite being an O(1/Nc)-effect. We discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments.
The holographic isotropization of a highly anisotropic, homogeneous, strongly coupled, non-Abelian plasma was simplified in ref. [1] by linearizing Einstein"s equations around the final, equilibrium state. This approximation reproduces the expectation value of the boundary stress tensor with a 20% accuracy. Here we elaborate on these results and extend them to observables that are directly sensitive to the bulk interior, focusing for simplicity on the entropy production on the event horizon. We also consider next-to-leading-order corrections and show that the leading terms alone provide a better description of the isotropization process for the states that are furthest from equilibrium.
Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) plays a central role in the stress. Huprines, a group of potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), have shown a broad cholinergic pharmacological profile. Recently, it has been observed that huprine X (HX) improves cognition in non transgenic middle aged mice and shows a neuroprotective activity (increased synaptophysin expression) in 3xTg-AD mice. Consequently, in the present experiments the potential neuroprotective effect of huprines (HX, HY, HZ) has been analyzed in two different in vitro conditions: undifferentiated and NGF-differentiated PC12 cells. Cells were subjected to oxidative insult (H2O2, 200 µM) and the protective effects of HX, HY and HZ (0.01 µM- 1 µM) were analyzed after a pre-incubation period of 24 and 48 hours. All huprines showed protective effects in both undifferentiated and NGF-differentiated cells, however only in differentiated cells the effect was dependent on cholinergic receptors as atropine (muscarinic antagonist, 0.1 µM) and mecamylamine (nicotinic antagonist, 100 µM) reverted the neuroprotection action of huprines. The decrease in SOD activity observed after oxidative insult was overcome in the presence of huprines and this effect was not mediated by muscarinic or nicotinic receptors. In conclusion, huprines displayed neuroprotective properties as previously observed in in vivo studies. In addition, these effects were mediated by cholinergic receptors only in differentiated cells. However, a non-cholinergic mechanism, probably through an increase in SOD activity, seems to be also involved in the neuroprotective effects of huprines.
The recently developed semiclassical variational Wigner-Kirkwood (VWK) approach is applied to finite nuclei using external potentials and self-consistent mean fields derived from Skyrme inter-actions and from relativistic mean field theory. VWK consist s of the Thomas-Fermi part plus a pure, perturbative h 2 correction. In external potentials, VWK passes through the average of the quantal values of the accumulated level density and total en energy as a function of the Fermi energy. However, there is a problem of overbinding when the energy per particle is displayed as a function of the particle number. The situation is analyzed comparing spherical and deformed harmonic oscillator potentials. In the self-consistent case, we show for Skyrme forces that VWK binding energies are very close to those obtained from extended Thomas-Fermi functionals of h 4 order, pointing to the rapid convergence of the VWK theory. This satisfying result, however, does not cure the overbinding problem, i.e., the semiclassical energies show more binding than they should. This feature is more pronounced in the case of Skyrme forces than with the relativistic mean field approach. However, even in the latter case the shell correction energy for e.g.208 Pb turns out to be only ∼ −6 MeV what is about a factor two or three off the generally accepted value. As an adhoc remedy, increasing the kinetic energy by 2.5%, leads to shell correction energies well acceptable throughout the periodic table. The general importance of the present studies for other finite Fermi systems, self-bound or in external potentials, is pointed out.
The contribution of the propagating and the evanescent waves associated with freely propagating non-paraxial light fields whose transverse component is azimuthally polarized at some plane is investigated. Analytic expressions are derived for describing both the spatial shape and the relative weight of the propagating and the evanescent components integrated over the transverse plane. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the plane-wave angular spectrum approach. These results are used to illustrate the behavior of a kind of donut-like beams with transverse azimuthal polarization at some plane.
This study analyses the infl uence of two diff erent land uses on the hydrology of the Vernegà experimental basin between the years 2005 and 2009. It is located in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula and is infl uenced by a Mediterranean climate, with an average annual rainfall of 646 mm. The study of rainfall distributi on in the 1982 to 2009 period shows that the majority occurs during autumn, winter, and spring representi ng 33.2%, 25.5%, and 25.7% respecti vely of the total annual rainfall. Surface runoff is concentrated from October to June. Between 2005 and 2009, total runoff was 242.38 mm at the"Bosc" gauging stati on, which drains an area of 1.60 km2, and 298.54 mm at the"Campàs" gauging stati on, which drains an area of 2.57 km2 and is located at the outlet of the basin. More than 80% of the total surface runoff yielded during the study period corresponds to the 2005-2006 hydrologic year. Finally, Campàs gauging stati on registers a higher total runoff than Bosc gauging stati on. Part of this phenomenon may be due to the intercepti on of rainfall and plant biomass in the forested area of the basin. In relati on to the sediment yield, an overall increase in the two basins has been detected. Recent forest management practi ces undertaken in the catchment area are considered to be one of the most important reasons for this change.
La investigación arqueológica de los campamentos de campaña romano-republicanos localizados en el curso inferior del río Ebro permite una nueva perspectiva de estudio sobre los inicios de la conquista romana en la península ibérica.
The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.
The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.