501 resultados para Youth -- Recreation -- Spain
Inspections of pleasure boats in Spain can be carried out by collaborating entities of inspection, entities that must be authorized by the Maritime Administration. This authorization allows to perform effective inspections and technical controls of recreational crafts. Recreational crafts are subjected to surveys that are based on the registration list and on the material used in the hull. In addition, required safety equipment of the recreational boat depends on the distance that the recreational boat is authorized to navigate. Following data obtained from inspections of recreational craft, this paper aims to analyze information about hulls within dry and afloat conditions, about the equipment for rescue and safety, and about other nautical equipment; as well as to perform and improve different verifications during the inspections. All this information points to several aspects relevant for the optimization of the inspection process, the ultimate target being increasing efficiency and effectiveness, and ensuring more safety in recreational craft.
La discriminación de las mujeres rurales y la falta de una aplicación efectiva de la legislación sobre la igualdad de género es un fenómeno extendido alrededor del mundo. Las mujeres han sido tradicionalmente las responsables del cuidado y alimentación familiar, en consecuencia han desarrollado tareas productivas que facilitan la combinación de actividades productivas y reproductivas en la explotación agraria. La transformación alimentaria es una de esas actividades que permite a las mujeres tener un trabajo remunerado o complementar la renta agraria en un contexto dónde la mayoría de los trabajos agrícolas están vetados para ellas. Sin embargo, las mujeres suelen estar vinculadas a proyectos que priorizan la producción local y de calidad, y la expansión de la producción industrial de alimentos ha empeorado la situación de las mujeres artesanas alimentarias. En el presente estudio se pretende, mediante el uso de metodologías cualitativas, abordar un diagnóstico de la situación de las mujeres que llevan a cabo proyectos de transformación alimentaria a pequeña escala en España mostrando sus principales dificultades, necesidades y propuestas.
The profound crisis that has affected the Spanish economy since mid - 2008 has been characterized by significant job losses and a marked rise in the country´s unemployment rate. However, unemployment has had a differential impact on different population groups. Compared to native, immigrant workers have experienced higher rates of job loss. Against this backdrop, this paper examines the differences between immigrants and natives (distinguished by gender) in terms of their probability of suffering job loss in the downturn of late 2008 and 2009. Our results indicate that the higher rate of job loss among female immigrant workers can be fully explained by their lower endowment of human capital. By contrast, human capital endowment and over-representation in certain occupations, sectors and regions in which the crisis had greatest impact do not appear to be the only reason for the penalty suffered by immigrant males in terms of their chances of losing their job in the downturn.
Myeloid malignancies (MMs) are a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies presenting different incidence, prognosis and survival.1–3 Changing classifications (FAB 1994, WHO 2001 and WHO 2008) and few available epidemiological data complicate incidence comparisons.4,5 Taking this into account, the aims of the present study were: a) to calculate the incidence rates and trends of MMs in the Province of Girona, northeastern Spain, between 1994 and 2008 according to the WHO 2001 classification; and b) to predict the number of MMs cases in Spain during 2013. Data were extracted from the population-based Girona Cancer Registry (GCR) located in the north-east of Catalonia, Spain, and covering a population of 731,864 inhabitants (2008 census). Cases were registered according to the rules of the European Network for Cancer Registries and the Manual for Coding and Reporting Haematological Malignancies (HAEMACARE project). To ensure the complete coverage of MMs in the GCR, and especially myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), a retrospective search was performed. The ICD-O-2 (1990) codes were converted into their corresponding ICD-O-3 (2000) codes, including MDS, polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) as malignant diseases. Results of crude rate (CR) and European standardized incidence rate (ASRE) were expressed per 100,000 inhabitants/year
En aquesta nota es recullen noves observacions de diverses espècies de peixos exòtics obtingudes en un mostreig efectuat de febrer a maig de 2003, en catorze embassaments de Catalunya
Technology has had a prevalent impact on nearly all social domains, one being the judicial system. Advancements such as computer-generated demonstrations and electronic filing can enhance presentations and give a clearer, well-organized case.E-Justice: Using Information Communication Technologies in the Court System presents the most relevant experiences and best practices concerning the use and impact of ICTs in the courtroom. This groundbreaking title draws upon the leading academic and practicing perspectives from around the globe to provide academics and professionals throughout the legal system with the most comprehensive overview of present developments in e-justice.
A new sample of drosophilids was obtained from Font Groga (Barcelona) on 9th October 2013. Flies were netted over 12 baits containing fermenting bananas placed along a trail from 4 to 7 pm. The number of flies classified according to species and sex is presented in Table 1. The most abundant species is D. subobscura (62.60%). This is expected because the sample was obtained during its autumn peak of expansion. Also interesting is to find again D. suzukii, and in a percentage similar (9.20%) to that obtained in 2012 sample. This species invaded recently many European regions and seems it is well established. We have finally estimated the species diversity using H" (Shannon diversity index) and J (Shannon uniformity index). The values obtained were 0.990 and 0.615, respectively. They are similar to those estimates obtained in the same site by Calabria in autumn 2007 and higher than those of Canals et al. in late autumn 2012.
The several transition processes happening throughout lije are periods of constant adaptations. Each transition process requires making decisions affecting in greater or a lesser degree all the aspects of the persono The vital course development embraces different transition realms. In this paper, we pay particular attention to the academic and occupational itineraries. The academic transitions have to facilitate the curriculum continuity between cycles or academic stages and the adaptation to new levels. In the professional world, two essential transitions arestanding out: socio-professional insertion and retirement. To those one should add occupational transitions - voluntary or not -, which are nowadays increasingly present in the labour market. In each of these processes, a guiding intervention is needed providing strategies for personal development and at the same time generating social integration
Several studies have linked coping with personal wellbeing. However, there is no research evidence analyzing this relationship in theSpanish population using Cummins’ model (1997). The aim of this study was to know the level of personal wellbeing of a sample of adolescents and to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and styles and personal well-being. With that purpose in mind, the Personal Well Being Index (PWI) and the Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) have been administered to a sample of 656 adolescents aged between 11 and 17. The results allow identifying the effect of age and gender on personal wellbeing. Those coping strategies centered on focusing on the positive, physical recreation, working hard and achieving are associated to higher personal wellbeing while self-blaming and keeping to self are with lower personal wellbeing
Els programes de suport acadèmic són dispositius que pretenen esdevenir un factor compensatori en els itineraris formatius dels joves, principalment en contextos de vulnerabilitat social. Amb aquest treball es vol exemplificar un cas concret, comparant les dades estadístiques del Departament d’Educació amb les dades d’un centre obert. També s’exposen els factors que incideixen en la concreció dels itineraris d’aquests joves per tal de determinar si els programes de suport acadèmic han esdevingut una pràctica d’èxit
El treball que es presenta a continuació consisteix en una anàlisi teòrica sobre el concepte d'apoderament juvenil partint d'una aproximació al context actual i les relacions de poder que condicionen la construcció social de la joventut. L'anàlisi es basa en la relació del concepte d'apoderament amb els processos de transformació social així com de qüestionament de les estructures de poder existents avui. D'altra banda, es realitza una reflexió sobre l'ús del terme des de l'àmbit de les ciències socials, específicament des de les polítiques públiques de joventut
L’existència d’espais per a joves sovint ha vingut donada per a fomentar la participació dels i les joves a través de la seva organització. Tot i així, la complexitat que pren aquesta ha portat a diferents formes de concebre i organitzar aquests espais, i per tant, diferents formes de dotar aquest foment de la participació. L’autogestió sovint ha estat una vessant poc impulsada des de les polítiques públiques de joventut, sense tenir-ne en compte els beneficis que aquesta pot aportar pel foment de la participació social per a representar un espai de poder decisió i veu directe pels i les mateixes joves