59 resultados para song syntax


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Esta investigación en curso se centra en el análisis de los verbos con prefijo a- y en- en la historia del español. En la primera parte de esta investigación se ha elaborado un estado de la cuestión sobre la prefijación verbal con ad-, ab- e in- en latín. En la segunda parte se estudian las tendencias evolutivas de los derivados verbales en a- y en- en español medieval y clásico, a partir del análisis de los verbos de mayor frecuencia de uso que siguen estos esquemas en el corpus textual de Davies


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Nos hemos propuesto hacer un estudio exhaustivo de la formación de los parasintéticos en: a—ar, a—ecer, en—ecer y en—ar desde una perspectiva histórica porque una primera aproximación a las formas parasintéticas puso de manifiesto que hay una estrecha relación entre estos modelos no sólo en la actualidad sino también desde la visión dinámica de la diacronía


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El objetivo de éste estudio es el análisis diacrónico y comparativo {español-catalán} de la Anteposición de Foco Débil (AFD) en las lenguas románicas medievales


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(INFINITIVE + CLITIC + AUX) is an evidential configuration in Old Spanish and Old Catalan, whereas (PARTICIPLE + CLITIC + AUX) is an instance of weak or unmarked focus fronting. The evidentiality of mesoclitic structures can be put forward on the bases of three main arguments: a) mesoclisis is not compulsory (i.e., whenever you have a clitic, you can either have mesoclisis or proclisis/enclisis); b) mesoclitic futures and conditionals areattested in interrogative sentences (with wh- elements); and c) they are not found in derived adverbial clauses (which is what you expect if they have an evidential value, since they bring about intervention effects corresponding to the derivational account of conditional and temporal sentences, for example - see Haegeman 2007 and ff.), and are related to high modal expressions (thus interfering with MoodPIrrealis)


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La ricerca prende in considerazione dal punto di vista dell’architettura e dell’urbanistica la relazione tra la città e il fiume che la attraversa o la lambisce; l’insediamento umano viene analizzato nel contesto del bacino idrografico al quale appartiene. La ricerca è stata sviluppata in seno alla tesi dottorale ora in fase di elaborazione presso il Departamento de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio dell’Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya. La tesi ha come caso studio il tratto basso del fiume Ter in Catalogna. Nella discussione sul paesaggio urbano contemporaneo oggi la riflessione è centrata sulla città che si territorializza; la dimensione urbana interferisce con gran parte della superficie della terra facendo sfumare le tradizionali distinzioni tra urbano e non-urbano, tra spazio costruito e spazio aperto. In questo contesto, quale termine di conciliazione tra la dinamica naturale e la costruzione storica dei luoghi prodotta dall’intervento umano, il fiume si rivela uno strumento essenziale di analisi e progetto. L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è suggerire un’approssimazione al progetto della città che si sviluppa lungo il corso fluviale costruendo strumenti per la riflessione “attraverso il fiume”. Partendo dall’ipotesi che la città si insedia lungo un corso d’acqua secondo una sintassi territoriale stabilita dalla geografía e dalla geomorfologia del fiume stesso, il fine è fornire strumenti per il processo di recupero degli spazi fluviali in contesti urbanizzati. Il fiume diviene componente geografica chiave degli insediamenti dispersi e risorsa per costruirne l’abitabilità.


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This paper offers an analysis of some emphatic polarity constructions in Spanish and Catalan from a diachronic and comparative perspective. We focus on the syntactic processes involved in the verbalization of this polarity, in both its positive and negative expression. Our main proposal is that the markers used in Spanish and Catalan (as well as other Romance languages) to reinforce polarity have acquired their status as the consequence of a focalization process. It will be argued that these elements have undergone leftward movement from their base-generated hierarchically low position to a prominent position in the left periphery of the sentence (see Rizzi 1997) and subsequently experienced a progressive bleaching of their original value (which is related to a verbal denotation) to end up being reanalyzed / grammaticalized as polarity markers


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Estudi sobre la negació en el castellà antic des d'un punt de vista sincrònic i dins el marc de la gramàtica generativa


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El sintagma determinant en el castellà antic medieval


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The purpose of this paper is to provide a translation into Spanish of a review articleabout genetically modified organisms (GMOs) entitled “Genetically ModifiedOrganisms (GMOs): Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology” publishedby the well-known scientific journal Nature. In a world where English has become thelingua franca when it comes to transferring scientific knowledge and information, itmust be taken into account that not everyone—from scientist to the general public—hasa good enough command of English so that they can feel comfortable enough reading inthis language. Translators are consequently needed resulting from a great demand oftranslation activity into, for example, Spanish. This is the reason why the proposedSpanish translation is followed by a detailed analysis emphasizing the difficulties andproblems that characterize scientific—and also general—translation (i.e. terminology,syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and ideology), for which different approaches as how tosolve them are provided. On the basis of the analysis, it can be concluded thatexperience will be of much help to scientific translators, given that specificterminological knowledge and style requirements must always be born in mind whentranslating in this field. Moreover, this paper is intended to serve as a guide forTranslation students specializing in the field of science and the expectation is to helpthem make the right decisions when it comes to translating. However, it is clear that itcan only be thought of as an introduction that should be completed with further researchand documentation tasks in order to offer a complete reference tool: the ultimatehandbook of scientific translation.


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the bronze table found in Montealegre de Campos. The study of Syntax, Anthroponimy and formular expression of this text shows two different chronological levels, with the insertion of un older text as a fragmentum into another of trajanean datation.


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Finding an adequate paraphrase representation formalism is a challenging issue in Natural Language Processing. In this paper, we analyse the performance of Tree Edit Distance as a paraphrase representation baseline. Our experiments using Edit Distance Textual Entailment Suite show that, as Tree Edit Distance consists of a purely syntactic approach, paraphrase alternations not based on structural reorganizations do not find an adequate representation. They also show that there is much scope for better modelling of the way trees are aligned.


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Aquesta recerca està basada en l’observació de les cançons per aprendre i ensenyar la llengua anglesa en l’etapa d’Educació Primària. S’analitza la cançó com un recurs eficaç per aprendre aquesta llengua, així com també s’observen els avantatges i desavantatges que es poden trobar en l’ús de les cançons a les aules de Primària. A partir d’una aplicació pràctica també s’estudia la validesa d’aquest recurs en el primer i darrer curs de la Primària. A més a més, es mesura la motivació que mostren els alumnes davant d’aquesta eina d’aprenentatge. Finalment, es presenten els resultats obtinguts en l’aplicació pràctica que s’ha portat a terme en una escola i les conclusions que s’extreuen a partir de la justificació teòrica i els resultats obtinguts a partir de les sessions pràctiques.


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La transmisión de conocimiento científico constituye una de las necesidades de traducción más importantes; es preciso realizar un estudio sobre la traducción del inglés médico. Este trabajo presenta una traducción inédita de fragmentos de Essentials of Breast Surgery y un análisis de esta jerga mediante un glosario y problemas de traducción.