90 resultados para social-emotional learning (SEL)
Queremos dar a conocer el trabajo que desde nuestra Facultad planteamos a nuestros alumnos en la asignatura de habilidades sociales. A partir de la detección y del análisis de sus competencias sociales, se establece un plan de trabajo con la finalidad de que mejoren sus habilidades sociales tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Partimos de una metodología de participación activa donde el alumno se involucra en la organización, el desarrollo y en la evaluación de la asignatura. Después de recoger los datos sobre la satisfacción de los alumnos, consideramos que es una práctica educativa de éxito por lo que presentamos esta experiencia para facilitar su difusión.
El siguiente artículo describe la experiencia de la metodología de aprendizaje basada en la evaluación entre iguales aplicada a la profesionalización de los educadores/as sociales.Tanto a nivel escolar como universitario, hay numerosas experiencias publicadas en relación con la metodología de evaluación entre iguales. Además, existen numerosos apartados de los “Documentos profesionalizadores” donde se justifica el hecho de que se entrenen algunas habilidades que deberían darse en la práctica profesional (como porejemplo en la definición, en el código ético y en el catálogo de funciones y competencias del educador/a social). En estas páginas pretendemos dar a conocer la experiencia de entrenamiento de futuros educadores/as en aspectos que tienen una relación directa con la evaluación entre educadores/as sociales.
Exploramos, en este artículo, el desarrollo y los resultados iniciales de una metodología innovadora que, usando la metáfora y el sentido del humor, crea un espacio narrativo en un contexto de formación universitaria en competencia social que favorece el proceso de aprendizaje. La experiencia consiste en vincular un escenario metafórico al escenario académico y al futuro escenario profesional. En el artículo se describen los ingredientes de la metáfora utilizada (la fiesta de cumpleaños) y sus vínculos con las competencias trabajadas en la asignatura de Habilidades sociales en la Facultad de Educación Social y Trabajo Social Pere Tarrés (URL). La valoración del profesorado y de los estudiantes la avala como una práctica educativa de éxito cuyos ingredientes pueden ser generalizados a otros contextos formativos.
L'escola és avui dia un espai de cohabitació on els adolescents immigrants construeixen i consoliden la seva identitat. En aquest context les relacions d'amistat determinen en bona mesura el grau d'aprenentatge de la cultura del país d'acolliment així com la vinculació simbòlica amb la societat que els acull. Aquesta investigació explora les característiques de les relacions d'amistat dels adolescents immigrants en el context de l'escola. La mostra va estar integrada per 682 estudiants dels últims cursos de Secundària Bàsica Obligatòria (15-16 anys), de sis instituts de Catalunya. Els resultats revelen que els adolescents immigrants en bona mesura nominen com a amics a altres adolescents de la seva mateixa cultura i a altres pertanyents a altres cultures però amb els quals comparteix la condició d'immigrant. En canvi, els amics dels adolescents autòctons pertanyen, majoritàriament, a la seva pròpia cultura. Finalment, s'aprecien algunes diferències respecte al suport que ofereixen els amics dels diferents grups, sent lleugerament inferior el suport que perceben els adolescents d'origen estranger. Aquests resultats confirmen les conclusions d'estudis precedents i alerten sobre la necessitat d'aprofundir en les seves causes per evitar els negatius efectes que pot generar per als adolescents immigrats les deficiències del procés de socialització a l'entorn de l'escola.
The pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) type I receptor (PAC1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor binding the strongly conserved neuropeptide PACAP with 1000-fold higher affinity than the related peptide vasoactive intestinal peptide. PAC1-mediated signaling has been implicated in neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity. To gain further insight into the biological significance of PAC1-mediated signaling in vivo, we generated two different mutant mouse strains, harboring either a complete or a forebrain-specific inactivation of PAC1. Mutants from both strains show a deficit in contextual fear conditioning, a hippocampus-dependent associative learning paradigm. In sharp contrast, amygdala-dependent cued fear conditioning remains intact. Interestingly, no deficits in other hippocampus-dependent tasks modeling declarative learning such as the Morris water maze or the social transmission of food preference are observed. At the cellular level, the deficit in hippocampus-dependent associative learning is accompanied by an impairment of mossy fiber long-term potentiation (LTP). Because the hippocampal expression of PAC1 is restricted to mossy fiber terminals, we conclude that presynaptic PAC1-mediated signaling at the mossy fiber synapse is involved in both LTP and hippocampus-dependent associative learning.
This paper describes a pilot study centred on the technology-enhanced self-development of competences in lifelong learning education carried out in the challenging context of the Association of Participants Àgora. The pilot study shows that the use of the TENCompetence infrastructure, i.e. in this case the Personal Development Planner tool, provides various kinds of benefits for adult participants with low educational profiles and who are traditionally excluded from the use of innovative learning technologies and the knowledge society. The selforganized training supported by the PDP tool aims at allowing the learners to create and control their own learning plans based on their interests and educational background including informal and non-formal experiences. In this sense, the pilot participants had the opportunity to develop and improve their competences in English language (basic and advanced levels) and ICT competence profiles which are mostly related to functional and communicative skills. Besides, the use of the PDP functionalities, such as the self-assessment, the planning and the self-regulating elements allowed the participants to develop reflective skills. Pilot results also provide indications for future developments in the field of technology support for self-organized learners. The paper introduces the context and the pilot scenario, indicates the evaluation methodology applied and discusses the most significant findings derived from the pilot study.
One of the most relevant difficulties faced by first-year undergraduate students is to settle into the educational environment of universities. This paper presents a case study that proposes a computer-assisted collaborative experience designed to help students in their transition from high school to university. This is done by facilitating their first contact with the campus and its services, the university community, methodologies and activities. The experience combines individual and collaborative activities, conducted in and out of the classroom, structured following the Jigsaw Collaborative Learning Flow Pattern. A specific environment including portable technologies with network and computer applications has been developed to support and facilitate the orchestration of a flow of learning activities into a single integrated learning setting. The result is a Computer-Supported Collaborative Blended Learning scenario, which has been evaluated with first-year university students of the degrees of Software and Audiovisual Engineering within the subject Introduction to Information and Communications Technologies. The findings reveal that the scenario improves significantly students’ interest in their studies and their understanding about the campus and services provided. The environment is also an innovative approach to successfully support the heterogeneous activities conducted by both teachers and students during the scenario. This paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, describes how the technology was employed to conduct the learning scenario, the evaluation methods and the main results of the experience.
This paper introduces Collage, a high-level IMS-LD compliant authoring tool that is specialized for CSCL (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning). Nowadays CSCL is a key trend in elearning since it highlights the importance of social interactions as an essential element of learning. CSCL is an interdisciplinary domain, which demands participatory design techniques that allow teachers to get directly involved in design activities. Developing CSCL designs using LD is a difficult task for teachers since LD is a complex technical specification and modelling collaborative characteristics can be tricky. Collage helps teachers in the process of creating their own potentially effective collaborative Learning Designs by reusing and customizing patterns, according to the requirements of a particular learning situation. These patterns, called Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns (CLFPs), represent best practices that are repetitively used by practitioners when structuring the flow of (collaborative) learning activities. An example of an LD that can be created using Collage is illustrated in the paper. Preliminary evaluation results show that teachers, with experience in CL but without LD knowledge, can successfully design real collaborative learning experiences using Collage.
Two important challenges that teachers are currently facing are the sharing and the collaborative authoring of their learning design solutions, such as didactical units and learning materials. On the one hand, there are tools that can be used for the creation of design solutions and only some of them facilitate the co-edition. However, they do not incorporate mechanisms that support the sharing of the designs between teachers. On the other hand, there are tools that serve as repositories of educational resources but they do not enable the authoring of the designs. In this paper we present LdShake, a web tool whose novelty is focused on the combined support for the social sharing and co-edition of learning design solutions within communities of teachers. Teachers can create and share learning designs with other teachers using different access rights so that they can read, comment or co-edit the designs. Therefore, each design solution is associated to a group of teachers able to work on its definition, and another group that can only see the design. The tool is generic in that it allows the creation of designs based on any pedagogical approach. However, it can be particularized in instances providing pre-formatted designs structured according to a specific didactic method (such as Problem-Based Learning, PBL). A particularized LdShake instance has been used in the context of Human Biology studies where teams of teachers are required to work together in the design of PBL solutions. A controlled user study, that compares the use of a generic LdShake and a Moodle system, configured to enable the creation and sharing of designs, has been also carried out. The combined results of the real and controlled studies show that the social structure, and the commenting, co-edition and publishing features of LdShake provide a useful, effective and usable approach for facilitating teachers' teamwork.
La Humanidad siempre ha trasladado, almacenado y difundido información; en este sentido podríamos afirmar que la sociedad de la información es una característica de la sociedad humana. Lo que ha cambiado en los últimos años es fruto de la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en el tratamiento de la información. La separación que, tradicionalmente, existía entre una época para aprender y una época para trabajar ha terminado. En un momento en que la información es tan caduca, lo que necesitan los ciudadanos no es tanto acumular información como saber obtener buena información. A todos los cambios hay que incorporar, además, el hecho de que las personas cada vez recibimos más información por medios audiovisuales que escritos. Esto conlleva también cambios en la forma de incorporar la información, de entenderla y producirla.
This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes.
This research analyses the actual use and conception of the ICT mobility that a life long learning group of students have. The students have participated in a Mobile Learning experience along an online postgraduate course, which was designed under a traditional e-learning perspective. The students received a tablet PC (iPad) in order to work at the course and also to use it in their personal and professional life. A complete and original pre-test / post-test questionnaire was applied before and after the course. This instrument was scientifically validated. Thru the questionnaire, uses tendency and students perceptions were studied. Frequencies, purposes, habits of use and valuation, as well as the device"s integration into their personal, social and professional life were studied. The analysis intents to apply the 'Social Technographics Profile" by Bernoff (2010) to classify, by profile groups, the users of the actual Internet. Finally a reflexion of the reasons and limits of the theory, in this study, and also the relation to reality is presented. The Inter-coding reliability and validity shows the possibility of applying the instrument on wider samples in order to get a closer look to the uses and actual conceptions of the ubiquitous ICTs.
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
There is nothing as amazing and fascinating as children learning process. Between 0 and 6 years old, a child brain develops in a waythat will never be repeated. At this age, children are eager to discover and they have great potential of active and affective life.Because of this, their learning capacity in this period is incalculable. (Jordan-Decarbo y Nelson, 2002; Wild, 1999).Pre-school Education is a unique and special stage, with self identity, which aims are:attending children as a whole,motivate them to learn,give them an affective and stable environment in which they can grow up and get to be balanced and confident people and inwhich they can relate to others, learn, enjoy and be happy.Arts, Music, Visual Arts and Drama (Gardner, 1994) can provide a framework of special, even unique, personal expression.With the aim of introducing qualitative improvements in the education of children and to ensure their emotional wellbeing, and havingnoticed that teachers had important needs and concerns as regards to diversity in their student groups, we developed a programbased on the detection of needs and concerns explained by professionals in education.This program of Grupo edebé, object of our research, is a multicultural, interdisciplinary and globalizing project the aims of which are:developing children's talent and personality,keeping their imagination and creativity and using these as a learning resource,promoting reasoning, favouring expression and communication,providing children with the tools to manage their emotions,and especially, introducing Arts as a procedure to increase learning.We wanted to start the research by studying the impact (Brice, 2003) that this last point had on the learning of five-year-old childrenschooled in multicultural environments.Therefore, the main goal of the research was the assessment of the implementation of a child education programme attending todiversity in a population of five-year-old children, specifically in the practice of procedures based on the use of Arts (music, arts andcrafts and theatre) as a vehicle or procedure for learning contents in Pre-school stage.Because children emotional welfare was a subject of our concern, and bearing in mind that the affective aspects are of vitalimportance for learning and child development (Parke and Gauvain, 2009), Grupo Edebé has also evaluated the starting, evolving andfinal impact in five-year-old children given that they finish Pre-school education at that age.