56 resultados para seek


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[spa] La conceptuación de talento ha ido cobrando cada vez más importancia tanto para académicos como profesionales, con el fin de avanzar en el estudio de la gestión del talento. De hecho, la confusión sobre el significado de talento en la realidad empresarial impide llegar a un consenso sobre el concepto y la práctica de la gestión del talento. En este estudio teórico revisamos el concepto de talento en el mundo de la empresa con el fin de resumir lo que hemos aprendido y discutir las ventajas y limitaciones de las diferentes acepciones. Concluimos con la formulación de una definición de este concepto, ya que una correcta interpretación de la gestión del talento—por no hablar de una exitosa gestión del talento— depende de tener una comprensión clara de lo que se entiende por talento en un contexto organizativo. Además, con la definición de talento propuesta delimitamos el concepto de talento evitando algunos problemas detectados en las definiciones anteriores (por ejemplo, generalidades y tautologías), y poniendo de relieve las variables importantes que le afectan y lo hacen más manejable.


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Seismic methods used in the study of snow avalanches may be employed to detect and characterize landslides and other mass movements, using standard spectrogram/sonogram analysis. For snow avalanches, the spectrogram for a station that is approached by a sliding mass exhibits a triangular time/frequency signature due to an increase over time in the higher-frequency constituents. Recognition of this characteristic footprint in a spectrogram suggests a useful metric for identifying other mass-movement events such as landslides. The 1 June 2005 slide at Laguna Beach, California is examined using data obtained from the Caltech/USGS Regional Seismic Network. This event exhibits the same general spectrogram features observed in studies of Alpine snow avalanches. We propose that these features are due to the systematic relative increase in high-frequency energy transmitted to a seismometer in the path of a mass slide owing to a reduction of distance from the source signal. This phenomenon is related to the path of the waves whose high frequencies are less attenuated as they traverse shorter source-receiver paths. Entrainment of material in the course of the slide may also contribute to the triangular time/frequency signature as a consequence of the increase in the energy involved in the process; in this case the contribution would be a source effect. By applying this commonly observed characteristic to routine monitoring algorithms, along with custom adjustments for local site effects, we seek to contribute to the improvement in automatic detection and monitoring methods of landslides and other mass movements.


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Objective: To determine the variation in prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), other side effects, and technical complications during 5 years of sleep apnea treatment with a mandibular advancement device. Materials and Methods: Forty patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea received an adjustable appliance at 70% of the maximum protrusion. The protrusion was then progressively increased. TMD (diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD), overjet, overbite, occlusal contacts, subjective side effects, and technical complications were recorded before and a mean of 14, 21, and 58 months after treatment and analyzed by the Wilcoxon test (P Less-than .05). Results: Fifteen patients still used the oral appliance at the 5-year follow-up, and no significant variation in TMD prevalence was observed. Subjective side effects were common, and a significant reduction was found in overjet, overbite, and in the number of occlusal contacts. Furthermore, the patients made a mean of 2.5 unscheduled dental visits per year and a mean of 0.8 appliance repairs/relines per year by a dental technician. The most frequent unscheduled visits were needed during the first year and were a result of acrylic breakage on the lateral telescopic attachment, poor retention, and other adjustments to improve comfort. Conclusions: Five-year oral appliance treatment does not affect TMD prevalence but is associated with permanent occlusal changes in most sleep apnea patients during the first 2 years. Patients seek several unscheduled visits, mainly because of technical complications.


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There is a concern that agriculture will no longer be able to meet, on a global scale, the growing demand for food. Facing such a challenge requires new patterns of thinking in the context of complexity and sustainability sciences. This paper, focused on the social dimension of the study and management of agricultural systems, suggests that rethinking the study of agricultural systems entails analyzing them as complex socio-ecological systems, as well as considering the differing thinking patterns of diverse stakeholders. The intersubjective nature of knowledge, as studied by different philosophical schools, needs to be better integrated into the study and management of agricultural systems than it is done so far, forcing us to accept that there are no simplistic solutions, and to seek a better understanding of the social dimension of agriculture. Different agriculture related problems require different policy and institutional approaches. Finally, the intersubjective nature of knowledge asks for the visualization of different framings and the power relations taking place in the decision-making process. Rethinking management of agricultural systems implies that policy making should be shaped by different principles: learning, flexibility, adaptation, scale-matching, participation, diversity enhancement and precaution hold the promise to significantly improve current standard management procedures.


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Avui en dia es genera un volum increïble de dades de diferents tipus i que provenen de multitud d'orígens. Els sistemes d'emmagatzematge i processament distribuït són els elements tecnològics que fan possible capturar aquest allau de dades i permeten donar-ne un valor a través d'anàlisis diversos. Hadoop, que integra un sistema d'emmagatzematge i processament distribuïts, s'ha convertit en l'estàndard de-facto per a aplicacions que necessiten una gran capacitat d'emmagatzematge, inclús de l'ordre de desenes de PBs. En aquest treball farem un estudi de Hadoop, analitzarem l'eficiència del seu sistema de durabilitat i en proposarem una alternativa.


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The purpose of this paper is to describe the collaboration between librarians and scholars, from a virtual university, in order to facilitate collaborative learning on how to manage information resources. The personal information behaviour of e-learning students when managing information resources for academic, professional and daily life purposes was studied from 24 semi-structured face-to-face interviews. The results of the content analysis of the interview' transcriptions, highlighted that in the workplace and daily life contexts, competent information behaviour is always linked to a proactive attitude, that is to say, that participants seek for information without some extrinsic reward or avoiding punishment. In the academic context, it was observed a low level of information literacy and it seems to be related with a prevalent uninvolved attitude.


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En este trabajo se lleva a cabo la planificación de un centro que sirva como punto de referencia para la información de la región del Camino de los Príncipes, en Santa Catarina, Brasil. Allí, a través de actividades turísticas, se buscará difundir i preservar el patrimonio cultural y natural por medio de su valoración. Este centro será denominado “Centro de Atención al Visitante”, y allí el turista, la población local y los administradores podrán acceder a todas las informaciones relevantes y oportunidades de servicios del Camino de los Príncipes


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Despite the increasing understanding of the relationships between institutions and entrepreneurship, the influence of the quality of government institutions on entrepreneurship is less addressed. This paper focuses on this critical determinant of entrepreneurship in developing and developed countries. Drawing from institutional theory we hypothesize and empirically assess the role of the quality of institutions in entrepreneurial activity. We examine how the quality of government institutions influences the rate of necessity-based entrepreneurial activity across countries and over time by using a cross-sectional time-series approach on data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) database covering the years 2001–2011. Our results suggest that higher economic development associated with better quality of institutions reduces the prevalence of necessity-based entrepreneurship. Our findings imply that developing countries must rationally organize their functions, and seek to remove unnecessary barriers, decrease political instability, and controls that hamper entrepreneurial activity


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En aquest article em referiré molt sumàriament a la fi lologia del dinou, mirant de relacionar-la amb tot el joc de paraules en Lewis Carrol, per tal d'establir-hi una trama correcta de (dis)continuïtats. El meu objectiu és considerar el Jabberwocky de Humpty Dumpty en el context de la feina i les descobertes de la moderna fi lologia. F. A. Wolf i J. Grimm condensen bona cosa dels experiments radicals i les troballes que tingueren lloc en aquells moments, que podríem contrastar amb les aventures textuals d'Alícia a l'altra banda de l'espill. Els llibres de l'altra banda necessiten intèrprets i cerquen la versió correcta, original, de la mateixa manera que la interpretació dels mots depèn d'un mètode fi able. Segurament Lewis Carroll com a jove fi lòleg era capaç de jugar bé amb aquelles troballes, entre un món que s'acabava i un altre que començava.


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Implant fracture is an infrequent cause of implant failure. The present study evaluates 21 fractured implants, with an analysis of patient age and sex, the type, length and diameter of the implant, positioning in the dental arch, the type of prosthetic rehabilitation involved, the number of abutments and pontics, the presence or absence of distal extensions or cantilevers, and loading time to fracture. Implant fracture was more common in males than in females (15:4), and the mean patient age was 56.9 years. Most cases (n = 19) corresponded to implant-supported fixed prostheses - 16 with cantilevers of different lengths- while only two fractured implants were supporting overdentures instead of fixed prostheses. The great majority of fractured implants (80.9%) were located in the molar and premolar regions, and most fractured within 3-4 years after loading. It is important to know and apply the measures required to prevent implant fracture, and to seek the best individualized solution for each case - though complete implant removal is usually the treatment of choice


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[spa] Nuestro objetivo consiste en fomentar, entre alumnos internos del Departamento de Fisiología, el autoaprendizaje, el trabajo autónomo y en equipo, espíritu crítico y habilidad para buscar y analizar información. A la vez se pretende iniciar a estos alumnos en los sistemas de transferencia de resultados de la investigación básica a la investigación aplicada. Para ello a los alumnos se les proporciona materiales que contienen información sobre las materias objeto de aprendizaje y enlaces a diferentes sitios webs de interés relacionados con el tema. En ellos se promueve la exposición de trabajos y la participación en jornadas especializadas. El uso de estos materiales bajo supervisión del profesorado, ha permitido la mejora del conocimiento en Fisiología y la creación de equipos especializados en diferentes aspectos de la Fisiología. Además, la transferencia de información entre alumnos, ha propiciado que puedan adquirir una visión clara y amplia sobre qué es un trabajo de investigación básica o un trabajo de investigación aplicada, así como la importancia del trabajo en equipo, lo que ha posibilitado que pudieran diseñar pequeños experimentos y estudiar su aplicabilidad. Al final del periodo de formación, los alumnos demostraron haber adquirido las competencias genéricas CG1, CG3, CG5, CG6, CG11, CG13 y CG15 incluidas en la ficha Verifica para el Grado en Farmacia, así como las competencias específicas para el módulo 5 (Medicina y Farmacología) CEM5.8, CEM5.9 y CEM5.11, concluyendo así que la aplicación de métodos de enseñanza basados en el autoaprendizaje (bajo supervisión de equipos docentes) constituye una excelente herramienta para la promoción de la adquisición de competencias generales y específicas en el Grado en Farmacia.


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We use an ordered logistic model to empirically examine the factors that explain varying degrees of private involvement in the U.S. water sector through public-private partnerships. Our estimates suggest that a variety of factors help explain greater private participation in this sector. We find that the risk to private participants regarding cost recovery is an important driver of private participation. The relative cost of labor is also a key factor in determining the degree of private involvement in the contract choice. When public wages are high relative to private wages, private participation is viewed as a source of cost savings. We thus find two main drivers of greater private involvement: one encouraging private participation by reducing risk, and another encouraging government to seek out private participation in lowering costs.


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There is an increasing interest to seek new enzyme preparations for the development of new products derived from bioprocesses to obtain alternative bio-based materials. In this context, four non-commercial lipases from Pseudomonas species were prepared, immobilized on different low-cost supports, and examined for potential biotechnological applications. Results: To reduce costs of eventual scaling-up, the new lipases were obtained directly from crude cell extracts or from growth culture supernatants, and immobilized by simple adsorption on Accurel EP100, Accurel MP1000 and Celite (R) 545. The enzymes evaluated were LipA and LipC from Pseudomonas sp. 42A2, a thermostable mutant of LipC, and LipI. 3 from Pseudomonas CR611, which were produced in either homologous or heterologous hosts. Best immobilization results were obtained on Accurel EP100 for LipA and on Accurel MP1000 for LipC and its thermostable variant. Lip I. 3, requiring a refolding step, was poorly immobilized on all supports tested ( best results for Accurel MP1000). To test the behavior of immobilized lipases, they were assayed in triolein transesterification, where the best results were observed for lipases immobilized on Accurel MP1000. Conclusions: The suggested protocol does not require protein purification and uses crude enzymes immobilized by a fast adsorption technique on low-cost supports, which makes the method suitable for an eventual scaling up aimed at biotechnological applications. Therefore, a fast, simple and economic method for lipase preparation and immobilization has been set up. The low price of the supports tested and the simplicity of the procedure, skipping the tedious and expensive purification steps, will contribute to cost reduction in biotechnological lipase-catalyzed processes.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.