61 resultados para row arrangement


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In this paper we present results on phosphorous-doped μc-Si:H by catalytic chemical vapour deposition in a reactor with an internal arrangement that does not include a shutter. An incubation phase of around 20 nm seems to be the result of the uncontrolled conditions that take place during the first stages of deposition. The optimal deposition conditions found lead to a material with a dark conductivity of 12.8 S/cm, an activation energy of 0.026 eV and a crystalline fraction of 0.86. These values make the layers suitable to be implemented in solar cells.


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We present an ellipsometric technique and ellipsometric analysis of repetitive phenomena, based on the experimental arrangement of conventional phase modulated ellipsometers (PME) c onceived to study fast surface phenomena in repetitive processes such as periodic and triggered experiments. Phase modulated ellipsometry is a highly sensitive surface characterization technique that is widely used in the real-time study of several processes such as thin film deposition and etching. However, fast transient phenomena cannot be analyzed with this technique because precision requirements limit the data acquisition rate to about 25 Hz. The presented new ellipsometric method allows the study of fast transient phenomena in repetitive processes with a time resolution that is mainly limited by the data acquisition system. As an example, we apply this new method to the study of surface changes during plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of amorphous silicon in a modulated radio frequency discharge of SiH4. This study has revealed the evolution of the optical parameters of the film on the millisecond scale during the plasma on and off periods. The presented ellipsometric method extends the capabilities of PME arrangements and permits the analysis of fast surface phenomena that conventional PME cannot achieve.


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A computer-aided method to improve the thickness uniformity attainable when coating multiple substrates inside a thermal evaporation physical vapor deposition unit is presented. The study is developed for the classical spherical (dome-shaped) calotte and also for a plane sector reversible holder setup. This second arrangement is very useful for coating both sides of the substrate, such as antireflection multilayers on lenses. The design of static correcting shutters for both kinds of configurations is also discussed. Some results of using the method are presented as an illustration.


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The paper reports a detailed experimental study on magnetic relaxation of natural horse-spleen ferritin. ac susceptibility measurements performed on three samples of different concentration show that dipole-dipole interactions between uncompensated moments play no significant role. Furthermore, the distribution of relaxation times in these samples has been obtained from a scaling of experimental X" data, obtained at different frequencies. The average uncompensated magnetic moment per protein is compatible with a disordered arrangement of atomic spins throughout the core, rather than with surface disorder. The observed field dependence of the blocking temperature suggests that magnetic relaxation is faster at zero field than at intermediate field values. This is confirmed by the fact that the magnetic viscosity peaks at zero field, too. Using the distribution of relaxation times obtained independently, we show that these results cannot be explained in terms of classical relaxation theory. The most plausible explanation of these results is the existence, near zero field, of resonant magnetic tunneling between magnetic states of opposite orientation, which are thermally populated.


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Background: The trithorax group (trxG) and Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the maintenance of stable transcriptional patterns of many developmental regulators. They bind to specific regions of DNA and direct the post-translational modifications of histones, playing a role in the dynamics of chromatin structure.Results: We have performed genome-wide expression studies of trx and ash2 mutants in Drosophila melanogaster. Using computational analysis of our microarray data, we have identified 25 clusters of genes potentially regulated by TRX. Most of these clusters consist of genes that encode structural proteins involved in cuticle formation. This organization appears to be a distinctive feature of the regulatory networks of TRX and other chromatin regulators, since we have observed the same arrangement in clusters after experiments performed with ASH2, as well as in experiments performed by others with NURF, dMyc, and ASH1. We have also found many of these clusters to be significantly conserved in D. simulans, D. yakuba, D. pseudoobscura and partially in Anopheles gambiae.Conclusion: The analysis of genes governed by chromatin regulators has led to the identification of clusters of functionally related genes conserved in other insect species, suggesting this chromosomal organization is biologically important. Moreover, our results indicate that TRX and other chromatin regulators may act globally on chromatin domains that contain transcriptionally co-regulated genes.


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Abstract In this study, chromosomal inversion polymorphism data for a natural population of Drosophila subobscura from a swampy region near the town of Apatin (Serbia) were compared with data for the same population collected approximately 15 years earlier. The pattern of chromosomal inversion polymorphism changed over time. There were significant increases in the frequency of characteristic southern latitude ("warm" adapted) chromosomal arrangements and significant decreases in the frequency of characteristic northern latitude ("cold" adapted) chromosomal arrangements in the O and U chromosomes. The chromosomal arrangements O3+4 and O3+4+22 (derived from the O3+4 arrangement)showed significant increases in 2008 and 2009 with regard to the 1994 sample. There was also a significant increase (~50%) in the U1+2 arrangement, while U1+8+2 (a typical southern arrangement) was detected for the first time. Since the Apatin swampy population ofD. subobscura has existed for a long time in a stable habitat with high humidity that has not been changed by man our results indicate that natural selection has produced chromosomal changes in response to the increase in temperature that has occurred in the Balkan Peninsula of central southeastern European. Key words: chromosomal inversions, Drosophila subobscura, global warming, karyotypes.


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Background: Chemoreception is a widespread mechanism that is involved in critical biologic processes, including individual and social behavior. The insect peripheral olfactory system comprises three major multigene families: the olfactory receptor (Or), the gustatory receptor (Gr), and the odorant-binding protein (OBP) families. Members of the latter family establish the first contact with the odorants, and thus constitute the first step in the chemosensory transduction pathway.Results: Comparative analysis of the OBP family in 12 Drosophila genomes allowed the identification of 595 genes that encode putative functional and nonfunctional members in extant species, with 43 gene gains and 28 gene losses (15 deletions and 13 pseudogenization events). The evolution of this family shows tandem gene duplication events, progressive divergence in DNA and amino acid sequence, and prevalence of pseudogenization events in external branches of the phylogenetic tree. We observed that the OBP arrangement in clusters is maintained across the Drosophila species and that purifying selection governs the evolution of the family; nevertheless, OBP genes differ in their functional constraints levels. Finally, we detect that the OBP repertoire evolves more rapidly in the specialist lineages of the Drosophila melanogaster group (D. sechellia and D. erecta) than in their closest generalists.Conclusion: Overall, the evolution of the OBP multigene family is consistent with the birth-and-death model. We also found that members of this family exhibit different functional constraints, which is indicative of some functional divergence, and that they might be involved in some of the specialization processes that occurred through the diversification of the Drosophila genus.


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Un juego de asignación se define por una matriz A; donde cada fila representa un comprador y cada columna un vendedor. Si el comprador i se empareja a un vendedor j; el mercado produce aij unidades de utilidad. Estudiamos los juegos de asignación de Monge, es decir, aquellos juegos bilaterales de asignación en los cuales la matriz satisface la propiedad de Monge. Estas matrices pueden caracterizarse por el hecho de que en cualquier submatriz 2x2 un emparejamiento óptimo está situado en la diagonal principal. Para mercados cuadrados, describimos sus núcleos utilizando sólo la parte central tridiagonal de elementos de la matriz. Obtenemos una fórmula cerrada para el reparto óptimo de los compradores dentro del núcleo y para el reparto óptimo de los vendedores dentro del núcleo. Analizamos también los mercados no cuadrados reduciéndolos a matrices cuadradas apropiadas.


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Muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1β) is considered to be the gene that controls fatty acid mitochondrial β-oxidation. A functional peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) responsive element (PPRE) and a myocite-specific (MEF2) site that binds MEF2A and MEF2C in the promoter of this gene had been previously identified. We investigated the roles of the PPRE and the MEF2 binding sites and the potential interaction between PPARα and MEF2C regulating the CPT1β gene promoter. Mutation analysis indicated that the MEF2 site contributed to the activation of the CPT1β promoter by PPAR in C2C12 cells. The reporter construct containing the PPRE and the MEF2C site was synergistically activated by co-expression of PPAR, retinoid X receptor (RXR) and MEF2C in non-muscle cells. Moreover, protein-binding assays demonstrated that MEF2C and PPAR specifically bound to one another in vitro. Also for the synergistic activation of the CPT1β gene promoter by MEF2C and PPARα-RXRα, a precise arrangement of its binding sites was essential.


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Background: The arrangement of regulatory motifs in gene promoters, or promoterarchitecture, is the result of mutation and selection processes that have operated over manymillions of years. In mammals, tissue-specific transcriptional regulation is related to the presence ofspecific protein-interacting DNA motifs in gene promoters. However, little is known about therelative location and spacing of these motifs. To fill this gap, we have performed a systematic searchfor motifs that show significant bias at specific promoter locations in a large collection ofhousekeeping and tissue-specific genes.Results: We observe that promoters driving housekeeping gene expression are enriched inparticular motifs with strong positional bias, such as YY1, which are of little relevance in promotersdriving tissue-specific expression. We also identify a large number of motifs that show positionalbias in genes expressed in a highly tissue-specific manner. They include well-known tissue-specificmotifs, such as HNF1 and HNF4 motifs in liver, kidney and small intestine, or RFX motifs in testis,as well as many potentially novel regulatory motifs. Based on this analysis, we provide predictionsfor 559 tissue-specific motifs in mouse gene promoters.Conclusion: The study shows that motif positional bias is an important feature of mammalianproximal promoters and that it affects both general and tissue-specific motifs. Motif positionalconstraints define very distinct promoter architectures depending on breadth of expression andtype of tissue.


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Aquest treball té la voluntat de ser un reportatge d’investigació sobre la cursa olímpica de Madrid, des de la candidatura de 2012 fins la de 2020. Els defensors dels Jocs Olímpics a la capital espanyola justifiquen el seu tercer intent consecutiu en el fet de tenir el 80% de les infraestructures necessàries construïdes. En canvi, l’oposició ha trobat en la crisi econòmica el millor motiu per posicionar-se en contra de la celebració dels JJOO.Hem realitzat una sèrie de 15 entrevistes amb tota mena d’experts i personalitats de l’àmbit, intentant albergar sempre tots els possible punts de vista que hagin sorgit al respecte. El resultat ha sigut un article de llarga extensió que fa un repàs a tota la història olímpica de Madrid fins a dia d’avui i intenta interpretar tots els esdeveniments ocorreguts fins ara.


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We find that the vast majority of students taking an advanced undergraduate finance course show a preference for luck in a classroom experiment. In Phase I of the experiment part of the students, group A, were asked to guess a coin toss five times in a row. In Phase II the rest of the students, group B, were given 10 EUR to bet on some of the Group A students taking a second go at guessing a sequence of five coin tosses (Phase III). Group B students’ bets were by default allocated to the worse performing student in Phase I. Switching to better performing Group A students was costly. A total of 23 out of 28 students were willing to pay for switching and thus showed a preference for luck.


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It is well established that at ambient and supercooled conditions water can be described as a percolating network of H bonds. This work is aimed at identifying, by neutron diffraction experiments combined with computer simulations, a percolation line in supercritical water, where the extension of the H-bond network is in question. It is found that in real supercritical water liquidlike states are observed at or above the percolation threshold, while below this threshold gaslike water forms small, sheetlike configurations. Inspection of the three-dimensional arrangement of water molecules suggests that crossing of this percolation line is accompa- nied by a change of symmetry in the first neighboring shell of molecules from trigonal below the line to tetrahedral above.


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The material presented in the these notes covers the sessions Modelling of electromechanical systems, Passive control theory I and Passive control theory II of the II EURON/GEOPLEX Summer School on Modelling and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems.We start with a general description of what an electromechanical system is from a network modelling point of view. Next, a general formulation in terms of PHDS is introduced, and some of the previous electromechanical systems are rewritten in this formalism. Power converters, which are variable structure systems (VSS), can also be given a PHDS form.We conclude the modelling part of these lectures with a rather complex example, showing the interconnection of subsystems from several domains, namely an arrangement to temporally store the surplus energy in a section of a metropolitan transportation system based on dc motor vehicles, using either arrays of supercapacitors or an electric poweredflywheel. The second part of the lectures addresses control of PHD systems. We first present the idea of control as power connection of a plant and a controller. Next we discuss how to circumvent this obstacle and present the basic ideas of Interconnection and Damping Assignment (IDA) passivity-based control of PHD systems.


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The European Space Agency's Gaia mission will create the largest and most precise three dimensional chart of our galaxy (the Milky Way), by providing unprecedented position, parallax, proper motion, and radial velocity measurements for about one billion stars. The resulting catalogue will be made available to the scientific community and will be analyzed in many different ways, including the production of a variety of statistics. The latter will often entail the generation of multidimensional histograms and hypercubes as part of the precomputed statistics for each data release, or for scientific analysis involving either the final data products or the raw data coming from the satellite instruments. In this paper we present and analyze a generic framework that allows the hypercube generation to be easily done within a MapReduce infrastructure, providing all the advantages of the new Big Data analysis paradigmbut without dealing with any specific interface to the lower level distributed system implementation (Hadoop). Furthermore, we show how executing the framework for different data storage model configurations (i.e. row or column oriented) and compression techniques can considerably improve the response time of this type of workload for the currently available simulated data of the mission. In addition, we put forward the advantages and shortcomings of the deployment of the framework on a public cloud provider, benchmark against other popular solutions available (that are not always the best for such ad-hoc applications), and describe some user experiences with the framework, which was employed for a number of dedicated astronomical data analysis techniques workshops.